所有无线路由器(wireless router)的名称中都有 AC,后跟一个数字。例如,您的路由器名为:Tenda AC9 AC1200、TP-Link Archer C7 AC1750、NETGEAR Nighthawk XR500 AC2500或ASUS RT-AC88U AC3100。这个 AC 后面跟一个数字是什么意思(number mean)?AC后面的数字是否告诉您路由器有多快?AC1900 路由器比 AC1200 路由器快吗(AC1200 router)?理论上,制造商说是这样。事实上,真相是不同的。这就是为什么这种 AC 命名约定对消费者来说毫无价值的营销方式,以及在购买无线路由器(wireless router)时如何不自欺欺人:
当谈到路由器时, AC1200、AC1750、AC1900、AC2900、AC3200和其他类似的命名意味着什么?(AC3200)
当您购买无线路由器(wireless router)时,您会在名称中的某处看到 AC 一词后跟一个数字。较新(Newer)的模型可能有术语 AX 后跟更大的数字。AC 表示路由器支持(AC means that the router has support for the)802.11ac(或 Wi-Fi 5)无线网络标准(wireless networking standard),可在 5GHz 频率上提供快速WiFi 网络连接。(WiFi network)AX 表示路由器支持 802.11ax(或Wi-Fi 6)无线网络标准。
AC 或 AX 之后的数字代表路由器的最大理论带宽(The number that comes after AC or AX represents the maximum THEORETICAL bandwidth)。1200 表示 1200 Mbps, 1900 表示 1900 Mbps, 3200 表示 3200 Mbps,依此类推。当以路由器的名义阅读AC2300 时,意味着(AC2300 in the name of a router, it means)您正在处理的WiFi 路由器(WiFi router)提供使用 802.11ac ( Wi-Fi 5 ) 标准的无线网络,(wireless network)总最大理论带宽为 2300 Mbps。(a total maximum theoretical bandwidth of 2300 Mbps.)
您可能会认为AC3200 路由器(AC3200 router)提供了一个工作速度为 3200 Mbps的(Mbps)无线网络(wireless network)。那将是惊人的,但不幸的是,这是错误的。事实上,这种命名约定对于做出购买决定(purchasing decision)没有用处。这只是一种营销策略(marketing tactic),试图让您相信路由器比实际速度更快。
AC1200、AC1750、AC1900等,是路由器发出WiFi信号(WiFi signal)的所有频段的总和,不是路由器的真实速度
导致AC 或 AX 命名(AC or AX naming)的计算的一个关键方面是路由器发射无线信号的频段或频率的数量。我们以现代流行的路由器为例:ASUS RT-AC86U AC2900。
- 第一个频段(也是最慢的)是 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段。它的最大理论带宽为 750 Mbps。
- 第二个频段(也是最快的)是 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段。它的最大理论带宽为 2167 Mbps。
因此,AC2900并不是您在一个(AC2900)无线频段或频率(wireless band or frequency)上获得的最大带宽,而是所有可用无线频段或频率的总和。您可以获得的最大速度是最快频带的速度 - 5 GHz 无线频带上的 2167 (GHz wireless)Mbps - 仅在实验室条件下,我们将在本文后面解释。
- 单频且仅在一个无线频率上发射 WiFi(Single-band and emit WiFi only on one wireless frequency),这意味着它们仅发射一个无线网络(wireless network)。在大多数情况下,它们以 2.4 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)发射,并且它们的名称高达AC1000。一些制造商已停止生产此类路由器。它们价格低得令人难以置信,但不是现代智能家居的正确选择,因为它们功率不足,并且使用不适合全高清电影(Full HD movie)流媒体、在线游戏等的旧无线网络标准。(wireless network)
- 双频并在两个无线频率上发射 WiFi:(Dual-band and emit WiFi on two wireless frequencies:) 2.4 GHz (速度较慢但(GHz)覆盖范围(coverage area)较大)和 5 GHz (速度较快但(GHz)覆盖范围(coverage area)较小)。您会看到两个无线网络正在广播,但名称不同。您还可以更改两个频段的设置以使用相同的网络名称(network name)。大多数现代路由器都是双频的。他们的定价差异很大,但大多数人都可以使用它。然而,一个观察结果是AC 命名(AC naming)约定后的数字越低,价格就越低。因此(Therefore),AC1750无线(AC1750 wireless)路由器应该比一个便宜。AC2900无线(AC2900 wireless)路由器。
- 三频并在三个无线频率上发射:(Tri-band and emit on three wireless frequencies:)一个 2.4 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)和两个 5 GHz频率。您会看到三个无线网络正在广播,但可以将它们设置为使用相同的名称。最贵的无线路由器是三频的,名字里有AC3200以上。一些最新的路由器甚至在他们的名字中有AC5400,让你相信他们以 5400 Mbps的速度发射无线网络,这与事实相去甚远。
为了确保您了解频段的数量以及它们与AC 命名(AC naming)约定的关系,让我们举最后一个示例:TP-Link Archer C5400X。它是一款AC5400 无线(AC5400 wireless)路由器,具有三个频段,其最大理论带宽划分(bandwidth split)如下图所示:
- 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段为1000 Mbps
- 两个 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段各2167 Mbps
在实验室条件下,您可以在WiFi上从该路由器获得的最大速度在其两个 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段中的每一个上为 2167 Mbps 。
为什么 AC 命名约定具有误导性(convention misleading)?
