Android智能手机有各种形状和尺寸,具有不同的硬件配置和连接选项。然而,他们有一个共同的特点:他们很烂。与 iPhone 相比,不一定。由于Android的混乱以及在应用程序开发方面缺乏监管,它们中的大多数在客观上都很糟糕。我已经成功度过了多年的Android 折磨(Android torture),随着时间的推移,我明白了开源操作系统(open-source operating system)的真正目的:它是为了惹恼你购买 iPhone。以下是为什么即使是最新的带有Android 12的智能手机也很糟糕的十二个原因:
Android是一个开源操作系统(operating system),并且与所有开源事物一样,它受益于一个庞大的开发人员和程序员社区,他们随时准备创新和创造出色的内容。它还从完全缺乏监管和无视最佳实践中“受益”。这导致了一个碎片化的混乱,每个智能手机制造商都将他们的(smartphone manufacturer)智能手机软件(smartphone software)个性化到死。首先(First),让我们把事情说清楚:
1. 没有安卓(Android)智能手机(谷歌Pixel系列(Google Pixel lineup)除外)
Android手机糟糕的主要原因之一是没有Android手机。除了OG Google Pixel手机之外,几乎每款“Android”智能手机的原生(Google Pixel)Android 操作系统(Android operating)的构建、版本和实现都略有不同。它们中的大多数都带有经过大量修改的用户界面和非常缺乏灵感的名称(一个 UI?MIUI?ColorOS?)。
干净的Android 12界面(左)与 One UI(右)
这些自定义通常是愚蠢的、错误的和无用的,因为原版 Android 12(vanilla Android 12)界面经过深思熟虑。手机制造商之间这种操作系统碎片化的影响之一是(operating system fragmentation)Android智能手机糟糕的下一个原因:
2.操作系统(operating system)更新传播缓慢
谷歌每年都会(an Android version each year)认真地发布一个Android版本,比上一个版本有很大的改进。但是,虽然Google Pixel智能手机从(Google Pixel)第一天(day one)开始就获得更新,但所有其他Android智能手机都会在原始发布数月甚至数年之后收到更新。
这与两件事有关:第一,大量(sheer amount)不同的硬件配置意味着每个新的Android 版本(Android version)都需要经过每个制造商的彻底测试,然后才能推送到各自的设备上。第二,制造商需要时间通过将上述用户界面(user interface)自定义设置在完美的操作系统之上来破坏(operating system)Android 体验(Android experience)。最好的希望(如果您没有Pixel 智能手机)是在最新的(Pixel smartphone)Android 版本(Android version)可以在您的设备上下载前几个月,但即便如此,您也可能会过得很糟糕(you might have a bad time)。
不过不用担心,等待智能手机的新Android 版本(Android version)的痛苦不会成为一种习惯。那是因为大多数Android智能手机并没有获得太多重大更新。虽然 iPhone 用户受益于 5 到 6 年的更新(我的 iPhone SE 从 2017 年开始使用 iOS 9.3,并且刚刚更新到最新的 iOS 15.3),但Android手机最多经历三个(通常是两个)主要操作系统更新在不受支持之前(有一些明显的例外(with some notable exceptions))。基本上(Basically),您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)的软件支持(software support)比你的仓鼠过期得更快。虽然智能手机在两年后的硬件方面可能会非常好,但您将被过时的界面所困扰,甚至可能会遇到一些安全问题。
iPhone SE(2016)拥有最新的 iOS,而三星 A51(Samsung A51)(2019)仍然是Android 12之后的版本(Android 12)
提示:(TIP:)如果您不幸拥有Android 智能手机(Android smartphone),以下是如何判断您拥有的Android 版本(Android version)。
4. Android应用(Android app)生态系统一团糟
是的,Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)有大约 300 万个应用程序(roughly 3 million apps)(截至 2021 年底),但其中有多少是专门用于您的设备的?其中,有多少工作每隔几分钟就不会崩溃?与 iOS 同行相比,Android 应用程序是出了名的糟糕,这部分是因为(Android apps)苹果在应用程序(Apple)功能和质量(functionality and quality)方面有更严格的规定。
Android上的Facebook 应用程序(Facebook app)(左)与 iPhone 上的同一应用程序(右)
