OneDrive是世界上最好的云存储服务之一,但这并不一定意味着每个人都喜欢它。如果您的Windows计算机上有它,但您不想要它,您可能正在寻找一种删除OneDrive的方法。也许您想这样做是因为您更喜欢其他云服务(和应用程序),例如Google Drive或Dropbox。或者您可能根本不使用云存储。无论您想从Windows卸载(Windows)OneDrive的原因是什么,本指南都将向您展示如何从Windows 10和Windows 7中删除(Windows 7)OneDrive,以及如何关闭OneDrive在Windows 8.1中:
注意:(NOTE:)本指南基于可用的最新版本的Windows,并安装了所有系统更新:Windows 2020 年 5 月 10 日更新(Windows 10 May 2020 Update)、Windows 8.1 和带有Service Pack 1的(Service Pack 1)Windows 7 。如果您使用的是其他版本的Windows ,在您的系统上禁用(Windows)OneDrive所需的步骤可能会略有不同。
如何从Windows 10中删除(Windows 10)OneDrive
在Windows 10中,要从您的计算机中删除 OneDrive,您只需将其卸载即可。最快、最简单的方法是从“设置”(Settings)应用程序*。*启动“设置”应用程序(Launch the Settings app)并打开“应用程序(Apps)”类别。

在“应用和功能(Apps & features)”列表中,滚动直到找到Microsoft OneDrive应用。

选择Microsoft OneDrive应用,然后单击或点击“卸载(Uninstall)”按钮。

Windows 10 告诉您“此应用程序及其相关信息将被卸载” ,并要求您再次按下“("This app and its related info will be uninstalled")卸载(Uninstall)”按钮以确认您的操作。

接下来,Windows 10 会显示一个UAC(用户帐户控制)(UAC (User Account Control))确认对话框,如果要继续,您必须在该对话框上按是。(Yes)

然后,OneDrive应用程序将从您的系统中完全删除,并且不再显示在Windows 10中。您不应再在系统托盘或文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中看到它。
注意:(NOTE:)您也可以从控制面板中删除(Control Panel.)OneDrive 。查看本教程的第二部分以了解如何操作:在 Windows 中删除桌面程序和 Microsoft Store 应用程序的 9 种方法(9 ways to remove desktop programs and Microsoft Store apps in Windows)。

如果您稍后改变主意并想要取回它,您可以从其官方网页重新安装 OneDrive:OneDrive for Windows。
如何从Windows 7卸载(Windows 7)OneDrive
OneDrive应用程序在Windows 7中默认未预装,但如果您从其网页(webpage)下载,则可以手动安装。此外,一些制造商过去常常将OneDrive(OneDrive)捆绑在装有Windows 7的旧笔记本电脑和 PC 上。无论(Regardless)您如何在Windows 7设备上获取它,以下是从中删除OneDrive的方法:
打开控制面板(Open the Control Panel),然后单击“程序”下的“卸载程序("Uninstall a program")”(Programs)链接。

等待程序和功能(Programs and Features)列表加载,然后滚动直到找到Microsoft OneDrive。选择它,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。或者,您也可以右键单击并在上下文菜单中选择卸载。(Uninstall)

接下来,Windows 7 会显示UAC(用户帐户控制)(UAC (User Account Control))通知。选择“是”(Yes)以允许OneDrive卸载过程继续。

片刻之后,Windows 7 将从您的计算机中删除 OneDrive。
如何在Windows 8.1中关闭OneDrive
在Windows 8.1中,OneDrive不仅仅是一个可以从设备中删除或卸载的应用程序。这是因为OneDrive是Windows 8.1操作系统的一部分。但是,如果您不想让OneDrive在您的设备上运行,您可以禁用并隐藏它。以下是您必须完成的步骤:
首先,从“开始(Start)”屏幕取消固定OneDrive 磁贴。(OneDrive)切换到“开始(Start)”屏幕并找到OneDrive 磁(OneDrive)贴。然后,右键单击或点击并按住它,然后在显示的菜单上选择“从开始取消固定”。("Unpin from Start")

接下来,打开 PC 设置(open PC Settings):一种快速的方法是访问超级按钮按钮,选择设置(Settings),然后单击或点击“更改 PC 设置”。("Change PC settings.")在PC 设置(PC Settings)中,选择屏幕左侧的OneDrive 。

在文件存储(File storage)页面,关闭(Off)“默认将文档保存到 OneDrive”("Save documents to OneDrive by default")开关。

在“相机胶卷(Camera roll)”页面上,选择“不上传照片”("Don't upload photos")选项并关闭(Off)“自动将视频上传到 OneDrive”("Automatically upload videos to OneDrive")开关。

在同步设置(Sync settings)页面上,从“与 OneDrive 同步设置”中("Sync settings with OneDrive.")关闭(Off)“在这台电脑上同步你的设置”("Sync your settings on this PC")开关。

此外,在“同步设置”("Sync settings")部分,从“备份设置”中关闭(Off)“备份此电脑的设置”("Back up your settings for this PC")开关。("Back up settings.")

在“计量连接”("Metered connections")部分,禁用所有可用的开关:
- “通过计量连接上传和下载文件。”("Upload and download files over metered connections.")
- “即使我在漫游,也可以通过计量连接上传和下载文件。”("Upload and download files over metered connections even when I'm roaming.")
- “通过计量连接同步和备份设置。”("Sync and back up settings over metered connections.")
- “即使在漫游时,也可以通过计量连接同步和备份设置。”("Sync and back up settings over metered connections even when I'm roaming.")

