Windows 更新可帮助您修复系统中的所有小故障并将自身升级到最新版本。然而,更新后可能会出现蓝屏死机、黄屏、数据丢失、开始(Start)菜单问题、卡顿、音频设备未迁移、驱动问题等问题。今天,我们将解决问题Windows 10 PC上的设备未迁移错误。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复 Windows 10 上的设备未迁移错误(How to Fix Device Not Migrated Error on Windows 10)
设备未迁移是什么意思?(What does Device Not Migrated Mean?)
每当您更新 Windows 时,系统中的所有驱动程序都会从旧版本迁移到新版本,以确保计算机的正常功能。然而,系统中的一些不兼容问题和损坏的文件可能会在迁移过程中触发驱动程序失败,从而导致以下错误消息:
- Device USBSTOR\Disk由于部分匹配或不明确匹配,未迁移设备 USBSTOR\Disk & Ven_WD & Prod_\202020202020202020202020202020
- 最后一个设备实例 ID(Device Instance Id):USBSTOR\Disk & Ven_Vodafone & Prod_Storage_ ( Huawei )& Rev_2.31\7 &348d87e5&0
- 类GUID:{4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- 位置路径:
- 迁移等级:0xF000FC000000F130
- 现在:假
- 状态:0xC0000719
(How to Check Which Device Not Migrated Successfully
不幸的是,与其他问题不同,此错误无法直接从事件查看器中确定(cannot be determined from Event Viewer directly)。相反,您必须通过执行给定的步骤来手动检查错误消息。
1. 点击 Windows 键(Windows key)并在搜索栏中输入设备管理器。(Device Manager)然后,按 Enter(Enter)启动它。
2. 双击您遇到此问题的驱动程序部分。(driver section )在这里,我们正在检查磁盘驱动器(Disk drives)。
3. 现在,右键单击设备驱动程序(Device driver)并选择属性(Properties ),如图所示。
4. 在设备属性(Device Properties)窗口中切换到事件(Events )选项卡。Device not migrated错误消息将显示在此处,如突出显示的那样。
为什么会出现音频设备未迁移错误?(Why Audio Device Not Migrated Error Occurs?)
一台计算机中的两个操作系统 -(Two Operating Systems in a Single Computer-)如果您在系统中安装了两个不同的操作系统,(Systems)那么您更有可能遇到上述错误。
过时的 Windows 操作系统(Outdated Windows OS- )- 当有更新挂起或您的操作系统存在错误时,您可能会面临设备未迁移错误。
损坏的系统文件(Corrupt System Files- )-许多Windows用户在系统文件损坏或丢失时会遇到系统问题。在这种情况下,请修复这些文件以解决问题。
过时的驱动程序(Outdated Drivers)- 如果您系统中的驱动程序与系统文件不兼容/过时,您将面临上述错误。
外围设备不兼容(Incompatible Peripheral Devices-)- 新的外部或外围设备可能与您的系统不兼容,从而导致USB或音频设备未迁移问题。
第三方应用程序的问题 -(Issues with Third-Party Apps- )如果您使用第三方工具(不推荐)来更新您的驱动程序,那么过程中的一些故障也可能导致所讨论的问题。
根据用户的方便,已经编译和安排了修复设备未迁移错误的方法列表。因此,在您找到适用于您的 Windows 10 台式机/笔记本电脑的解决方案之前,请一一实施。
方法 1:将 USB 设备插入另一个端口(Method 1: Plug USB Device into Another Port)
1. 或者,将不同的 USB 设备(different USB device)连接到同一个端口。
2. 或者,将设备连接到不同的端口(different port)。
方法 2:运行 SFC 扫描
(Method 2: Run SFC Scan
Windows 10 用户可以通过运行系统文件检查器(System File Checker)自动扫描和修复他们的系统文件。它是一个内置工具,可让用户删除文件并修复设备未迁移错误等问题。
注意:(Note:)我们将在启动扫描之前以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动系统以获得更好的结果。
1. 同时按下Windows Key + R键启动运行(Run )对话框。
2. 然后,输入msconfig并按Enter 键(Enter)打开系统配置( the System Configuration)窗口。
3. 在这里,切换到引导(Boot )选项卡。
4. 检查引导选项下的(Boot )安全引导(Safe boot )框,然后单击确定(OK),如图所示。
5. 确认您的选择并单击重新启动。(Restart. )您的系统将以安全模式启动。
6. 搜索,然后通过搜索栏以管理员身份(as administrator)运行命令提示符,如图所示。(Run Command Prompt)
7.输入sfc /scannow 并按Enter。
8. 等待Verification 100 % completed 语句,完成后,重新启动系统。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中修复损坏的系统文件(How to Repair Corrupt System Files in Windows 10)