不过,说实话,为Android设备开发应用程序是一场噩梦,因为应用程序应该运行的硬件和操作系统(operating system)都可能千差万别。设计一款适用于运行Android 5的三星 J3(Samsung J3) (2017)和运行Android 12的(Android 12)Pixel 6的应用程序是一项艰巨的任务,因此难怪许多应用程序不支持广泛的设备和操作系统(operating system). 更糟糕的是,Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)对应用程序的宽松监管意味着,您通常会在其中发现一些完全是恶意软件(outright malware)的应用程序。做过(Did)我提到每个智能手机制造商(smartphone manufacturer)也都有自己的商店,还有更多的黑幕?甚至不要让我开始讨论侧载(从其他来源安装应用程序)的风险。(risks of sideloading)
5. 许多应用程序没有可靠的备份
因此,为Android(Android don)开发的许多应用程序没有可靠的备份方式也就不足为奇了。一些Android智能手机在(Android)Google Drive上备份他们的内容,一些使用他们自己的基于云的服务,但他们不做完整的备份。
每个Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)制造商使用不同的云备份解决方案(cloud backup solution)
6.谷歌游戏商店(Google Play Store)?更像谷歌广告商店(Google Ads Store)!
我知道你要说什么。“ Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)有大量免费应用程序!” 是的,我以前听过这个论点。但没有什么是真正、真正免费的,不是吗?为了摆脱困扰Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中许多免费应用程序的烦人广告,您预先节省的费用会让您感到沮丧、浪费时间和多次点击。
虽然他们的软件绝对是一团糟,但在硬件方面,Android智能手机简直就是彩票。它们就像一盒巧克力(like a box of chocolates),因此您永远不知道购买新设备时会得到什么。
7. 用户不愿意成为实验室老鼠
三星(Samsung)大胆地走到了前所未有的地步,推出了第一款可折叠屏幕的主流智能手机(mainstream smartphone)——Galaxy Fold。一个很酷的设计,一部可以让你的同事和朋友惊叹的智能手机……大约一两天,直到屏幕停止正常工作(screen stopped functioning properly)。是的,这在保修范围内,但不在保修范围内的是您的失望、您的时间和您的挫败感。
8. Android智能手机有各种尺寸……除了小的
就像我的秃头(bald spot)一样,Android手机在过去十年中才变得更大。尽管Apple不歧视手小的人,但几乎所有的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)制造商都忽视了这个(一致的)细分市场(market segment)已有五年多的时间了。最后一款真正紧凑的Android 旗舰产品(Android flagship)是OnePlus X,它于 2015 年发布!
只有Pixel 4a接近与该系列中的 iPhone 一样紧凑
Palm Phone虽然不是想象中的旗舰,但它是过去几年发布的少数几款小型Android智能手机之一,但它走向了另一个极端:只有 3.80 x 1.99 x 0.29 英寸或 96.6 x 50.6 x 7.4 毫米,它太小了,我可能需要用手指(fingers on my fingers)来操作它。
Palm Phone 真的很小
9. 相同的智能手机,不同的规格
有时,购买Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)会让人感到困惑。不仅因为每年都会推出数百种型号,而且您甚至可以找到来自同一制造商的同款智能手机,但具有多种不同的硬件配置。而且我不是在谈论存储大小(storage size)。我说的是芯片组、RAM 大小(RAM size)以及是否存在(presence or absence)重要功能,例如NFC。从理论上讲,每个地区都有相同的变体,但是随着全球化的发展,您最终可能会得到与您想要的不同规格的手机。例如,华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)有 8GB内存(RAM)(在中国(China))或 6GBRAM(其他任何地方)。
华为 P20 Pro
三星(Samsung)在其智能手机上放置不同芯片组的历史悠久,具体取决于它们的销售地区。虽然他们试图将设备锁定在各自的区域,但锁定与其说是一项功能,不如说是一种麻烦(is more a nuisance than a feature)。
与 iPhone 相比,Android 智能手机在(Android smartphone)资源管理和能源消耗(resource management and energy consumption)方面的效率较低。iPhone 的电池很小,但它们的实际使用证明,一次充电后,它们的续航时间与普通的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)一样长。苹果(Apple)对硬件和软件有更多的控制权,所以他们知道每个应用程序消耗了多少能量。因此,他们能够相应地调整电池寿命(battery life)和操作系统(operating system)。由于Android的混乱,您无法复制这种级别的控制。
iPhone(左)比安卓手机(Android phone)(右)更省钱
11. 人脸认证很糟糕
现在是 2022 年,具有面部认证功能的Android智能手机仍然很糟糕。对于他们中的许多人来说,人脸识别系统(face recognition system)很容易通过向设备显示用户的照片而(showing the device a picture of the user)被愚弄。现代(Modern)智能手机使用更复杂的系统,采用红外成像,但该功能解锁设备的速度仍然很慢,而且远非准确。