无线路由器(wireless router)制造商使用的AC 命名(AC naming)约定具有误导性,因为它总结了无线路由器(wireless router)广播的所有无线频段的最大理论带宽。这就是我们最终得到像AC5400这样的疯狂数字的方式。实际上,使用AC5400无线路由器(wireless router)时,您在WiFi上无法获得 5400 (WiFi)Mbps,因为网络设备一次只能连接到一个频段,而不是一次连接所有频段。为了更好地理解,请看下面的图片。共有三个网络设备(iPhone、Surface Pro和Xbox One),每个设备连接到不同的 WiFi 频段(WiFi band),来自TP-Link Archer C5400X 路由器(TP-Link Archer C5400X router)提供的三个。
这些设备获得的速度永远不会大于它们所连接的无线频段的理论最大带宽。(wireless band)因此,iPhone 的速度不会高于 1000 Mbps,而其他两款设备的速度不会高于 2167 Mbps。
制造商实验室如何测量最大无线带宽?(wireless bandwidth)
前面我们举了一个三频路由器的例子,并解释说像AC5400这样的命名并不意味着它提供了5400 Mbps的(Mbps)无线网络(wireless network)。您可以假设您在WiFi上获得的最高速度为 2167 Mbps——路由器(Mbps)提供的两个 5 GHz频段的最大理论带宽。不幸的是,这也是错误的。这是因为所有(ALL)网络设备制造商,例如WiFi路由器,不要使用现实生活中的测量环境,比如人们的家和公寓。他们在专门的实验室中进行测量,这样他们就可以获得最大可能的速度。以下是路由器制造商倾向于计算总最大带宽的方法:
- 测量是在没有吸收无线信号的厚墙的实验室中进行的,并且路由器和用于进行计算的网络客户端之间有直接的视线。
- 他们将用于测量带宽的设备放置在 2 到 3 米(6 到 10 英尺)的最佳距离处。他们没有兴趣测量家庭或公寓(home or apartment)的远角落的带宽,或者与路由器隔着厚墙的房间的(thick wall)带宽。
- 很多时候,他们使用两个或三个相同的路由器相互连接,以测量它们之间传输数据时的最大带宽。公司不像用户那样使用普通电脑或智能手机,因为他们的路由器比个人电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑或智能手机中的网卡对无线技术的支持更好。因此,它们的传输速度比使用笔记本电脑时更快。
- 当制造商使用计算机来测量最大带宽时,他们会使用昂贵的高端 PC,配备最好的处理器、RAM和最快的网卡(network card),以满足他们在路由器上使用的网络标准。大多数用户没有相同的预算来投资类似的高端计算机。你会买像华硕PCE-AC88(ASUS PCE-AC88)这样的高端无线网卡(wireless network card)吗?大多数人不会。
- 网络公司使用专门的网络软件和驱动程序测量(networking software and drivers)无线带宽(wireless bandwidth),这些软件和驱动程序经过优化,可与最新标准和WiFi技术配合使用。许多计算机和设备通常使用较旧的软件和操作系统,这些软件和操作系统不能很好地与现代WiFi 网络(WiFi networking)技术配合使用。通常(Often),驱动程序也已过时,尤其是大多数消费类笔记本电脑上的网卡驱动程序。
- 制造商将尽可能少的设备连接到路由器的WiFi 广播(WiFi broadcast),以便测量其最大带宽。在您的家中或工作场所(home or workplace),您同时连接的设备比它们多得多,这导致它们争夺可用的无线带宽(wireless bandwidth)。
- 他们将路由器的天线放置在保证最大无线吞吐量(wireless throughput)的位置。在您的家中,您可能会以不太理想的方式放置路由器及其天线,以确保路由器不会挡在您的路上或儿童容易接触到。