方法 3:更新芯片组驱动程序(Method 3: Update Chipset Drivers)
芯片组驱动程序(A chipset driver)是为帮助操作系统与(System)主板良好工作而开发的驱动程序。主板(motherboard)就像一个集线器,所有设备都相互连接以执行它们各自的和集体的功能。因此,芯片组驱动程序保留了促进主板和其他几个小型子系统之间通信过程的软件指令。要修复系统中的音频设备未迁移问题,请尝试将芯片组驱动程序更新到最新版本,如下所示:
1.从Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索并启动设备管理器,如图所示。(Device Manager)
2. 双击 系统设备(System devices)将其展开。
3. 现在,右键单击任何芯片组驱动程序(chipset driver)(例如Microsoft或Intel芯片组设备)并单击更新驱动程序(Update driver),如图所示。
4. 现在,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )以自动安装最新的驱动程序。
5. Windows 将扫描驱动程序更新并自动安装它们。安装完成后,单击关闭(Close )退出窗口。(Once)
6.重新启动计算机,(Restart the computer,)并检查您是否已修复 Windows 10 PC 上的设备未迁移错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上更新设备驱动程序(How to Update Device Drivers on Windows 10)
方法 4:重新安装驱动程序(Method 4: Reinstall Drivers)
如果您遇到设备未迁移问题,或者特别是音频设备未在Windows 10中迁移,那么您也可以通过重新安装驱动程序来解决此问题:
1.如前所述启动设备管理器。(Device Manager )
2. 双击声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers)将其展开。
3. 右键单击音频驱动程序(audio driver)(例如Intel Display Audio或Realtek High Definition Audio),然后选择卸载设备(Uninstall device),如图所示。
4. 现在,访问制造商的网站(manufacturer’s website)并下载(download)最新版本的驱动程序。
5. 然后,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)安装驱动程序。
6. 对系统中其他有故障的驱动程序也重复相同的步骤。这个问题现在应该已经解决了。
专业提示:(Pro Tip: )很少有用户建议在兼容模式下(Compatibility Mode)安装驱动程序将帮助您修复设备未迁移错误。
方法 5:更新 Windows
(Method 5: Update Windows
1. 同时按Windows + I键打开系统中的设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,选择更新和安全(Update & Security)。
3. 现在,从右侧面板中选择检查更新。(Check for Updates)
4A。按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)下载并安装最新更新(如果有)。
4B。如果您的系统已经是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date)消息。
5.重新启动(Restart)您的 PC 以完成安装。
始终确保您使用更新版本的系统。否则,系统中的文件将与驱动程序文件不兼容,导致Windows 10上的设备未迁移错误。
方法 6:更新 BIOS(Method 6: Update BIOS)
一些用户报告说,更新基本输入输出系统(Basic Input Output System)或BIOS设置后,可以解决设备未迁移问题。您首先需要确定BIOS的当前版本,然后从制造商的网站更新它,如以下方法中所述:
您可以在此处从 Microsoft 文档(UEFI Firmware update from Microsoft docs)中详细了解UEFI 固件更新。
1. 转到Windows 搜索(Windows search)菜单并键入cmd。通过单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)打开命令提示符(Command Prompt )。
2. 现在,输入wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion并按Enter。当前的BIOS版本将显示在屏幕上,如突出显示的那样。
3.从制造商的网站下载最新的 BIOS 版本。(latest BIOS version)例如,联想(Lenovo),
4. 转到下载( the Downloads )文件夹并从下载的 zip 文件中提取文件(downloaded zip file)。
5.插入格式化的USB驱动器(formatted USB drive),将提取的文件复制(copy)到其中并重新启动PC(reboot your PC)。
注意:(Note: )很少有制造商在其BIOS本身中提供BIOS刷新选项;否则,您必须在重新启动系统时按BIOS键。当您的 PC 开始启动时,按F10或F2或Del键进入BIOS 设置。(BIOS settings)
必读:(Must Read:) 6 Ways to Access BIOS in Windows 10 (Dell/Asus/ HP)
6. 现在,导航到BIOS或UEFI屏幕并选择BIOS 更新(BIOS update )选项。
7. 最后,从USB 闪存驱动器中选择(USB flash drive)BIOS 更新文件 (BIOS update file )来更新 UEFI 固件。
方法 7:重置 BIOS
(Method 7: Reset BIOS
