曾经统治市场的Internet Explorer(Internet Explorer)即将停产。然而,微软(Microsoft)正在竭尽全力挽回失去的用户,“ Microsoft Edge ”是他们的新赌注。由于Internet Explorer即将淘汰,企业是时候迁移到Microsoft Edge了。这份适用于企业的 Microsoft Edge 部署指南(Microsoft Edge Deployment Guide for Business)将为您提供帮助!
(Microsoft Edge Deployment Guide)适用于企业的(Business)Microsoft Edge 部署指南
![适用于企业的 Microsoft Edge 部署指南](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-arnIMsBXCp4/YVJ7jyh1qkI/AAAAAAAAJ4A/_oH_Bold4WIyzhSV3jVgwsNAsFmFu1pYACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/hDQSh0kciGT-tOZYiaDPID9ZoTk.jpg)
撇开数字不谈,Microsoft Edge是一款不错的浏览器。只是竞争已经以某种方式征服了市场,大量用户很难切换回来。
就像Google Chrome一样,Microsoft Edge是基于Chromium的,您可以在 Edge 中使用许多不同浏览器的书签(Bookmarks of many different browsers in Edge)。因此,Microsoft Edge不是外来浏览器,如果您使用Chrome或任何其他浏览器,您不会觉得它完全奇特。
Microsoft Edge现在更快、更安全,并且拥有日常浏览器所需的所有其他功能。但是,如果我们要使用Microsoft Edge for Business,将您的隐私委托给Edge可能会让您怀疑。因此,要确认这一点,您可以查看Chromium的源代码,因为它是开源的。
Edge for Business让管理员可以控制所有其他客户端。系统管理 (System Administrative )控制管理设置和更新。
阅读(Read):用于配置重定向到 Microsoft Edge 的组策略。
Microsoft Edge 中的 IE 模式
![启用 Internet Explorer 模式](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tUlvGgOhrTQ/YVFLvPca68I/AAAAAAAAFbI/ipeZ7DxSBtETCHnh-81L141LPYCBfmaBACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/Cr0cGwQxdb_g3d97FmSu6tRB-Hw.png)
(Microsoft Edge)您可能知道,Microsoft Edge使用Chromium算法来呈现大多数网站。但是,为了呈现旧站点,它使用Internet Explorer 11中的(Internet Explorer 11)Trident ( MSHTML ) 引擎。因此,它甚至支持古老的网站。
当您在 IE 模式下加载网站时,导航栏中会出现一个Internet Explorer的小徽标。(Internet Explorer)如果您想了解更多,只需单击 IE 徽标即可查看下拉向导。
但要使用此功能,您需要在 Microsoft Edge 中启用 Internet Explorer 模式。
部署适用于企业的 Microsoft Edge
这是部署Microsoft Edge for Business的两种方式。
- 通过Microsoft 终结点配置管理器(Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager)
- 通过 Intune
1]微软端点配置管理器(Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager)
在最新版本的Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager中,有MS Edge的部署流程。因此,它会自行调用过程中所需的所有信息,从而节省您的一些时间和劳力。
因此,要部署Microsoft Edge,请按照以下步骤操作。
- 打开Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager ,然后从 软件库中 (Software Library, )选择 Microsoft Edge Management。
- 单击 创建管理边缘应用程序。(Create Management Edge Application.)
- 为其命名,选择一个位置,然后单击 下一步。(Next.)
- 选择 频道(Channel)、版本,勾选或取消勾选“允许 Microsoft Edge 自动更新最终用户设备上的客户端版本”,(“Allow Microsoft Edge to automatically update the version of the client on the end user’s device”, )然后单击 下一步。(Next.)
- 在 部署 (Deployment )选项卡中,选择 是 (Yes ),然后单击 下一步。(Next.)
