努力选择Apex Legends中的最佳角色?您可以使用本指南了解游戏中每个传奇人物的能力、游戏风格和排名。
Apex Legends 第 4 季角色等级列表(Apex Legends Season 4 Character Tier List)
截至第 4 季(Season 4),Apex Legends有 12 个不同的角色。我们根据他们的能力、游戏潜力和碰撞箱大小(hitbox size)列出了它们。
幽灵(Wraith)是Apex Legends中最好的角色之一。她拥有一切。Wraith是一个传奇人物,拥有一系列非常适合定位的技能。Wraith还拥有游戏中最小的碰撞箱,这使得她很难被击中。
幽灵的能力是什么?(What Are Wraith’s Abilities?)
有了 Wraith 的被动技能,虚空之声(Voices From The Void),玩家可以在玩家瞄准她时收到Wraith的警告,她可以分享给她的队友。(Wraith)
- 进入虚空(Into The Void):让她从视线中消失。在此期间她无法受到伤害,但一道光迹会跟随她的位置。
- Dimensional Rift:让她创建两个(create two)连接在一起的门户。它非常适合逃避危险情况。
- 低调振作(Low profile perk):由于她的小碰撞箱,Wraith会受到 5% 的额外伤害。
什么游戏风格适合幽灵玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Wraith Players?)
Wraith 的能力提供了绝佳的逃生机会,使她成为攻击型玩家的传奇。
探路者是(Pathfinder)Apex Legends中最好的角色之一,原因与Wraith相同。探路者(Pathfinder)具有专注于个人机动性的战术能力和专注于快速移动队友的终极能力。探路者(Pathfinder)也有一个非常小的碰撞箱。
探路者的能力是什么?(What Are Pathfinder’s Abilities?)
- 内幕知识(Insider Knowledge):允许探路者扫描世界上的勘测信标,以揭示下一个环的位置。
- 抓钩:(Grappling Hook:)可以向任何方向投掷探路者。这个能力是可以掌握的,是Apex英雄(Apex Legends)中最好的移动能力(movement ability)。
- 滑索枪(Zipline Gun):可以创建一个大型滑索,任何人都可以以更高的速度行驶,非常适合进入或逃离战斗。
由于他的小碰撞箱,探路者(Pathfinder)也有低调(low profile perk)的特权。
什么游戏风格适合探路者玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Pathfinder Players?)
直布罗陀(Gibraltar)是Apex Legends中第三好的角色,尽管拥有最大的命中框。这要归功于当他瞄准瞄准器时挡住他大部分上身的枪盾。直布罗陀(Gibraltar)的治疗和保护能力(s healing and protection abilities)也使他成为一名强大的团队合作者(team player)。
直布罗陀的能力是什么?(What Are Gibraltar’s Abilities?)
- 枪盾(Gun Shield):瞄准目标时在他的上半身周围创建一个盾牌。护盾可以格挡50点伤害。
- 保护穹顶(Dome of Protection):直布罗陀(Gibraltar)可以放置一个可以阻挡所有伤害的穹顶盾牌。圆顶盾牌中的玩家使用治疗物品的% faster,直布罗陀可以使圆顶(Gibraltar)盾牌(shield 25)中的队友复活% faster。
- 防御轰炸:(Defensive Bombardment:)空袭将(air strike)落在你的位置上。来自空袭的导弹每枚将造成 40 点伤害。
- 强化(Fortified) 振作:(Perk:) 直布罗陀(Gibralter)受到的伤害减少 15%,并且在射击时不会像其他传说一样被子弹减速。
什么样的游戏风格适合直布罗陀玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Gibraltar Players?)
沃森的能力是什么?(What Are Wattson’s Abilities?)
- 天才的火花(Spark of Genius):允许她用一种终极促进剂来填充她的终极冲锋。当站在她的终极技能附近时,她还可以获得更快的战术充电时间。(recharge time)
- 周边安全(Perimeter Security)。Wattson可以放置栅栏杆,当它们放置在一起时,将形成一个电栅栏。穿过栅栏的敌人会受到伤害并减速(damage and slow)。
- 拦截塔(Interception Pylon):Wattson 可以放下一个塔,它可以摧毁任何来袭的军械,并且会随着时间的推移慢慢修复护盾。
- 沃特森也有低调(low profile perk)的特权。
Wattson 球员适合什么样的打法?(What Playstyle is Suited For Wattson Players?)