注意:(Note: )BIOS的重置过程可能因制造商和设备型号而异。
1. 按照方法 5(Method 5)中的说明,导航到Windows Settings > Update & Security。
2. 现在,单击左侧窗格中的恢复,然后选择(Recovery )高级启动下的(Advanced startup)立即重新启动(Restart now )选项。
3. 现在,您的系统将重新启动并进入Windows 恢复环境。(Windows Recovery Environment.)
注意:(Note: )您也可以通过按住Shift 键(Shift key)的同时重新启动系统来进入Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)。
4. 在这里,点击疑难解答(Troubleshoot),如图所示。
5. 现在,单击高级选项(Advanced options ),然后单击UEFI 固件(UEFI Firmware) 设置(Settings),如突出显示的那样。
6. 单击重新启动(Restart )以在 UEFI BIOS 中引导您的系统。
7. 导航到执行BIOS重置过程的重置选项。(Reset option)该选项可能如下所示:
- 加载默认值
- 加载默认设置
- 加载设置默认值
- 加载最佳默认值
- 设置默认值等,
8. 最后,选择Yes确认(Yes.)BIOS重置。
9. 完成后,选择标题为退出(Exit)并正常重新启动Windows PC 的选项。
方法 8:执行系统还原(Method 8: Perform System Restore)
如果本文中的方法都没有帮助到您,那么您安装的操作系统版本可能存在问题。在这种情况下,请执行系统还原以永久修复Windows 10上的设备未迁移错误。
1.按照方法2的(Method 2)步骤1-5(Steps 1-5)以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动。
2. 然后,像在方法 2中那样(Method 2)使用管理权限启动命令提示符(Command Prompt with administrative privileges)。
4. 在系统还原(System Restore )窗口中,单击下一步(Next ),如图所示。
5. 最后,单击“完成(Finish )”按钮确认还原点。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复(fix)Windows 10 上的设备未迁移错误(device not migrated error on Windows 10),尤其是音频设备未迁移问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
Fix Device Not Migrated Error on Windows 10
Windows update helps you fix all minor glitches in the system and upgrades itself to the latest verѕion. Yet, after an update, you may issυеs like blue screen of death, yellow screen, loss of data, problems with the Start menu, lag and freeze, audio devіce not migrated, driver issues, etc. Today, we shall address the issue of the device not migrated error on Windows 10 PCs. So, keeр reading!
How to Fix Device Not Migrated Error on Windows 10
What does Device Not Migrated Mean?
Whenever you update your Windows, all the drivers in the system migrate from the old version to the newer one to ensure the proper functionality of the computer. Yet, few incompatibility issues and corrupt files in your system might trigger drivers to fail during migration, causing the following error messages:
- Device USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_WD&Prod_\202020202020202020202020202020&0 was not migrated due to partial or ambiguous match.
- Last Device Instance Id: USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Vodafone&Prod_Storage_(Huawei)&Rev_2.31\7&348d87e5&0
- Class GUID: {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Location Path:
- Migration Rank: 0xF000FC000000F130
- Present: false
- Status: 0xC0000719
This issue may occur with your hard drive, monitor, USB device, microphone, or other devices. Thus, you need to identify which device has triggered the said error in order to fix it.
