Apple Watch被誉为当今您可以买到的最完整、最精心设计的可穿戴设备之一,但即使是产品线,也有很多选择。最重要的一项是您是否想要仅GPS和 Wi-Fi 模型或GPS + Cellular模型。
GPS和蜂窝 Apple Watch(Cellular Apple Watches Different)有何不同?
两种型号之间的主要区别在于,一种具有LTE蜂窝无线电,而另一种则没有。使用蜂窝版本,您可以将内部 eSIM 配置为使用 iPhone 的相同号码和数据计划。
当手表靠近您的 iPhone 时,它将使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接到手机来工作。如果您超出范围,它可以继续使用其蜂窝连接访问数据。当然,Wi-Fi 手表也可以做到这一点,只要它可以访问 Wi-Fi 网络,但蜂窝模式为您提供与任何蜂窝设备相同的自由度。
Apple Watch的两个版本在每个系列(Series)中都是相同的。其他差异纯粹是装饰性的。例如,仅支持 Wi-Fi 的Apple Watch仅提供最便宜的铝制外壳版本。如果您想要不锈钢表壳或钛金属表壳材料,您别无选择,只能选择蜂窝模型。
Apple Watch 的主要功能,例如心电图功能(ECG functionality)、血氧测量、心率、表盘选择以及与蜂窝技术无关的所有内容都是相同的。它们还运行相同的WatchOS应用程序和功能。
Wi-Fi 型号具有(Wi-Fi Model Has)(略(Slightly))更长的电池寿命(Better Battery Life)
由于没有蜂窝无线电,Apple Watch的(Apple Watch)Wi-Fi型号不会很快耗尽其电池寿命。然而,这并不是一个完全公平的比较,因为当两块手表都连接到你的 iPhone 时,你应该获得或多或少相同的电池寿命。
只有在蜂窝网络的独立模式下,电池差异才会明显。但由于您根本无法使用 Wi-Fi 模型做到这一点,这似乎是一个公平的权衡。无论哪种情况,您每天都不需要充电一次以上。
Siri对(Siri)GPS + Cellular网络更有用
Siri是 Apple 的智能语音助手,真正在Apple Watch上独树一帜。使用语音而不是小巧的Apple Watch(Apple Watch)显示屏,执行日常任务(例如网络搜索、日历管理以及Siri可以执行的所有其他事情)要容易得多。
只要您随身携带 iPhone,Siri就可以在 Wi-Fi 型号的手表上正常工作,但如果您出去跑步或以其他方式将手机留在身后,Siri就不再工作了,这是可以理解的。这真是太可惜了,因为Siri是一种使用Apple Watch的有效且直观的方式。
GPS + Cellular Apple Watch Has Cooler App的应用程序功能
许多Apple Watch应用程序在没有数据连接时会变得非常有用。流式传输内容的应用程序或下载新地图的GPS应用程序可提供更好的体验。
如果您在没有手机的情况下使用仅限 Wi-Fi 的手表,则必须预先计划下载以确保您需要的应用程序能够正常工作。现在,当您拥有蜂窝模型时,您可以使用您的应用程序,而无需预测它们是否需要它们。
GPS GPS + Cellular Apple Watch Supports Family Setup
通常,每个Apple Watch所有者都有自己的 iPhone,但通过家庭设置(Family Setup),可以为没有自己的 iPhone 的家庭成员设置Apple Watch 。
如果您打算将新Apple Watch传递给家人(例如孩子),您只能将“家庭设置”(Family Setup)与蜂窝网络手表一起使用。不过,手表不需要与手机具有相同的运营商。
除了蜂窝 Series 4 或更新的Apple Watch之外,您还需要 iPhone 6s。已设置为家庭手表的Apple Watch没有与自己的 iPhone 链接,它有一些限制,当然,使用手表的人没有与独立用户相同的隐私。
如果您想为家庭中没有 iPhone 的人购买手表,购买较旧的Series蜂窝手表(或 SE 型号)仍然比购买仅支持 Wi-Fi 的手表和 iPhone 便宜。
流媒体与预加载音乐(Preloading Music)和播客
