我们最近获得了由ADATA(ADATA)制造的最新、最快的M2 NVMe SSD驱动器之一,ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD,它采用PCIe Gen3 x4 技术(PCIe Gen3 x4 technology),可保证高数据读取和写入速度。它还具有不同寻常的设计,因为它被一个受跑车启发的红色散热器覆盖。如果您想了解有关ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD的更多信息,以及您是否应该将其视为您游戏 PC 的下一个核心组件(core component),请阅读我们的评论并了解:
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD:适合谁?
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 想要以合理价格获得出色性能的游戏玩家
- 想要使用超快PCIe Gen 3 x4 接口的快速(x4 interface)M2 2280 NVMe 1.3 SSD的人(SSD)
- 欣赏美观SSD 驱动器的用户(SSD drive)
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD有很多优点:
- 非常接近威刚(ADATA)承诺的卓越性能
- 散热器让它保持凉爽,但也让它看起来很酷
- 好价钱
- 五年保修 - 大多数竞争对手提供三年保修
- 捆绑的软件很有用

ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro是我们喜欢测试的 SSD 。它看起来很棒,价格平衡,捆绑了有用的软件,其实际性能接近ADATA宣传的内容。ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro是对价格合理的卓越性能感兴趣的游戏玩家和用户的绝佳选择。我们向所有读者推荐它。
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD拆箱
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD采用优质纸板制成的小矩形盒子。(rectangular box)它全是黑色的,中间有一个切口,您可以通过它看到里面的驱动器(drive inside)。在盒子的正面,您还可以看到驱动器的全名、存储容量(storage capacity)和其他一些技术规格。


打开包装盒后,您会发现SSD位于透明塑料支架(plastic support)内。

ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD 的拆箱体验尽可能简单直接。(The unboxing experience for the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD is as simple and straightforward as it can be.)
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD是一款使用非常快的PCI Express Generation 3 x4接口( interface)工作的设备。首先,这解释了品牌:设备名称(device name)的XPG 部分(XPG part)来自 Extreme Performance Gear。🙂
该驱动器还使用NVMe 1.3 SSD通信标准并具有M.2 2280 外形尺寸(form factor),因此它的物理长度为 80 毫米(略高于 3 英寸)和宽度为 22 毫米(略高于¾ 英寸(¾ inch))。由于它使用的快速接口和标准(interface and standard),这款SSD可以达到每秒3500/3000MB的出色读写速度,以及高达390K/380K IOPS的随机输入/输出性能。
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD支持采用最新Intel 和 AMD 平台(Intel and AMD platforms)的台式机,并且可以购买不同的尺寸:256GB、512GB 和 1TB。我们测试的型号是 512GB 的存储容量(storage capacity)。

您可能想知道为什么我们没有提到它与笔记本电脑或类似设备兼容。事实上,这款SSD可以与任何具有M.2 端口(M.2 port)的设备一起使用。但是,它有一个散热器,使它比普通的M.2 SSD略厚。在台式电脑中,这无关紧要,但在笔记本电脑或超极本中,它可能。供您参考,ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD的宽度为 6.1 毫米(约¼ 英寸(¼ inch)),重量仅为 11g/0.38oz。
威刚(ADATA)在这款SSD上安装的散热片让它不仅看起来很酷,而且很酷。散热器的设计灵感来自跑车,我们很喜欢。然而,最好的部分是它可以将SSD的温度降低多达 10°C。

如果您对更多技术数据感兴趣,您应该知道ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD使用 3D TLC NAND Flash 并受益(TLC NAND Flash and benefits)于SLC Caching,具有DRAM Cache Buffer、端到端数据保护(End-to-End Data Protection)和LDPC ECC 技术(LDPC ECC technology)(低密度奇偶校验(Low-Density Parity-Check error)纠错码)。
SSD享有 5年保修,考虑到其品牌、规格和酷炫的设计,很明显ADATA打算将XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD用于游戏玩家以及对计算机超频感兴趣的人。
如果您想了解更多关于此产品的规格,请访问此页面:ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD。
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro 是一款固态硬盘,具有一流的硬件规格和凉爽的散热器,不仅看起来很棒,而且还保持凉爽。这款 SSD 在游戏计算机中看起来最好。(The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro is a solid state drive with top-notch hardware specifications and a cool heatsink that not only looks great but also keeps it cool. This SSD looks best in a gaming computer.)
使用威刚 XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD(ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD)
我们将ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD插入具有以下配置的台式计算机(desktop computer):基础频率为 3200MHz的AMD Ryzen 7 2700 处理器、 (AMD Ryzen 7)ASUS Crosshair VII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 主板、ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1660 Ti具有 6GB 内存和 32GB (Ti Gaming OC)DDR4 3000 RAM的(RAM)游戏 OC显卡也由ADATA制造。您可以在下面的屏幕截图中看到有关它的更多详细信息,其中显示了详细的系统信息(system information)。

