如果您想在 Gmail 和 Outlook 邮件中插入或添加表格,(insert or add a Table in Gmail and Outlook)请按照以下步骤操作。这非常简单,因为您可以使用Google 表格(Google Sheets)或Excel Online从中获取表格。这是您需要了解的有关在 Web 上的Gmail和Outlook邮件(Mail)以及Windows 11/10的邮件中插入表格的所有信息。
![如何在 Gmail 和 Outlook 电子邮件中添加表格](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bkbId0t1KHA/YVLmIc8JBDI/AAAAAAAAQxA/DxC-Ax6UBT4bgOkEVsBpXB-TcikZdqfUgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/meYxG2RlwaqnhNsZ3ccYs62vEPs.jpg)
假设您要发送一个包含一些产品名称及其价格的列表。添加表格可能是完成工作的最有效方式。当您尝试添加表格时,问题就开始了,因为Gmail不允许您这样做。另一方面, Web 版Outlook允许您插入表格,但它没有任何自定义选项。这就是为什么您需要查看本文以了解有关在电子邮件中插入表格的各种方法的更多信息。
- 在浏览器上打开 Google 表格。
- 创建要在电子邮件中插入的表。
- 将整个表格复制到剪贴板。
- 打开Gmail或Outlook并撰写邮件。
- 按 Ctrl+V 粘贴表格
这是您使用Gmail时最常用的方法。您可以在任何电子表格制作工具中创建表格,例如Excel Online、Google Sheets或Excel for desktop。对于此示例,我们将向您展示Google 表格(Google Sheets)和Gmail的屏幕截图。但是,您也可以对任何其他电子表格制造商和Outlook执行相同操作。
首先,打开Google 表格(Google Sheets)的 官方网站docs.google.com,然后创建一个黑色电子表格。之后,根据您的要求创建一个表格并将整个表格复制到剪贴板。
接下来,打开Gmail并开始撰写电子邮件。选择要显示表格的位置,然后按 Ctrl+V 粘贴复制的表格。
![如何在 Gmail 和 Outlook 邮件中添加表格](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k6XGqtsGIEE/YVFGgl5pc2I/AAAAAAAAEuk/TeKT2J1tzBQonbXovgRCNUHTfuPHhTK0ACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/CGisJLF2ik1NPUBIDzVhG8PQ2Hk.png)
使用Outlook.com(Outlook.com)时,有一种更有效的插入表格的方法。Outlook的 Web 版本允许您使用它包含的内置选项插入表格。
缺点:(Disadvantage: )Outlook允许您编辑表格、更改列宽、插入或删除行/列等。但是,Gmail没有任何此类选项。
如何在Outlook for web中插入表格
若要在Outlook(Outlook) for web中插入表格,请按照下列步骤操作:
- 在 outlook.com 上登录(Log)您的帐户。
- 单击 “新消息” (New message )按钮开始编写电子邮件。
- 单击工具栏中的 插入(Insert) 表格 (table )图标。
- 选择行数和列数。
若要开始,请在Outlook.com网站上登录您的用户帐户,然后单击“ 新邮件” (New message )按钮开始撰写新电子邮件。
之后,在工具栏中找到 插入(Insert) 表格 (table )图标并单击它。
![如何在 Gmail 和 Outlook 邮件中添加表格](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AizmjUjqk2M/YVW7ZL8O_4I/AAAAAAAAPfk/WGviMxDL7t4kQUq28l2mKr0dAQPFUYBvACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/_UFdUPPsSPpiiHxkAwUTq--n0q4.png)
缺点:(Disadvantage: )如果使用Outlook中的内置选项插入表格,则无法编辑表格的第一行或标题。
如何在Windows 11/10Mail中添加或插入表格(Mail)
要在Windows 11/10Mail中添加或插入表格,请按照下列步骤操作:
- 在您的计算机上打开邮件应用程序。
- 开始编写消息。
- 切换到 插入 (Insert )选项卡。
- 点击 表格 (Table )选项。
您需要在计算机上打开邮件(Mail)应用程序并开始撰写邮件才能开始。当您打开面板开始编写电子邮件时,它会在顶部显示一个工具栏。您需要切换到“ 插入 (Insert )”选项卡并单击“ 表格(Table)” 选项。
![如何在 Gmail 和 Outlook 邮件中添加表格](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nLebAx8GyZs/YVLAI-uozNI/AAAAAAAAP5I/YJtaXHVpktkfhJ3Oyr9DdvDHqTAs-AHZQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/NXcutK4bF__YUhAKu5vQ8cPyDTA.png)
默认情况下,它会自动添加一个 3×3 的表格。如果要插入更多列或行,请单击“ 插入 (Insert )”按钮并相应地选择选项。
要将表格插入电子邮件正文,您有三个选项 - 使用复制粘贴(Copy-Paste)方法,使用内置的 插入表格 (Insert table )选项,以及使用Windows 11/10邮件(Mail)应用程序。当您有专门的电子表格制作者时,复制粘贴方法可以工作。(Copy-Paste)
如何在 Gmail 中编辑表格?
阅读:(Read: )如何在 Outlook 电子邮件和邮件应用程序中插入复选框。(How to insert a checkbox in Outlook email and Mail app.)