班加罗尔(Bangalore)的能力赋予她强大的定位能力和快速移动能力。她也有一个小的碰撞箱,但没有低调的特权(profile perk)。
班加罗尔的能力是什么?(What Are Bangalore’s Abilities?)
- 双倍时间(Double Time):每次子弹落在她附近时,她的速度会在短时间内提高 30%。
- 烟雾发射器(Smoke Launcher):可用于使烟雾笼罩的区域。您获得两次充电,每次充电需要 30 秒才能补充。
- 滚雷(Rolling Thunder):可以召唤(Can call)炮击(artillery strike)。它用缓慢爆炸的导弹覆盖了一个区域。它非常适合在危险的战斗中重新定位。
什么游戏风格适合班加罗尔玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Bangalore Players?)
生命线(Lifeline)是一个非常适合支持玩家的传奇。(legend perfect)她具有出色的治疗能力,并且作为终极技能的战利品空投。不幸的是,生命线(Lifeline)缺乏任何重新定位或防御能力,这使得她比排名在她之上的大多数其他传奇人物更弱。
生命线的能力是什么?(What Are Lifeline’s Abilities?)
- 战斗医生(Combat Medic):让她复活队友的% faster。复活时,她面对的方向会出现一面盾墙。(shield wall)生命线(Lifeline)还可以使个人使用治疗物品的% faster。
- DOC Heal Drone:允许生命线(Lifeline)放置一个小型无人机,当站在附近时可以治愈生命线(Lifeline)和她的队友。
- 护理包(Care Package):允许生命线放弃护理包(care package)。里面会有三个实用或治疗物品。
- 生命线(Lifeline)还具有 5% 增加伤害低调振作(low profile perk)。
什么样的游戏风格适合生命线玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Lifeline Players?)
Crypto的能力是什么?(What Are Crypto’s Abilities?)
- Neurolink:允许Crypto和他的队友看到被他的无人机扫描的球员的轮廓。
- 监视无人机(Surveillance Drone):允许Crypto控制可以调查该区域的无人机。无人机将扫描30米内的敌人。
- 无人机 EMP(Drone EMP):将充能一次大型EMP 爆炸(EMP blast),造成 50点护盾伤害(shield damage)、减速敌人并禁用陷阱。
什么游戏风格适合加密玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Crypto Players?)
Bloodhound是另一个侦察传奇(recon legend),就像Crypto一样,但跟踪技能要活跃得多。在开始战斗之前,使用Bloodhound侦察区域并准确了解人们的位置。
猎犬的能力是什么?(What Are Bloodhound’s Abilities?)
- 追踪器(Tracker):会在屏幕上留下玩家足迹等线索。
- 全父之眼:将在寻血(Eye Of The Allfather)猎犬(Bloodhound)前方大范围内短暂显示敌人、陷阱和线索。所有敌人也被追踪穿过墙壁。
- 狩猎野兽(Beast Of The Hunt):所有玩家都被突出显示,你的视野变暗,你的移动% faster持续 35 秒。如果你在大招期间击倒了一名玩家,计时器将增加 5 秒。
Bloodhound 玩家适合什么游戏风格?(What Playstyle is Suited For Bloodhound Players?)
Caustic是一个伟大的防守传奇,很难掌握。虽然不被认为是Apex Legends中最好的角色,但通过一些练习,他绝对可以超越其他传奇人物。
卡斯蒂克的能力是什么?(What Are Caustic’s Abilities?)
- Nox Vision: 允许腐蚀剂(Allows Caustic)看到任何穿过腐蚀剂气体的敌人的轮廓。
- Nox Gas Trap:允许Caustic放置多达 6 个毒气罐,当附近有敌人或被击中时,这些毒气罐会自动释放毒气。
- Nox Gas Grenade:允许Caustic投掷一枚手榴弹,该手榴弹在投掷的位置(location thrown)形成大面积的气体。
- Caustic的所有毒气伤害(gas damage)都会随着时间的推移而叠加,并且只会直接影响生命值,而忽略护盾。Caustic还具有强化(fortified )的特权,这意味着受到的伤害减少 15%,并且子弹不会减慢速度。
什么游戏风格适合腐蚀性玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Caustic Players?)
