没有人可以否认千禧一代对技术和互联网(Internet)的广泛依赖。您需要适当的Internet 连接(Internet Connection)才能完成日常琐事。但是,有时WiFi不足以为办公室中的每个人提供快速可靠的Internet 连接(Internet Connection)。因此,他们寻找WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extender)或中继器来扩展(Repeater)WiFi的最大范围。在这篇关于WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extender)和WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters)的文章中,我们将看看哪一个更适合您。

什么是 Wi-Fi 中继器?
WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeater)用于扩展您的WiFi范围。您需要将其插入网络接收不良的区域并启动机器。顾名思义,它的工作非常简单,WiFi中继器(WiFi Repeater),重复来自WiFi的信号。它连接到WiFi以广播其转换大圆周的信号。
WiFi中继器(WiFi Repeater)只不过是一个与主路由器连接的路由器,主路由器连接到以太网(Ethernet),捕获其信号,然后将其发送到附近的更多地方。因此,如果您有很多WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeater)连接到单个WiFi,您将获得较差的带宽。因此,我们需要时刻牢记这一点。
什么是 Wi-Fi 扩展器?
从名称本身就很明显,WiFi Extender是一种用于扩展WiFi网络范围的设备。WiFi扩展器(WiFi Extenders)有两种类型,无线和有线。扩展器是有线的,但他们甚至没有采用无线趋势。设置WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)时,您需要确保它位于主路由器所在的房间内。设置完成后,您可以将设备移动到任何您想要的位置。
WiFi Extender通常用于到达您家和办公室的盲区。您需要始终确保的一件事是,路由器(Router)和扩展器(Extender)之间的连接应该良好,否则,您将看到网络中断和接收不良。
WiFi 扩展器与 WiFi 中继器
是的,WiFi 扩展器(Extenders)和WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters)都用于增强您的网络覆盖范围。但是,它们的工作方式不同。WiFi 扩展器(Extender)连接到主网络并创建一个新网络。然而(Whereas),WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters)转播现有网络。
WiFi中继器(WiFi Repeater)的问题在于它们很容易受到外部信号源的干扰,例如,由逆变器(Inverter)或冰箱(Refrigerator)产生的电通量。另一方面,WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders),尤其是有线扩展器,不受任何干扰的影响。
WiFi扩展器(WiFi Extender)和WiFi中继器(WiFi Repeater)有什么区别?
- 由于WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)创建了一个新的无线接入点,因此它们比WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeater)更可靠。
- WiFi中继器(Repeaters)比扩展器更容易安装。由于中继器(Repeaters)是即插即用设备,因此您不必成为计算机极客即可安装它们,而 WiFi 扩展器需要更多技术知识才能安装。
- WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)比中继(Repeaters)器提供更可靠和更快的互联网(Internet)。
WiFi扩展器(Are WiFI Extenders)和WiFi中继器(WiFi Repeaters)值得吗?
特定产品销售的最大原因之一是营销。有人可能想知道,WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)和WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters)是否值得,或者这只是聪明的营销。
好!答案并不像你想象的那么简单。是的!WiFi 扩展器(Extenders)和中继器(Repeaters)确实可以增加您的信号覆盖范围,但它们并不适合所有人。如果您的WiFi信号没有到达您家的每个角落,那么您可能想在将钱花在外部设备上之前尝试下面提到的一些事情。
- 检查您的Internet速度,看看您是否需要致电您的ISP。您可以使用来自speedtest.net的 Ookla 。
- 确保(Make)您的设备不受电磁或射频 (RF) 干扰(Electromagnetic or Radio-frequency(RF) interference)。这通常是由于微波炉(Microwave)、冰箱、装饰灯、逆变器等原因而发生的。
- WiFi波无法穿透砖块。因此,您需要将WiFi放置在与所有必需区域等距的地方。
现在,如果在完成所有这些操作后问题仍然存在,您可以使用上述详细信息购买WiFi 扩展器(Extenders)或中继器。(Repeaters)
我应该选择 2.4GHz 还是 5GHz?
