Google Chrome是最强大的浏览器应用程序之一,在全球拥有数百万用户。谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)在浏览器市场占有超过 60% 的使用份额。Chrome可用于多种平台,例如Windows操作系统、Android、iOS、Chrome OS等。如果您正在阅读本文,那么您可能也是使用Chrome来满足浏览需求的用户之一。
我们通常浏览我们下载图像、视频、音乐等的网站,以便在我们的计算机上离线查看文件。您以后可以下载和使用几乎所有类型的软件、游戏、视频、音频格式和文档。(Almost)但是随着时间的推移出现的一个问题是我们通常不会组织我们下载的文件。因此,当我们下载一个文件时,如果同一个文件夹中有数百个以前下载的文件,我们可能会发现很难定位。如果您遇到同样的问题,请不要担心,因为今天我们将讨论如何在Google Chrome中检查您最近的下载。
如何在谷歌浏览器中查看最近的(Google Chrome)下载(Downloads)
您可以直接从Google Chrome浏览器访问已下载的文件,也可以从系统导航到该文件。让我们看看如何访问您最近的 Google Chrome 下载: (Let’s see how to access your recent Google Chrome Downloads: )
#1. Check Your Recent Downloads in Chrome
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),然后点击Chrome窗口右上角的三点菜单(three-dot menu),然后点击下载(Downloads)。
注意:如果您使用适用于(Note:)Android智能手机的(Android)Google Chrome应用程序,此过程与此类似。
2. 或者,您可以通过按键盘上的 Ctrl + JChrome 下载(Chrome Downloads)部分。当您在 Chrome 中按 Ctrl + J时,将显示“下载”部分。(Downloads)如果您运行 macOS,则需要使用⌘ + Shift + J组合键。
3. 另一种访问谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)下载(Downloads)部分的方法,如果使用地址栏的话。在Chrome(Chrome)的地址栏中输入 chrome://downloads/并按Enter键。
您的Chrome 下载历史记录(Chrome Download History)将出现,您可以从此处找到您最近下载的文件。您可以通过单击“下载(Downloads)”部分中的文件直接访问您的文件。或者,单击“在文件夹中显示”(Show in folder )选项,该选项将打开包含下载文件的文件夹(特定文件将突出显示)。
#2. 访问下载文件夹(Access the Downloads Folder)
您使用Chrome从 Internet 下载的文件和文件夹将保存在您的 PC 或Android设备上的特定位置(下载文件夹)。(Downloads )
在 Windows PC 上: (On Windows PC: )默认情况下,您下载的文件将保存到Windows 10 PC 上名为“下载”的文件夹中。(Download)打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)(此 PC),然后导航到 C:UsersYour_Username下载(Download)s。
在 macOS 上: (On macOS: )如果您运行 macOS,则可以轻松地从Dock访问“(Dock.)下载( Downloads)”文件夹。
在 Android 设备上: (On Android devices: )打开您的文件管理器应用程序(File Manager app)或您用来访问文件的任何第三方应用程序。在您的内部(Internal)存储中,您可以找到一个名为“下载”的文件夹。(Downloads.)
#3. Search for the Downloaded file
在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中查看最近下载的另一种方法是使用计算机(Computer)的搜索选项:
1. 如果您知道下载文件的名称,则可以使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)搜索来搜索特定文件。
2. 在macOS系统上,点击Spotlight图标(Spotlight icon ),然后输入文件名进行搜索。
3. 在Android智能手机上,您可以使用文件资源管理器应用程序搜索文件。
4. 在 iPad 或 iPhone 中,下载的文件可以通过各种应用程序访问,具体取决于文件的类型。例如,如果您下载一张图片,您可以使用“照片(Photos)”应用找到该图片。同样,可以通过音乐(Music)应用程序访问下载的歌曲。
#4. Change the Default Downloads Location
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),然后点击Chrome窗口右上角的三点菜单(three-dot menu),然后点击设置(Settings)。
2. 或者,您可以在地址栏中输入此URL chrome://settings/。
3.向下滚动(Scroll)到设置(Settings )页面的底部,然后单击高级(Advanced )链接。
4. 展开高级(Advanced )设置,然后找到名为下载的部分。(Downloads.)
5. 在下载(Downloads)部分点击位置设置下的“更改(Change)”按钮。
6. 现在选择一个(choose a folder)您希望下载文件默认显示的文件夹。导航(Navigate)到该文件夹并单击“选择文件夹(Select Folder )”按钮。从现在开始,每当您下载文件或文件夹时,您的系统都会自动将文件保存在这个新位置。
7. 确保位置已更改,然后关闭“设置” (Settings )窗口。
8. 如果您希望谷歌浏览器在您下载文件时询问保存文件的位置,请启用为此指定的选项附近的切换(参见屏幕截图)。(Google Chrome to ask where to save your file)
9. 现在每当您选择下载文件时,谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)都会自动提示您选择保存文件的位置。
#5. Clear Your Downloads
1. 打开下载(Downloads),然后单击页面右上角的三点图标,然后选择(three-dotted icon)全部清除。(Clear all.)
