但是您知道吗,您还没有发现Google的一些出色的创意示例?(Google)事实上,你完全不知道他们甚至存在!谷歌(Google)在他们的大多数应用程序中都有大量令人兴奋的隐藏游戏——谷歌地图(Google Maps)、谷歌搜索(Google Search)、谷歌涂鸦(Google Doodle)、谷歌地球(Google Earth)、谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)、谷歌助手(Google Assistant)。还有一些其他的谷歌(Google)服务也有隐藏的游戏。本文将使您熟悉其中的大多数。
您可以通过不同的方式访问这些游戏。例如,您可以在其上搜索一些字符串并享受这些游戏,而无需下载或安装它们。所以,如果你厌倦了在手机上上网,或者只是滚动浏览你的提要,或者和你的朋友聊天,这些 20 多个隐藏的谷歌游戏(Hidden Google Games)肯定会改变你的心情。
20+ Hidden Google Games You Need to Play in 2022
#1. T-Rex
为了开始这篇关于隐藏的谷歌(Google)游戏的文章,我选择了一个大多数人现在都熟悉的——T-Rex。它现在被认为是Google Chrome上非常流行的游戏。
经常发生在上网时,我们的网络连接突然消失,您可能已经看到出现白屏。屏幕上有一只黑色的小恐龙,在它下面的文字-没有提到互联网。(No Internet)
当你越过障碍时,难度会随着时间的推移而不断增加。如果您想玩这个游戏,即使您的互联网工作正常,您也可以关闭笔记本电脑的连接并打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),甚至单击链接(click on the link)以通过互联网访问游戏。
#2. Text Adventure
在最奇怪的情况下,谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)拥有最不寻常和最意想不到的游戏。该游戏很好地隐藏在Google Chrome的(Google Chrome)源(Source)代码后面。要访问游戏,您必须在Google搜索中输入游戏名称 - “文本冒险”,然后如果您使用的是 iMac,请按Command + Shift + J J。如果您有Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),请按Ctrl + Shift + J。 在框中输入(Type)“是(Yes)”,以确认您是否要玩文字(Text)冒险游戏。
#3. Google Clouds
这个有趣的游戏叫做谷歌云(Google Clouds)可以在你的安卓手机上的谷歌应用程序中找到。(Google)相信(Trust)我,这对于长途飞行来说是一款非常有用的游戏,因为婴儿在你旁边的座位上哭泣,你无法入睡!也许你也可以让宝宝玩这个游戏!他可能会停止哭泣,你可以睡觉了。
因此,要启用此游戏,请在您的手机处于飞行(Flight)模式时在 Android 手机上打开您的Google应用。(Google)现在在Google搜索中,搜索您想要的任何内容。你会看到一个小通知,上面写着“飞行模式已开启”,旁边有一个蓝色图标。图标是一个小男人向你挥手,里面有一个黄色的播放选项,或者它也可以是通过带有蓝色播放图标的红色望远镜观看的云。
#4. Google Gravity
要访问这个奇怪有趣的游戏,请在您的计算机上打开Google Chrome应用程序,访问www.Google.com并输入Google Gravity。现在点击搜索标签下方的“手气不错”图标。
#5. Google Basketball
这是一款谷歌涂鸦(Google Doodle)游戏,非常有趣!!该游戏于 2012 年夏季(Summer) 奥运会(Games)期间推出。你真的不需要知道如何打篮球来享受这场比赛。
要访问这个游戏,你必须打开谷歌篮球涂鸦的(Doodle)主页,(homepage of Google)然后点击蓝色的开始按钮(blue start button)来激活游戏。一旦你这样做了,你的屏幕上就会出现一个蓝色的篮球运动员出现在篮球场上。只需单击鼠标按钮,他就可以投篮了。您也可以使用空格键进行拍摄。
那你还在等什么?使用Google的(Google)Doodle Basketball游戏,在给定的时间内瞄准目标(Aim)并打破您自己的一些记录。
#6. Are you feeling Lucky?
