2019 年的夏天对AMD来说是忙碌的一年。该公司不仅刚刚发布了新系列的锐龙(Ryzen)处理器,而且还推出了新的显卡阵容,分别是Radeon RX 5700、RX 5700 XT 和RX 5700 XT 50th Anniversary Graphics。在这篇评论中,我们仔细看看他们的新高端显卡(video card):AMD RX 5700 XT。它使用AMD最新的RDNA 架构(RDNA architecture),并使用 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)(比任何其他显卡上(video card)的晶体管更小)制造。为了让事情变得有趣,这视频卡承诺以比(video card)Nvidia要求的 2060 Super卡更好的价格提供一流的性能。阅读这篇评论,看看AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 能提供什么:
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT:它对谁有好处?
- 想要在 1440p 或 1080p 分辨率下使用最高图形细节玩最新游戏
- 渴望(Desire)在所有游戏中表现出色
- 宁愿支付比Nvidia要求的类似性能水平更好的价格
关于AMD Radeon RX 5700(AMD Radeon RX 5700) XT ,有很多好话要说:
- 在我们测试它的所有游戏和基准测试中,它的性能都非常出色
- 它采用最新的AMD RDNA 架构(AMD RDNA architecture)和 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process),在显卡领域尚属首创。
- 它有 8 GB 的GDDR6 RAM,对于任何游戏或 VR 体验来说都绰绰有余
- 它的性价比(price ratio)优于其与英伟达的直接竞争(Nvidia)
- 它支持新的PCI Express 4.0 版(PCI Express version 4.0)标准
- 库存冷却系统(stock cooling system)不是最好的。希望(Hopefully)显卡制造商能够提供更高效的散热。
- 它不支持光线追踪,而它的竞争对手支持
经过我们运行的所有基准测试以及我们在AMD的Radeon RX 5700 XT 上玩的游戏,我们可以诚实地说我们非常喜欢这款显卡。即使在要求最苛刻的游戏中,它也能以 1440p 分辨率和超高品质视频设置每秒推送超过 60 帧。(Ultra quality)这对任何游戏玩家来说都是个好消息,其 400美元(dollar mark)左右的定价非常诱人。有了新一代,英伟达(Nvidia)面临来自AMD的激烈竞争。该显卡(video card)的唯一弱点是冷却系统(cooling system),它应该更有效。我们期待有经验的显卡(video card)制造商将提供比AMD提供的库存更好的冷却选项。
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 的设计简单而奇特。电路板(circuit board)被冷却系统(cooling system)覆盖,仅使用一个吹风机(blow fan),其尺寸相当小。它周围的盘子上有长条纹,朝向风扇的凹痕让你怀疑卡片是否在运输过程中被撞到。🙂 这是AMD工程师做出的设计选择(design choice),它可能有助于气流。

与其较小的兄弟Radeon RX 5700不同,RX 5700 XT 的背板覆盖了背面的大部分内部电路。它的一个角落有一个相当小的RADEON 品牌(RADEON branding)。背板还应该有助于控制视频卡的温度。(video card)

运行时,Radeon RX 5700 XT 还使用红色LED(LEDs)来点亮其外侧的RADEON 品牌。(RADEON branding)

为了制造Radeon RX 5700 XT 显卡,AMD使用了其最新的架构,称为RDNA ( Navi ) 和 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)。有趣的是,AMD Vega卡采用 14 纳米工艺制造,Nvidia的Turing卡采用 12 纳米制造工艺,而Nvidia的Pascal卡采用 16 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)。

RX 5700 XT 显卡拥有 40 个计算单元,计算能力高达 9.75 teraflops,并配备 8GB GDDR6显存(GDDR6 memory)。基本时钟(base clock)为 1.61 GHz,其升压频率(boost frequency)为 1.91 GHz。它还支持PCI Express ( PCIe ) 4.0,其带宽是PCIe 3的两倍。这是第一代支持PCIe 4的(PCIe 4)显卡(video card)。Nvidia尚未支持它。如果您还不能迁移到支持PCIe 4的新(PCIe 4)AMD Ryzen 3000系列处理器(AMD Ryzen 3000),不用担心,因为您也可以在带有PCIe 3插槽的主板上使用此显卡。(video card)

AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 具有三个DisplayPort 1.4端口和一个HDMI 端口(HDMI port),可支持每秒 60 帧的 4K 分辨率。

