我们都知道Discord是什么,现在更是如此,因为大流行导致远程在线连接增加。Discord上的人们创建不同的频道与他们的朋友、同事等聊天,还可以直播内容和创建测验等。在本文中,我们将讨论Discord中的一个功能,该功能没有被太多讨论,但提供了非常有成效的功能;慢速(Slow Mode)模式。
Discord 上的慢速模式是什么?
此功能的名称是不言自明的。启用慢速模式后,用户在指定时间内可以在特定频道上发送的消息数量将受到限制。发现此类情况相当普遍,其中一个频道的几个成员不断地发送消息。可以限制文本的时间限制并不高;它的范围从 5 秒到 6 小时。
在一组,比如说 5 个人中,消息的数量可以很快达到数百条,对于当时不在线的人来说,这可能有点烦人。使用慢速模式(Slow Mode),可以冷却混乱。
用户应注意,慢速模式(Slow Mode)仅适用于设置它的通道,即没有服务器范围的慢速模式(Slow Mode)。因此,如果您希望多个通道上的消息变慢,您将不得不分别在每个通道上实现它。
如何在 Discord 上设置慢速模式?
- 打开Discord并点击齿轮图标
- 转到要启用慢速模式(Slow Mode)的频道,然后选择Edit Channel > Overview
- 在概览(Overview)部分,您会找到一个启用慢速模式的按钮(Slow Mode)
- 在慢速模式(Slow Mode)选项中有一个滑块,您可以设置您希望慢速模式运行的时间
- 设置时间间隔后,单击保存(Save)更改
如何在 Discord 中获得角色?
- 打开Discord并在左侧窗格中打开您的服务器菜单(Server)
- 打开服务器名称右侧的下拉菜单,然后单击服务器设置(Server Settings)
- 您将在左侧窗格中看到名为Roles的选项(Roles)
- 单击(Click)“+”图标将角色添加到服务器。
- 为角色分配名称和颜色,并查看您要授予此新角色的权限
How to use Slow Mode on Discord?
We’re all aware of what Discord is, even more so now with increased remote, online connections owing to the pandemic. People on Discord create different channels to chat with their friends, colleagues, etc., and can also live-stream content and create quizzes, among other things. In this article, we will be talking about a feature in Discord that isn’t talked about a lot but serves a very fruitful function; the Slow Mode.
What is Slow Mode on Discord?
The name of this feature is pretty self-explanatory. With the slow mode enabled, there will be a limit imposed on the number of messages a user can send on a particular channel for the specified time being. Situations like these are found to arise rather commonly, where several members of a channel are messaging continuously. The time limit for which texts can be limited isn’t exorbitant; it ranges from 5 seconds to 6 hours.
In a group of, let’s say 5 people, the number of messages can run into the late hundreds in no time and for someone who wasn’t online at the time, it can be a bit annoying. With Slow Mode, the chaos can be cooled down.
Users should note that the Slow Mode is meant to work only on the channels to set it up for i.e. there isn’t a server-wide Slow Mode. So if you want messages on several channels to be slowed down, you’re going to have to implement it on each one separately.
How to set up Slow Mode on Discord?
The process to set this up on Discord is pretty elementary. Here’s how you can do it:
- Open Discord and click on the gear icon
- Go to the channel that you want to enable the Slow Mode on and select Edit Channel > Overview
- In the Overview section, you’ll find a button to enable the Slow Mode
- In the Slow Mode option is a slider for you to set the time for which you want the slow mode to run
- Once you’ve set the time interval, click on Save Changes
You can follow the same steps to disable Slow Mode as well.
How to get a role in Discord?
Roles on Discord are created when user accounts attain certain permissions. These roles can vary from the most common ‘@everyone’ to the server administrator called the moderator. Here’s how you can create roles in Discord:
- Open Discord and open your Server menu on the left side pane
- Open the drop-down menu to the right of your server name and click on Server Settings
- You’ll see an option by the name Roles on the left side pane
- Click on the ‘+’ icon to add a role to the server.
- Assign the role a name and color and review the permissions you want to give this new role
Hope this helps!