今天,我们将了解ESET提供的高级计算机保护解决方案。它被描述性地称为ESET Smart Security Premium,除了强制性的防病毒引擎和 Web 防护之外,它还包括防火墙模块、家长控制、密码管理器甚至数据加密解决方案等工具。您想了解更多信息并了解是否值得购买ESET Smart Security Premium吗?阅读我们的评论,看看你得到了什么:
ESET Smart Security Premium:它对谁有好处?
ESET Smart Security Premium是您应该使用的高端安全解决方案,如果您:
- 想要(Want)保护您的所有计算机免受恶意软件的侵害
- 需要保护您的设备免受网络攻击
- 就像易于使用但也具有详细和高级设置的安全软件一样
- 需要(Want)可以帮助进一步提高安全性的其他工具(密码管理器、网络检查器、家长控制等)
这些是我们最欣赏ESET Smart Security Premium的优点:
- 它的防病毒模块非常擅长防御各种恶意软件威胁
- 防病毒引擎在扫描和识别恶意文件和进程方面也非常快
- 您获得的安全性不会在性能方面进行权衡 - 该软件根本不会消耗大量资源
- ESET 的用户界面易于使用和理解
- 防火墙是您可以获得的最好的防火墙之一,它对网络攻击的反应几乎是即时的
- 套件中包含的其他工具很有帮助
不利的是,我们希望ESET Smart Security Premium像其他竞争产品一样包含内置VPN服务。(VPN)

ESET Smart Security Premium确实是一个完整的安全套件,它不会在任何层面上妥协,并提供您所期望的一切以及更多。由于其强大的防病毒引擎,它不仅提供了针对恶意软件的精美保护,而且还提供一流的网络保护和一系列附加功能和工具,为软件包增加了很多价值。毫无疑问,这是您今天可以获得的最佳安全解决方案之一,可以保护您的设备和数据免受任何类型的恶意攻击。因此,我们毫不犹豫地向任何在计算机安全方面寻求卓越的人推荐它。
下载和安装ESET Smart Security Premium
首先,您可以从ESET 网站获取(ESET’s website)ESET Smart Security Premium。它是一个名为eset_smart_security_premium_live_installer.exe的 8MB 小可执行文件。但是,此文件仅用作安装向导,一旦运行它,您将下载安装所需的另外 68 MB 数据和文件。

安装向导正在下载ESET Smart Security Premium(ESET Smart Security Premium)所需的文件
在安装的最初步骤中,向导会要求您选择要使用的语言并接受EULA(最终用户许可协议(End-User License Agreement))。配置过程的主要步骤之一是选择如何激活您的产品。如果您有一个ESET HOME帐户或创建一个帐户,您可以立即将您的许可证密钥绑定到您正在安装ESET Smart Security Premium的 PC 。否则,如果您只想激活 30 天免费试用版,则可以选择手动输入许可证详细信息、购买新许可证或跳过登录。(Skip login)

登录或跳过登录 ESET HOME
如果后者是您想要的 - 测试产品 - 唯一需要的信息是有效的电子邮件地址和您居住的国家/地区。

ESET 激活选项
安装向导还要求您选择是否要“启用 ESET LiveGrid 反馈系统”(“Enable ESET LiveGrid feedback system”)以及启用或禁用“检测可能不需要的应用程序”。(“detection of potentially unwanted applications.”)我们建议您同时打开这两个选项。ESET 的LiveGrid功能让公司可以收集有关可疑物品的数据并尽快处理。这有助于 ESET 的安全产品对新威胁做出更快的反应。

启用ESET LiveGrid和PUP检测(PUPs)
安装完成后,您会看到 ESET 的用户界面,它要求您做的第一件事是选择您要启用的附加捆绑安全工具:密码管理器、安全数据、家长控制(Password Manager, Secure Data, Parental Control,)和防盗窃(Anti-Theft)模块。不过不要担心:您可以暂时跳过它,如果您决定使用它们,稍后再启用它们。另请注意,其中一些工具需要创建ESET 帐户(ESET account)。

ESET Smart Security Premium启动并运行后会自动执行的另一件事是更新其恶意软件数据库。在我们的测试笔记本电脑上,这意味着额外下载了 149MB 的数据。