AMD的RX 5700 XT显卡需要225瓦(Watts)左右的功率,AMD推荐600瓦的(Watts)供电单元(power supply unit)。视频卡(video card)通过两个电源连接器获得额外的电力:一个是 8 针,一个是 6 针。

至于物理尺寸,AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT显卡占用两个插槽,长度为10.71英寸,也就是272毫米。

如果您想查看有关此显卡的功能和硬件规格的更多详细信息,请访问:AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT。
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 的规格是功能强大的显卡的规格,旨在以 1440p 或 1080p 的超质量运行任何最近的游戏,每秒推动 60 帧或更高。(The specs of the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT are those of a powerful video card that is designed to run any recent game in 1440p or 1080p at ultra quality, pushing 60 frames per second or more.)
为了了解AMD Radeon RX 5700(AMD Radeon RX 5700) XT 显卡在现实生活中的速度有多快,我们玩了几款游戏并运行了一些基准测试。我们使用以下硬件和软件(hardware and software)对其进行了测试:
- 处理器:AMD Ryzen 9 3900X(12 核,24 线程,基本时钟 3800 (Base Clock 3800) MHz,最大加速时钟 4600 (Max Boost Clock 4600) MHz)
- 主板:技嘉X570 AORUS MASTER(Gigabyte X570 AORUS MASTER)
- 内存:G.Skill Trident Z Royal Memory(2 x 8GB,3600MHz,PC4-28800)
- 存储:AORUS NVMe Gen4 2TB 固态硬盘(Solid State Drive)
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ(ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ)曲面电竞显示器(Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144Hz)
- 电源单元:ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)
为了让您更好地了解购买AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 时所获得的效果,我们将其与价格更实惠的兄弟AMD Radeon RX 5700进行了比较,后者的价格大约低 50 美元。
我们首先测试了第二次世界大战中(World War Z)AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 显卡提供的性能。我们使用了Vulkan API和Ultra图形质量设置。当我们以 2560 x 1440分辨率运行游戏时,我们得到最低 136 帧每秒 ( FPS ),平均FPS为 182,最高FPS为 222。使用 1920 x 1080分辨率,最低FPS为 138 ,平均FPS 189,最大FPS 249。

Star Control : Origins是一款使用DirectX 11且不提供基准测试工具(benchmarking tool)的游戏。然而,我们在Triton 月球(Triton moon)上驾驶着陆器时测量了FPS 输出(FPS output),使用尽可能高的图形设置,分辨率为 1440p 和 1080p。在QHD(2560 x 1440分辨率)中,我们测量的最低FPS为 72,平均为 86,最高FPS为 125。在全高清(Full HD)(1920 x 1080分辨率)中,我们测量了(x 1080)最低(FPS minimum)76 FPS,平均(FPS average)112 FPS和 147 FPS 最大值(FPS maximum)。

战地 V(Battlefield V)是另一款流行的游戏,它需要相当多的硬件资源才能显示其最佳图形质量。我们使用了DirectX 12 API和Ultra 质量(Ultra quality)设置。当我们以 2560 x 1440分辨率运行游戏时,最低FPS为 98,平均FPS为 125,最高FPS为 147。在 1920 x 1080分辨率下,最低FPS为 113,平均FPS 为 127(FPS 127),和最大FPS 151。奇怪的是,当使用 1080p 时,我们使用RX 5700获得了更好的(RX 5700)FPS,所以我们怀疑RX 5700 XT 由于其高温而节流。

我们还运行Far Cry New Dawn既是因为它很受欢迎,也因为它的图形令人印象深刻,即使它只能使用DirectX 11。我们使用了Ultra图形质量预设(quality preset)。在 2560 x 1440分辨率下运行游戏基准测试时,我们得到 71 的最低(game benchmark)FPS、92 的平均FPS和 107 的最高FPS。切换到FHD 1080p分辨率后,我们的 PC 可以渲染最低 71 FPS(FPS minimum) 、平均100 FPS和(FPS)最高 107 FPS(FPS maximum)。

古墓丽影是一款外观非常漂亮的游戏(Tomb Raider),这意味着它对显卡的要求很高。我们已经使用DirectX 12和最高(Highest)的图形质量对其进行了测试。当我们以 1440p 对游戏进行基准测试时,我们测得的最低FPS为 63,平均为 76,最高为 116 FPS。在全高清(Full HD)中,我们得到最低 95 FPS、平均 118 FPS和最高 191 FPS。

Tom Clancy 's The Division 2提供了一个只输出平均FPS的(FPS)基准测试工具(benchmarking tool)。使用DirectX 12和Ultra图形质量预设(quality preset),我们在 1440p 分辨率下获得了 66 的平均FPS,在 1080p 分辨率上获得了 95 的平均 FPS。

