Outlook是Microsoft Office套件的高级和最不可或缺的部分之一。它提供了大量实用程序并提供多种服务,例如 webmail(其最受欢迎的服务)、联系人管理和日历。Outlook的电子邮件服务被人们广泛使用,其中一些人在将媒体文件附加到外发电子邮件时报告了一个错误,显示“尝试的操作失败”。(The attempted operation failed)如果您是这些人中的一员,那么本文适合您。

Outlook 附件(Outlook Attachment)错误 – 尝试的操作失败
如果当您尝试将文件附加到电子邮件时,Outlook会抛出错误消息尝试操作失败(The attempted operation failed),那么这些修复之一肯定会对您有所帮助:
- 更新 Outlook
- (Run Outlook)在正常(Normal)(不兼容)模式下运行 Outlook
- 在 Outlook 上禁用自动保存
- 以安全模式打开 Outlook
- 更改电子邮件的文本格式
- 修复 Microsoft Office 套件
- 启用缓存 Exchange 模式

您可以通过单击屏幕左上角的文件> Office Account > Update Options来检查更新。
2]以正常(Normal)(不兼容)模式运行Outlook(Run Outlook)
如果Outlook在您的 PC 上运行,以下是禁用兼容模式的方法。
- 单击(Click)桌面上的应用程序(App)图标,然后选择属性
- 从顶部的选项卡中,单击兼容性
- 在兼容性(Compatibility)框中,取消选中以管理员身份运行(Run)此程序框并应用这些设置。

现在已应用设置,因此Outlook在正常模式下(Normal mode)运行。

- 打开 Outlook 并单击文件
- 然后,从左窗格菜单中选择选项。
- 单击(Click)“邮件”(Mail)选项卡并向下滚动到“自动保存之后未发送的项目:(Automatically Save Items that have not been sent after:) ”。取消选中此框并保存这些设置。
Outlook 带有内置的安全模式(Outlook comes with a built-in Safe Mode),可帮助它在没有用于自动执行任务的预安装加载项的情况下运行。这些加载项在这里可能有问题,因此如果您尝试在没有它们的情况下运行Outlook,您可能只是能够摆脱这个问题。
关闭PC 上的Outlook ,然后按(Outlook)Windows和“R”组合键打开“运行”(Run)对话框。在空间中,复制并粘贴“ Outlook.exe /safe ”。


相关(Related):Outlook 上次无法启动;您想以安全模式启动吗?(Outlook couldn’t start last time; Do you want to start in safe mode?)

打开Outlook并从草稿中(因为电子邮件没有通过),选择您遇到问题的那个。现在,从顶部的选项卡功能区中,单击Format Text。这将允许您更改邮件的文本格式。
6]修复(Repair)Microsoft Office套件(Microsoft Office Suite)
如果上述修复都对您没有任何帮助,那么您也该尝试修复Office 套件(Office Suite)了。
打开运行(Run)命令并输入“appwiz.cpl”。如果您对此不满意,也可以通过控制面板(Control Panel)访问此页面。

从应用程序的迷宫中,寻找Microsoft Office或Outlook。找到后右键单击(Right-click)并选择Change。单击(Click)快速修复并进一步选择修复。
如果快速修复(Quick Repair)无法为您修复,您可能还想尝试在线修复(Online Repair)。
最后,您可以尝试启用缓存模式(Cached Mode)。单击(Click)文件(File),然后从帐户设置(Account Settings)下拉列表中单击帐户设置(Account Settings)。

选择您正在操作的电子邮件 ID,然后单击更改(Change)。这将打开Exchange 帐户(Exchange Account)设置。在这里,单击更多设置。将出现一个小对话框,顶部有三个选项卡。点击(Click)高级(Advanced)。_ 选中使用缓存模式(Use Cached Mode)框并保存设置。

重新启动 Outlook(Restart Outlook)并检查问题是否仍然存在。
Outlook Attachment error - The attempted operation failed
Outlook is one of the premium and most integral parts of the Microsoft Office suite. It provides a plethora of utilities and offers several services like webmail (its most popular service), contacts management, and calendering. The email services from Outlook are used extensively by people and several of them have reported an error that says ‘The attempted operation failed’ while attaching a media file to an outgoing email. If you are one of those people, this article is for you.