- 公司优化他们的固件设置以获得最大速度。例如,在某些WiFi路由器上,USB 端口(USB port)会根据其定位和默认设置(positioning and default settings)降低最大无线吞吐量(wireless throughput)。因此,网络公司更改固件设置以降低USB 吞吐量(USB throughput)并最大限度地减少干扰,同时测量无线带宽(wireless bandwidth)。他们还可能禁用降低WiFi 速度(WiFi speed)的安全功能,例如实时防病毒扫描(antivirus scanning)或家长控制。
AC 命名(AC naming)约定与您在现实生活中获得的速度之间的差异可能非常大。它们也有很大的不同,而且很多时候,AC 命名(AC naming)中数字较大的路由器不一定比其他数字较小的路由器更快。为了给你一个更好的视角,让我们讨论一些例子:
价格实惠的AC1200 路由器(AC1200 router)(如Tenda AC9 )在使用普通Windows 10笔记本电脑时,在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上可提供224.09 Mbps的最大下载速度。(download speed)该频段的理论最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)为 867 Mbps。您获得的实际速度比其宣传的最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)低 2.86 倍。
像Linksys EA7500 v2(Linksys EA7500 v2)这样的AC1900 无线(AC1900 wireless)路由器在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的最大理论带宽为 1300 Mbps。当您使用普通的Windows 10笔记本电脑时,您获得的最大下载速度(download speed)为 539.86 Mbps。您获得的实际速度比其宣传的最大带宽低 2.4 倍。
接下来我们来看一款AC2900无线(AC2900 wireless)路由器,比如华硕ROG Rapture GT-AC2900,5GHz频段(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC2900)的(GHz band)理论最大(maximum bandwidth)带宽(Mbps)为2167Mbps 。在现实生活中,下载速度(download speed)可以达到701.60 Mbps,只有在放置路由器的房间里,使用像华硕PCE-AC88这样昂贵的(ASUS PCE-AC88)网卡(network card)。这比其宣传的最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)低三倍。
回到AC1900 路由器(AC1900 router),比如ASUS Blue Cave。使用同样昂贵的网卡(network card),它获得了更高的下载速度(download speed):741.54 Mbps。有趣(fun bit)的是,这款路由器在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的最大理论带宽为 1734 Mbps,低于更昂贵的AC2900 无线(AC2900 wireless)路由器。即便如此,实际速度仍比其宣传的最大带宽低 2.33。
所有这些数据都证明,用于无线路由器的(wireless router)AC 命名(AC naming)约定是不切实际的估计,这在您选择下一个路由器时应该无关紧要。其他标准更为重要:购买无线路由器(wireless router)时要考虑的 8 件事(针对初学者)
如果您想了解无线路由器(wireless router)的实际速度,在购买之前,您应该在线阅读深入的评论。许多网站,如Digital Citizen,花费大量时间测试无线路由器(wireless router)并展示您在正常的日常情况下所获得的结果,而无需昂贵的实验室设备(lab equipment)。
当涉及到无线路由器时,我应该如何解释这个 AC 命名约定?