这是一款Google Assistant游戏,一定会非常有趣。你一定会觉得你真的在和一个人玩!这是一个完全基于语音的问答游戏。测验将包含从基本常识到科学的问题。背景中的音效会让你肾上腺素激增,以绚丽的色彩越过胜利线。
最好的是,这是一款多人游戏,因此您将获得适当的测验(Quiz)体验。要访问此游戏,只需询问您的Google 助理(Google Assistant),“您(Are)感觉幸运(Lucky)吗?” 并且游戏自动开始。如果您拥有Google Home系统,您也可以在上面播放。由于它为您提供的响度和戏剧体验,这款游戏的Google Home 体验非常有趣。(Google)
它基本上是一个游戏节目助手,谷歌(Google)与你交谈的方式会让你感觉就像你在一个电视游戏节目(Game Show)中,你所有的朋友都在和你竞争。助手会在开始游戏前询问您想要玩游戏的人数以及他们的姓名。
#7. Word Jumblr
接下来,在您可以玩的Hidden Google游戏列表中,是(Hidden Google)Word Jumblr。对于那些喜欢在手机上玩拼字游戏、单词搜索、wordscapes 等游戏的人来说,这款游戏特别适合您。
这是一款Google Assistant游戏,你必须打开它并说“让我和 Word Jumblr 谈谈”。您将快速连接到游戏。
#8. Snakes
另一个可以刷新您童年记忆的Google Doodle搜索游戏是Snake。你还记得最早出现在手机上的游戏之一吗?蛇游戏,你在扣上的手机上玩。这个贪吃蛇(Snake)游戏完全一样!
在Google Doodle上,贪吃蛇(Snake)游戏于 2013 年推出,以迎接农历新年(New Year),因为这一年被特别称为“蛇年(Snake)”
要找到该游戏,只需google- Google Snake游戏,然后单击给定的链接即可开始玩。
#9. Tic Tac Toe
我们小时候都玩过的基本游戏包括井字游戏(Tic Tac Toe)。Google推出了终极消磨时间游戏。你不再需要笔和纸,玩这个游戏了。
使用Google 搜索(Google Search)在您的手机或笔记本电脑上的任何地方播放。在谷歌搜索选项卡中搜索“(Search “) tic tac toe”并点击链接访问游戏并享受它。您可以选择难度级别 - 简单、中等、不可能。您甚至可以像在学校的空闲时间那样与您的朋友玩游戏!
#10. Pac Man
#11. Quick Draw
您可以通过在Google 搜索中输入(Google Search)Quick Draw立即访问此游戏。
这是Google的一项(Google)人工智能(Artificial)实验,因为它比您在Android或 iOS 上下载的任何涂鸦应用程序都更有趣和独特。快速绘图(Quick Draw)要求您在绘图板上自由涂鸦,反过来,Google会尝试猜测您在绘制什么。
#12. Picture Puzzle
可以通过说“Ok Google,让我来聊一个图片拼图”来访问这款支持Google Assistant的游戏。(Google Assistant)瞧(Voila)!_ 游戏将出现在屏幕上供您玩。Google 助理(Google Assistant)会回复你的第一个谜题。这些将帮助您测试您的常识并改善和提高您的大脑功能。
#13. Marshmallow Land (Nova Launcher)
你(Are)是否熟悉曾经流行的游戏Flappy Bird?好吧,这款游戏席卷了视频游戏世界,这就是为什么谷歌(Google)决定对这款游戏拥有自己的看法,以达到顶峰。
Google实际上设法通过更酷的图形和效果来改进游戏,并发布了Marshmallow Land。
自Android Nougat(Android Nougat)的软件更新以来,直接访问此游戏一直是个问题。从那时起,它已深深嵌入系统中。但是我们已经找到了一种方法,可以通过Nova(Nova)启动器将其发布出来供您欣赏。
您将需要安装Nova Launcher并将其设置为您的默认主屏幕启动器。按住主屏幕,在其上设置 nova 启动器小部件的图标。
在您的活动中,向下直到您到达系统用户界面(System UI)并点击棉花糖(Marshmallow)土地,以激活此游戏。
#14. Magic Cat Academy
这款游戏又是一款隐藏在Google Doodle Archives中的游戏,但它绝对是一款有趣的游戏。早(Way)在 2016 年,谷歌就在(Google)万圣节(Halloween)期间发布了它,并受到了大量谷歌(Google)用户的赞赏。
因此,您可以回到 google doodle 找到这个游戏并在Magic Cat学院玩猫。游戏很简单,但它有几个级别,难度越来越大。
想要救鬼不至于偷到魔法猫学院(Magic Cat Academy)的圣物魔法书,就得快点。
#15. Solitaire
#16. Zerg Rush
这个具有挑战性但相当简单的游戏比我玩过的大多数隐藏的谷歌(Google)游戏更令人兴奋。您需要在谷歌搜索中搜索“zerg rush”才能激活此游戏。
#17. Sherlock Mysteries
谷歌(Google)助手和你,可以合作解开夏洛克(Sherlock)的一些谜团!在Google Home上,这个游戏太刺激了,即使是和一群朋友一起玩。
#18. Chess Mate