我们简要提到蜂窝Apple Watch的一个好处是它不需要在离开手机时预加载内容。这与音乐和播客尤其相关,因为您可能会厌倦已下载的歌曲或用完剧集。
如果您的手表具有蜂窝网络功能,则可以在流式传输Apple Music时不断播放新歌曲。不要(Airpods)忘记,您可以将Airpods(Don)或其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机直接连接到Apple Watch,因此当您处于活动状态且无法随身携带手机时,蜂窝模型可以成为一个巨大的独立流媒体设备。
(Text Messages)手机Apple Watch(Apple Watch)上的短信和电话(Phone Calls Rock)
拥有蜂窝Apple Watch的最大好处是您可以保持联系,而不必担心随身携带手机。无论您是在海里游泳、远足、跑步,还是做任何手机可能会丢失和摔坏的事情,您都可以使用手表进行交流。
短信(Text)和电话的工作方式与在 iPhone 上的工作方式几乎相同。WhatsApp等消息应用程序也是如此,它允许您在没有手机的情况下在手表上阅读和回复消息。
如果您有向您发送重要通知的应用程序或服务,那么无论如何您也会在蜂窝Apple Watch机型上收到它们。(Apple Watch)如果您不能错过您的通知,那么蜂窝网络是有意义的。
蜂窝手表(Cellular Watch)在紧急情况下非常有用(Great)
Apple Watch Series 4、Apple Watch SE或更新机型内置跌倒检测功能。如果它检测到您摔倒了,手机会轻拍您的手腕并询问您是否还好。如果您在一分钟内没有移动或响应,它会呼叫紧急服务来帮助您。
正如您可能预期的那样,只有当您的 iPhone 在附近时,Wi-Fi 型号才能发出可能挽救生命的电话。如果您的 iPhone 被遗弃、摔坏或电池没电,则您无法寻求帮助。
由于许多用户最有可能在做有严重摔倒风险的事情(例如远足)时将 iPhone 抛在身后,因此这是一个相当重要的功能。
细胞模型有(Cellular Model Has)一些重要(Important)的限制
很容易将蜂窝Apple Watch视为手腕上的迷你 iPhone,但它还没有完全实现。在您将额外的钱花在蜂窝型号上之前,您应该确认您当前的提供商支持 Apple Watch 中的 eSIM(provider supports the eSIM in the Apple Watch)。
您无法注册独立的Apple Watch蜂窝网络套餐。如果您使用 AT&T 等提供商,您的Apple Watch必须与该帐户关联。它也不是免费的。您必须按月支付费用才能共享相同的帐户和电话号码。
如果您目前所在的运营商根本不支持Apple Watch并且您不想更改,那么蜂窝模式对您来说并不代表一个明智的交易。
虽然本文主要介绍哪种类型的Apple Watch适合您,但重要的是要了解所有当前的Apple Watch(Apple Watches)都有一些特点,使其比其他智能手表选项更不吸引人。
虽然您可能已经知道这一点,但您不能将Apple Watch与三星Galaxy手机等(Galaxy)Android手机一起使用。反之则不然。但是,三星的Galaxy手表将很乐意与您的 iPhone 配合使用。
不仅非Apple设备无法与Apple Watch搭配使用。其他 iOS 设备(例如Apple iPad)不提供与Apple Watch的兼容性。现在,它是一部 iPhone,或者什么都不是。这是非常令人沮丧的,因为蜂窝模型可以作为一个完全独立的设备工作,所以将 iPhone 作为包装的关键部分的决定是苹果(Apple)将你锁定在他们的生态系统中。
这在未来可能会改变,Apple已经表示正在考虑将 iPad 用户纳入其中。如果Apple有一天允许Mac或 iPad 用户设置和管理Apple Watch(Apple Watch one),那么购买蜂窝型号更有意义。
尽管如此,除非您愿意同时放弃两者,否则购买Apple Watch会将您锁定在 Apple 的手机品牌中。(Apple Watch)但是,如果您保留旧 iPhone,如果您有蜂窝Apple Watch(Apple Watch) ,则可以将其留在家中,这是对它有利的另一点!
