随着英特尔第 12 代处理器(也称为Alder Lake 系列(Alder Lake family))的推出,越来越多的制造商发布了全新的DDR5 内存(DDR5 memory)模块。ADATA就是其中之一,在过去的几周里,我们测试了他们最新的DDR5 内存(DDR5 memory)模块之一:XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM。这些记忆棒运行频率为 5200MHz,价格合理,对于想要构建功能强大的计算机的游戏玩家和用户来说,它们无疑是一个绝佳的选择。您想了解更多有关XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM的信息吗?阅读(Read)这篇评论,看看它在现实生活和基准测试中的表现如何:
XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM:它对谁有好处?
XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 想要现代、快速的DDR5 RAM(DDR5 RAM)的游戏玩家
- 正在构建基于英特尔 Alder Lake(Intel Alder Lake)处理器的计算机的内容创建者和专业人士
- 那些避免RGB 照明(RGB lighting)并想要看起来很棒的黑色或白色内存模块的人
关于 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM(Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM),有很多值得一提的地方:
Buy now
- 一流的性能、高速和良好的时机
- 卓越的建造质量
- 看起来很棒的散热器
- 提供黑色和白色版本
- 价格合理,优于大多数竞争对手

XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM是希望购买现代内存模块的任何人的绝佳选择。它的性能和制造质量非常好,而您为此付出的价格是合理的。无论(Regardless)您是游戏玩家、内容创作者,还是只是想构建基于新的第 12代 Intel Core 处理器(Gen Intel Core processor)的强大计算机,XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM都应该在您的候选名单中。
拆箱 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200
XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM模块装在相对较小的矩形盒子中。在红色盒子的正面,您可以看到RAM 模块(RAM module)的外观图片,如果您也想在现实生活中看到它,可以通过包装背面的切口一瞥.

XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM : 封装
除了图片、品牌和容量,威刚还打印了一些关于(ADATA)内存(RAM)技术规格的细节。在包装盒中,您唯一能找到的就是内存模块(memory module),它放置在一个塑料外壳内,旨在保护它。
XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM以16GB 模块出售。我们在测试中收到了两个模块,总计 32GB(2 x 16GB)。RAM 棒被漂亮的黑色散热片覆盖。但是,如果您要构建全白游戏装备,(gaming rig)威刚(ADATA)也销售这些带有白色散热器的DIMM(DIMMs)。🙂 此外,虽然我们测试的模块没有RGB 照明(RGB lighting),但如果这就是您要寻找的,您也可以选择:XPG LANCER RGB DDR5 DRAM 模块(XPG LANCER RGB DDR5 DRAM Module)。

XPG Lancer DDR5-5200(XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM) RAM模块
XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM棒显然是DDR5模块,宣传速度为 5200MHz。工作电压(operating voltage)为1.25V,而主要时序有以下值:CAS延迟38(CAS latency 38),tRCD(RAS到CAS延迟(CAS Delay))38,tRP(RAS预充电(RAS Precharge))38,tRAS(RAS)(周期时间(Cycle Time))76。此外,它们还带有提供更高稳定性和可靠性(stability and reliability)的片上ECC(纠错码)。

CPU-Z 显示的详细信息
ADATA 的XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM支持Intel XMP 3.0 ,这意味着在(Intel XMP 3.0)UEFI ( BIOS )中配置它非常容易。您所要做的就是启用这些RAM棒中唯一可用的XMP 配置文件。(XMP profile)

(XMP profile)适用于 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM的(Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM)XMP 配置文件
如果您想查看有关功能和技术规格的更多详细信息,请前往此处的官方网页:XPG Gaming DRAM LANCER DDR5 | XPG (adata.com)。
使用 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM模块
我们在具有以下配置的台式计算机(desktop computer)中使用并测试了XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM :
- 处理器:英特尔酷睿 i5-12600K
- 显卡:华硕 ROG Strix GeForce RTX (ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 3050)3050(Card) 8GB
- 存储:ADATA Legend 840 PCIe Gen4 X4 M.2 2280 固态硬盘(ADATA Legend 840 PCIe Gen4 X4 M.2 2280 Solid State Drive)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 11 Pro 版本 21H2 (Pro Version 21H2) Build 22000.527