人们可能想知道哪个更好,2.4GHz 或 5GHz。通常,5GHz 优于 2.4GHz。2.4GHz 的问题是它们太多了。由于大多数设备都基于此频率,因此障碍会导致大量干扰,有时会降低带宽。
另一方面,5GHz 有一个警告,它可以决定你的决定。根据物理定律,频率与波长成反比。因此,5GHz 的波长较短,因此它不能穿透砖块、墙壁、金属和其他东西。
WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)和WiFi 中继(WiFI Repeates)器会降低Internet速度吗?
老实说,是的,WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters)和扩展器(Extenders)会降低互联网(Internet)速度。但他们比其他人更糟糕。
谈到WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters),它有两种类型。单频段中继器(Repeaters)只有一个频段,因此它必须通过它拥有的唯一频段来接收和发送信号。因此,它可以减少 50% 的总带宽。
还有另一种类型的WiFi 中继器(WiFi Repeaters)——双无线电。他们从下通道接收信号,然后用上通道重新广播它们。
因此,您需要确保使用双频WiFi 中继器(Repeaters),因为它确实会降低带宽,但结果不会像前一种情况那样恶化。
什么是 WiFi 助推器?
在寻找扩展WiFi范围的设备时,您可能听说过市场上的另一个名称。WiFi Booster是WiFi Repeater和WiFi Extender的统称。
WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)或中继器(Repeaters)的安全性如何?
如果您对WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)或中继器(Repeaters)的安全性持怀疑态度,请不要怀疑。它们与任何其他WiFi一样安全,您可以配置WEP、WPA、WPA2等安全协议。因此,如果您认为您的WiFi是安全的,那么您可以相信这些设备不会给您带来任何安全问题.
WiFi Extender或WiFi Repeater我应该选择哪一个?
这个决定取决于您的需要。如果您有一个泳池派对,WiFi信号无法到达,并且想要一个可以帮助您通过Internet播放(Internet)Spotify播放列表的设备,请选择WiFi Repeater。因此,如果您不需要超高带宽,我们可以说WiFi 中继器非常好——而(WiFi Repeater)WiFi 扩展器(WiFi Extenders)最适合专业环境。
阅读下一篇:(Read Next: )如何保护您的 WiFi 路由器 (How to secure and protect your WiFi Router )
WiFi Extender vs WiFi Repeater - Which one is better?
No one can deny the extensive dependence of millennials on technolоgy and the Internet. You need a propеr Internet Connection in оrder to carry your daily chores. However, sometimes a WiFi is not apt enough to provide everyone in the office with a fast and reliable Internet Connection. So, they lоok for еither a WiFi Extender or a Repeater to stretch the maxіmum range of the WiFi. In this article about WiFi Extenders and WiFi Repeaters, we are going to see which one is better for you.

What is Wi-Fi Repeater?
WiFi Repeater is used to extend the range of your WiFi. You need to plug it in a region of poor network reception and start the machine. Its working is pretty simple, as the name suggests, WiFi Repeater, repeats the signal coming from the WiFi. It connects to the WiFi to broadcasts its signal converting a large circumference.
WiFi Repeaters are nothing but a router that connects with the primary router, the one connected to the Ethernet, catches its signal, and then sends it to more parts of the vicinity. So, if you have a lot of WiFi Repeater connected to a single WiFi, you will get an inferior bandwidth. Therefore, we need to always keep this in mind.
What is a Wi-Fi Extender?
Quite evident from the name itself, WiFi Extender is a device used to extend the range of your WiFi network. There are two types of WiFi Extenders, wireless and wired. Extenders were wired but not even they have adopted the wireless trends. While setting up WiFi Extenders, you need to make sure that it is in the room in which the primary router is. Once the setup is complete, you can move the device wherever you want.
WiFi Extenders are usually used to reach the dead zones of your home and office. One thing you need to always make sure, the connection between your Router and Extender should be good, otherwise, you will see network drops and poor reception.
WiFi Extender vs WiFi Repeater
Yes, both WiFi Extenders and WiFi Repeaters are used to enhance your network reach. However, they work differently. A WiFi Extender connects to the primary network and creates a new one. Whereas, WiFi Repeaters rebroadcasts the existing network.