为了确保他们不会错过任何人们喜爱的基本游戏,谷歌(Google)想出了谷歌国际象棋(Google Chess)伙伴,可以通过他们的谷歌语音助手(Google Voice Assistant)访问。
只需对Google 语音(Google Voice)助手说“与棋友交谈(Talk to chess mate)” ,他们就会快速将您连接到他们简单的棋盘。国际象棋(Chess)的规则永远不会改变,因此您可以使用Google玩这个游戏,跨越多个难度级别。
#19. Cricket
一直以来最喜欢的是Hidden Google Cricket。隐藏在(Hidden)谷歌涂鸦(Google Doodle)档案的深处,你会发现这款由谷歌(Google)于 2017 年推出的板球游戏。
这是在ICC 冠军奖杯(ICC Champions Trophy)期间完成的,非常受欢迎!这是一个相当简单的游戏,如果您是板球爱好者,它可以帮助您打发时间。这场比赛有点有趣,因为你有蜗牛和蟋蟀在球场上击球和防守,而不是真正的球员。但这就是让它变得非常有趣和超级可爱的原因!
#20. Soccer
谷歌(Google)的体育游戏,从来没有让人失望过。足球(Soccer)是另一款成功的Google Doodle存档游戏,在(Google Doodle)Hidden Google游戏中名列前茅。
2012 年奥运会期间, (Olympics) Google发布了这款游戏的涂鸦,它是迄今为止最受欢迎的游戏之一。足球(Soccer)爱好者会喜欢这款简单而有趣的游戏。
#21. Santa Tracker
(Christmas)Google Doodles的(Google Doodles)圣诞主题一直如此吸引人且喜庆!圣诞老人(Santa)追踪器有几个圣诞节(Christmas-sy)游戏可以用来追踪圣诞老人(Santa)!考虑到Hidden(Hidden)和Google保留其游戏的方式,动画和图形令人印象深刻。
每年12 月(December),Google都会为(Google)圣诞老人追踪器(Santa Tracker)添加新游戏,让您总有一些期待!
#22. Rubik’s Cube
就像我之前说的,谷歌(Google)从不错过经典。Google为魔方提供了一个非常简单明了的界面。如果您想尝试并没有实际使用,可以开始在Google Rubik's Cube上练习。
在主页上,您会找到一些魔方的快捷方式。您使用 Google Rubik 获得的 3D 感觉几乎可以弥补它实际上不在您手中。
这是Google的 20 多个隐藏(Hidden) 游戏(Games)列表,您肯定不熟悉,但现在您可以享受它们了。其中一些是多人游戏,其中一些是单人游戏,针对谷歌本身。
20+ Hidden Google Games You Need to Play (2022)
A peak of creativity and ingenuity haѕ been achieved by the world-renowned software develoрer, Google. You might have noticed how, on severаl occasions like anniversaries, national holidays, and some world-rеnowned birthdays, the search engine innovateѕ its home page with doodles and funny fonts, to make it look tenfold more attractive аnd fun.
But did you know, that some great examples of creativity by Google, have not yet been discovered by you? In fact, you had absolutely no idea they even existed!! Google has loads of exciting hidden games in most of their applications- Google Maps, Google Search, Google Doodle, Google Earth, Google Chrome, Google Assistant. There are a few other Google services as well, which have hidden games. This article will familiarise you with most of them.
You can access these games in different manners. For example, you can search a few strings on it and enjoy these games without downloading or installing them. So, if you are getting bored of surfing the internet on your phone, or just scrolling through your feeds, or chatting with your friends, these 20+ Hidden Google Games will definitely be a mood changer.