(Face authentication)iPhone(左)与三星智能手机(Samsung smartphone)(右)的面部认证
当你将它与 iPhone 的Face ID(Face ID)进行比较时,这个问题变得更加明显。使用面容 ID(Face ID)解锁 iPhone 非常快速、安全,很快它就能检测到您,即使您戴着口罩(it will be able to detect you even with your mask on)。不仅如此,Face ID还可用于保护购买和访问私人信息。
12. 品牌来来去去
苹果(Apple)粉丝很特别。他们绝对喜欢他们的 iPhone,以及所有的缺陷。老实说,我可以联系起来。过去,我曾经很喜欢HTC。他们制造了时尚、功能强大的智能手机,完全超越了市场上的任何其他安卓系统。(Android)然后他们就消失了。他们仍然生产智能手机,但在Google(Google)收购了他们的部分业务之后,他们从未真正从未能提供优质智能手机的几年中恢复过来。
优雅的 HTC One M8
华为(Huawei)也一样。我仍然拥有并使用华为 P30(Huawei P30),这是一款出色的智能手机,但在被禁止使用谷歌服务后(after being banned from using Google services),华为(Huawei)遭受了巨大的打击,直接影响了他们的产品。虽然我非常喜欢我的P30,但恐怕我不会再购买另一台华为设备(Huawei device)来替换它。事情就是这样:与Apple不同, (Apple)Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)市场上的许多优秀品牌可能会淡出、被收购或干脆消失,这让像我这样的粉丝非常怀念。
如果有缺陷是人性,那么Android设备就是人性化。但它们也是令人惊叹的设备,可以为我们提供全人类的综合知识。因此,虽然我指出了他们存在的一些问题,但我认为它们确实对我们的生活产生了积极影响。你呢?您喜欢使用Android智能手机还是和我一样苦涩?有没有你特别喜欢或不喜欢的功能?请在评论中告诉我,我很好奇您对智能手机(包括 iPhone)的总体体验。
12 reasons why Android smartphones suck -
Android smartphones come in all shapes and sizes, with dіfferent hardware configurations and connectivity options. And yet, they shаre a common attribute: they suck. And not necessarily when compared to iPhones. Moѕt of them are objectively bad, due to the chaos thаt is Android and the lack of regulation when it comes to app development. I have managеd to survive years of Android torture, and over time, І underѕtood the true purpose of the open-source operating system: it’s meant to annoy you into buying an iPhone. Here are twelve reasons why еven the latest smartphones, with Android 12, ѕuck:
Android is an open-source operating system, and, like all things open-source, it benefits from a huge community of developers and programmers ready to innovate and create awesome content. It also “benefits” from a complete lack of regulation and a disregard for best practices. This leads to a fragmented mess, with each smartphone manufacturer personalizing their smartphone software to death. First, let’s make things clear:
1. There are no Android smartphones (except for the Google Pixel lineup)
One of the main reasons why Android phones suck is that there are no Android phones. With the sole exception of the OG Google Pixel phones, virtually every “Android” smartphone has a slightly different build, version, and implementation of the vanilla Android operating system. Most of them come with heavily modified user interfaces and terribly uninspired names (One UI? MIUI? ColorOS?).