就是这样:您现在已在 Windows 8.1 设备上禁用OneDrive 。
PS尽管确实存在一些涉及Windows 注册表(Windows Registry)的复杂解决方案,但没有简单且安全的方法可以从 Windows 8.1 的文件资源管理器中删除(File Explorer)OneDrive文件夹或从系统托盘中删除OneDrive图标。
为什么要从 Windows PC中删除OneDrive ?
现在您知道从Windows 10和Windows 7卸载(Windows 7)OneDrive是多么容易,但也知道在Windows 8.1中禁用(Windows 8.1)OneDrive是多么困难。在结束本教程之前,请告诉我们您为什么要从Windows计算机中删除OneDrive 。使用下面的评论部分分享您的意见。
How to remove or disable OneDrive in Windows
OneDriνe is one of the best cloud storage serviceѕ in the world, but that does not necessarilу mеan that everyone likes іt. If you have it on уour Windows computer, but yoυ don't want it, yoυ might be searching for a waу to remove OneDrive. Maybe you want to do that because you prefer other cloud servicеs (and apps) such as Goоgle Drive or Dropbox. Or perhapѕ you don't use cloud stоrage at all. Whatever yоur reason is for wanting to uninstall OneDrive from Windows, this guide shows you how to remove OneDrivе from Windows 10 and Windows 7, and also how to turn off OneDrive in Wіndows 8.1:
NOTE: This guide is based on the latest versions of Windows available, with all the system updates installed: Windows 10 May 2020 Update, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7 with Service Pack 1. If you are using other versions of Windows, the steps required to disable OneDrive on your system might be slightly different.
How to remove OneDrive from Windows 10
In Windows 10, to get rid of OneDrive from your computer, you can simply uninstall it. The fastest and easiest way to do it is from the Settings app*.* Launch the Settings app and open the Apps category.

In the Apps & features list, scroll until you find the Microsoft OneDrive app.

Select the Microsoft OneDrive app and click or tap the Uninstall button.

Windows 10 tells you that "This app and its related info will be uninstalled" and asks you to confirm your action by pressing the Uninstall button once more.

Next, Windows 10 shows a UAC (User Account Control) confirmation dialog, on which you have to press Yes if you want to continue.

The OneDrive app is then completely removed from your system and is no longer displayed in Windows 10. You shouldn't see it in the system tray or File Explorer anymore.
NOTE: You can also remove OneDrive from the Control Panel. Check the second section from this tutorial to learn how to do it: 9 ways to remove desktop programs and Microsoft Store apps in Windows.

If you change your mind at a later time and you want to get it back, you can reinstall OneDrive from its official webpage: OneDrive for Windows.
How to uninstall OneDrive from Windows 7
The OneDrive app is not pre-installed by default in Windows 7, but you can install it manually if you download it from its webpage. Also, some manufacturers used to bundle OneDrive on older laptops and PCs with Windows 7. Regardless of how you got it on your Windows 7 device, here is how to remove OneDrive from it:
Open the Control Panel and click the "Uninstall a program" link under Programs.

Wait for the list of Programs and Features to load and then scroll until you find Microsoft OneDrive. Select it, and then click on Uninstall. Alternatively, you can also right-click and select Uninstall on the contextual menu.

Next, Windows 7 displays a UAC (User Account Control) notification. Choose Yes to allow the OneDrive uninstall process to continue.

After a few moments, Windows 7 removes OneDrive from your computer.
How to turn off OneDrive in Windows 8.1
In Windows 8.1, OneDrive is not just an application that you can remove or uninstall from your device. That's because OneDrive is a part of the Windows 8.1 operating system. However, you can disable OneDrive and hide it, if you don't want to have it running on your device. Here are the steps which you must complete:
First, unpin the OneDrive tile from your Start screen. Switch to the Start screen and find the OneDrive tile. Then, right-click or tap and hold on it and select "Unpin from Start" on the menu displayed.

Next, open PC Settings: a quick way to do it is to access the charms buttons, select Settings, and then click or tap "Change PC settings." In PC Settings, select OneDrive on the left side of the screen.

On the File storage page, turn Off the "Save documents to OneDrive by default" switch.

On the Camera roll page, select the "Don't upload photos" option and turn Off the "Automatically upload videos to OneDrive" switch.

On the Sync settings page, turn Off the "Sync your settings on this PC" switch from "Sync settings with OneDrive."

Also, in the "Sync settings" section, turn Off the "Back up your settings for this PC" switch from "Back up settings."

In the "Metered connections" section, disable all the switches available:
- "Upload and download files over metered connections."
- "Upload and download files over metered connections even when I'm roaming."
- "Sync and back up settings over metered connections."
- "Sync and back up settings over metered connections even when I'm roaming."

That's it: you've now disabled OneDrive on your Windows 8.1 device.
P.S. Although some complex solutions involving the Windows Registry do exist, there is no easy and safe way to remove the OneDrive folder from Windows 8.1's File Explorer or the OneDrive icon from the system tray.
Why did you want to remove OneDrive from your Windows PC?
Now you know how easy it is to uninstall OneDrive from Windows 10 and Windows 7, but also how difficult it is to disable OneDrive in Windows 8.1. Before closing this tutorial, tell us why you wanted to get rid of OneDrive from your Windows computer. Use the comments section below to share your opinion.