AC 命名约定不会告诉您购买一台或另一台路由器时获得的无线网络的实际速度。(wireless network)此命名约定告诉您其他信息,例如:
- 路由器是昂贵的还是负担得起的。(Whether the router is expensive or affordable.)高达AC1750甚至AC1900的无线路由器对于大多数人来说往往是负担得起的。AC3200以上的路由器始终是您要花很多钱购买的高级型号。
- 无论路由器是单频、双频还是三频:(Whether the router is single band, dual-band or tri-band:)最高AC1000的路由器始终是单频,并以 2.4 (AC1000)GHz(GHz frequency)的慢频率发射WiFi 信号(WiFi signal)。AC1200至AC3200路由器是双频路由器,可在 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz频率上发射信号。命名约定高于AC3200的路由器是三频无线路由器。
- 您获得的功能:(The features you get:)高达AC1750的路由器往往价格适中,而且它们仅具有人们需要的基本功能。上面的路由器往往会提供越来越多的高级功能,例如包括防病毒保护(antivirus protection)、高级家长控制或面向游戏的服务。
- 他们的硬件有多强大:(How powerful their hardware is:)高达AC1750的路由器具有单核处理器,硬件资源有限。当您升级到AC3200时,您将在路由器上获得双核处理器以及更多RAM 和存储空间(RAM and storage space)。接近AC5400,您将获得四核处理器和大量RAM。要记住的一条规则是,路由器的硬件越好,它可以服务的网络客户端越多,质量和速度(quality and speed)也越好。
为了总结我们的结论,我们创建了下面的插图,以帮助您记住如何使用AC 命名(AC naming)约定。
我们Digital Citizen测试了许多制造商的无线路由器:ASUS、TP-Link、Netgear、Tenda、D-Link、Linksys、Synology等。本文是基于在该领域多年的工作而制作的。我们希望我们澄清了这个行业的现实,并且您现在对这个命名约定及其使用方式有了更多的了解。如果您有任何问题没有得到解答,请在下方发表评论,让我们一起讨论。
What does AC1200, AC1750, AC1900 or more, mean and what's the difference?
Αll wireless routers have AC in their name, followed by a number. For example, you have rоuters that are called: Tenda AC9 AC1200, TP-Link Archer C7 AC1750, NΕTGEAR Nіghthawk XR500 AC2500, оr ΑSUS RT-ΑC88U ΑC3100. Whаt dоes this AC followed by a number mean? Does the number following AC tell you how faѕt the router is? Is an AC1900 router fastеr than an AC1200 router? In theorу, manufacturers say that it is. In reаlity, thе trυth is different. Here is why this AC naming convention is marketing with little value for conѕumers, and how not to fool yourself when purchasing a wireless router:
What does AC1200, AC1750, AC1900, AC2900, AC3200, and other similar naming means, when it comes to routers?
When you purchase a wireless router, you see the term AC followed by a number, somewhere in its name. Newer models may have the terms AX followed by an even larger number. AC means that the router has support for the 802.11ac (or Wi-Fi 5) wireless networking standard, which offers fast WiFi network connections on the 5GHz frequency. AX means that the router has support for the 802.11ax (or Wi-Fi 6) wireless networking standard.
The number that comes after AC or AX represents the maximum THEORETICAL bandwidth of the router. 1200 means 1200 Mbps, 1900 means 1900 Mbps, 3200 means 3200 Mbps, and so on. When reading AC2300 in the name of a router, it means that you are dealing with a WiFi router that offers a wireless network using the 802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5) standard, with a total maximum theoretical bandwidth of 2300 Mbps.
You might be tempted to believe that an AC3200 router provides a wireless network that works at 3200 Mbps. That would be amazing, but, unfortunately, it is false. The truth is that this naming convention is not useful for making a purchasing decision. It is just a marketing tactic that tries to make you believe that a router is faster than it really is.
AC1200, AC1750, AC1900 and so on, is a sum of all the bands on which the router emits WiFi signal, not the real speed of the router
One key aspect of the calculation that results in an AC or AX naming is the number of bands or frequencies on which the router emits the wireless signal. Let's take a modern and popular router as an example: ASUS RT-AC86U AC2900.
This router has two bands, each of them with its own maximum theoretical bandwidth:
- The first band (and the slowest) is the 2.4 GHz wireless band. It has a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 750 Mbps.
- The second band (and the fastest) is the 5 GHz wireless band. It has a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 2167 Mbps.
Therefore, AC2900 is not the maximum bandwidth you get on one wireless band or frequency, but the sum of all the available wireless bands or frequencies. The maximum speed you could get is that of the fastest band - 2167 Mbps on the 5 GHz wireless band - only in laboratory conditions, which we are going to explain later in this article.
To give you an even better understanding, here's how wireless routers are categorized when it comes to bands or frequencies:
- Single-band and emit WiFi only on one wireless frequency, meaning that they emit only one wireless network. In most cases, they emit on the 2.4 GHz frequency, and they have up to AC1000 in their name. Some manufacturers have stopped producing such routers. They have incredibly low prices, but are not the right choice for modern smart homes, because they are underpowered, and use an old wireless networking standard that is not suitable for Full HD movie streaming, online gaming, and so on.