Metro Exodus是 2019 年发布的要求最高的游戏之一,特别是如果您想以最佳图形质量玩它。使用DirectX 12、Ultra 视频(Ultra video)预设和 2560 x 1440像素的分辨率,我们获得了最低 26 FPS、平均 55 FPS和最高 84 帧每秒。在 1920 x 1080分辨率下,结果稍好一些:最低为 27,平均为 62,最高为 88。

我们还在Fortnite中对(Fortnite)AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 进行了基准测试,这不是一款对图形要求特别高的游戏,但它在在线游戏玩家中很受欢迎。我们使用Epic图形设置,并在使用 2560 (Epic)x 1440像素分辨率时测得最低FPS为 65,平均为 92,最高为 113 。在 1920 x 1080像素分辨率下,游戏渲染最低 96 FPS,平均 126 FPS,最高 152 FPS。

在另一款流行的在线大逃杀游戏(online battle)Apex Legends中,使用最高的图形质量设置,我们在 1440p 分辨率下测得最低 79 FPS,平均 115 FPS,最高 144 FPS(我们显示器的最大刷新率)。在全高清(Full HD)中,我们测量了最低 123 FPS(FPS minimum) 、平均136 FPS和(FPS)最高 144 FPS(FPS maximum)。如您所见,在Apex Legends中,最大FPS始终约为 144。这是因为游戏将其最大帧速率限制在 144。

最后,我们还运行了一些专门针对游戏的基准测试,来自Unigine和 3DMark。在使用DirectX 12的 3DMark Time Spy中,在 2560 x 1440像素分辨率上,我们得到了 8606 分。在Unigine SuperPosition中,使用 Extreme 图形预设和 1080p 分辨率,我们在DirectX 11和4164 与OpenGL。

我们还想看看显卡(video card draws)在运行游戏或其他需要大量使用其资源的类似应用程序时消耗了多少电量。我们发现Radeon RX 5700 XT 需要高达 225瓦(Watts),就像AMD所说的那样。另外根据AMD的说法,您需要 600瓦的电源(Watts power)才能毫无问题地使用此卡。
最后,我们检查了显卡散发的热量,为此,我们运行了 3DMark 的Time Spy 压力测试(Time Spy Stress Test)。不幸的是,AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 卡(XT card)变得非常热:高达 86摄氏度(Celsius)或 187华氏度(Fahrenheit)。这没有给超频留下空间,因此我们必须等待其他制造商的RX 5700 XT 实施,才能看到更好的冷却系统可能允许进行一些超频。

在玩了很多游戏并运行了几个基准测试之后,我们可以说 AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 将自己定位在高端显卡排名中。它可以以 60 FPS 或更高的速度以 1440p 和 1080p 运行任何现代游戏,因此它是任何游戏玩家的绝佳选择。(After playing many games and running several benchmarks, we can say that the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT positions itself in the high-end video cards rankings. It can run any modern games in ultra quality at 60 FPS or more, both in 1440p and in 1080p, so it's a great choice for any gamer.)
您对AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 有何看法?
现在您知道我们对AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 显卡的看法了。新一代产品在价格和性能(price and performance)方面都是Nvidia显卡(video card)系列的有力竞争者。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 的看法。你会考虑买这个视频卡(video card)吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card review
The summer of 2019 is a busy one for AMD. Not only has the company just released a new series of Ryzen processors, but it also launched a new lineup of graphics cards, namely the Radeon RX 5700, RX 5700 XT, and RX 5700 XT 50th Anniversary Graphics. In this review, we take a close look at their new high-end video card: AMD RX 5700 XT. It uses AMD's latest RDNA architecture and is made using a 7 nm manufacturing process (smaller transistors than on any other video cards). To make things interesting, this video card promises top-notch performance at a better price than what Nvidia asks for its 2060 Super cards. Read this review and see what the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT has to offer:
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT: Who is it good for?
This graphics card is an excellent choice for gamers who:
- Want to play the latest games using the highest graphics details in 1440p or 1080p resolutions
- Desire excellent performance in all games
- Prefer to pay a better price than what Nvidia is asking for a similar level of performance
Pros and cons
There are plenty of good things to say about the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT:
- Its performance is excellent, in all the games and benchmarks where we tested it
- It uses the latest AMD RDNA architecture and a 7 nm manufacturing process, a first in the world of graphics cards
- It has 8 GB of GDDR6 RAM, which is more than enough for any game or for VR experiences
- Its performance per price ratio is better than that of its direct competition from Nvidia
- It offers support for the new PCI Express version 4.0 standard
There are also a few downsides to consider:
- The stock cooling system is not the greatest. Hopefully, video card manufacturers are going to deliver more efficient cooling
- It does not support ray tracing while its competition does
After all the benchmarks that we ran, and the games that we played on AMD's Radeon RX 5700 XT, we can honestly say that we like this graphics card a lot. It manages to push more than 60 frames per second, in the 1440p resolution with Ultra quality video settings, even in the most demanding games. That's great news for any gamer, and its pricing around the 400 dollar mark is very enticing. With this new generation, Nvidia has some serious competition from AMD. The only weakness of this video card is the cooling system, which should have been more efficient. We expect that experienced video card manufacturers are going to offer better cooling options than the stock offered by AMD.
Design and hardware specifications
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT has a simple yet rather peculiar design. The circuit board is covered by the cooling system that uses only one blow fan, and its size is rather small. The plate surrounding it features long stripes and, towards the fan, a dent that makes you wonder whether the card was hit during transport. 🙂 This is a design choice made by AMD's engineers and it probably helps with the airflow.