20+ Hidden Google Games You Need to Play in 2022
#1. T-Rex
To begin the article on the hidden Google games, I have picked one which most of the people are familiar with by now- T-Rex. It is now considered as a very popular game on Google Chrome.
It has very often happened that while surfing, our net connection suddenly vanishes, you might have seen a white screen appear. The screen has a small dinosaur in black, below which the text- No Internet is mentioned.
On this particular tab, you have to press the space bar on your computer/laptop. Once the game begins, your dinosaur starts moving forward with an escalating speed. You have to jump the obstacles, using the Space bar.
As you cross the obstacles, the level of difficulty keeps on increasing with time. If you want to play this game, even when your internet is working just fine, you can just turn off the connection from your laptop and open Google Chrome or even, click on the link to access the game with the internet.
Try to beat your own records, and set high scores! I challenge you!
#2. Text Adventure
Google Chrome has the most unusual and unexpected games, in the weirdest of situations. The game is well hidden behind the Source code of Google Chrome. To access the game, you will have to type the name of the game- “text adventure” in the Google search, and then if you are on your iMac, press Command + Shift + J. If you have a Windows OS, press Ctrl + Shift + J. Type “Yes” in the box, to confirm if you want to play the Text adventures, game.
So the game has to be played, by searching for the letters – “o”, “o”, “g”, “l”, “e” from the official Google logo. The game will give you a very retro feel when the computers had just started in the market. The interface is a little old-timey with a sad and dull interface.
You can experience the game, by following the steps given above. It’s worth a try! You might just find it fun and spend a good few minutes on Text adventure.
#3. Google Clouds
This fun game called Google Clouds can be found in the Google app on your android phone. Trust me, this can be a really helpful game on those long flights, where you just cannot manage to sleep, due to the baby crying in the seat next to you! Maybe you can let the baby play this game too! He just might stop crying and you can have your sleep.
So, to enable this game, open your Google app on the android phone when your phone is in Flight mode. Now in the Google search, search for anything you want. You will see a small notification saying- “Airplane Mode is on” with a blue icon next to it. The icon is of a small man waving to you with a yellow play option in it or it can also be of a cloud looking through a red telescope with a blue play icon.
To launch the game, press on it and enjoy the game while your travel!
Even when your internet is out, you can do the same by going on the Google search app, to find the icon for the game and enjoy it on your phone. But, do remember this is only meant for Android phones.
#4. Google Gravity
This is definitely a personal favorite for me! The game is a way of Google showing its respect to Newton and his discovery with the apple that fell off the tree. Yes! I am talking about Gravity.
To access this weirdly funny game, open the Google Chrome app on your computer, go to and type Google Gravity. Now click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” icon below the search tab.
What happens next is something close to crazy! Every single item on the the-the search tab, the Google icon, the Google search tab, everything falls down just like the apple! You can even toss things around too!!
But everything is still functional, you can still use the website normally! Try it out now and as your friends as well.
#5. Google Basketball
This is a Google Doodle game, which is so much fun!! The game was introduced in 2012, during the Summer Games. You don’t really have to know how to play basketball to enjoy this game.
To access this game, you have to open the homepage of Google basketball Doodle and click on the blue start button to activate the game. Once you do so, on your screen a blue basketball player appears in a basketball stadium. He is all set to shoot the hoops, with your clicks on the mouse button. You can also shoot with the space bar.
So, what are you waiting for? Aim well, and break some records of your own, in the given time with the Doodle Basketball game by Google.
#6. Are you feeling Lucky?
This is a Google Assistant game, that will surely be very enjoyable. You will definitely feel like you are actually playing with a person! It is a completely voice-based trivia quiz game. The quiz will contain questions ranging from basic general knowledge to science. The sound effects in the background will give you the extra adrenaline rush to cross the winning line with flying colors.
The best thing being, that this is a multiplayer game, so you will have the proper Quiz experience with this one. To access this game, just ask your Google Assistant, “Are you feeling Lucky?” and the game starts automatically. If you own a Google Home system, you can play it on that as well. The Google home experience of this game is amazing fun, due to the loudness and theatrical experience it provides you with.