Outlook Attachment error – The attempted operation failed
If when you try to attach a file to your email, Outlook throws up an error message The attempted operation failed then one of these fixes is sure to help you:
- Update Outlook
- Run Outlook in Normal (non-compatibility) mode
- Disable AutoSave on Outlook
- Open Outlook in Safe Mode
- Change the text format of your e-mail
- Repair the Microsoft Office Suite
- Enable Cached Exchange Mode
1] Update Outlook

Before you get on to make changes on Outlook, it’s best to make sure that you’re running the newest version of the app and if not, then updating it. Microsoft rolls out Outlook updates quite frequently and the bug you’re facing might’ve been fixed in one of them.
You can check for updates by clicking on Files on the top-left corner of the screen > Office Account > Update Options.
Once updated, restart to check if the issue has been resolved.
2] Run Outlook in Normal (non-compatibility) mode
Here’s how you disable the compatibility mode if Outlook is running on your PC under that.
- Click on the App icon from your desktop and select Properties
- From the tabs on top, click on Compatibility
- In the Compatibility box, un-check the Run this program as administrator box and apply these settings.

The settings have now been applied so Outlook is running under Normal mode thereon out.
3] Disable AutoSave on Outlook

- Open Outlook and click on File
- Then, select Options from the left-pane menu.
- Click on the Mail tab and scroll down to ‘Automatically Save Items that have not been sent after:’. Uncheck this box and save these settings.
4] Open Outlook in Safe Mode
Outlook comes with a built-in Safe Mode that helps it run without preinstalled add-ins used to automate tasks. These add-ins may be at fault here, so if you try running Outlook without them, you may just be able to rid yourself of this problem.
Close Outlook on your PC and Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows and ‘R’ key combination. In the space, copy and paste ‘Outlook.exe /safe’.
If Outlook is working just fine in safe mode then it means one of our add-ins is giving your problems.
Proceed to disable the add-ins one by one and see. Click on File and further select Options to do so. From the options tab on your left, click on Add-ins.

At the bottom of the box is an option to Manage these add-ins, next to which is a drop-down. This drop-down lists all the active Outlook add-ins. Select each one by one and disable them.

Once done, retry the process and check if the files are attachments are still not going through properly.
Related: Outlook couldn’t start last time; Do you want to start in safe mode?
5] Change the text format of your e-mail

The issue here may lie in the format of the e-mail, in which case you can try changing that. The default format is HTML, so maybe your HTML permissions are not in line with file attachments. Here’s how you can change it:
Open Outlook and from the drafts (since the e-mail didn’t go through), select the one in which you faced the issue. Now, from the tabs ribbon on top, click on Format Text. This will allow you to change the mail’s text format.
Change it from HTML to rich text and save these settings. Close the draft and revert to HTML by following the same steps. This may help you solve the issue at hand.
6] Repair the Microsoft Office Suite
If none of the above-mentioned fixes were of any help to you, it’s time you try Repairing the Office Suite as well.
Open the Run command and type ‘appwiz.cpl’. If you’re not comfortable with it, this page can be approached via the Control Panel too.

From the maze of apps, look for Microsoft Office or Outlook. Right-click when found and select Change. Click on Quick Repair and further select Repair.
If Quick Repair doesn’t fix it for you, you might want to try the Online Repair as well.
7] Enable Cached Exchange Mode
Lastly, you can try enabling the Cached Mode. Click on File and from the Account Settings drop-down, click on Account Settings.

Select the e-mail ID you are operating and click on Change. This will open the Exchange Account settings. Here, click on More Settings. A small dialog box will appear with three tabs on top. Click on Advanced. Check the Use Cached Mode box and save the settings.

Restart Outlook and check if the issue persists.
We hope that one of the aforementioned solutions may help you resolve the issue and you may be able to send e-mails via Outlook with ease.