Unlike its smaller brother, the Radeon RX 5700, the RX 5700 XT has a backplate that covers most of the inner circuits on the back. It features a fairly small RADEON branding on one of its corners. The backplate should also help with keeping the temperatures of the video card under control.

When it is running, the Radeon RX 5700 XT also uses red LEDs to light up a RADEON branding on its outer side.

To create the Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card, AMD used its newest architecture, called RDNA (Navi), and a 7-nanometer manufacturing process. It is interesting to know that the AMD Vega cards were built on a 14-nanometer process, Nvidia's Turing cards are built on 12 nanometer, and Nvidia's Pascal cards on 16 nanometer manufacturing processes.

The RX 5700 XT graphics card has 40 compute units, it is capable of computing up to 9.75 teraflops, and it has 8GB of GDDR6 memory. The base clock is 1.61 GHz, and its boost frequency is 1.91 GHz. It also supports PCI Express (PCIe) 4.0, which offers double the bandwidth of PCIe 3. This is the first generation of video cards to work with PCIe 4. Nvidia has yet to support it. If you cannot yet migrate to the new AMD Ryzen 3000 series of processors that offers support for PCIe 4, worry not, as you can use this video card on a motherboard with PCIe 3 slots too.

The AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT has three DisplayPort 1.4 ports and one HDMI port that offers support for 4K resolutions at 60 frames per second.

AMD's RX 5700 XT graphics card needs about 225 Watts of power, and AMD recommends a power supply unit of 600 Watts. The video card gets its additional electrical power via two power connectors: one with 8 pins, and one with 6 pins.

As for its physical dimensions, the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card occupies two slots and has a length of 10.71 inches, which is 272 mm.

If you want to see more details about the features and hardware specifications of this graphics card, visit: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT.
The specs of the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT are those of a powerful video card that is designed to run any recent game in 1440p or 1080p at ultra quality, pushing 60 frames per second or more.
Performance in games and benchmarks
To see how fast the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card is in real life, we played several games and ran some benchmarks. We tested it using the following hardware and software:
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X (12 cores, 24 threads, Base Clock 3800 MHz, Max Boost Clock 4600 MHz)
- Motherboard: Gigabyte X570 AORUS MASTER
- Memory: G.Skill Trident Z Royal Memory (2 x 8GB, 3600MHz, PC4-28800)
- Storage: AORUS NVMe Gen4 2TB Solid State Drive
- Monitor: ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ Curved Gaming Monitor (32-inch WQHD 2560 x 1440, 144Hz)
- Power Supply Unit: ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro x64 with May 2019 Update
To give you a better perspective of what you get when buying AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT, we compared it with its more affordable brother - AMD Radeon RX 5700, which costs about 50 dollars less.
We began with testing the performance offered by the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card in World War Z. We used the Vulkan API and the Ultra graphics quality settings. When we ran the game on the 2560 x 1440 resolution, we got a minimum of 136 frames per second (FPS), an average FPS of 182, and a maximum FPS of 222. Using the 1920 x 1080 resolution, the minimum FPS was 138, the average FPS 189, and the maximum FPS 249.