ESET Smart Security Premium更新其恶意软件数据库
为了完成设置,ESET Smart Security Premium还会运行完整的计算机扫描。这是一件好事,因为这意味着您的计算机的健康状况会尽快得到验证。但是,您应该知道,第一次完整的系统扫描可能需要很长时间才能完成。另一方面,后续扫描应该比第一次扫描快得多。
在您的计算机上下载 ESET Smart Security Premium 非常简单明了。我们感谢激活试用版所需的唯一信息是电子邮件地址和您居住的国家/地区。此外,安全套件在安装完成后会自动更新并运行完整的系统扫描,这非常棒。(Downloading ESET Smart Security Premium on your computer is straightforward and easy. We appreciate the fact that the only information required to activate the trial version is an email address and the country you live in. Furthermore, it’s excellent that the security suite automatically updates and runs a full system scan as soon as it’s done installing itself.)
与Windows、Web 浏览器和通用Windows平台应用程序集成
ESET Smart Security Premium在安装过程中控制并替换Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)和Microsoft Defender 防病毒软件(Microsoft Defender Antivirus)。这很好,因为它避免了类似安全产品同时运行时可能出现的性能问题或软件冲突。

Windows Security共享ESET Security的状态(ESET Security)
ESET Smart Security Premium与(ESET Smart Security Premium)Windows和系统的网络功能完美集成。在使用和测试此安全解决方案时,我们没有偶然发现访问我们本地网络的共享资源或从Microsoft Store安装/运行应用程序的任何问题。此外,值得一提的是,ESET 的防火墙模块会主动监控您在Windows中设置的网络配置文件,并相应地自动调整其保护。这是正确的做法。

在 Web 保护方面,ESET Smart Security Premium会扫描您 PC 上的整个 Internet 流量。这意味着您可以在任何网络浏览器中获得保护,并且不需要任何浏览器扩展。

高级(Advanced)设置 - 实时文件系统保护
我们检查了是否所有由ESET Internet Security(ESET Smart Security Premium)运行的进程都受到保护,不会被意外终止。它们是,因此令人讨厌的恶意软件将很难禁用此安全套件。如果您担心安全套件可能会降低您的 PC 速度,您可以放心:在我们的测试笔记本电脑上,ESET Smart Security Premium仅使用了大约 100 MB 的RAM。无论如何,这不是很多。此外,我们的测试笔记本电脑的启动时间(由BootRacer告知)在安装套件之前和之后几乎相同。
我们还检查了ESET Smart Security Premium是否会影响网络和 Internet 速度。为此,我们使用了 Speedtest.net(Speedtest.net)和LAN Speed Test,好消息是使用该安全产品时上传速度和下载速度都没有下降。
ESET Smart Security Premium 与 Windows 及其内置网络功能完美集成。防火墙模块根据 Windows 网络配置文件自动调整其安全级别是很好的。我们也很欣赏它对我们的测试 PC 以及网络和互联网速度几乎不存在的负面影响。(ESET Smart Security Premium is nicely integrated with Windows and its built-in networking features. It’s good that the firewall module automatically adjusts its security level according to the Windows network profile. And we also appreciate the practically nonexistent negative effect it had on our test PC, as well as on the network and internet speed.)
ESET Smart Security Premium的用户界面结合了传统和现代设计,效果非常令人愉悦。它的仪表板间距很大,有大的部分和按钮。你也有开关控制你想要的一切。基本工具和选项排列在窗口左侧的几个主要区域中,而当前部分的详细信息显示在窗口右侧。在主页上,您会立即收到有关当前安全状态的大消息通知。如果是绿色,则一切正常,而黄色和红色则让您知道有紧急问题需要处理。

ESET Smart Security Premium(ESET Smart Security Premium)用户界面
ESET 的界面使用了许多按钮和开关。这很好,因为这意味着所有基本工具和设置都易于配置,即使在带有触摸屏的 Windows 设备上也是如此。

ESET Smart Security Premium设置选项
虽然大多数保护模块和工具可以通过单独访问来配置,但如果您想访问所有高级设置和配置选项,您可以通过单击或点击设置(Setup)部分右下角的高级设置(Advanced Setup)按钮来实现. 在高级设置(Advanced setup)中,您可以详细更改ESET Smart Security Premium的工作方式。

ESET Smart Security Premium中可用的高级设置
ESET Smart Security Premium的大多数设置和功能都在上下文中得到了很好的解释。此外,如果您第一眼看到一些不明白的东西,那么右侧的小i(信息)按钮很有可能会有所帮助。(i (info) )单击它会为您提供其他提示和详细信息。如果这还不够,并且您需要更高级的支持,ESET Smart Security Premium还包括大量帮助(Help)信息和客户服务(Customer Care)部分。

ESET Internet Security(ESET Smart Security Premium)中提供的帮助(Help)和支持(Support)选项
当ESET认为您应该知道一些重要的事情或需要您的意见或决定时,ESET Smart Security Premium会在您的桌面上显示简短而清晰的通知。