- 现在,按照屏幕上的说明部署Microsoft Edge。
这就是您部署Microsoft Edge的方式。但是,这不是唯一的方法,如果您熟悉Intune并希望使用它来部署浏览器,请阅读下一部分。
阅读(Read):使用组策略禁用 Internet Explorer 11 作为独立浏览器(disable Internet Explorer 11 as a standalone browser)。
2] 通过 Intune
Microsoft Edge与Intune完全集成,无需下载任何安装包即可开始使用。那么,让我们看看如何使用Intune部署(Intune)Edge。
- 使用您的Microsoft帐户登录到Intune 。
- 单击 Apps > All Apps > Add.
- 选择一个操作系统,然后单击下一步。(Next.)
- 在 App Infomation 选项卡中,填写必要的信息,然后单击 Next。
- 在 App Settings 选项卡中,选择Channel并单击 Next。
- 继续前进并以您想要的方式配置部署。
以类似的方式,您也可以为移动设备部署Edge 。只需(Just)从平台(Platforms )部分单击 Apps > Mobile Platform (ios or Android) 现在,按照上述步骤进行部署。
通过查看部署Microsoft Edge的步骤,一个问题可能激起了您的好奇心,我应该选择哪个渠道?因此,让我们通过同时查看它们中的每一个来回答这个问题。
以下是Microsoft Edge for Business的三个渠道。
- 稳定通道
- 测试频道
- 开发频道
阅读(Read):使用组策略将站点从 IE 重定向到 Microsoft Edge(Redirect sites from IE to Microsoft Edge using Group Policy)。
众所周知, Beta(Beta)软件是处于测试阶段的软件,它很粗糙,也不是很稳定。Microsoft Edge的Beta 通道(Beta Channel)也不例外。
最后但同样重要的是,我们有Dev Channel。它是Beta Channel的粗略版本,为您提供了尝试和测试即将推出的功能的机会。许多企业不部署此功能,但如果您愿意,您可以分配一组客户用户在此渠道上工作,并让您的公司了解下一个Beta版本。
现在,根据您的选择,您可以选择一个。大多数管理员最终会为几乎所有用户部署 Stable 频道,并为极少数客户保留预览频道(Preview Channels)、Beta和Dev 。您可以从microsoft.com(microsoft.com.)为您的操作系统下载任何提到的Edge频道。
系统管理员(System Administrators)可能希望从microsoft.com下载(microsoft.com)Microsoft 客户采用工具包(Microsoft Customer Adoption Kit)
希望本指南能够帮助您获得有关Microsoft Edge for Business的所有必需信息。
Microsoft Edge Deployment Guide for Business
Internet Explorer, which once ruled the market, is going to be discontinued. However, Microsoft is doing everything it can to regain those lost users and “Microsoft Edge” is their new bet. Since Internet Explorer is on the way out, it is time for businesses to migrate to Microsoft Edge. This Microsoft Edge Deployment Guide for Business will help you with just that!
Microsoft Edge Deployment Guide for Business
![Microsoft Edge Deployment Guide for Business](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-arnIMsBXCp4/YVJ7jyh1qkI/AAAAAAAAJ4A/_oH_Bold4WIyzhSV3jVgwsNAsFmFu1pYACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/hDQSh0kciGT-tOZYiaDPID9ZoTk.jpg)
Keeping numbers aside, Microsoft Edge is not bad a browser. It’s just that the competition has conquered the market in a way that it’s very tough for a sea of users to switch back.
Just like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge is based on Chromium and you can use Bookmarks of many different browsers in Edge. So, Microsoft Edge is not an alien browser, if you were using Chrome or any other browser for that matter you won’t find it completely peculiar.
Microsoft Edge is now faster, more secure, and has all the other frills that you need in a daily browser. But if we are going to use Microsoft Edge for Business, entrusting your privacy with Edge can make you skeptical. So, to confirm this, you can check the source code of Chromium as it is open-source.
Edge for Business gives the admin control over all the other clients. The System Administrative controls the administrating settings and updates.
Read: Group Policies to configure Redirection to Microsoft Edge.
