与前代产品相比, AMD(AMD)的全新锐龙(Ryzen)处理器系列取得了一些非凡的性能提升。与英特尔(Intel)销售的同类处理器相比,它还提供了卓越的价值。随着锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600的发布,AMD更上一层楼,征服了主流和超值处理器市场(mainstream and value processors market)。AMD Ryzen 5 3600 提供六个核心和十二个线程,基本速度为 3.6 GHz,最大加速时钟(boost clock)为 4.2 GHz,搭配 32 MB 的3 级(Level 3) 高速缓存内存并支持(Cache memory and support)PCI Express 4.0(PCI Express 4.0). 所有这些技术的价格都低于 200 美元。这听起来像是你能以合理的价格买到的最好的处理器吗?如果您想了解有关AMD Ryzen 5 3600 的更多信息,请阅读我们的评论:
AMD Ryzen 5 3600:它对谁有好处?
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 是您应该购买的处理器,如果:
- 您是游戏玩家,并且正在寻找可以处理任何现代游戏的处理器
- 您的预算有限,不想在处理器上花费超过 200 美元
- 您需要一款能够在任何类型的活动中提供出色性能的主流处理器(mainstream processor)
这是我们最喜欢新的AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器的地方:
- 凭借其 4.2 GHz 升压(GHz boost)时钟,在游戏中表现出色
- 得益于其六个核心和十二个线程,它可以轻松处理任何生产力任务(productivity task)
- 它的成本不到 200 美元
- 它采用 7 纳米Zen 2架构,低 TDP 仅为 65 瓦
- 虽然它比 3600X 便宜 50 美元,但它的基本时钟和升压时钟(base and boost clocks)仅慢200 MHz
- 它支持PCI Express 4和快速DDR4 RAM
- 您还可以获得一个随附的冷却器(stock cooler)(Wraith Stealth )
不利的一面是,如果您在其上使用库存的Wraith Stealth 冷却器, (Wraith Stealth cooler)AMD Ryzen 5 3600 会达到高温。这意味着,为了获得最佳性能,您应该使用不同的、更好的冷却器。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 可能只是 2019 年最好的主流处理器(mainstream processor)。对于它的价格,你可以获得出色的单核和多核性能(single-core and multi-core performance),支持PCI Express 4.0和低TDP。如果你想要一个可以完美运行任何游戏或应用程序(game or app)的处理器,但又不想花大价钱购买它,你应该购买AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器。它是所有类型用户的绝佳选择。
拆箱 AMD Ryzen 5 3600
与其他Ryzen 3000 (Ryzen 3000)CPU(CPUs)相比,AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器的包装盒更小(AMD Ryzen 5)。它有一个长方形,虽然它是用普通纸板制成的,但它的设计看起来不错:灰色图案上的橙色阴影。
在盒子的一侧,有一个切口,您可以通过它看到您刚购买的Ryzen 5 3600 处理器。
打开包装盒,您会发现AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器,以及AMD Wraith Stealth 散热器(AMD Wraith Stealth cooler)、印刷的安装手册(installation manual)和Ryzen 5贴纸。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器提供的拆箱体验令人愉悦而直接。我们感谢 AMD 还捆绑了一个冷却器,我们相信许多用户也这样做了。这意味着,理论上,您不必在单独的冷却器上花费额外的钱。(The unboxing experience offered by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor is pleasant and straightforward. We appreciate that AMD also bundled a cooler, and we're sure that many users do too. That means that, theoretically, you do not have to spend additional money on a separate cooler.)