The clean Android 12 interface (left) versus One UI (right)
These customizations are often dumb, buggy, and useless, since the vanilla Android 12 interface is very well thought out. One of the effects of this operating system fragmentation between phone manufacturers is the next reason why Android smartphones suck:
2. Slow propagation of operating system updates
Google conscientiously releases an Android version each year, with tremendous improvements over the previous one. But while the Google Pixel smartphones get their updates from day one, all other Android smartphones receive the update months or even years after the original release.
This has to do with two things: one, the sheer amount of different hardware configurations means that every new Android version needs to be thoroughly tested by each manufacturer before being pushed to their respective devices. Two, manufacturers need time to ruin the Android experience by placing the aforementioned user interface customizations on top of a perfectly fine operating system. The best you can hope for (if you don’t own a Pixel smartphone) is a few months before the latest Android version is available for download on your device, but even then, you might have a bad time.
3. Update (lack of) support
Don’t worry, though, the painful wait for a new Android version for your smartphone won’t become a habit. And that’s because most Android smartphones don’t get too many major updates. While iPhone users benefit from 5 to 6 years of updates (my iPhone SE from 2017 started out with iOS 9.3 and was just updated to the latest iOS, 15.3), Android phones go through at most three (and usually two) major operating system updates before becoming unsupported (with some notable exceptions). Basically, your Android smartphone’s software support expires faster than your hamster. And while the smartphone might be perfectly fine in terms of hardware in two years’ time, you will be stuck with an outdated interface and maybe even some security issues.
The iPhone SE (2016) has the latest iOS, while the Samsung A51 (2019) is still a version behind Android 12
TIP: If you’re unfortunate enough to have an Android smartphone, here’s how to tell which Android version you have.
4. The Android app ecosystem is a mess
Yes, the Google Play Store has roughly 3 million apps (at the end of 2021), but how many of them work specifically with your device? And out of those, how many work without crashing every few minutes? Android apps are notoriously bad compared to their iOS counterparts, and that’s partly because Apple has stricter regulations when it comes to app functionality and quality.
The Facebook app on Android (left) versus the same app for iPhone (right)
To be honest, though, developing an app for Android devices is a nightmare, since both the hardware and the operating system the app should run on can vary wildly. Designing an app that works with both a Samsung J3 (2017) running Android 5 and a Pixel 6 that runs on Android 12 is a monumental task, so it’s no wonder that many apps don’t support a wide range of devices and operating systems. To make things worse, the loose regulation of apps in the Google Play Store means that, more often than not, you will find a few apps in there that are outright malware. Did I mention that each smartphone manufacturer also has its own store, with even more shady content? And don’t even get me started on the risks of sideloading (installing apps from other sources).
5. No reliable backup for many applications
It’s no surprise, then, that many applications developed for Android don’t have reliable means to be backed up. Some Android smartphones back up their content on Google Drive, some use their own cloud-based service, but they don’t make complete backups.
Each Android smartphone manufacturer uses a different cloud backup solution
If you’re an avid gamer, and you want to upgrade to another smartphone, prepare for disappointment, as for many of your games, the saves, achievements, and settings won’t be transferred to your new device.
6. Google Play Store? More like Google Ads Store!
I know what you’re gonna say. “Google Play Store has a huge number of free apps!” Yeah, I heard that argument before. But nothing is really, truly free, is it? What you save upfront will cost you frustration, time, and many taps in order to get rid of annoying ads that plague many free apps available in the Google Play Store.
Some apps have ALL the ads
While their software is a definite mess, hardware-wise, Android smartphones are nothing short of a lottery. They are like a box of chocolates, so you never know what you’re going to get when you purchase a new device.
7. Users unwillingly becoming lab rats
Innovation is great! It leads to amazing concepts, and it’s what makes us excited about new releases. However, innovation at the expense of the consumer is not innovation, it’s experimentation. Take the foldable screen for example. It’s really an amazing feat of engineering and an excellent solution to having a small portable device with an even smaller screen.