ESET Smart Security Premium显示的通知
ESET Smart Security Premium还提供其他有价值的数据,例如日志文件、可视保护统计信息、计算机上运行的进程及其声誉的列表、有关设备上存在的网络连接的详细信息等。

ESET Smart Security Premium中提供的安全报告和日志
ESET Smart Security Premium 用户界面看起来不错且设计精良。我们发现它易于使用和理解。它还为您提供大量高级设置和详细的安全信息。我们喜欢传统和现代设计融合的方式,以及简单和细节如何交织在一起。(The ESET Smart Security Premium user interface looks good and is well designed. We found it easy to use and understand. And it also gives you tons of advanced settings and detailed security information. We like the way traditional and modern design merge and how simplicity and details intertwine.)
在此评论的下一页上,您可以了解ESET Smart Security Premium如何保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件的侵害。您还可以查看此安全套件中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整的设置的建议。
Review ESET Smart Security Premium: Complete protection for your PCs
Today, we’re going to look at the premium computer protection solution made bу ESΕT. It’s descriptіvely called ESET Smart Security Premium and, besides the mandatory antivirus engine and web shield, it also includes tools such as a firewall module, parental controls, a password manager, and even a data encryption solution. Do you want to know more about it and find out whether it’s worth buying ESET Smart Security Premium? Read our review and see what you get:
ESET Smart Security Premium: Who is it good for?
ESET Smart Security Premium is the high-end security solution you should use if you:
- Want to secure all your computers against malware
- Need to protect your devices from network attacks
- Like security software that’s easy to use but has detailed and advanced settings too
- Want additional tools that can help increase your security further (password manager, network inspector, parental controls, etc.)
Pros and cons
These are the things we appreciate most about ESET Smart Security Premium:
- Its antivirus module is excellent at protecting from all kinds of malware threats
- The antivirus engine is also quite fast at scanning and identifying malicious files and processes
- The security you get doesn’t come with a tradeoff in terms of performance - the software doesn’t consume a lot of resources at all
- ESET’s user interface is easy to use and understand
- The firewall is one of the best you can get, and its reaction to network attacks is practically instantaneous
- The additional tools included in the suite are helpful
As a negative, we would have liked for ESET Smart Security Premium to include a built-in VPN service like some other competing products do.

ESET Smart Security Premium is indeed a complete security suite that doesn’t compromise on any level and delivers everything you’d expect and more. Not only does it offer exquisite protection against malware - thanks to its powerful antivirus engine - but also top-notch network protection and a series of additional features and tools that add a lot of value to the package. It’s no question that this is one of the best security solutions you can get today, one that will keep your devices and your data safe from any kind of malicious attacks. So, without hesitation, we recommend it to anyone who’s looking for excellence in terms of computer security.
Downloading and installing ESET Smart Security Premium
To start off, you can get ESET Smart Security Premium from ESET’s website. It comes as a small 8MB executable file called eset_smart_security_premium_live_installer.exe. However, this file acts only as a setup wizard, and once you run it, you will download another 68 MB of data and files required for the installation.

The setup wizard is downloading the required files for ESET Smart Security Premium
During the first steps of the installation, the wizard asks you to select the language you’d like to use and to accept the EULA (End-User License Agreement). And one of the main steps of the configuration process is to choose how to activate your product. If you have an ESET HOME account or create one, you can instantly tie your license key to the PC on which you’re installing ESET Smart Security Premium. Otherwise, you can choose to manually enter your license details, purchase a new license, or Skip login if you only want to activate the 30-day free trial version.

Log in or Skip login to ESET HOME
If the latter is what you want - to test the product - the only information required is a valid email address and the country you live in.

The ESET activation options
The installation wizard also asks you to choose whether you want to “Enable ESET LiveGrid feedback system” and to enable or disable the “detection of potentially unwanted applications.” We recommend that you turn both options on. ESET’s LiveGrid feature lets the company collect data about suspicious items and process it as quickly as possible. That helps ESET’s security products react faster to new threats.
Furthermore, it’s a good choice to enable the detection of PUPs (potentially unwanted applications) too. Although they may not be actual viruses, they can be extremely annoying.

Enable ESET LiveGrid and the detection of PUPs
Once the installation is done, you get to see ESET’s user interface, and the first thing it asks you to do is choose which of the additional bundled security tools you want to enable: Password Manager, Secure Data, Parental Control, and the Anti-Theft module. Don’t fret, though: you can skip that for now and enable any of them later on if you decide to use them. Also, note that some of these tools require creating an ESET account.