就像AMD在 2019 年发布的所有Ryzen 3000处理器一样, Ryzen 5 3600 CPU建立在AMD的新架构Zen 2之上,采用 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)。与前几代AMD处理器相比, (AMD)Zen 2在(Zen 2)速度和效率(speed and efficiency)上都有了巨大的提升,而且与价格相近的英特尔(Intel)处理器相比也是如此。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600在美国(United)的售价不到 200美元(USD),(States)对于这个价格,它提供了充足的性能:六核十二线程,主频为 3.6 GHz,最大提升频率(boost frequency)为 4.2 GHz . 它本质上是AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 处理器的稍小的版本,具有相同数量的内核和线程,但基础时钟和升压时钟(base clock and boost clock)慢了 200 MHz。但是,三级(Level 3)缓存(cache memory)的数量与3600X上的相同,与八核锐龙7上的相同。(Ryzen 7) 3700X。Ryzen 5 3600X 和Ryzen 5 3600之间的价格差异(price difference)大约是 50美元(USD),这很重要,所以很多人可能更愿意购买 3600 并尝试自己超频以达到与 3600X 相同的速度。
AMD的锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 处理器的默认TDP为 65瓦(Watts),官方最高温度可以达到 95摄氏度(Celsius)。捆绑的Wraith Stealth 冷却器(Wraith Stealth cooler)应该足以在正常情况下散发此CPU的热量。(CPU)然而,在测试它时,我们发现处理器会发热很多,尤其是在压力大的情况下,比如玩高要求的游戏或运行基准测试。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 设计用于在默认频率(default frequency)为 3200 MHz的双通道DDR4 RAM下工作。但是,如果您有能力花钱购买,则该处理器最适合 3600 MHz DDR4 RAM。该处理器使用与旧AMD Ryzen处理器相同的(AMD Ryzen)AM4 插槽(AM4 Socket),这意味着您不仅可以将它与新的X570主板一起使用,还可以与基于旧芯片组的主板(例如X470 或 X370)一起使用(X470 or X370)。Ryzen 5 3600 还支持PCI Express 4,但前提是您将其安装在X570主板上(X570 mainboard); 在较旧的芯片组上,它仅限于PCI Express 3。
在查看了 AMD 锐龙 5 3600 处理器的官方硬件规格后,我们知道它的六核十二线程以及高于平均水平的基础和加速时钟应该足以运行任何软件或游戏。考虑到其优惠的价格、低 TDP 以及对 PCI Express 4 的支持,Ryzen 5 3600 似乎是英特尔中端处理器阵容的强大竞争对手。(After looking at the official hardware specs of the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor, we know that its six cores, twelve threads, and above-average base and boost clocks should be enough to run any software or game. Considering its great price, low TDP, as well as its support for PCI Express 4, the Ryzen 5 3600 appears to be an incredibly powerful competitor to Intel's mid-range processor lineup.)
我们在具有以下硬件和软件(hardware and software)的 PC 上测试了AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器:
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB 内存(HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB Memory)(2 x 8GB,3600MHz)
- 存储:ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ( ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ)曲面电竞显示器(Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144Hz)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)
为了更清楚地了解(clearer impression)AMD Ryzen 5 3600提供的性能,我们将其与Ryzen 5 3600X、Ryzen 7 3700X、Ryzen 9 3900X 以及较旧的AMD Ryzen 7 2700 处理器的基准测试结果进行了比较。
我们首先运行CPU-Z提供的基准测试。在衡量单核性能的单线程测试中,锐龙(Single Thread test)5(Ryzen 5) 3600 获得了 470 分,这意味着它仅比锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600X 慢了 6%。这个结果告诉我们,这款处理器应该在游戏中表现出色:对于没有预算购买高端处理器的游戏玩家来说是个好消息!
在CPU-Z的多线程测试(Multi Thread test)中,衡量处理器的多核性能,Ryzen 5 3600 的得分为 3658。它比Ryzen 5 3600X 慢了大约 9%,虽然它具有相同的核心和线程的数量,具有 200 MHz更快的基本时钟和升压时钟(base and boost clocks)。尽管如此,这是一个极好的结果。
接下来,我们转向渲染基准并从Cinebench R20开始。AMD的Ryzen 5 3600 处理器获得了 3221 分,比(Ryzen 5)Ryzen 3600X少了 300 分或 8.5% 。
在测量CPU渲染两个不同场景所需时间的Blender中, (Blender)Ryzen 5 3600 仅比 3600X 慢 3%。在这个基准测试中,这两个处理器都被证明比我们预期的要快,尽管它们都只有六个内核,并且Blender中的渲染性能直接与内核和线程的数量成正比。如果您看一下下图,您会发现Ryzen 5 3600 仅比Ryzen 7 2700 慢一分钟,Ryzen 7 2700 虽然是上一代产品的一部分,但有八个内核。
然后我们运行PCMark 10,这是一个旨在衡量日常活动中处理器性能的基准测试。(processor performance)这意味着网页浏览、视频会议(video conferencing)、应用程序启动时间、生产力和数字内容创建(content creation)。锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600 得分 5636 分。尽管它比 3600X 慢了近 9%,但它仍然是一个出色的结果,这表明该处理器可以轻松处理任何常规计算活动。