(Hardware)我们用于测试 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM的 PC 的(Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM)硬件详细信息
在日常日常任务中,RAM运行良好,正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,在总共 32GB 的RAM中,Windows 11以及我 20 多岁的Microsoft Edge选项卡不需要超过 9GB . 而且,如果您正在考虑玩游戏,您应该知道没有游戏需要这么多RAM (32GB):16GB 就足够了。

(Memory usage)任务管理器中显示的(Task Manager)内存使用详细信息
对于想要构建基于 Intel 第 12 代 Alder Lake 处理器的全新计算机的人来说,XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM 看起来是一个绝佳的选择。(The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM looks like an excellent choice for anyone who wants to build a brand new computer based on an Intel 12th generation Alder Lake processor.)
没有基准的审查会是什么?您怎么知道这些RAM棒等硬件组件是否真的很好?你不会的!🙂 这就是为什么我们还在XPG Lancer DDR5-5200上运行了几个基准测试。这是他们告诉我们的:
我们使用的第一个基准是AIDA64 的(AIDA64’s) Cache & Memory Benchmark,我们测试的RAM的结果相当令人印象深刻:读取速度为 77090 MB/s,写入速度甚至更高 - 74229 MB/s -复制速度(copy speed)为 70905 MB/s。测得的延迟为 80.5 纳秒,考虑到RAM模块以 5200 MHz运行,这是一个极好的结果。

AIDA64 缓存和内存基准测试
然后,我们从PassMark PerformanceTest(PassMark PerformanceTest)切换到Memory Mark基准测试。我们使用XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM得到的结果是 3415 点。根据PassMark的说法,这意味着该RAM优于所有测试过的RAM模块的 87%。

PassMark 内存标记测试
我们继续使用UserBenchmark,这是一种流行的基准测试工具(benchmarking tool),它在一定程度上牺牲了深入测试以加快运行时间。我们的 RAM 棒获得了 167% 的分数,获得了杰出(Outstanding)的判决。

UserBenchmark 中的基准测试结果
最后但同样重要的是,我们还运行了PCMark 10,这是一套更复杂的基准测试,旨在评估整个计算机的性能。使用 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM,我们的 PC 获得了 7072 分的分数。在PCMark 10的排名阶梯中,我们的计算机排在前 9%,这意味着它比使用此基准测试的所有 PC 和笔记本电脑中的 91% 更快。

PCMark 10 中的基准测试结果
总之,XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 内存模块被证明是目前市场上最好的。无论我们是在谈论常见的日常活动还是游戏等要求更高的任务,它们在所有情况下都快速且可靠。(In conclusion, the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 memory modules prove to be some of the best on the market right now. They’re fast and reliable in all situations, regardless of whether we’re talking about common daily activities or more demanding tasks such as gaming.)
您对XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM有何看法?
现在您对 XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM(Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM)的功能有了更多了解。无论在现实生活中还是在基准测试中,您都可以更清楚地了解它的速度。您会(Will)为您的 PC 购买一些,还是您已经拥有一个套件?在下面的评论部分让我们知道您对此的看法。
ADATA XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM review: Great for Intel 12th Gen!
With the launch of Intel’s 12 generation proceѕsors, alsо known as the Alder Lake fаmily, more and more manufacturers are relеasіng brand new DDR5 memory modules. ADAΤA is onе of them, and during thе last couple of weeks, we’ve testеd one of thеir latest DDR5 memory modules: the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM. Running at 5200MHz and available at a reasоnable price, these memory stіcks promise to be an excеllent choicе for gamers and users who want to build powerful computers. Would you like to know more about the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM? Read this review and see hоw it performs both in real life and in benchmarks:
XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM: Who is it good for?
The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM is an excellent option for:
- Gamers who want modern, fast DDR5 RAM
- Content creators and professionals who are building computers based on Intel Alder Lake processors
- Those who avoid RGB lighting and want black or white memory modules that look great
Pros and cons
There are plenty of good things to mention regarding the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM:
See price on:

Buy now
- Top-notch performance, high speed, and good timings
- Excellent build quality
- Heat spreaders that look great
- Available in black and white versions
- Reasonable price that’s better than that of most of its competitors
We’re glad to say that, from our perspective, there are no shortcomings to note about this RAM.

