您的 Windows 11/10 计算机保存文件是否非常慢?如果是,这篇文章中的一些建议可能会帮助您解决问题。一些用户抱怨他们的 Windows 10 计算机在尝试保存文件时死机。据他们说,计算机显示“保存(Save)”或“另存为(Save As)”对话框需要超过 15 秒的时间。在某些情况下,“保存(Save)”或“另存(Save)为”选项会长时间冻结他们的计算机。
该问题不限于特定应用程序。无论他们使用Paint、Word、Excel还是任何其他应用程序,Save As都会出现较晚。
Windows 11/10 保存文件(Files)非常慢;另存(Save)为出现较晚
- 检查不良插件
- 运行系统维护(Run System Maintenance)疑难解答。
- (Improve)通过优化您的驱动器来提高性能。
- 禁用 Windows 10时间轴(Timeline)功能。
- 删除快速访问缓存。
- (Delete)从快速访问中(Quick Access)删除固定的网络(Network)文件夹。
- 停止在后台运行的Nahimic 服务(Nahimic Service)。
- 在干净启动状态下进行故障排除。
安装的附加组件(Installed Add-ons)通常是罪魁祸首!检查您是否在资源管理器中安装了任何帮助程序或附加组件。卸载或禁用它们。通常(Often),即使是 3rd-party shell 扩展也可能导致Explorer在特定操作时崩溃。几个程序将项目添加到右键单击上下文菜单中。要详细查看它们,您可以下载免费软件实用程序Nirsoft ShellExView。
它可以让您查看和禁用可疑的 3rd 方 shell 扩展。使用试错法,您可以禁用/启用扩展程序以尝试确定它们是否导致问题。ShellExView 也可用于解决Explorer中的上下文菜单问题,例如,如果右键单击很慢。
2]运行系统维护(Run System Maintenance)疑难解答
如果您的 Windows 10 计算机保存文件的速度很慢,则可能存在性能问题。因此,我们建议您运行系统维护(System Maintenance)疑难解答。它清理未使用的文件和快捷方式并运行维护任务,从而提高性能。
- 启动控制面板(Control Panel)。
- 单击查看(View by)方式并选择大图标(Large icons)。
- 单击疑难解答(Troubleshooting)。
- 现在,单击系统和安全(System and Security)。
- 您将看到一个系统维护(System Maintenance)链接。点击(Click)它。这将启动系统维护(System Maintenance)疑难解答。
- 启动疑难解答程序后,单击高级(Advanced)并确保选中自动应用修复(Apply repairs automatically)旁边的复选框。
- 现在,单击下一步(Next)并等待故障排除过程完成。
完成该过程后,检查计算机显示“保存(Save)”或“另存为(Save As)”对话框所需的时间。
如果“另存为(Save As)”仍然出现较晚,请继续使用下一个方法。
Windows 10 附带一个内置的优化驱动器工具,您可以使用该工具对硬盘进行碎片整理。以前,此工具称为磁盘碎片整理程序(Disk Defragmenter)。要启动该工具,只需在Windows 10搜索框中键入(Windows 10)碎片整理和优化驱动器(Defragment and Optimize Drives),然后从结果中单击应用程序。当您启动应用程序时,它会显示磁盘碎片的百分比。如果您的硬盘驱动器碎片率为 0%,则无需运行Optimize Drives工具。
由于没有硬性规定可以确定磁盘碎片的百分比会影响计算机的性能,因此如果您发现磁盘碎片的百分比大于 0 ,则可以运行优化驱动器工具。(Optimize Drives)
4]禁用Windows 10(Disable Windows 10) 时间轴(Timeline)功能