卡斯蒂克(Caustic)是一个强大的防守传奇,但他需要很多技巧才能掌握。他适合那些有耐心但又想掌握一个可以用他的毒气与玩家进行一对一(versus one)战斗的角色的人。
Octane的能力是什么?(What Are Octane’s Abilities?)
- Swift Mend:允许辛烷(Octane)在不受到伤害的情况下随着时间的推移逐渐恢复健康。
- 刺激(Stim):让辛烷(Octane)的移动% faster持续 6 秒。使用该刺激物需要消耗 10 点生命值,但可以每两秒使用一次。听起来很有趣(Sounds fun),但探路者的擒抱速度仍然更快,并且猎犬的终极移动速度相同,不会对健康造成威胁。
- 发射台(Launch Pad):部署一个可以将玩家发射到空中的跳台。(jump pad)这种能力可以很好地到达高处。
什么游戏风格适合 Octane 玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Octane Players?)
Octane是一个传奇,适合那些想要肆无忌惮地进行战斗、玩得开心且不担心后果的人。有更好的传说适合这个角色,所以在使用Octane之前考虑探路者或寻血猎犬(Pathfinder or Bloodhound)。
海市蜃楼的技能是什么?(What Are Mirage’s Abilities?)
- Encore!:有了这个,你会在 5 秒内隐身,并在你被击倒时制造一个假的自己的诱饵。
- Psyche Out:将向您指向的方向发送一个诱饵。
- 消失法(Vanishing Act):会让一圈诱饵出现在你的位置上,你也会隐形。
什么游戏风格适合 Mirage 玩家?(What Playstyle is Suited For Mirage Players?)
Mirage 非常适合那些只想通过他的骗子主题能力获得一点乐趣的人。他对球队不是特别有用,而且缺乏机动性。
Revenant可能是Apex Legends中的最新角色,但他有一个很大的hitbox 问题(hitbox problem),让他很容易被击中。他的能力为不知情的玩家提供了一些侧翼的潜力,但他们需要认真的工作才能让Revenant排名更高。
Revenant的能力是什么?(What Are Revenant’s Abilities?)
- Stalker:允许 Revenant 爬得更高,蹲得更高。蹲下走路时你几乎完全沉默。沉默(Silence):允许 Revenant 投掷一个可以伤害玩家的设备并禁用他们的能力 10 秒。
- 死亡图腾(Death Totem):让Revenant 放置(Revenant place)一个图腾。当玩家激活图腾时,他们将进入影子模式。在这种模式下,你只会受到健康伤害(health damage)。如果你所有的健康伤害(health damage)耗尽,你会回到图腾。
Revenant 适合什么游戏风格?(What Playstyle is Suited For Revenant?)
这结束了我们对Apex Legends中最佳角色的了解。你同意我们的清单吗?不同意(Disagree)?在评论部分分享(Share)你自己的想法。
The 12 Best Characters In Apex Legends
Struggling tо choose the best chаracters in Apex Legends? You can use this guide to learn the abilities, playstyles, and ranking for eaсh legend in the game.
Think of this as the ultimate guide for getting to grips with the characters and deciding who you want to play.
Apex Legends Season 4 Character Tier List
As of Season 4, Apex Legends has 12 different characters. We’ve listed them based on their abilities, gameplay potential, and their hitbox size.
Wraith is amongst the best characters in Apex Legends. She has everything going for her. Wraith is a legend with a range of skills perfect for positioning. Wraith also has the smallest hitbox in the game, making her very hard to hit.
What Are Wraith’s Abilities?
With Wraith’s passive, Voices From The Void, the player can get warnings from Wraith when a player is aiming at her, which she can share to her teammates.
- Into The Void: Allows her to disappear from sight. She cannot take damage during this time, but a trail of light will follow her position.
- Dimensional Rift: Lets her create two portals that link together. It’s perfect for escaping dangerous situations.
- Low profile perk: Because of her small hitbox, Wraith takes 5% extra damage.
What Playstyle is Suited For Wraith Players?
Wraith’s abilities offer great escape opportunities, making her a great legend for aggressive players.
Pathfinder is one of the best characters in Apex Legends for many of the same reasons as Wraith. Pathfinder has a tactical ability focused on personal mobility and an ultimate ability focused on moving teammates quickly. Pathfinder also has a very small hitbox.
What Are Pathfinder’s Abilities?
- Insider Knowledge: Allows Pathfinder to scan survey beacons in the world to reveal the next ring’s location.