How to Check Which Device Not Migrated Successfully
Unfortunately, unlike other issues, this error cannot be determined from Event Viewer directly. Instead, you have to check the error message manually by implementing the given steps.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Device Manager in the search bar. Then, hit Enter to launch it.
2. Double-click the driver section on which you encountered this problem. Here, we are checking for Disk drives.
3. Now, right-click on the Device driver and select Properties as shown.
4. In the Device Properties window switch to the Events tab. The Device not migrated error message will be displayed here, as shown highlighted.
You will need to repeat the same process for each driver, manually, to determine the cause of this error.
Why Audio Device Not Migrated Error Occurs?
Here are few significant reasons that cause this issue in your system:
Two Operating Systems in a Single Computer- If you have installed two different Operating Systems in your system, then you are more likely to experience the said error.
Outdated Windows OS- When there is an update pending or if your operating system has bugs, then you might face a device not migrated error.
Corrupt System Files- Many Windows users face problems in their system when they have corrupt or missing system files. In such cases, repair these files to fix the issue.
Outdated Drivers– If the drivers in your system are incompatible/outdated with the system files, you will face the said error.
Incompatible Peripheral Devices- The new external or peripheral device may not be compatible with your system, thus causing the USB or audio device not migrated issue.
Issues with Third-Party Apps- If you use third-party tools (non-recommended) to update your drivers, then some glitches in the process may also cause the discussed issue.
A list of methods to fix device not migrated error has been compiled and arranged, according to user convenience. So, implement these one-by-one until you find a solution for your Windows 10 desktop/laptop.
Method 1: Plug USB Device into Another Port
Sometimes, a glitch in the USB port might trigger the device not migrated issue. The easiest way to fix this problem is:
1. Either, connect a different USB device to the same port.
2. Or, connect the device to a different port.
Method 2: Run SFC Scan
Windows 10 users can automatically, scan and repair their system files by running System File Checker. It is a built-in tool that lets the user delete files and fix issues like device not migrated error.
Note: We shall boot the system in Safe Mode before initiating the scan for better results.
1. Press Windows Key + R keys together to launch Run Dialog Box.
2. Then, type msconfig and hit Enter to open the System Configuration window.
3. Here, switch to the Boot tab.
4. Check the Safe boot box under Boot options and click on OK, as depicted.
5. Confirm your choice and click on Restart. Your system will be booted in safe mode.
6. Search and then, Run Command Prompt as administrator through the search bar, as shown.
7. Type sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
8. Wait for the Verification 100 % completed statement, and once done, reboot your system.
Also Read: How to Repair Corrupt System Files in Windows 10
Method 3: Update Chipset Drivers
A chipset driver is a driver developed to help the Operating System work well with the motherboard. The motherboard is like a hub where all the devices are interconnected to perform their individual & collective functions. Therefore, the chipset drivers withhold software instructions that facilitate the communication process between the motherboard and several other small sub-systems. To fix the audio device not migrated issue in your system, try updating the chipset drivers to the latest version, as follows:
1. Search and launch Device Manager from Windows search bar, as shown.
2. Double-click on System devices to expand it.
3. Now, right-click on any chipset driver (e.g. Microsoft or Intel chipset device) and click on Update driver, as depicted.
4. Now, click on Search automatically for drivers to automatically install the latest driver.
5. Windows will scan for driver updates and automatically install them. Once installation is finished, click on Close to exit the window.
6. Restart the computer, and check if you have fixed the device not migrated error on your Windows 10 PC.
Also Read: How to Update Device Drivers on Windows 10
Method 4: Reinstall Drivers
If you are having an issue of the device not migrated problem or particularly, audio device not migrated in Windows 10 then you could fix this problem by reinstalling the drivers too:
1. Launch Device Manager as earlier.
2. Double-click on Sound, video, and game controllers to expand it.
3. Right-click on the audio driver (e.g. Intel Display Audio or Realtek High Definition Audio) and select Uninstall device, as shown.