How to add a Table in Gmail and Outlook email messages
If you want to insert or add a Table in Gmail and Outlook messages, here is how you can do that. It is quite straightforward since you can use Google Sheets or Excel Online to fetch the table from. Here is everything you need to know about inserting tables in Gmail and Outlook messages on the web and Mail for Windows 11/10.
![How to add a Table in Gmail and Outlook email messages](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bkbId0t1KHA/YVLmIc8JBDI/AAAAAAAAQxA/DxC-Ax6UBT4bgOkEVsBpXB-TcikZdqfUgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/meYxG2RlwaqnhNsZ3ccYs62vEPs.jpg)
Let’s assume that you want to send a list containing some product names and their prices. Adding a table is probably the most efficient way to get the job done. The problem begins when you try to add the table since Gmail doesn’t allow you to do that. On the other hand, Outlook for the web lets you insert the table, but it doesn’t have any option to customize it. That is why you need to check out this article to learn more about various methods to insert a table in your emails.
How to add a Table in Gmail and Outlook using Copy-Paste
Follow these steps to add a Table in Gmail and Outlook using Copy-Paste:
- Open Google Sheets on your browser.
- Create the table you want to insert in the email.
- Copy the entire table to your clipboard.
- Open Gmail or Outlook and compose a message.
- Press Ctrl+V to paste the table
To learn more about these steps, continue reading.
It is the most common method when you are using Gmail. You can create a table in any spreadsheet maker, such as Excel Online, Google Sheets, or Excel for desktop. For this example, we are about to show you the screenshots of Google Sheets and Gmail. However, you can do the same with any other spreadsheet maker and Outlook also.
To get started, open the official website of Google Sheets, docs.google.com, and create a black spreadsheet. Following that, create a table as per your requirements and copy the entire table to your clipboard.
Next, open Gmail and start composing an email. Select a position where you want to display the table and press Ctrl+V to paste the copied table.
![How to add a table in Gmail and Outlook messages](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k6XGqtsGIEE/YVFGgl5pc2I/AAAAAAAAEuk/TeKT2J1tzBQonbXovgRCNUHTfuPHhTK0ACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/CGisJLF2ik1NPUBIDzVhG8PQ2Hk.png)
Now you can see the table in your email.
There is a more efficient way to insert a table when you are using Outlook.com. The web version of Outlook allows you to insert a table using the in-built option it includes.
Disadvantage: Outlook lets you edit the table, change the column width, insert or remove rows/columns, etc. However, Gmail doesn’t have any such option.
How to insert a Table in Outlook for web
To insert table in Outlook for web, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account on outlook.com.
- Click on the New message button to start composing an email.
- Click on the Insert table icon in the toolbar.
- Select the number of rows and columns.
Let’s check out these steps in detail.
To get started, log in to your user account on the Outlook.com website and click the New message button to start composing a new email.
Following that, find out the Insert table icon in the toolbar and click on it.
![How to add a table in Gmail and Outlook messages](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AizmjUjqk2M/YVW7ZL8O_4I/AAAAAAAAPfk/WGviMxDL7t4kQUq28l2mKr0dAQPFUYBvACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/_UFdUPPsSPpiiHxkAwUTq--n0q4.png)
Now, you need to select the number of rows and columns of your table.
Following that, you can start entering the values in each cell as per your wish.
Disadvantage: You cannot edit the first row or heading of a table if you insert it using the in-built option in Outlook.
How to add or insert a Table in Mail on Windows 11/10
To add or insert table in Mail on Windows 11/10, follow these steps:
- Open the Mail app on your computer.
- Start composing a message.
- Switch to the Insert tab.
- Click on the Table option.
You need to open the Mail app on your computer and start composing a message to get started. When you open the panel to start writing an email, it shows a toolbar on the top. You need to switch to the Insert tab and click on the Table option.
![How to add a table in Gmail and Outlook messages](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nLebAx8GyZs/YVLAI-uozNI/AAAAAAAAP5I/YJtaXHVpktkfhJ3Oyr9DdvDHqTAs-AHZQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/NXcutK4bF__YUhAKu5vQ8cPyDTA.png)
By default, it adds a 3×3 table automatically. If you want to insert more columns or rows, click on the Insert button and choose the option accordingly.
The best thing about this option is that you can customize the table in the way you want. There is almost no limitation in editing the table in the Mail app if you use the in-built option. The second advantage is that you get the same options for Gmail accounts as well.
How do I insert a Table into the body of an email?
To insert a table into the body of an email, you have three options – use the Copy-Paste method, use the in-built Insert table option, and use the Mail app on Windows 11/10. The Copy-Paste method works when you have a dedicated spreadsheet maker.
How do I add Rows to a Table in Gmail?
You cannot add rows to a table in Gmail once it is inserted already. You need to change the table before pasting it in the email body.
How do I edit a Table in Gmail?
It is not possible to edit the header color, insert more rows/columns, etc. However, you can change the value of cells in a table in Gmail. For that, click on the text you want to edit, remove it, and add the new one.
This is how you can add or insert a table in Gmail and Outlook.
Read: How to insert a checkbox in Outlook email and Mail app.