2. 如果您只想清除特定条目,请单击该条目附近的关闭按钮(X 按钮)(close button (X button))。
3.您还可以通过清除浏览历史记录来清除您的下载历史记录。(Downloads)清除浏览历史记录时,请(Make)确保您已选中“下载历史记录”选项。(Download History )
注意:(NOTE:)通过清除下载历史记录,下载的文件或媒体不会从您的系统中删除。它只会清除您在Google Chrome中下载的文件的历史记录。或者,在此处了解如何自动刷新 Chrome(how to Auto Refresh Chrome here) .. 或者,在此处了解如何自动刷新 Chrome(how to Auto Refresh Chrome here) .. 但是,实际文件仍将保留在您保存它的系统上。
我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且您能够毫无困难地在 Google Chrome 上检查或查看您最近的下载。(check or see your recent downloads on Google Chrome)如果您有任何问题或建议,请随时使用评论部分与我们联系。
How to See Recent Downloads in Google Chrome
Google Chrome is оne of the most powerful browser apрliсation with millions of users worldwide. Google Chrome holds more than 60% of usage share in the browser market. Chrome is avaіlable for a multitude of plаtforms such as the Wіndows operating system, Android, iOЅ, Chrome OS, and so on. If you are rеading this article, then probably you are аlso one of the users who use Chromе for theіr browsing needs.
We generally browse websites from where we download images, videos, music etc in order to view the file offline on our computer’s. Almost all types of software, games, videos, audio formats, and documents can be downloaded & used by you later. But one issue which arises over time is that we don’t generally organize our downloaded files. As a result, when we download a file, we may find it difficult to locate if there are hundreds of previously downloaded files in the same folder. If you struggle with the same issue then don’t worry as today we will discuss how to check your recent downloads in Google Chrome.
How to See Recent Downloads in Google Chrome
You can access the files you’ve downloaded directly from your Google Chrome browser, or you can also navigate to the file from your system. Let’s see how to access your recent Google Chrome Downloads:
#1. Check Your Recent Downloads in Chrome
Do you know that your recent downloads can be easily accessed directly from your browser? Yes, Chrome keeps a record of files that you download using the browser.
1. Open Google Chrome then click on the three-dot menu from the top-right corner of the Chrome window and then click on Downloads.
Note: This procedure is similar if you use the Google Chrome application for Android smartphones.
2. Alternatively, you can access the Chrome Downloads section directly by pressing a key combination of Ctrl + J on your keyboard. When you press Ctrl + J in Chrome, the Downloads section will show up. If you run macOS then you need to use ⌘ + Shift + J key combination.
3. Another way to access the Downloads section of Google Chrome if by using the address bar. Type chrome://downloads/ in the address bar of Chrome and hit Enter key.
Your Chrome Download History will appear, from here you can find your recently downloaded files. You can access your files directly by clicking on the file from the Downloads section. Or else, click on the Show in folder option which would open the folder that contains the downloaded file (the particular file would be highlighted).
#2. Access the Downloads Folder
The files and folders that you download from the internet using Chrome will be saved in a particular location (Downloads folder) on your PC or Android devices.
On Windows PC: By default, your downloaded files will be saved to a folder named Download on your Windows 10 PC. Open the File Explorer (This PC) then navigate to C:\Users\Your_Username\Downloads.
On macOS: If you run macOS, then you can easily access the Downloads folder from the Dock.
On Android devices: Open your File Manager app or any third-party app that you use to access your files. On your Internal Storage, you can find a folder called Downloads.
#3. Search for the Downloaded file
Another way to see the recent downloads in Google Chrome is to use the search option of your Computer:
1. If you know the name of the downloaded file, then you can use File Explorer search to search for the particular file.
2. On the macOS system, click on the Spotlight icon and then input the file name to search.
3. On an Android smartphone, you can use the file explorer app to search for the file.
4. In an iPad or an iPhone, the downloaded files can be accessed through various apps depending on the type of file. For example, if you download a picture, you can find the picture using the Photos app. Similarly, downloaded songs can be accessed through the Music app.
#4. Change the Default Downloads Location
If the default Downloads folder doesn’t fulfil your requirements then you can change the location of the downloads folder. By altering your Browser’s settings, you can change the location where the downloaded files are stored by default. To change the default download location,
1. Open Google Chrome then click on the three-dot menu from the top-right corner of the Chrome window and then click on Settings.
2. Alternatively, you can enter this URL chrome://settings/ in the address bar.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings page and then click on the Advanced link.
4. Expand the Advanced settings and then locate the section named Downloads.
5. Under the Downloads section click on the “Change” button under Location Settings.
6. Now choose a folder where you want the downloaded files to appear by default. Navigate to that folder and click on the Select Folder button. From now on, whenever you download a file or a folder, your system would automatically save the file in this new location.
7. Ensure that the location has changed then close the Settings window.
8. If you want Google Chrome to ask where to save your file whenever you download then enable the toggle near the option designated for that (refer screenshot).
9. Now whenever you choose to download a file, Google Chrome would automatically prompt you to select where to save the file.
#5. Clear Your Downloads
If you wish to clear the list of files you’ve downloaded,
1. Open Downloads then click on the three-dotted icon available on the top-right corner of the page and choose Clear all.
2. If you wish to clear only a particular entry then click on the close button (X button) near that entry.
3. You can also clear your Downloads history by clearing your browsing history. Make sure that you have checked the Download History option when you clear your browsing history.
NOTE: By clearing the download history, the downloaded file or media will not be deleted from your system. It would just clear the history of files that you’ve downloaded in Google Chrome. Alternately, learn how to Auto Refresh Chrome here.. Alternately, learn how to Auto Refresh Chrome here.. However, the actual file would still remain on your system where it was saved.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to check or see your recent downloads on Google Chrome without any difficulty. If you have questions or suggestions then feel free to reach out using the comment section.