The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM is a great choice for anyone who’s looking to buy modern memory modules. Its performance and build quality are excellent, while the price you pay for that is reasonable. Regardless of whether you’re a gamer, content creator, or simply want to build a powerful computer based on a new 12th Gen Intel Core processor, the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM should be on your shortlist.
Unboxing the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200
The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM modules are shipped in relatively small rectangular boxes. On the front of the red-colored box, you get to see a picture of what the RAM module looks like and, if you want to see it in real life too, you can get a glimpse via a cutout on the back of the package.

XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM: The package
Besides the picture, brand, and capacity, ADATA also printed some details about the technical specs of the RAM. In the box, the only thing you’ll find is the memory module, placed inside a plastic case designed to protect it.
Design and hardware specifications
The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM is sold in 16GB modules. We received two modules in testing, making up for a total of 32GB (2 x 16GB). The RAM sticks are covered by beautiful black heat sinks. However, ADATA also sells these DIMMs with white heat spreaders if you’re looking to build an all-white gaming rig. 🙂 Furthermore, although the modules we tested don’t come with RGB lighting, if that’s what you’re looking for, you get that option too: XPG LANCER RGB DDR5 DRAM Module.

The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM modules
The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM sticks are, evidently, DDR5 modules with an advertised speed of 5200MHz. The operating voltage is 1.25V, while the main timings have the following values: CAS latency 38, tRCD (RAS to CAS Delay) 38, tRP (RAS Precharge) 38, tRAS (Cycle Time) 76. Furthermore, they also come with on-die ECC (error-correcting code) that offers increased stability and reliability.

Details shown by CPU-Z
ADATA’s XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM comes with support for Intel XMP 3.0, which means that it’s extremely easy to configure it in UEFI (BIOS). All you have to do is enable the only XMP profile available in these RAM sticks.

XMP profile for XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM
If you’d like to see more details about the features and technical specs, head to the official webpage here: XPG Gaming DRAM LANCER DDR5 | XPG (adata.com).
Using the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM modules
We used and tested the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM in a desktop computer with the following configuration:
Here are some more details about the hardware components we used:

Hardware details for the PC we used for testing the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM
Although the memory modules were sold separately, we had absolutely zero issues running them in dual-channel mode.
In regular daily tasks, the RAM works great, and, as you can see in the following screenshot, out of the total 32GB of RAM, Windows 11, together with my 20-something tabs from Microsoft Edge, didn’t need more than 9GB. And, if you’re thinking about gaming, you should know that there are no games out there that require this much RAM (32GB): 16GB would suffice for that.

Memory usage details shown in Task Manager
The XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM looks like an excellent choice for anyone who wants to build a brand new computer based on an Intel 12th generation Alder Lake processor.
Performance in benchmarks
What would a review be without benchmarks? How would you know whether hardware components such as these RAM sticks are really good? You wouldn’t! 🙂 That’s why we also ran a couple of benchmarks on the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200. Here’s what they told us:
The first benchmark we used was AIDA64’s Cache & Memory Benchmark, and our tested RAM’s results are quite impressive: the read speed is 77090 MB/s, the write speed is even higher - 74229 MB/s - and the copy speed is 70905 MB/s. The measured latency is 80.5 nanoseconds, which is an excellent result considering that the RAM modules are running at 5200 MHz.

AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark
Then, we switched to the Memory Mark benchmark from PassMark PerformanceTest. The result we got with the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM was 3415 points. That, according to PassMark, means that this RAM is better than 87% of all the RAM modules tested.

PassMark Memory Mark tests
We continued with UserBenchmark, a popular benchmarking tool that somewhat sacrifices in-depth testing for faster running times. Our RAM sticks got a score of 167%, gaining an Outstanding verdict.

Benchmark results in UserBenchmark
Last but not least, we also ran PCMark 10, a more complex suite of benchmarks designed to evaluate the performance of the computer as a whole. Using the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM, our PC achieved a score of 7072 points. In PCMark 10’s ranking ladder, that puts our computer in the top 9%, meaning that it’s faster than 91% of all PCs and laptops tested with this benchmark.

Benchmark results in PCMark 10
In conclusion, the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 memory modules prove to be some of the best on the market right now. They’re fast and reliable in all situations, regardless of whether we’re talking about common daily activities or more demanding tasks such as gaming.
What’s your opinion about the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM?
Now you know more about what the XPG Lancer DDR5-5200 RAM is capable of. You have a clearer idea of how fast it is, both in real life and in benchmarks. Will you buy some for your PC, or do you already own a kit? Let us know what you think about it in the comments section below.