Windows 10 有一个有趣的时间轴功能。如果您启用它,Windows 10 将记录您的所有日常活动。使用此功能,您最多可以在 Windows 10 上查看 30 天前的活动。如果启用此功能,Windows 10 会持续同步您的活动,这有时会产生性能问题。
- 按键盘上的Win + I键启动设置应用程序。(Settings)
- 单击隐私(Privacy)。
- 单击左侧的活动历史记录。(Activity history)
- 清除在此设备上存储我的活动复选框,并在(Store my activity on this device)显示这些帐户的活动(Show activities from these accounts)部分下关闭与您的Microsoft帐户相邻的开关。
该问题也可能与快速访问(Quick Access)缓存有关。因此(Hence),您可以清除快速访问(Quick Access)缓存并检查它是否解决了问题。您可以通过删除AutomaticDestinations文件夹中的文件来执行此操作。这将清除快速访问(Quick Access)菜单中的历史记录。
复制以下路径,将其粘贴到Windows Explorer的地址栏中,然后按 Enter(Enter)。这将打开系统上的AutomaticDestinations文件夹。
现在,选择所有文件,然后按键盘上的Delete键。删除文件后,检查Windows 10是否保存文件速度慢。
6]从快速访问(Quick Access)菜单中删除(Delete)固定的网络文件夹(Network)
快速访问(Quick Access)菜单为我们提供了快速访问文件和文件夹的便利。在这里,我们还可以固定我们大部分时间需要的文件和文件夹。因此,许多用户将他们的网络文件和文件夹固定到快速访问(Quick Access)菜单。这有时会导致 Windows 10 在保存文件时变慢。当网络上的计算机不可访问、不可访问或已关闭时,通常会出现此问题。许多用户都遇到了这个问题。当他们删除网络文件夹时,问题得到了解决。
7]停止(Stop)在后台运行的Nahimic服务(Nahimic Service)
一些用户报告说他们发现Nahimic Service是问题的罪魁祸首。当他们从任务管理器(Task Manager)停止服务时,问题得到了解决。Nahimic是一款音频软件。如果您在计算机上安装了Nahimic Audio软件,您会发现此服务在后台运行。
要禁用此服务,请启动任务管理器(Task Manager)并单击服务(Services)选项卡。向下滚动(Scroll)以找到该服务。找到它后,右键单击它并选择禁用(Disable)。
您的计算机上可能有一些错误的程序导致Windows 10保存文件变得非常慢的问题。以干净启动(Clean Boot)状态启动计算机 将使您知道哪些程序导致了问题。找到罪魁祸首程序后,请考虑将其卸载。
- 打印服务器暂时停止响应。
- 您的计算机需要很长时间才能保存、打开、打印或删除位于网络上的文件。
- 通过网络复制文件时系统性能会降低。在某些情况下,延迟最多持续 5 分钟。
- 当您将系统连接到网络时,Windows 资源管理器会停止响应,或者您会在(Windows Explorer)Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)的网络驱动器上看到一个红十字标志。
- 当多个用户打开服务器上的任何Office文档时,不会为所有用户显示“文件已锁定编辑(File is locked for editing)”对话框。
- 您将与服务器断开连接,并且您重新连接到文件服务器的尝试将失败。当您尝试连接到网络时,您将收到以下任一错误消息。
- 系统错误 53。找不到网络路径。(System error 53. The network path was not found.)
- 系统错误 64。指定的网络名称不再可用。(System error 64. The specified network name is no longer available.)