- Grappling Hook: Can fling Pathfinder in any direction. This ability can be mastered and it’s the best movement ability in Apex Legends.
- Zipline Gun: Can create a large zipline that anybody can travel on at increased speed, perfect for entering or escaping fights.
Due to his small hitbox, Pathfinder also has the low profile perk.
What Playstyle is Suited For Pathfinder Players?
Pathfinder is an excellent legend for anyone that wants to play aggressively. You can push into a fight with your ultimate and use your grapple at any time to escape, and you’ll never have to worry about somebody catching up with you.
Gibraltar is the third best character in Apex Legends, despite having the biggest hitbox. This is thanks to the gun shield that blocks most of his upper body when he aims down sights. Gibraltar’s healing and protection abilities also make him a strong team player.
What Are Gibraltar’s Abilities?
- Gun Shield: Creates a shield around his upper body when aiming down sights. The shield can block 50 damage.
- Dome of Protection: Gibraltar can place a dome shield that can block all damage. Players in the dome shield can use healing items 25% faster and Gibraltar can revive teammates in the dome shield 25% faster.
- Defensive Bombardment: An air strike will fall on your position. The missiles from the airstrike will deal 40 damage each.
- Fortified Perk: Gibralter takes 15% less damage and cannot be slowed by bullets when shot at like other legends.
What Playstyle is Suited For Gibraltar Players?
Gibraltar is a great legend for players that want to support their team. But don’t get it wrong, Gibraltar is excellent for playing aggressively too.
Wattson is another legend with a small hitbox, but she also has great abilities for setting up camp. She’s the perfect defensive legend.
What Are Wattson’s Abilities?
- Spark of Genius: Allows her to fill her ultimate charge with just one ultimate accelerant. She can also get faster tactical recharge time when standing near her ultimate.
- Perimeter Security. Wattson can place fence poles that, when placed together, will create an electric fence. Enemies that walk through the fence will take damage and slow.
- Interception Pylon: Wattson can place a pylon down that can destroy any incoming ordnance and will repair shields slowly over time.
- Wattson also has the low profile perk.
What Playstyle is Suited For Wattson Players?
Wattson is the perfect legend for those who like to play defensively. She’s an excellent option for ranked players because she can hold down areas well.
Bangalore has abilities that give her great positioning power and fast movement. She also has a small hitbox, but doesn’t have the low profile perk.
What Are Bangalore’s Abilities?
- Double Time: Boosts her speed by 30% for a short time every time bullets land near her.
- Smoke Launcher: Can be used to cloud an area with smoke. You get two charges and each charge takes 30 seconds to replenish.
- Rolling Thunder: Can call in an artillery strike. It blankets an area with missiles that slowly explode. It’s great for repositioning in dangerous fights.
What Playstyle is Suited For Bangalore Players?
Bangalore is a great legend for those who like to outplay enemies with smart repositioning. You can use all of her abilities to quickly confuse enemies and start an attack from another position.
Lifeline is a legend perfect for supporting players. She has great healing abilities and a loot packed airdrop as her ultimate. Unfortunately, Lifeline lacks any repositioning or defensive abilities, making her weaker than most other legends ranked above her.
What Are Lifeline’s Abilities?
- Combat Medic: Allows her to revive teammates 25% faster. When reviving, a shield wall will appear in the direction she’s facing. Lifeline can also personally use healing items 25% faster.
- D.O.C Heal Drone: Allows Lifeline to place a small drone that can heal Lifeline and her teammates when standing nearby.
- Care Package: Allows Lifeline to drop a care package. It will have three utility or healing items inside.
- Lifeline also has the 5% increased damage low profile perk.
What Playstyle is Suited For Lifeline Players?
Lifeline is a great legend for those who want to support their team. Unfortunately, many of Lifeline’s perks can be found on Gibraltar, potentially making him a better option for the same role.
Crypto is a unique legend with powerful recon skills. You can use Crypto to control a drone that can be used for checking an area for players.
What Are Crypto’s Abilities?
- Neurolink: Allows Crypto and his teammates to see the outline of players that are scanned by his drone.
- Surveillance Drone: Allows Crypto to control a drone that can survey the area. The drone will scan enemies within 30 meters.
- Drone EMP: Will charge up a large EMP blast that will do 50 shield damage, slow enemies, and disable traps.