我们还使用了 7-Zip,这是一款文件压缩应用程序(file compression app),其中包含一个基准测试,其结果是CPU 性能(CPU performance)的出色指标。对于AMD Ryzen 5 3600,我们测得的压缩速度(compression speed)为 40 MB/s,与我们使用AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 得到的压缩速度相同。
7-Zip 的基准测试还显示解压速度(decompression speed)为 712 MB/s,比 3600X 稍慢。更准确地说,锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 比其稍贵的兄弟慢了大约 6%。
网页浏览(Web browsing)是任何使用计算机的人最常见的活动之一。这就是为什么您的网络浏览器呈现网站的速度至关重要的原因。为了衡量锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 在网上冲浪时的性能,我们使用了JetStream 2,它使用了JavaScript 和 WebAssembly(JavaScript and WebAssembly)。分数越高,处理器越快。就像(Just)Ryzen 5 3600X一样,我们惊讶地获得了比Ryzen 7 3700X 和Ryzen 9 3900X 略高的分数。
您很有可能也是一名游戏玩家。这就是为什么我们还在一些游戏中对Ryzen 5 3600 处理器进行了基准测试。(Ryzen 5)为了避免潜在的显卡瓶颈,我们以 1920 x 1080像素的分辨率运行游戏,并设置了最低的图形质量。
我们玩的第一款游戏是《古墓丽影》(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)。它的基准测试工具(benchmark tool)显示,锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 处理器能够每秒渲染 227 帧。正如我们所料,这个数字比我们使用 3600X 处理器(255 帧)得到的数字略低。尽管差异没有意义,但它表明 3600X 稍高的时钟在游戏中提供了更好的性能。另一方面,如果你有一个好的冷却器,你可以只超频 3600 处理器,并且可能会得到与 3600X 相同的结果,而且要少 50 美元。🙂
在目前对硬件要求最高的Metro Exodus中,无论是在视频还是处理器性能(video and processor performance)方面,我们测得的平均帧速率为 109。它仅比Ryzen 5 3600X 慢 4%,而且是相同的正如我们使用上一代的八核Ryzen 7 2700 处理器一样。(Ryzen 7)
在World War Z中,使用Vulkan API,我们测得的平均帧速率为 195,略低于 3600X。但是,我们正在查看大约 200 FPS,所以这个小差异是相当微不足道的。
至于AMD Ryzen 5 3600 达到的温度,不幸的是,这个消息并不好。就像(Just)它的速度更快的兄弟(faster brother)3600X 一样,锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600 也发热了很多。AMD官方规定最高温度为95度。使用捆绑的Wraith Stealth 冷却器(Wraith Stealth cooler),Ryzen 5 3600 经常达到这个高温,并且在一些基准测试(Blender、Cinebench R20、古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow))中它太多了:我们的计算机重新启动。为了能够完成所有基准测试,我们必须使用不同的冷却器(different cooler)。
为了大致了解处理器消耗(processor draws)的功率,我们使用了HWiNFO。使用备用冷却器(stock cooler),我们看到最大消耗量为 70瓦(Watts)。但是,如果您使用更好的冷却器,则消耗的电量可能会更高,从而使处理器能够更长时间地维持其加速速度。(boost speed)
尽管在使用库存的 Wraith Stealth 冷却器时似乎存在一些高温问题,但 AMD Ryzen 5 3600 是一款出色的处理器。它在我们所有的基准测试中获得的结果,包括生产力、数字媒体创作和游戏,都非常出色。以合理的价格,您将获得功能强大的处理器。(Although it seems to have some issues with high temperatures when using the stock Wraith Stealth cooler, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is a great processor. The results it obtained in all our benchmarks, for productivity, digital media creation, and gaming, are excellent. For a reasonable price, you get a powerful processor.)
您对AMD 锐龙 5(AMD Ryzen 5) 3600 有何看法?
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 可能是你现在能以不到 200 美元买到的最好的处理器。没有任何东西可以以相同的价格与之匹敌,因此对于任何想要物超所值的处理器的人(包括游戏玩家)来说,它绝对是一个绝佳的选择。你同意吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们知道。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor review: The best price/performance ratio!
AMD's new lineup of Ryzen processors has made some exceptional performance improvements compared to its рredеcessors. And it also provides excellent value compared to similar processors sold by Intel. With the release of the Ryzen 5 3600, AMD has reached new heights and conquers thе mainstreаm and value processors market. AMD Ryzen 5 3600 offers six coreѕ аnd twelve threаds clocked at a base speed of 3.6 GHz and а maximum boost clock of 4.2 GHz, paired with 32 MB of Level 3 Cache memory and support for PCI Express 4.0. All that technоlogy for a price that's under 200 dollars. Does it sound like the bеst processor yoυ can get for a reasonable amount of money? If you want to know morе about the AMD Ryzеn 5 3600, read our review:
AMD Ryzen 5 3600: Who is it good for?