- 重新启动服务器服务。
- 禁用机会锁定。
由于您在访问服务器上的文件时遇到计算机性能速度缓慢的问题,重新启动服务器(Server)服务可能会解决此问题。为此,请启动命令提示符(Command Prompt)并键入以下命令,然后在每个命令后按Enter 。
net stop server
net start server
机会锁(Lock)又名 oplock 由客户端放置在服务器上的文件上。通过发出 oplock 请求,客户端可以在本地缓存数据。这减少了网络流量并改善了明显的响应时间。oplocks 可以在具有远程和本地服务器的客户端上使用。在启用机会锁定的情况下打开文件的服务器响应取决于 oplock 的类型。
启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)并导航到以下路径:
展开mrxsmb键并选择Parameters子键。如果子项不存在,则必须创建它。为此,右键单击mrxsmb键并转到“New > Key”。将新创建的子项命名为(Name)Parameters。现在,选择Parameters子项并选择右侧的OplocksDisabled值。(OplocksDisabled)如果该值不存在,请创建它。为此,右键单击右侧窗格中的空白区域,然后转到“New > DWORD (32-bit) Value”。将此值命名为OplocksDisabled。
现在,双击OplocksDisabled值并将其值(Value)数据从 0 更改为 1。
按照以下说明禁用服务器上的 oplock:
复制以下路径并将其粘贴到系统注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)的地址栏中,然后按 Enter(Enter):
选择右侧的EnableOplocks 值并将其(Value)Value数据设置为 0。如果注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中没有任何键或Value,则必须按照与上述相同的过程来创建它们。
为什么 Windows 10 复制文件的速度如此之慢?
影响Windows 10(Windows 10)计算机复制速度的因素有很多,例如文件系统错误、驱动程序损坏或过时、磁盘碎片和其他Windows设置。如果您的计算机有USB 3.0端口,并且您要将文件复制到的设备与USB 3.0端口兼容,我们建议您将设备连接到USB 3.0端口以加快文件传输速度。除此之外,您还可以尝试其他一些修复程序来解决Windows 10 中文件复制速度慢的问题。
为什么我的 Windows资源管理器(Explorer)没有响应?
Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)允许我们查看和修改硬盘驱动器和其他存储设备上的文件和文件夹。有时,Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)会冻结或崩溃。在某些情况下,Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)会在屏幕上显示以下消息:
Windows Explorer has stopped working
- 您系统的视频驱动程序已过时或已损坏。
- 您计算机的系统文件已损坏。
- 您的系统上可能安装了一些后台服务或第三方应用程序导致问题。
- 您的计算机已被病毒或恶意软件感染。
如果您经常在计算机上遇到此问题,我们建议您运行 SFC 扫描以确认您计算机上的系统文件是否已损坏。
Windows 11 is very slow to save files; Save As appears late
Is your Windows 11/10 computer very ѕlow to save files? If yes, sоme of the suggestions in this poѕt might hеlp you fix the iѕsue. Some users have complained that their Windows 10 computer freezes when they try to saνe the files. According to them, it takes more than 15 seconds for the computer to show the Save or Save As dialog box. In some cases, the Save or Save As option freezes their computer for a long time.
The issue is not limited to a particular application. Whether they use Paint, Word, Excel, or any other application, Save As appears late.
Windows 11/10 is very slow to save Files; Save As appears late
If the Save as dialog box takes a long time to appear or the computer crashes or freezes when saving files, do this to fix the issue.
- Check for bad Addons
- Run System Maintenance troubleshooter.
- Improve performance by optimizing your drive.
- Disable Windows 10 Timeline feature.
- Delete Quick Access cache.
- Delete the pinned Network folders from the Quick Access.
- Stop the Nahimic Service running in the background.
- Troubleshoot in a Clean Boot state.
1] Check for bad Addons
Installed Add-ons are usually the culprit! Check if you have installed any helpers or add-ons to your explorer. Uninstall or disable them. Often, even 3rd-party shell extensions can cause Explorer to crash on particular actions. Several programs add items to the right-click context menu. To see them in detail, you may download the freeware utility Nirsoft ShellExView.
It will let you view & disable suspect 3rd party shell extensions. Using the trial & error method, you may disable/enable the extensions to try and identify if any of them are causing a problem. ShellExView can also be used for solving context-menu problems in Explorer, like, say, if the right-click is slow.
2] Run System Maintenance troubleshooter
If your Windows 10 computer is slow to save files, it may have performance issues. Therefore, we suggest you run the System Maintenance troubleshooter. It cleans up the unused files and shortcuts and runs the maintenance tasks which results in performance enhancement.