The problem with WiFi Repeater is that they can be easily interfered with by an external source of signal, for example, electric flux created by your Inverter or Refrigerator. On the other hand, WiFi Extenders, especially the wired ones, are not affected by any means of interference.
What is the difference between WiFi Extender and WiFi Repeater?
Apart from their working, both these devices have some key differences that can dictate your decision. So, we will look at them and see which one is for us.
- Since WiFi Extenders create a new wireless access point, they are more reliable than WiFi Repeater.
- WiFi Repeaters are easier to install than Extenders. Since Repeaters are plug-and-play devices, you don’t have to be a computer geek to install them, whereas, WiFi Extenders requires a bit more technical knowledge to install.
- WiFi Extenders give a more reliable and faster Internet than Repeaters.
These were some key differences that can help you in determining the best device for you. However, that is not it, we will be talking about some questions that you might have.
Are WiFI Extenders and WiFi Repeaters worth it?
One of the biggest reasons why a particular product sells is marketing. One may wonder, are WiFi Extenders and WiFi Repeaters worth it, or is it just clever marketing.
Well! the answer is not as easy as you may think it is. Yes! WiFi Extenders and Repeaters do increase your signal reach but they are not for everyone. If your WiFi signal is not reaching every corner of your home then you may want to try some of the things mentioned below before spending your money on an external device.
- Check your Internet speed and see if you need to make a call to your ISP. You can use Ookla from speedtest.net.
- Make sure your device is not subjected to Electromagnetic or Radio-frequency(RF) interference. This can usually happen because of Microwave, fridge, decorative lights, inverter, etc.
- WiFi waves can not penetrate through bricks. So, you need to place your WiFi at a place that is equidistant from all the required zones.
If you have done all this, and still are facing slow Internet, try fixing the issue by making some alterations in settings.
Now, if after doing all this, the issue persists, you can go and buy WiFi Extenders or Repeaters with the details aforementioned.
Should I go for 2.4GHz or 5GHz?
One may want to know which one is better, 2.4GHz or 5GHz. More often than not, 5GHz is better than 2.4GHz. The issue with 2.4GHz is there are too many of them. Since most devices are based on this frequency, hindrance causes a lot of interference that can sometimes drop the bandwidth.
5GHz, on the other hand, has one caveat and can be something that can dictate your decision. According to the laws of physics, frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength. So, 5GHz has a shorter wavelength and hence it can not penetrate bricks, walls, metals, and other things.
Do WiFi Extenders and WiFI Repeates decrease Internet speed?
To be very honest, yes, WiFi Repeaters and Extenders decrease Internet speed. But they are some worse than others.
Talking about WiFi Repeaters, there are two types of it. Single-Band Repeaters have one band, so, it has to receive and transmits a signal by the only band it has. So, it can reduce 50% of the total bandwidth.
There is another type of WiFi Repeaters – Dual-radios. They receive the signal from the lower channel and then rebroadcast them with the upper channel.
Therefore, you need to make sure that you are going for dual-band WiFi Repeaters as it does decrease bandwidth but the result is not as exacerbating as it was in the former case.
What is WiFi Booster?
There is another name in the market that you may have heard while looking for a device to extend your WiFi range. WiFi Booster is a term that is given to WiFi Repeater and WiFi Extender, collectively.
How secure are WiFi Extenders or Repeaters?
If you are skeptical about the security of WiFi Extenders or Repeaters, don’t be. They are as secure as any other WiFi, you can configure security protocols such as WEP, WPA, WPA2, etc. So, if you think your WiFi is secure then you can believe that these devices are not going to cause any security trouble for you.
Which one should I go for WiFi Extender or WiFi Repeater?
This decision depends on your need. If you have a pool party, where WiFi signals fail to reach and want a device that will help you in playing your Spotify playlist via the Internet, go for WiFi Repeater. So, we can say that WiFi Repeaters are good if you don’t need a sky-high bandwidth – whereas, WiFi Extenders are best suited for a professional environment.
Hopefully, this article has helped you in making the right decision.
Read Next: How to secure and protect your WiFi Router