The Galaxy Fold
Samsung boldly went where no one had gone before and launched the first mainstream smartphone with a foldable screen, the Galaxy Fold. A cool design, a smartphone that could wow your coworkers and friends… for about a day or two, until the screen stopped functioning properly. And yes, this was covered by warranty, but what was not covered by warranty was your disappointment, your time, and your frustration.
8. Android smartphones come in all sizes… except small
Just like my bald spot, Android phones have only gotten larger in the past decade. And while Apple doesn’t discriminate against people with small hands, virtually all Android smartphone manufacturers have been ignoring this (consistent) market segment for more than five years now. The last truly compact Android flagship was the OnePlus X, and it was released back in 2015!
Only the Pixel 4a comes close to being as compact as the iPhones in this lineup
Although not a flagship by any stretch of the imagination, the Palm Phone is one of only a handful of small Android smartphones released in the last few years, but it goes to the other extreme: with just 3.80 x 1.99 x 0.29 inches or 96.6 x 50.6 x 7.4 mm, it’s so tiny that I’d probably need fingers on my fingers to operate it.
The Palm Phone is really small
9. Same smartphone, different specs
Sometimes, buying an Android smartphone is confusing. Not only because there are hundreds of models launched each year, but you can even find the same smartphone, with the same name, from the same manufacturer, but with several different hardware configurations. And I’m not talking about storage size. I’m talking about chipset, RAM size, and the presence or absence of vital features, like NFC. Theoretically, each region gets the same variant, but with globalization being a thing, you might end up with a phone with different specs than the ones you wanted. For example, the Huawei P20 Pro had either 8GB of RAM (in China) or 6GB RAM (everywhere else).
Huawei P20 Pro
Samsung has a long history of placing different chipsets on their smartphones, depending on the region where they are sold. And while they tried to lock the devices to their respective regions, the lock is more a nuisance than a feature.
10. (In)efficiency
When compared to the iPhones, Android smartphones have lower efficiency, both in terms of resource management and energy consumption. iPhones have tiny batteries, but their real-life usage proves they can last just as long as the average Android smartphone on a single charge. Apple has much more control over the hardware and the software, so they know how much energy each app consumes. Thus, they are able to tweak the battery life and the operating system accordingly. With the chaos that is Android, you can’t replicate this level of control.
The iPhone (left) is much frugal than an Android phone (right)
11. Face authentication is awful
It’s 2022, and Android smartphones with facial authentication still suck at it. For many of them, the face recognition system can easily be fooled by showing the device a picture of the user. Modern smartphones use a more complicated system, employing infrared imaging, but the feature is still slow to unlock the device and far from accurate.
Face authentication on an iPhone (left) versus Samsung smartphone (right)
The issue becomes even more obvious when you compare it to an iPhone’s Face ID. Using Face ID to unlock an iPhone is blazing fast, secure, and soon it will be able to detect you even with your mask on. Not only that, but Face ID can be used to secure purchases and for access to private information.
12. Brands come and go
Apple fans are just special. They absolutely love their iPhones, with all their flaws. And I can relate, honestly. Back in the day, I used to love HTC. They manufactured stylish, powerful smartphones that would simply outclass any other Android on the market. And then they disappeared. They still manufacture smartphones, but they never really recovered from failing to deliver a good smartphone for a few years and after Google acquired part of their business.
The elegant HTC One M8
The same with Huawei. I still own and use a Huawei P30, which is a brilliant smartphone, but after being banned from using Google services, Huawei took a massive hit which directly affected their products. And although I absolutely love my P30, I’m afraid that I won’t be buying another Huawei device to replace it. And that’s the thing: unlike Apple, many excellent brands in the Android smartphone market can fade out, be bought, or simply disappear, leaving fans like me with a bad case of nostalgia.
What do you hate most about Android smartphones?
If having flaws is human, Android devices are as human as it gets. But they are also amazing devices that deliver to us the combined knowledge of all humankind. So while I pointed out some of the issues they have, I think that they do have a positive impact on our lives. What about you? Do you enjoy using Android smartphones or are you just as bitter as I am? Are there any features that you like or dislike in particular? Let me know in the comments, I’m curious about your experience with smartphones in general (including iPhones).