Windows 10 识别出ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD没有问题,如下所示,我们驱动器的实际可用存储空间(storage space)为 476 GB。

ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD在我们的日常使用中被证明是快速的。我们读取了一个 4.59GB 的大文件并将其复制到这个SSD上,速度高于每秒 1.6 GB。

我们将相同的 4.59GB 文件从ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD复制到我们的其他SDD,速度也更高,约为每秒 1.6GB。

我们也很好奇这个SSD在启动Windows 10时有多快。因此,我们决定在我们的测试 PC上进行干净的(test PC)Windows 10安装,并使用BootRacer测量启动时间(boot time)。我们的测试 PC(test PC)使用AMD Ryzen 7 2700 处理器、ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO ( WI-FI ) 主板和运行频率为 3000MHz 的 32GB DDR4 RAM ADATA SPECTRIX D60G。我们测量的平均启动时间为 30 秒,这相当快。

在我们的游戏电脑上使用 ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD 是一次绝佳的体验。(Using the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD on our gaming computer was an excellent experience.)
我们还使用了基准测试,以更好地评估这款SSD的性能。我们运行的第一个基准测试应用程序是(benchmarking app)CrystalDiskMark,它执行多项测试以按顺序和随机读取和写入数据:
- Seq Q32T1: 具有多队列和线程的(multi Queues & Threads)顺序(Sequential)(Block Size=128KiB)Read/Write
- 4K Q8T8:具有多队列和线程(multi Queues & Threads)的随机 4KiBRead/Write
- 4K Q32T1:具有多队列和线程(multi Queues & Threads)的随机 4KiBRead/Write
- 4K Q1T1:具有多队列和线程(multi Queues & Threads)的随机 4KiBRead/Write

我们使用的第二个基准测试是DiskMark,它评估读取和写入性能,并自动计算您在文件传输期间获得的平均速度。此应用程序写入和读取数据包以确定驱动器的性能,并允许用户选择数据包的大小以及运行次数。再次(Again),我们从ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD获得了出色的性能。

最后,我们运行了AS SSD Benchmark,这是一款类似于CrystalDiskMark的(CrystalDiskMark)基准测试应用程序(benchmarking app)。它测试SSD(SSD)的顺序和随机读写性能,测量从驱动器读取数据和在驱动器上写入数据所需的时间。

ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD 在基准测试中获得的结果非常出色,这只能让我们感到高兴。(The results obtained by the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD in the benchmarks are excellent, and that can only make us happy.)
ADATA为其所有SSD驱动器提供软件,称为ADATA SSD ToolBox。它可以让您检查SSD 驱动器(SSD drive)的健康状况、查看标识信息(view identification information)、更新固件、安全擦除数据和其他操作。

ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD还附带Acronis True Image HD的许可证。该软件可让您将现有存储驱动器(storage drive)克隆到新SSD,创建用于恢复 PC 的应急(create rescue)媒体,并允许您访问其他类似工具。

捆绑软件为您提供监控和备份新 SSD 所需的一切。(The bundled software gives you everything you need to monitor and backup your new SSD.)
你喜欢威刚 XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD(ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD)吗?
现在您知道我们对ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD的看法了。您还知道它是如何在现实生活和基准测试中运行的。您是否已经拥有这款SSD,或者您打算购买它?如果您已经拥有它,您对它的体验如何?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD review: For gaming and high performance!
We reсently got ahold of one of thе newest and fastest M2 NVMe SSD drives built by ADATA, the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD, and it uses the PCIe Gen3 x4 technolоgy which promises high data read and write speedѕ. It also has an out-of-the-ordinаry design, as it comes covered by a red heatsіnk inspired by sports cars. If you want to know more about the ADAΤA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD and whеther you ѕhould consider it аs уour next core component of yoυr gaming PC, read oυr review and find out:
ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD: Who is it good for?
The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who want great performance at a reasonable price
- People who want a fast M2 2280 NVMe 1.3 SSD that uses that ultra-fast PCIe Gen 3 x4 interface
- Users who appreciate a good looking SSD drive
Pros and cons
There are quite a few good things about the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD:
- Excellent performance that is very close to what ADATA promises
- The heat sink keeps it cool but also makes it look cool
- Good price
- Five-year warranty - most of the competition offers three year-warranty
- The bundled software is useful
The only less positive aspect is that, because of its heatsink, this SSD might not fit into thin laptops.

The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro is an SSD that we enjoyed testing. It looks great, it has a balanced price, it bundles useful software, and its real performance is close to what ADATA advertises. ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro is a great choice for gamers and users who are interested in excellent performance at a fair price. We recommend it to all our readers.
Unboxing the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD
The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD comes in a small rectangular box made from premium cardboard. It is all black and in the middle it has a cutout through which you see the drive inside. On the front side of the box you also see the full name of the drive, the storage capacity, and a few other technical specifications.

The back of the box shows other information, including but not limited to the SSD's technical specs, serial numbers, and some contact details for ADATA.

When you open the box, you find the SSD inside a transparent plastic support.