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is the processor you should buy if:
- You are a gamer, and you are looking for a processor that can handle any modern game
- You have a limited budget and do not want to spend more than 200 dollars for the processor
- You want a mainstream processor that offers great performance in any kind of activity
Pros and cons
This is what we like most about the new AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor:
- Excellent performance in games, thanks to its 4.2 GHz boost clock
- Thanks to its six cores and twelve threads, it handles any productivity task effortlessly
- It costs less than 200 dollars
- It uses the 7-nanometer Zen 2 architecture and has a low TDP of only 65 Watts
- Although it costs 50 dollars less than the 3600X, its base and boost clocks are only 200 MHz slower
- It supports PCI Express 4 and fast DDR4 RAM
- You also get a stock cooler (Wraith Stealth) bundled with it
On the down side, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 reaches high temperatures if you use the stock Wraith Stealth cooler on it. That means that, to get the best performance, you should use a different, better cooler.
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 might just be the best mainstream processor of 2019. For its price, you get both excellent single-core and multi-core performance, support for PCI Express 4.0, and a low TDP. If you want a processor that can run any game or app flawlessly, but do not want to spend a fortune on it, you should buy the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor. It is a great choice for all types of users.
Unboxing the AMD Ryzen 5 3600
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor arrives in a smaller box compared to the ones of other Ryzen 3000 CPUs. It has a rectangular shape, and although it's made of regular cardboard, its design looks good: shades of orange over gray patterns.
On one side of the box, there is a cutout through which you can see the Ryzen 5 3600 processor that you just bought.
When you open the box, you find the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor, as well as an AMD Wraith Stealth cooler, a printed installation manual, and a Ryzen 5 sticker.
The unboxing experience offered by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor is pleasant and straightforward. We appreciate that AMD also bundled a cooler, and we're sure that many users do too. That means that, theoretically, you do not have to spend additional money on a separate cooler.
Hardware specifications
Just like all the Ryzen 3000 processors that AMD released in 2019, the Ryzen 5 3600 CPU is built on AMD's new architecture called Zen 2, on a 7-nanometer manufacturing process. Zen 2 comes with huge improvements in speed and efficiency compared to the previous generations of AMD processors, but also compared to similarly priced Intel processors.
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is sold at just under 200 USD in the United States, and for this price it offers plenty of performance: six cores and twelve threads, clocked at a base frequency of 3.6 GHz and with a maximum boost frequency of 4.2 GHz. It is essentially a slightly lesser version of the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X processor, with the same number of cores and threads, but 200 MHz slower base clock and boost clock. However, the amount of Level 3 cache memory is the same as the one on the 3600X and also as the one on the eight-core Ryzen 7 3700X. The price difference between the Ryzen 5 3600X and the Ryzen 5 3600 is about 50 USD, which is significant, so many people might prefer to buy the 3600 and attempt overclocking it by themselves to reach the same speeds as the 3600X.
AMD's Ryzen 5 3600 processor has a default TDP of 65 Watts and can officially reach a maximum temperature of 95 degrees Celsius. The bundled Wraith Stealth cooler should be enough to dissipate the heat of this CPU in normal conditions. However, while testing it, we found out that the processor heats up quite a lot, especially during stressful situations like playing demanding games or running benchmarks.
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is designed to work with dual-channel DDR4 RAM at a default frequency of 3200 MHz. However, if you can afford to spend the money on it, the processor works best with 3600 MHz DDR4 RAM. The processor uses the same AM4 Socket as the older AMD Ryzen processors, and that means that you can use it not only with the new X570 motherboards, but also with motherboards based on older chipsets such as X470 or X370. The Ryzen 5 3600 also has support for PCI Express 4, but only if you mount it on an X570 mainboard; on older chipsets it is limited to PCI Express 3.
After looking at the official hardware specs of the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor, we know that its six cores, twelve threads, and above-average base and boost clocks should be enough to run any software or game. Considering its great price, low TDP, as well as its support for PCI Express 4, the Ryzen 5 3600 appears to be an incredibly powerful competitor to Intel's mid-range processor lineup.
Performance in benchmarks and games
We tested the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor on a PC with the following hardware and software:
To get a clearer impression about the performance offered by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600, we compared its results in benchmarks with those of the Ryzen 5 3600X, Ryzen 7 3700X, Ryzen 9 3900X, and also with the older AMD Ryzen 7 2700 processor.
We started by running the benchmark offered by CPU-Z. In the Single Thread test, which measures the single-core performance, the Ryzen 5 3600 scored 470 points, which means that it is only 6% slower than the Ryzen 5 3600X. This result tells us that this processor should perform well in games: great news for gamers who do not have the budget for high-end processors!