Choosing the additional ESET security tools to enable
Another thing ESET Smart Security Premium does automatically as soon as it’s up and running is to update its malware database. On our test laptop, that meant an additional 149MB of data was downloaded.

ESET Smart Security Premium updates its malware database
And to finalize the setup, ESET Smart Security Premium also runs a full computer scan. It’s a good thing, as it means that your computer’s health is verified as soon as possible. However, you should be aware that this first full system scan can take quite a long time to finish. On the other hand, subsequent scans should be much faster than the first scan.
Downloading ESET Smart Security Premium on your computer is straightforward and easy. We appreciate the fact that the only information required to activate the trial version is an email address and the country you live in. Furthermore, it’s excellent that the security suite automatically updates and runs a full system scan as soon as it’s done installing itself.
Integration with Windows, web browsers, and universal Windows platform apps
ESET Smart Security Premium takes control and replaces both the Windows Defender Firewall and Microsoft Defender Antivirus during its installation. This is good as it avoids possible performance issues or software conflicts that can appear when similar security products are running simultaneously.

Windows Security sharing the status of ESET Security
ESET Smart Security Premium integrates nicely with Windows and the system’s networking features. While using and testing this security solution, we didn’t stumble upon any issues accessing our local network’s shared resources or installing/running apps from the Microsoft Store. Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that ESET’s firewall module actively monitors the network profile you set in Windows and automatically adjusts its protection accordingly. This is the right approach.

ESET firewall options for the network protection type
In terms of web protection, ESET Smart Security Premium scans the entire internet traffic that goes on your PC. That means that you get protection in any web browser, and you don’t need any browser extensions for it.

Advanced setup - Real-time file system protection
We checked whether all the processes run by ESET Smart Security Premium are protected against unwanted termination. They are, so nasty malware will have a tough time disabling this security suite. If you are worried that the security suite might slow down your PC, you can relax: on our test laptop, ESET Smart Security Premium used only about 100 MB of RAM. That’s not a lot by any means. Also, the boot times of our test laptop (as told by BootRacer) were practically the same before and after installing the suite.
We also checked whether ESET Smart Security Premium affects the network and internet speeds. For that, we used Speedtest.net and LAN Speed Test, and the good news is that neither the upload speed, nor the download speed decreased when using this security product.
ESET Smart Security Premium is nicely integrated with Windows and its built-in networking features. It’s good that the firewall module automatically adjusts its security level according to the Windows network profile. And we also appreciate the practically nonexistent negative effect it had on our test PC, as well as on the network and internet speed.
Ease of use and configuration
The user interface of ESET Smart Security Premium combines traditional and modern design, and the result is very pleasant. Its dashboard is generously spaced, with large sections and buttons. You also have switches controlling everything you want. The essential tools and options are arranged into a few main areas on the left side of the window, while the details from the current section are shown on the window’s right side. On the main page, you are instantly informed by a large message about the current state of security. If it is green, everything’s OK, while yellow and red let you know that there are urgent issues that need to be taken care of.

The ESET Smart Security Premium user interface
ESET’s interface uses many buttons and switches. That’s good, as it means that all the essential tools and settings are easy to configure, even on Windows devices with touchscreens.

ESET Smart Security Premium setup options
Although most protection modules and tools can be configured by accessing each individually, if you want to access all the advanced settings and configuration options, you can do that with a click or tap on the Advanced Setup button from the bottom right corner of the Setup section. Inside the Advanced setup, you can change the way ESET Smart Security Premium works in detail.

The advanced settings available in ESET Smart Security Premium
Most settings and features of ESET Smart Security Premium are well explained in context. Furthermore, if you see something you don’t understand from the first glimpse, there’s a good chance that the small i (info) button on its right side helps. Clicking on it gives you additional tips and details. If that’s still not enough, and you need more advanced support, ESET Smart Security Premium also includes plenty of Help information and a Customer Care section.

The Help and Support options available in ESET Smart Security Premium
When ESET thinks you should know something important or your input or decision is required, ESET Smart Security Premium displays short and clear notifications on your desktop.

Notification displayed by ESET Smart Security Premium
ESET Smart Security Premium also offers other valuable data, like log files, visual protection statistics, lists with processes running on your computer and their reputation, details about the network connections present on your device, and so on.

Security reports and logs available in ESET Smart Security Premium
The ESET Smart Security Premium user interface looks good and is well designed. We found it easy to use and understand. And it also gives you tons of advanced settings and detailed security information. We like the way traditional and modern design merge and how simplicity and details intertwine.
On the next page of this review, you can see how ESET Smart Security Premium protects your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite and check our recommendations for the settings you should adjust.