The unboxing experience for the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD is as simple and straightforward as it can be.
Design and specifications
The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD is a device that works using the very fast PCI Express Generation 3 x4 interface. For starters, that explains the branding: the XPG part of the device name comes from Extreme Performance Gear. 🙂
This drive also uses the NVMe 1.3 SSD communications standard and has an M.2 2280 form factor, hence it has a physical length of 80 mm (a little over 3 inches) and a width of 22 mm (a little over ¾ inch). Because of the fast interface and standard that it uses, this SSD can reach excellent read and write speeds of up to 3500/3000MB per second, and a random input/output performance of up to 390K/380K IOPS.
The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD supports desktops with the latest Intel and AMD platforms, and is available to buy in different sizes: 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB. The model that we tested was with 512GB of storage capacity.

You might be wondering why we did not mention that it is compatible with laptops or similar devices. The truth is that this SSD can work with any device that has M.2 port. However, it has a heatsink that makes it slightly thicker than the average M.2 SSD. In a desktop PC, that does not matter, but in a laptop or an ultrabook, it might. For your information, the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD has a width of 6.1 mm (about ¼ inch), and a weight of only 11g/0.38oz.
The heatsink that ADATA mounted on this SSD makes it not only look cool, but also be cool. The design of the heatsink was inspired by sports cars, and we enjoy it. The best part, however, is that it can reduce the SSD's temperatures by up to 10°C.

If you are interested in even more technical data, you should know that the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD uses 3D TLC NAND Flash and benefits from SLC Caching, has a DRAM Cache Buffer, End-to-End Data Protection, and LDPC ECC technology (Low-Density Parity-Check error correcting code).
The SSD is covered by a 5-year warranty and, considering its branding, specifications and cool design, it is quite clear that ADATA intended the XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD for gamers and also for those who are interested in overclocking their computers.
If you would like to know more about the specifications of this product, go to this page: ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD.
The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro is a solid state drive with top-notch hardware specifications and a cool heatsink that not only looks great but also keeps it cool. This SSD looks best in a gaming computer.
Using the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD
We plugged the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD in a desktop computer with the following configuration: an AMD Ryzen 7 2700 processor with a base frequency of 3200MHz, an ASUS Crosshair VII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard, an ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1660 Ti Gaming OC video card with 6GB of memory, and 32GB of DDR4 3000 RAM made also by ADATA. You can see more details about it in the screenshot below, which shows detailed system information.

Windows 10 identified the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD without issues and, as you can see below, the actual storage space available for our drive was 476 GB.

The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD proved to be fast in our daily use. We read a large 4.59GB file and copied it to this SSD, with speeds higher than 1.6 GB per second.

We copied the same 4.59GB file from the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD to our other SDD, with speeds that were also higher around 1.6 GB per second.

We were also curious about how fast this SSD is when booting Windows 10. So, we decided to make a clean Windows 10 installation on our test PC, and measure the boot time with BootRacer. Our test PC uses an AMD Ryzen 7 2700 processor, an ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO (WI-FI) motherboard, and 32GB of DDR4 RAM ADATA SPECTRIX D60G running at 3000MHz. The average boot time we measured was 30 seconds, which is quite fast.

Using the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD on our gaming computer was an excellent experience.
Performance in benchmarks
We also used benchmarks, to better evaluate the performance of this SSD. The first benchmarking app that we ran was CrystalDiskMark, which executes several tests for reading and writing data, both sequentially and randomly:
- Seq Q32T1: Sequential (Block Size=128KiB) Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
- 4K Q8T8: Random 4KiB Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
- 4K Q32T1: Random 4KiB Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
- 4K Q1T1: Random 4KiB Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
The speeds measured with this app were relatively close to those advertised by ADATA.

The second benchmark that we used is DiskMark, which evaluates both read and write performance and automatically calculates the average speed you get during file transfers. This app writes and reads data packages to determine the drive's performance and lets users choose a size for the packages, as well as the number of runs it makes. Again, we obtained excellent performance from the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD.

Lastly, we ran the AS SSD Benchmark, a benchmarking app that's similar to CrystalDiskMark. It tests the sequential and random read and write performance of the SSD, measuring how long it takes to read and write data from and on the drive.

The results obtained by the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD in the benchmarks are excellent, and that can only make us happy.
Bundled software
ADATA offers software for all their SSD drives, called ADATA SSD ToolBox. It lets you check the health of your SSD drive, view identification information, update the firmware, securely erase data, and other things.

The ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD also comes with a license for Acronis True Image HD. This software lets you clone an existing storage drive to your new SSD, create rescue media for recovering your PC, and give you access to other similar tools.

The bundled software gives you everything you need to monitor and backup your new SSD.
Do you like the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD?
Now you know our opinion about the ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD. You also know how it manages to run in real life, as well as in benchmarks. Do you already have this SSD, or do you intend to buy it? If you already have it, what is your experience with it? Comment below and let's discuss.