It is basically a game show assistant, the way Google will talk to you will make you actually feel like you are on a TV Game Show with all your friends competing against you. The assistant asks you about the number of people who want to play the game, then also their names before beginning the game.
#7. Word Jumblr
Next, on the list of Hidden Google games that you can play, is Word Jumblr. For those who love playing games like scrabble, word hunt, wordscapes on their phones, this one is especially for you.
This is a Google Assistant game, you have to open it and say “Let me talk to Word Jumblr.” And you will be connected to the game quickly.
The game will help you improve your vocabulary and your English language skills. The Google assistant sends you a question by mixing up the letters of a word and asks you to make a word out of all the letters.
#8. Snakes
Another Google Doodle search game, that will refresh your childhood memories is Snake. Do you remember one of the first games that came out on Phones? The snakes game, you played on your buttoned phones. This Snake game is exactly the same!
On Google Doodle, the Snake game was introduced in 2013, to welcome the Chinese New Year as the year was specifically called the “Year of the Snake”
The game can be accessed on your Mobile as well as your computer. The game is simple, you just have to change the direction of your snake, feed it to make it longer, and prevent it from hitting the boundary walls.
Playing this on the computer is more convenient as changing the direction of the snake utilizing the arrow keys is easier.
To find the game, just google- Google Snake game and click on the given link to start playing.
#9. Tic Tac Toe
Basic games, that we all have played in our childhood, include Tic Tac Toe. The ultimate time-killing game has been introduced by Google. You don’t need a pen and paper anymore, to play this game anymore.
Play it anywhere on your phone or laptop, using Google Search. Search “tic tac toe” in the google search tab and click on the link to access the game and enjoy it. You can choose between the level of difficulty- easy, medium, impossible. You can even play the game against your friend, as you did during those free periods in school!
#10. Pac Man
Who hasn’t played this super classic game? It has been one of the most popular arcade video games from the beginning when games had just started to surface in the markets.
Google has brought its version of the game to you, through Google search. You just need to type Pac-Man on Google, and the game will be visible on the screen immediately for you to enjoy and reminisce.
#11. Quick Draw
Doodling is one of the best ways to pass time. It is extremely enjoyable if you have a lot of features to use. That is why Google added it to the list of its hidden games.
You can instantly access this game by typing Quick Draw in Google Search.
This is an experiment on Artificial intelligence, by Google as it is way more fun and unique than any doodle app you might have downloaded on your Android or iOS. The Quick Draw asks you to doodle freely on the drawing board, and in turn, Google tries to guess what you are drawing.
The feature basically predicts your drawing, which makes it so much more fun than any of your regular Doodle apps.
#12. Picture Puzzle
Don’t worry puzzle lovers, Google hasn’t forgotten you. Not all the games that Google makes are that simple and silly, this one is a real brain teaser for the ones who really are into these things!
This Google Assistant supported game can be accessed by saying “Ok Google, let me talk to a picture puzzle.” And Voila! The game shall appear on the screen for you to play. Google Assistant will reply with the first puzzle to you. These will help you test your common sense and improve and sharpen your brain functioning.
#13. Marshmallow Land (Nova Launcher)
Are you familiar with a once-popular game called Flappy Bird? Well, this game got the video game world by storm, and that is why Google decided to have its own take on the game, to top it all off.
Google actually managed to better the game with cooler graphics and effects and released Marshmallow Land.
Since the software update for Android Nougat, access to this game directly has been an issue. Since that time, it has become deeply embedded in the system. But we have found a way, to get it out there for you to enjoy through Nova launcher.
You will be required to install Nova Launcher and set it as your default home screen launcher. Hold down your home screen, to set an icon for the nova launcher widget on it.
In your Activities, go down until you reach the System UI and tap on Marshmallow land, to activate this game.
Yes, it does sound like a lot of trouble and work to actually play this game. But it will not take much of your time. Also, you can download a third-party application for this game from the Play store, if you wish! It is super fun and definitely worth a try!
#14. Magic Cat Academy
This game is again one that is hidden into the Google Doodle Archives, but it is definitely a fun game. Way back in 2016, Google released it during Halloween and it was appreciated by loads of Google users.
Thus, you can go back to google doodle to find this game and play the cat at the Magic Cat academy. The game is simple, but it has several levels, with increasing difficulty.