4. Now, visit the manufacturer’s website and download the latest version of the drivers.
5. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver.
Note: When installing a new driver on your device, your system may reboot several times.
6. Repeat the same steps for other faulty drivers in your system too. The issue should be resolved by now.
Pro Tip: Few users suggested that installing drivers in Compatibility Mode will help you fix device not migrated error.
Method 5: Update Windows
If you did not obtain a solution by the above methods, then installing new updates might help.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings in your system.
2. Now, select Update & Security.
3. Now, select Check for Updates from the right panel.
4A. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the latest update, if available.
4B. If your system is already up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
5. Restart your PC to complete the installation.
Always ensure that you use your system in its updated version. Otherwise, the files in the system will not be compatible with the driver files leading to the device not migrated error on Windows 10.
Method 6: Update BIOS
Several users have reported that the device not migrated issue can be resolved when the Basic Input Output System or BIOS setup is updated. You first need to determine the current version of BIOS and then, update it from the manufacturer’s website, as explained in this method:
You can read in detail about the UEFI Firmware update from Microsoft docs here.
1. Go to the Windows search menu and type cmd. Open Command Prompt by clicking on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion and hit Enter. The current BIOS version will be displayed on the screen, as shown highlighted.
3. Download the latest BIOS version from the manufacturer’s website. For example, Lenovo,
Note: Ensure that your Windows laptop is sufficiently charged and the correct BIOS version is downloaded in accordance with the specific model of your motherboard.
4. Go to the Downloads folder and extract the files from your downloaded zip file.
5. Plug in a formatted USB drive, copy the extracted files in it and reboot your PC.
Note: Few manufacturers provide BIOS flashing options in their BIOS itself; else, you have to press the BIOS key when you restart your system. Press F10 or F2 or Del key to go to BIOS settings when your PC starts booting up.
Must Read: 6 Ways to Access BIOS in Windows 10 (Dell/Asus/ HP)
6. Now, navigate to the BIOS or UEFI screen and select the BIOS update option.
7. Lastly, select BIOS update file from USB flash drive to update UEFI firmware.
The BIOS will update to the selected latest version. Now, the device not migrated due to partial or ambiguous match issues should be fixed. If it does not then, follow the next method to reset BIOS.
Method 7: Reset BIOS
If the BIOS settings are not configured correctly, then there are higher chances that you may encounter device not migrated issue. In this case, reset BIOS to factory settings to fix it.
Note: The reset process for BIOS may vary for different manufacturers and device models.
1. Navigate to Windows Settings > Update & Security, as instructed in Method 5.
2. Now, click on Recovery in the left pane and select the Restart now option under Advanced startup.
3. Now, your system will restart and enter into Windows Recovery Environment.
Note: You can also enter Windows Recovery Environment by restarting your system while holding the Shift key.
4. Here, click on Troubleshoot, as shown.
5. Now, click on Advanced options followed by UEFI Firmware Settings, as highlighted.
6. Click on Restart to boot your system in UEFI BIOS.
7. Navigate to the Reset option that performs the BIOS resetting process. The option may read like:
- Load Default
- Load Default Settings
- Load Setup Defaults
- Load Optimal Defaults
- Setup Defaults etc.,
8. Finally, confirm BIOS reset by selecting Yes.
9. Once done, select the option titled Exit and restart your Windows PC normally.
Method 8: Perform System Restore
If none of the methods in this article have helped you, then there might be a problem with the version of the Operating System you have installed. In this case, perform a system restore to permanently fix the device not migrated error on Windows 10.
Note: It is advisable to boot your system in Safe Mode to avoid issues due to system errors or faulty drivers.
1. Follow Steps 1-5 of Method 2 to boot in Safe Mode.
2. Then, launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges as you did in Method 2.
3. Type rstrui.exe and hit Enter to execute.
4. In the System Restore window, click on Next as depicted.
5. Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button.
Now, the system will be restored to the previous state where issues like the device not migrated didn’t exist.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix the device not migrated error on Windows 10, particularly the audio device not migrated problem. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to drop them in the comments section below.