Before you run this troubleshooter, it will be better to backup your data on a hard disk.
The steps to run this troubleshooter are as follows:
- Launch the Control Panel.
- Click on the View by mode and select Large icons.
- Click Troubleshooting.
- Now, click System and Security.
- You will see a System Maintenance link. Click on it. This will launch the System Maintenance troubleshooter.
- After the troubleshooter is launched, click Advanced and make sure that the checkbox adjacent to Apply repairs automatically is selected.
- Now, click Next and wait till the troubleshooting process gets completed.
After the completion of the process, check how long your computer is taking to display the Save or Save As dialog box.
If the Save As still appears late, move on to the next method.
3] Improve performance by optimizing your drive
You may also experience performance issues with your computer due to disk fragmentation. Because the data on the drives is continuously written, modified, and deleted, disk fragmentation is the natural process. The disk fragmentation causes the pieces of files to spread throughout the disks. Due to this, the computer takes more time to read data from and write data to the hard drive.
Windows 10 comes with a built-in Optimize Drives tool that you can use to defragment the hard disks. Previously, this tool was called Disk Defragmenter. To launch the tool, simply type Defragment and Optimize Drives in the Windows 10 search box and click on the app from the results. When you launch the app, it will show you the percentage of disk fragmentation. If your hard drives are 0% fragmented, there is no need to run the Optimize Drives tool.
Since there is no hard and fast rule that decides what percentage of disk fragmentation affects the computer’s performance, you can run the Optimize Drives tool if you find the percentage of disk fragmentation more than 0.
4] Disable Windows 10 Timeline feature
Windows 10 has an interesting Timeline feature. If you enable it, Windows 10 will keep a record of all your daily activities. You can view up to 30 days older activity on Windows 10 by using this feature. If this feature is enabled, Windows 10 syncs your activities continuously, which sometimes can create a performance issue.
Hence, you can disable this feature and see if this brings any changes or not. We have listed the steps to disable this feature below:
- Launch the Settings app by pressing the Win + I keys on your keyboard.
- Click Privacy.
- Click Activity history on the left side.
- Clear the Store my activity on this device checkbox and turn off the switch adjacent to your Microsoft account under the Show activities from these accounts section.
5] Delete Quick Access cache
The problem may also be associated with the Quick Access cache. Hence, you can clear the Quick Access cache and check if it solves the issue. You can do this by deleting the files inside the AutomaticDestinations folder. This will clear the history in the Quick Access menu.
Copy the following path, paste it into the address bar of Windows Explorer, and hit Enter. This will open the AutomaticDestinations folder on your system.
Now, select all the files and press the Delete key on your keyboard. After deleting the files, check whether or not Windows 10 is slow to save files.
6] Delete the pinned Network folder from the Quick Access menu
The Quick Access menu provides us the facility of accessing the files and folders quickly. Here, we can also pin the files and folders that we require most of the time. Due to this, many users pin their Network files and folders to the Quick Access menu. This sometimes causes Windows 10 to slow while saving the files. The problem usually occurs when the computer on the network is non-accessible, not reachable, or turned off. Many users were experiencing this issue. When they deleted the networked folder the problem was fixed.
If you have pinned the Network files or folders to your computer, we advise you to delete them and check if it fixes the problem.
7] Stop the Nahimic Service running in the background
Some users have reported that they found Nahimic Service the culprit of the problem. When they stopped the service from the Task Manager, the issue was fixed. Nahimic is an audio software. You will find this service running in the background if you have installed Nahimic Audio software on your computer.
To disable this service, launch the Task Manager and click on the Services tab. Scroll down to locate the service. Once you find it, right-click on it and select Disable.