You have to take the freshman kitty Momo on a mission to rescue her Magic school. You will help her to cast out several ghosts and spirits by swiping the symbols and shapes on their heads.
You need to be quick if you want to save the ghosts from stealing the master spellbook, which is a sacred treasure for Magic Cat Academy.
The game also has a short clipping, to tell you the background story behind the game, and why Momo has to help save the academy!
#15. Solitaire
Card lovers, obviously Google did not forget the most classic card game of all time- Solitaire. Just search “Solitaire” on the Google search tab and you can start playing immediately.
They have a distinct and exciting user interface for the game. Those who have played this game on their Windows computer will find Google solitaire like a breath of fresh air. This is a single-player game, which you will be playing against Google.
#16. Zerg Rush
This challenging, yet fairly simple game is way more exciting than most of the hidden Google games, I have played. You need to search for “zerg rush” on google search to activate this game.
The screen will be filled with balls falling from the corners in no time. The feeling is extremely exciting! They have made a game out of your search screen. You can’t let these falling balls, touch any search results, to score higher in this game.
The game is challenging as hell, due to the number of balls that are falling at a fast speed from the corners of your web screen.
It is something that you should definitely try and it’s definitely more fun in the dark mode in Google.
#17. Sherlock Mysteries
Google assistant and you, can partner up to solve some of the mysteries from Sherlock! On Google Home, this game is too exciting, even when you are playing with a group of friends.
The voice assistant has to be told – “Let me talk to Sherlock mysteries” and it will immediately send you a case to solve.
The story is narrated by your Google assistant, with all the necessary details to help you solve it. The game will give you a real detective feel and also options to select from, between cases. You can pick the ones you prefer.
#18. Chess Mate
To make sure that they do not miss out on any of the basic games that the people love, Google came up with Google Chess mate, accessible from their Google Voice Assistant.
Just say, “Talk to chess mate” to Google Voice assistant and they will connect you to their simple chess board quickly. The rules of Chess can never change, so you can play this game with Google across several difficulty levels.
The best part is, that after picking your color and beginning the game, you can move your chess pawns and others through voice command alone.
#19. Cricket
An all-time favorite is the Hidden Google Cricket. Hidden deep into the Google Doodle archives, you shall find this cricket game which was launched in 2017 by Google.
This was done during the ICC Champions Trophy and was a big hit! It is a fairly simple game, which can help you pass your time if you are a cricket lover. The game is sort of funny because instead of actual players, you have snails and crickets batting and fielding on the field. But that’s what makes it incredibly fun and super cute!
#20. Soccer
Sports games by Google, have never been disappointing. Soccer is another one of the successful Google Doodle archive games that have topped the lists for Hidden Google games.
During 2012, Olympics Google released a doodle for this game, and it is to date one of the most popular ones. Soccer enthusiasts will love the simple yet funny game that is in store.
The game is played against Google itself. You have to be the goalkeeper in the game, and Google acts as the shooter. Defend your goal against Google and cross new levels one by one to break your own records and have fun!
#21. Santa Tracker
Christmas themes by Google Doodles have always been so attractive and festive! The Santa tracker has a couple of Christmas-sy games to track Santa with! The animations and graphics are weirdly impressive, considering how Hidden, Google keeps its games.
Every December, Google adds new games to the Santa Tracker, so that you always have something to look forward to!
To access these games, Google has its own separate website called The snowy website has amazing background sound themes and your kids might actually love to spend time on this website along with you.
#22. Rubik’s Cube
Like I said before, Google never misses out on a classic. Google has a very simple, plain interface for a Rubik’s cube. If you want to try it out and don’t have it physically, you can start practising on Google Rubik’s Cube.
On the homepage, you will find some shortcuts for the Rubik’s cube. The 3D feel that you get with the Google Rubik’s will almost compensate for it not actually being there in your hands.
This was the list of 20+ Hidden Games by Google, that you were surely not familiar with, but now you can enjoy them. Some of them are multiplayer and some of them are single-player, against google itself.
These games are extremely enjoyable, and most of them are easily accessible. Every possible genre, be it a mystery, sports, vocabulary or even interactive games, google has it all for you. You just didn’t know it yet, but now you do!!