What Playstyle is Suited For Crypto Players?
Crypto is perfect for those who like preparing a more tactical approach before engaging in a fight. Because Crypto has to stay still when activating his drone, he can be very vulnerable. You need good situational awareness to use Crypto successfully.
Bloodhound is another recon legend, like Crypto, but tracking skills are far more active. Use Bloodhound to scout areas and know exactly where people are before starting a fight.
What Are Bloodhound’s Abilities?
- Tracker: Will leave clues such as player footsteps on your screen.
- Eye Of The Allfather: Will briefly reveal enemies, traps and clues within a large radius in front of Bloodhound. All enemies are tracked through walls too.
- Beast Of The Hunt: All players are highlighted, your vision goes dark, and you can move 30% faster for 35 seconds. If you knock down a player during your ultimate, the timer will increase by 5 seconds.
What Playstyle is Suited For Bloodhound Players?
Bloodhound is excellent for hunting down players, so they’re an excellent pick for those who struggle to understand the environment through other, more subtle clues.
Caustic is a great defensive legend that’s hard to master. While not considered amongst the best characters in Apex Legends, he can definitely outplay other legends with some practice.
What Are Caustic’s Abilities?
- Nox Vision: Allows Caustic to see the outlines of any enemies that move through Caustic’s gas.
- Nox Gas Trap: Allows Caustic to place up to 6 gas canisters that automatically release gas when an enemy is nearby or when shot.
- Nox Gas Grenade: Allows Caustic to throw a grenade that blooms into a large area of gas at the location thrown.
- All of Caustic’s gas damage stacks over time, and only deals directly to health, ignoring shields. Caustic also has the fortified perk, which means 15% less incoming damage and no slows from bullets.
What Playstyle is Suited For Caustic Players?
Caustic is a powerful defensive legend, but he takes a lot of skill to master. He’s suited for those who have patience but want to master a character that can force one versus one fights against players with his gas.
Octane is a legend that makes us believe he can move fast, but those abilities put him in danger. Octane may be a fun legend to play, but he isn’t viable competitively.
What Are Octane’s Abilities?
- Swift Mend: Allows Octane to gradually regain health over time when not taking damage.
- Stim: Allows Octane to move 30% faster for 6 seconds. The stim costs 10 health to use, but it can be used every two seconds. Sounds fun, but Pathfinder’s grapple is still faster, and Bloodhound’s ultimate moves at the same speed with no risk to health.
- Launch Pad: Deploys a jump pad that can launch players in the air. This ability can be good for getting to high places.
What Playstyle is Suited For Octane Players?
Octane is a legend that’s there for those who want to recklessly push fights, have fun, and not worry about the consequences. There are better legends that fit this role, so consider Pathfinder or Bloodhound before taking Octane.
Mirage is a trickster who can create clones of himself to confuse enemies or use holo technology to hide. Unfortunately, Mirage’s abilities only work when others are fooled, making him difficult to use against experienced players.
What Are Mirage’s Abilities?
- Encore!: With this, you will go invisible for 5 seconds and create a fake decoy of yourself when you get knocked down.
- Psyche Out: Will send a decoy of yourself in the direction you point.
- Vanishing Act: Will make a ring of decoys appear on your position and you’ll also go invisible.
What Playstyle is Suited For Mirage Players?
Mirage is great for those who just want a bit of fun with his trickster themed abilities. He’s not particularly useful for the team and lacks any mobility.
Revenant may be the newest character in Apex Legends, but he has a big hitbox problem, making him easy to hit. His abilities offer some potential for flanking unaware players, but they need serious work before Revenant can rank higher.
What Are Revenant’s Abilities?
- Stalker: Allows Revenant to climb walls higher and crouch walk higher. You are almost completely silent when crouch walking.Silence: Allows Revenant to throw a device that can damage players and disable their abilities for 10 seconds.
- Death Totem: Lets Revenant place a totem. When a player activates the totem, they will enter shadow mode. In this mode, you’ll only take health damage. If all of your health damage depletes, you’ll appear back at the totem.
What Playstyle is Suited For Revenant?
Revenant is great for players who want to sneak up on their enemies or set up calculating flanks. There’s no other legend like Revenant, but you should be aware of his flaws before playing him.
That wraps up our look at the best characters in Apex Legends. Do you agree with our list? Disagree? Share your own thoughts in the comments section.