8] Troubleshoot in a Clean Boot state
There could be some faulty programs on your computer that are causing the issue where Windows 10 becomes very slow to save files. Starting your computer in a Clean Boot state will let you know which programs are causing the issue. Once you find the culprit programs, consider uninstalling them.
Hope this helps.
The system becomes slow or stops responding while working with the files located on the file server
Sometimes, the system becomes slow while working with the files located on the file server. This issue generally occurs when a third-party application uses the outdated kernel-mode filter driver. If this problem occurs on your computer, you will experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- The print server stops responding temporarily.
- Your computer will take a long time to save, open, print, or delete the file located on a network.
- The system performance decreases while copying the files over the network. In some cases, the delays last up to 5 minutes.
- When you connect your system to a network, Windows Explorer stops responding or you will see a red cross sign on the networked drive in the Windows Explorer.
- When more than one user opens any of the Office documents located on the server, the dialog box, “File is locked for editing” will not appear for all the users.
- You will be disconnected from the server and your attempt to reconnect to the file server will fail. You will receive any one of the following error messages when you try to connect to a network.
- System error 53. The network path was not found.
- System error 64. The specified network name is no longer available.
Fix The system stops responding while working with the files on a file server
The following solutions may help you fix this issue:
- Restart the Server services.
- Disable the Opportunistic Locking.
Let’s see how you can do this.
1] Restart the Server services
Since you are experiencing the slow performance speed of your computer while accessing the files located on the server, restarting the Server services may fix this issue. To do so, launch the Command Prompt and type the following commands, and press Enter after each command.
net stop server
net start server
2] Disable Opportunistic Locking
An Opportunistic Lock a.k.a., oplock is placed by a client on the file located on the server. By making the oplock request, the client can cache data locally. This decreases the network traffic and improves the apparent response time. The oplocks can be used on the clients with remote as well as local servers. The server response to open the files with opportunistic locking enabled depends on the type of oplock.
To solve the system lagging issue while working with the files located on servers, you can disable the opportunistic locking on the client or the server.
The below process will guide you on how to disable the opportunistic locking on the client:
Launch the Registry Editor and navigate to the following path:
Expand the mrxsmb key and select the Parameters subkey. If the subkey is not there, you have to create it. For this, right-click on the mrxsmb key and go to “New > Key.” Name the newly created subkey as Parameters. Now, select the Parameters subkey and select the OplocksDisabled value on the right side. If the value is not there, create it. For this, right-click on the empty space on the right pane and go to “New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.” Name this value as OplocksDisabled.
Now, double click on the OplocksDisabled value and change its Value data from 0 to 1.
Follow the below instructions to disable the oplock on the server:
Copy the following path and paste it into the address bar of your system’s Registry Editor, and hit Enter:
Select the EnableOplocks Value on the right side and set its Value data to 0. If any of the keys or Values are not available in the Registry Editor, you have to create them by following the same process as described above.
Why is Windows 10 so slow at copying files?
There are many factors that affect the copying speed of Windows 10 computers, like file system errors, corrupted or outdated drivers, disk fragmentation, and other Windows settings. If your computer has USB 3.0 ports and the device to which you are copying the files is compatible with the USB 3.0 port, we advise you to connect your device to the USB 3.0 port for faster file transfer. Apart from that, there are some other fixes that you can try to solve the slow file copy speed in Windows 10.
Why is my Windows Explorer not responding?
The Windows Explorer lets us view and modify the files and folders on the hard drive and other storage devices. Sometimes, Windows Explorer freezes or crashes. In some cases, Windows Explorer displays the following message on the screen:
Windows Explorer has stopped working
Let’s see the causes of this issue:
- The video driver of your system is outdated or has been corrupted.
- Your computer’s system files have been corrupted.
- There may be some background services or third-party applications installed on your system that are causing the problem.
- Your computer has been infected by a virus or malware.
If you experience this problem on your computer more often, we advise you to run an SFC scan to confirm whether or not the system files on your computer are corrupted.
That’s it.