- Dual-band and emit WiFi on two wireless frequencies: 2.4 GHz (which is slower but with a larger coverage area) and 5 GHz (which is faster but with a smaller coverage area). You see two wireless networks being broadcast, with different names. You can also change the settings for both bands to use the same network name. The majority of modern routers are dual-band. Their pricing varies a lot, but it tends to be accessible for most people. However, one observation is that the lower the number after the AC naming convention, the lower the price. Therefore, an AC1750 wireless router should be cheaper than an AC2900 wireless router.
- Tri-band and emit on three wireless frequencies: one 2.4 GHz frequency and two 5 GHz frequencies. You see three wireless networks being broadcast, but they can be set to use the same name. The most expensive wireless routers are tri-band, and their names have AC3200 or more in their name. Some of the latest routers even have AC5400 in their name, making you believe that they emit wireless networks at 5400 Mbps, which is far from the truth.
To make sure that you understand the number of bands and how they are related to the AC naming convention, let's take one final example: TP-Link Archer C5400X. It is an AC5400 wireless router with three bands, having their maximum theoretical bandwidth split like in the graphic below:
- 1000 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz wireless band
- 2167 Mbps for each of the two 5 GHz wireless bands
The maximum speed you could get from this router, on WiFi, is 2167 Mbps on each of its two 5 GHz wireless bands, in laboratory conditions.
Why is the AC naming convention misleading?
The AC naming convention used by wireless router manufacturers is misleading, because it sums up the maximum theoretical bandwidth of all the wireless bands that are broadcast by the wireless router. That's how we end-up with crazy numbers like AC5400. In reality, you do not get 5400 Mbps on WiFi, when using an AC5400 wireless router, because network devices can connect to only one band at a time, not all bands at once. To better understand, look at the picture below. There are three network devices (an iPhone, a Surface Pro, and an Xbox One), each connected to a different WiFi band, from the three made available by the TP-Link Archer C5400X router.
The speed these devices get is never bigger than the theoretical maximum bandwidth of the wireless band that they are connected to. Therefore, the iPhone won't get a speed that is higher than 1000 Mbps, while the other two devices won't get a speed that is higher than 2167 Mbps.
How is the maximum wireless bandwidth measured in manufacturer's labs?
Earlier we gave an example of a tri-band router and explained that a naming like AC5400 did not mean that it offers a wireless network at 5400 Mbps. You could assume that the top speed you get on WiFi is 2167 Mbps - the maximum theoretical bandwidth for the two 5 GHz bands offered by the router. Unfortunately, this is also false. This is because ALL manufacturers of networking equipment such as WiFi routers, do not use real-life measuring environments, like people's homes and apartments. They do their measurements in specialized labs so that they can claim the maximum possible speed. Here is what router manufacturers tend to do, to calculate the total maximum bandwidth:
- The measurements are made in labs without thick walls that absorb the wireless signal, and with a direct line of sight between the router and the network clients used to make the calculations.
- They place the devices that they use for measuring the bandwidth at an optimal distance of two to three meters (6 to 10 feet). They have no interest in measuring the bandwidth in the far corner of a home or apartment, or in a room separated from the router by a thick wall.
- Many times, they use two or three identical routers connected to each other to measure the maximum bandwidth when transferring data between them. Companies do not use regular computers or smartphones, like users do, because their routers have better support for wireless technologies than the network cards included in PCs, laptops, tablets or smartphones. As a result, their transfers are faster than when using a laptop, for example.
- When manufacturers use computers for measuring the maximum bandwidth, they use expensive high-end PCs, with the best possible processor, RAM, and the fastest network card for the network standards that they are using on their routers. Most users do not have the same budget to invest in similar high-end computers. Would you buy a high-end wireless network card like ASUS PCE-AC88? Most people would not.
- Networking companies measure the wireless bandwidth using specialized networking software and drivers, that are optimized to work with the latest standards and WiFi technologies. Many computers and devices often use older software and operating systems, that do not work as well with modern WiFi networking technologies. Often, drivers are also outdated, especially those of the network cards on most consumer laptops.
- Manufacturers connect the smallest possible number of devices to the WiFi broadcast by their routers, so that they measure its maximum bandwidth. In your home or workplace, you connect a lot more devices than they do, at the same time, causing them to fight over the available wireless bandwidth.