IE Mode in Microsoft Edge
![enable Internet Explorer Mode](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tUlvGgOhrTQ/YVFLvPca68I/AAAAAAAAFbI/ipeZ7DxSBtETCHnh-81L141LPYCBfmaBACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/Cr0cGwQxdb_g3d97FmSu6tRB-Hw.png)
Microsoft Edge, as you may know, uses the Chromium algorithm to render most of the sites. However, to render legacy sites, it uses the Trident (MSHTML) engine from Internet Explorer 11. Because of this, it supports even archaic sites.
When you load a website with IE mode on, a small logo of Internet Explorer appears in the navigation bar. If you want to know more, just click on the IE logo to see a drop-down wizard.
But to use this, you need to enable Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge.
Deploy Microsoft Edge for Business
These are the two ways by which you can deploy Microsoft Edge for Business.
- By Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
- By Intune
Let us talk about them in detail.
1] Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
In the latest version of Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, there is deployment flow for MS Edge. So, it will summon every required information in the process by itself saving some of your time and labor.
So, to deploy Microsoft Edge, follow these steps.
- Open Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and from Software Library, select Microsoft Edge Management.
- Click Create Management Edge Application.
- Give it a name, select a location, and click Next.
- Select a Channel, version, check or uncheck “Allow Microsoft Edge to automatically update the version of the client on the end user’s device”, and click Next.
- In the Deployment tab, select Yes and click Next.
- Now, follow the on-screen instructions to deploy Microsoft Edge.
This is how you deploy Microsoft Edge. However, this is not the only method, if you are familiar with Intune and want to use that to deploy the browser, read the next section.
Read: Use Group Policy to disable Internet Explorer 11 as a standalone browser.
2] By Intune
Microsoft Edge is fully integrated with Intune and you don’t need to download any installation package to get started with it. So, let us see how to deploy Edge with Intune.
- Login to Intune with your Microsoft account.
- Click Apps > All Apps > Add.
- Select an OS and click Next.
- In the App Infomation tab, fill the necessary information and click Next.
- In the App Settings tab, select the Channel and click Next.
- Keep moving further and configuring the deployment the way you want.
This is how you deploy Edge with the help of Intune.
In a similar manner, you can deploy Edge for mobile as well. Just click Apps > Mobile Platform (ios or Android) from the Platforms section. Now, follow the above-mentioned steps to deploy.
Which Edge channel to choose
By looking at the steps to deploy Microsoft Edge, one question may have piqued your curiosity, which channel should I choose? So, let us answer this question by looking at each of them simultaneously.
The following are the three channels of Microsoft Edge for Business.
- Stable Channel
- Beta Channel
- Dev Channel
Let us talk about them in detail.
1] Stable Channel
Stable Channel is for the masses. It is the most complete version of the browser and, in most cases, it is subjected to broad deployment. It is what most clients will work on, so, you may have to do deploy them in abundance.
It gets updated from Microsoft every six weeks adding more features to its arsenal. However, the security updates arrive when needed.
Read: Redirect sites from IE to Microsoft Edge using Group Policy.
2] Beta Channel
Beta software, as you may know, is software in its testing stage, it is crude and not very stable. Beta Channel of Microsoft Edge is no exception.
You deploy this channel to a small set of individuals looking to test the software and inform the developers to reform the software before getting the Stable update which you are going to deploy to the masses.
They get updated every six weeks and the current version of the channel will only be supported until the next version comes out.
3] Dev Channel
Last but not least, we have Dev Channel. It is a cruder version of Beta Channel and provides you with an opportunity to try and test the upcoming features. Many enterprises do not deploy this but if you want you can assign a set of client users to work on this channel and keep your company informed about the next Beta release.
Now, depending on your choice, you can pick one. Most admins end up deploying the Stable channel to almost all users and keeping the Preview Channels, Beta and Dev, for a very small set of clients. You can download any of the mentioned Edge channels for your OS from microsoft.com.
System Administrators may want to download the Microsoft Customer Adoption Kit here from microsoft.com
Hopefully, this guide has helped you in getting all the required information about Microsoft Edge for Business.