Star Control: Origins is a game that uses DirectX 11 and does not offer a benchmarking tool. However, we measured the FPS output while driving a lander on the Triton moon using the highest possible graphics settings, on both 1440p and 1080p resolutions. In QHD (2560 x 1440 resolution) we measured a minimum FPS of 72, an average of 86, and a maximum FPS of 125. In Full HD (1920 x 1080 resolution), we measured 76 FPS minimum, 112 FPS average, and 147 FPS maximum.

Battlefield V is another popular game that demands quite a lot of hardware resources to display its best graphics quality. We used the DirectX 12 API and the Ultra quality settings. When we ran the game at 2560 x 1440 resolution, we had a minimum FPS of 98, an average FPS of 125, and a maximum FPS of 147. On the 1920 x 1080 resolution, the minimum FPS was 113, the average FPS 127, and the maximum FPS 151. Strangely, when using 1080p, we got better FPS with the RX 5700, so we suspect that the RX 5700 XT throttled due to its high temperatures.

We also ran Far Cry New Dawn both because it is popular, but also because its graphics are impressive, even if it can only use DirectX 11. We used the Ultra graphics quality preset. When running the game benchmark at 2560 x 1440 resolution, we got 71 minimum FPS, 92 average FPS, and 107 maximum FPS. Switching to the FHD 1080p resolution allowed our PC to render 71 FPS minimum, 100 FPS on average, and 107 FPS maximum.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a game that looks extremely beautiful, and that means that it makes great demands from the graphics card. We have tested it using DirectX 12 and the Highest graphics quality. When we benchmarked the game in 1440p, we measured a minimum FPS of 63, an average of 76, and a maximum of 116 FPS. In Full HD, we got a minimum of 95 FPS, an average of 118 FPS, and a maximum of 191 FPS.

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 offers a benchmarking tool that only outputs the average FPS. Using DirectX 12 and the Ultra graphics quality preset, we obtained an average FPS of 66 on 1440p resolution and 95 on the 1080p resolution.

Metro Exodus is one of the most demanding games released in 2019, especially if you want to play it on the best graphics quality. Using DirectX 12, the Ultra video preset, and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, we obtained a minimum of 26 FPS, an average of 55 FPS, and a maximum of 84 frames per second. On the 1920 x 1080 resolution, the results were slightly better: a minimum of 27, an average of 62, and a maximum of 88.

We have also benchmarked AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT in Fortnite, which is not a particularly graphics-demanding game, but it is popular with gamers online. We used the Epic graphics settings and measured a minimum FPS of 65, an average of 92, and a maximum of 113 when using the 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution. On the 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, the game rendered a minimum of 96 FPS, an average of 126 FPS, and a maximum of 152 FPS.

In Apex Legends, another popular online battle royale game, using the highest graphics quality set, we measured a minimum of 79 FPS, an average of 115 FPS, and a maximum of 144 FPS (our monitor's maximum refresh rate) on the 1440p resolution. In Full HD, we measured 123 FPS minimum, 136 FPS on average, and 144 FPS maximum. As you can notice, in Apex Legends, the maximum FPS was always about 144. That is because the game caps its maximum frame rate at 144.

Finally, we also ran a few benchmarks specialized for gaming, from Unigine and 3DMark. In 3DMark's Time Spy, which uses DirectX 12, on a 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution, we got a score of 8606. In Unigine SuperPosition, using the Extreme graphics preset and a resolution of 1080p, we got a score of 4990 with DirectX 11 and 4164 with OpenGL.

We also wanted to see how much power the video card draws when running games or other similar apps that use its resources intensively. What we found was that the Radeon RX 5700 XT needs up to 225 Watts, just like AMD said it would. Also according to AMD, you need a 600 Watts power supply to use this card without issues.
Finally, we checked the heat dissipated by the card and, to do that, we ran 3DMark's Time Spy Stress Test. Unfortunately, the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT card gets very hot: up to 86 degrees Celsius or 187 degrees Fahrenheit. This leaves no space for overclocking, so we have to wait for RX 5700 XT implementations from other manufacturers to see better cooling systems that may allow for a bit of overclocking.

After playing many games and running several benchmarks, we can say that the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT positions itself in the high-end video cards rankings. It can run any modern games in ultra quality at 60 FPS or more, both in 1440p and in 1080p, so it's a great choice for any gamer.
What's your opinion about the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT?
Now you know what we think about the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card. The new generation is a serious contender to Nvidia's line-up of video cards, both in terms of price and performance. Before closing this review, tell us what you think about AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT. Would you consider buying this video card? Comment below and let's discuss.