- They place the router's antennas in a position that guarantees the maximum wireless throughput. In your home, you are likely to place the router and its antennas in a less optimal way, to make sure the router is not in your way or easily reached by children.
- Companies optimize their firmware settings for maximum speed. For example, on some WiFi routers, the USB port, depending on its positioning and default settings, can lower the maximum wireless throughput. Therefore, networking companies change the firmware settings to lower the USB throughput and minimize interference, while measuring the wireless bandwidth. They may also disable security features that reduce the WiFi speed, like real-time antivirus scanning or parental controls.
How big is the difference between AC naming conventions and reality?
The differences between AC naming conventions and the speeds you get in real life can be depressingly high. They also vary wildly, and, many times, routers with high numbers in their AC naming are not necessarily faster than others with lower numbers. To give you a better perspective, let's discuss some examples:
An affordable AC1200 router like Tenda AC9, delivers a maximum download speed of 224.09 Mbps, on the 5 GHz band, when using a regular Windows 10 laptop. Its theoretical maximum bandwidth for that band is of 867 Mbps. The real-life speed you get is 2.86 times lower than its advertised maximum bandwidth.
An AC1900 wireless router like Linksys EA7500 v2 has a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 1300 Mbps for the 5 GHz band. When you use a normal Windows 10 laptop, you get a maximum download speed of 539.86 Mbps. The real-life speed you get is 2.4 times lower than its advertised maximum bandwidth.
Next, let's look at an AC2900 wireless router, like ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC2900, with a theoretical maximum bandwidth of 2167 Mbps for the 5 GHz band. In real life, you can reach 701.60 Mbps for the download speed, only in the room where the router is placed, using an expensive network card like ASUS PCE-AC88. That's three times lower than its advertised maximum bandwidth.
Getting back to an AC1900 router, like ASUS Blue Cave. With the same expensive network card, it obtained an even higher download speed: 741.54 Mbps. The fun bit is that this router has a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 1734 Mbps for the 5 GHz band, which is lower than that of the more expensive AC2900 wireless router. Even so, the real-life speed is 2.33 lower than its advertised maximum bandwidth.
All this data proves that the AC naming conventions used for wireless routers are unrealistic estimations, that should not matter when you choose your next router. Other criteria are a lot more important: 8 things to consider when buying a wireless router (for beginners)
If you want to know the real-life speed you get from a wireless router, before purchasing it, you should read in-depth reviews online. Many websites, like Digital Citizen, spend a lot of time testing wireless routers and showing what you get in normal, day-to-day situations, without expensive lab equipment.
How should I interpret this AC naming convention, when it comes to wireless routers?
The AC naming convention does not tell you the real-life speed of the wireless network that you get when buying one router or another. This naming convention tells you other things like:
- Whether the router is expensive or affordable. Wireless routers up to AC1750 and sometimes even AC1900, tend to be affordable for most people. Routers above AC3200 are always premium models for which you pay a lot of money.
- Whether the router is single band, dual-band or tri-band: routers up to AC1000 are always single band, and emit their WiFi signal on the slow 2.4 GHz frequency. AC1200 routers up to AC3200 are dual-band routers that emit their signal both on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies. Routers with a naming convention above AC3200 are tri-band wireless routers.
- The features you get: routers up to AC1750 tend to be affordable, and they only have the basic features people need. Routers above that tend to offer more and more advanced features, like included antivirus protection, advanced parental controls, or gaming-oriented services.
- How powerful their hardware is: routers up to AC1750 have single-core processors, with limited hardware resources. When you go up to AC3200, you get dual-core processors and more RAM and storage space on your router. Going close to AC5400, you get quad-core processors and lots of RAM. One rule to remember is that the better the hardware of your router, the more network clients it can serve, with better quality and speed.
To summarize our conclusions, we created the illustration below, to help you remember how the AC naming convention is used.
Are there any other questions left unanswered?
We at Digital Citizen have tested many wireless routers from many manufacturers: ASUS, TP-Link, Netgear, Tenda, D-Link, Linksys, Synology, and others. This article was made based on years of working in this field. We hope that we clarified the realities of this industry and that you now know a lot more about this naming convention and how it is used. If you have any questions left unanswered, comment below and let's discuss.