始终随身携带手机?购买GPS 型号(GPS Model)
如果您知道您将始终随身携带 iPhone,即使您在户外散步或进行其他活动时,为您永远不会使用的功能付费也没有多大意义。我们试图强调一些场景,您可能最终会感激您确实可以选择在Apple Watch上使用蜂窝网络功能,但不使用它仍然是一个有效的选择。
还值得记住的是,您的仅限Wi-Fi 的(Wi-Fi)Apple Watch仍然有Wi-Fi。因此,如果您有一个便携式热点或始终可以在您漫游的地方访问Wi-Fi,您仍然可以获得蜂窝模式提供的大部分好处。同样(Likewise),如果您要去没有蜂窝服务的地方,那么您最终选择哪种型号的手表都没有关系。
感觉独立(Independent)?购买(Buy)GPS GPS + Cellular Model
我们认为蜂窝模型提供的额外选项非常值得价格差异。如果你仔细观察亚马逊(Amazon)等商业网站上的价格,你甚至可以以相当优惠的价格购买蜂窝Apple Watch(Apple Watches),从而消除一些财务犹豫。
尽管Apple Watch GPS(Apple Watch GPS)与蜂窝(Cellular)网络的争论似乎是在两个几乎相同的产品之间进行的,但通过蜂窝网络为Apple Watch提供的独立性确实扩大了该设备的实用性和功能性。即使您没有特定理由购买蜂窝模型,我们仍然会向任何潜在买家推荐GPS模型,除非您的预算确实没有灵活性。
Apple Watch GPS (Wi-Fi-Only) vs. Cellular – Which One To Buy?
The Apple Watch has earned a reputation as one of the most complete and well-thought-out wearable gadgets you can buy today, but there are choices to be made even with the product line. One of the most important is whether you want a GPS and Wi-Fi-only model or the GPS + Cellular model.
How Are the GPS and Cellular Apple Watches Different?
The main difference between the two models is that one has an LTE cellular radio and the other does not. With the cellular version, you can configure the internal eSIM to use your iPhone’s same number and data plan.
When the watch is near your iPhone, it will use a Bluetooth connection to the phone to work. If you’re out of range, it can continue to access data using its cellular connection. Of course, the Wi-Fi watch can also do this, as long as it has access to a Wi-Fi network, but the cellular model gives you the same freedom as any cellular device.
The two versions of the Apple Watch are the same within each Series. Other differences are purely cosmetic. For example, the Wi-Fi-only Apple Watch is only available in the cheapest aluminum case version. If you want the stainless steel case or titanium case material, you have no choice but to go for a cellular model.
Key Apple Watch features such as ECG functionality, blood oxygen measurement, heart rate, watch face choices, and everything not related to cellular technology are the same. They also run the same WatchOS apps and features.
All things being equal, the price difference isn’t significant, but if you aren’t going to use the additional features of the cellular model, it’s an amount still worth saving. So let’s look at the key differences that might influence your purchasing decision.
The Wi-Fi Model Has (Slightly) Better Battery Life
Since it lacks a cellular radio, the Wi-Fi model of the Apple Watch doesn’t eat through its battery life quite as quickly. However, this isn’t an entirely fair comparison since when both watches are linked to your iPhone, you should get more or less the same amount of battery life.
It’s only in independent mode on cellular that the battery differential is apparent. But since you can’t do that with the Wi-Fi model at all, it seems like a fair tradeoff. In either case, you’re not going to need a recharge more than once a day.
Siri Is More Useful With GPS + Cellular
Siri, Apple’s smart voice assistant, really comes into its own on an Apple Watch. It’s far easier to do everyday tasks such as web searches, calendar management, and all the other things that Siri can do using your voice instead of the tiny Apple Watch display.
As long as you have your iPhone with you, Siri works just fine on the Wi-Fi model of the watch, but if you go out for a run or otherwise leave your phone behind, Siri understandably doesn’t work anymore. That’s a real shame since Siri is such an effective and intuitive way to use the Apple Watch.
The GPS + Cellular Apple Watch Has Cooler App Features
Many apps for Apple Watch become significantly less helpful when they don’t have a data connection. Apps that stream content or GPS applications that download new maps offer a much better experience.