In CPU-Z's Multi Thread test, which measures the multi-core performance of the processor, the Ryzen 5 3600 got a score of 3658. It is about 9 percent slower than the Ryzen 5 3600X, which, although it has the same number of cores and threads, has 200 MHz faster base and boost clocks. Nonetheless, it is an excellent result.
Next, we moved to the rendering benchmarks and started with Cinebench R20. AMD's Ryzen 5 3600 processor got 3221 points, 300 points or 8.5% less than the Ryzen 3600X.
In Blender, which measures the time needed by the CPU to render two different scenes, the Ryzen 5 3600 was only 3 percent slower than the 3600X. Both processors proved to be faster than we expected in this benchmark, although both of them only have six cores and the rendering performance in Blender scales directly to the number of cores and threads. If you take a look at the graph below, you can see that the Ryzen 5 3600 was just one minute slower than the Ryzen 7 2700 which, although is part of the previous generation, has eight cores.
Then we ran PCMark 10, a benchmark that aims to measure the processor performance in daily activities. That means web browsing, video conferencing, app start-up times, productivity, and digital content creation. The Ryzen 5 3600 scored 5636 points. Although it's almost 9 percent slower than the 3600X, it is still an excellent result, which shows that this processor can easily handle any regular computing activities.
We also used 7-Zip, a file compression app that includes a benchmark whose results are excellent indicators for the CPU performance. For the AMD Ryzen 5 3600, we measured a compression speed of 40 MB/s, the same as the one we got with the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X.
7-Zip's benchmark also revealed a decompression speed of 712 MB/s, a bit slower than the 3600X. To be more exact, the Ryzen 5 3600 was about 6 percent slower than its slightly more expensive brother.
Web browsing is one of the most common activities for anyone using a computer. That's why the speed at which your web browser can render websites is essential. To measure the performance of the Ryzen 5 3600 when surfing on the internet, we used JetStream 2, which uses JavaScript and WebAssembly. The higher the score, the faster the processor. Just like for the Ryzen 5 3600X, we were surprised to get a slightly better score than we did for the Ryzen 7 3700X and the Ryzen 9 3900X..
There is a good chance that you are also a gamer. That's why we also benchmarked the Ryzen 5 3600 processor in a few games. To avoid potential graphics card bottlenecks, we ran the games in 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution and with the lowest graphics quality set.
The first game we played was Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Its benchmark tool showed that the Ryzen 5 3600 processor was capable of rendering 227 frames per second. As we expected, this number is a bit lower than the one we got with the 3600X processor (255 frames). Although the difference is not meaningful, it shows that the slightly higher clocks of the 3600X give slightly better performance in games. On the other hand, if you have a good cooler, you can just overclock the 3600 processor and probably get the same results as with the 3600X, for 50 dollars less. 🙂
In Metro Exodus, which has some of the steepest hardware requirements right now, both in terms of video and processor performance, we measured an average frame rate of 109. It is only 4% slower than the Ryzen 5 3600X, and it is the same as we got with the octa-core Ryzen 7 2700 processor from the previous generation.
In World War Z, using the Vulkan API, we measured an average frame rate of 195, slightly less than with the 3600X. However, we are looking at about 200 FPS, so this small difference is rather insignificant.
As for the temperatures reached by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600, the news is not good, unfortunately. Just like its faster brother, the 3600X, the Ryzen 5 3600 also heats up a lot. AMD officially specifies that the maximum temperature is 95 degrees. Using the bundled Wraith Stealth cooler, the Ryzen 5 3600 reached this high temperature regularly, and in a few benchmarks (Blender, Cinebench R20, Shadow of the Tomb Raider) it was too much: our computer rebooted. To be able to finish all the benchmarks, we had to use a different cooler.
To get an approximate idea of how much power the processor draws, we used HWiNFO. Using the stock cooler, we saw a maximum consumption of 70 Watts. However, the amount of electricity consumed can go higher if you use a better cooler, that allows the processor to sustain its boost speed for longer times.
Although it seems to have some issues with high temperatures when using the stock Wraith Stealth cooler, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is a great processor. The results it obtained in all our benchmarks, for productivity, digital media creation, and gaming, are excellent. For a reasonable price, you get a powerful processor.
What is your opinion about the AMD Ryzen 5 3600?
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is probably the best processor you can get for less than 200 dollars right now. There's nothing to match it at the same price, so it is definitely an excellent choice for anyone, including gamers, wanting a processor with a great value for money. Do you agree? Comment below and let us know.