If you’re using your Wi-Fi-only watch without your phone, you have to pre-plan downloads to ensure the apps you’ll need will work. Now, when you have the cellular model, you can use your apps without having to predict they’d need them.
The GPS + Cellular Apple Watch Supports Family Setup
Usually, each Apple Watch owner has their own iPhone, but with Family Setup, it’s possible to set up an Apple Watch for a family member who doesn’t have an iPhone of their own.
If you plan on passing your new Apple Watch to someone in your family, such as a child, you can only use Family Setup with a cellular watch. Though, the watch doesn’t need to have the same carrier as the mobile phone.
In addition to a cellular Series 4 or newer Apple Watch, you also need an iPhone 6s. An Apple Watch that has been set up as a family watch, not linked to its own iPhone, has some limitations, and, of course, the person using the watch doesn’t have the same privacy as an independent user.
If you want to buy a watch for someone in your family group who doesn’t have an iPhone, buying an older Series cellular watch (or the SE model) is still cheaper than buying a Wi-Fi-only watch and an iPhone.
Streaming vs. Preloading Music and Podcasts
We briefly mentioned that one benefit of the cellular Apple Watch is that it doesn’t require content preloading when away from your phone. This is especially relevant to music and podcasts since you may get tired of the songs you’ve downloaded or run out of episodes.
If you have a watch with cellular functionality, you can keep new songs coming when you stream Apple Music. Don’t forget, you can connect your Airpods or other Bluetooth headphones directly to your Apple Watch, so a cellular model can be a tremendous independent streaming device when you’re active and can’t take your phone with you.
Text Messages and Phone Calls Rock on the Cellular Apple Watch
The best part of having a cellular Apple Watch is that you can stay in touch without worrying about taking your phone with you. Whether you’re swimming in the ocean, hiking, running or doing anything where your phone would be at risk of getting lost and breaking, you can communicate using the watch.
Text messages and phone calls all work pretty much the same way they do on your iPhone. The same goes for messaging apps such as WhatsApp, which allow you to read and respond to messages right there on your watch without a phone in sight.
If you have apps or services that send you important notifications, you’ll also receive them on cellular Apple Watch models no matter what. If you can’t afford to miss your notifications, cellular makes sense.
The Cellular Watch Is Great in an Emergency
Apple Watch Series 4, Apple Watch SE, or later models have built-in fall detection. If it detects that you’ve had a hard fall, the phone will tap you on the wrist and ask if you’re okay. If you don’t move or respond within a minute, it will call emergency services to help you.
As you probably expect, the Wi-Fi model can only make that potentially life-saving call if your iPhone is near. If your iPhone has been left behind, broken in the fall, or has a flat battery, then you cannot call for help.
Since many users are most likely to leave their iPhones behind when doing something where there’s a real risk of a bad fall (such as hiking), this is a rather important feature.
Apart from automatic fall detection, being able to make an emergency call from your watch when hiking or otherwise enjoying the outdoors can be the difference between life and death. Even if you always take your phone with you, having two devices that can make calls independently is a good idea if one of them breaks or runs out of power.
The Cellular Model Has Some Important Restrictions
It’s tempting to think of the cellular Apple Watch as a mini iPhone for your wrist, but it’s not quite there yet. Before you spend the extra money on the cellular model, you should confirm that your current provider supports the eSIM in the Apple Watch.
You can’t sign up for an independent Apple Watch cellular plan. If you use a provider like AT&T, your Apple Watch has to be linked to that account. It’s not free either. You’ll have to pay a monthly fee to share the same account and phone number.
If you’re currently on a carrier that doesn’t support the Apple Watch at all and you don’t want to change, then the cellular model doesn’t represent a sensible deal for you.
Things That Suck About Both Watches
While this article is mainly about which type of Apple Watch is right for you, it’s important to understand that all current Apple Watches have a few things that make them less appealing than other smartwatch options.
While you probably already know this, you can’t use an Apple Watch with an Android phone like Samsung’s Galaxy phones. The opposite isn’t true. However, Samsung’s Galaxy watches will happily work with your iPhone.
It’s not just non-Apple devices that won’t work with an Apple Watch. Other iOS devices such as the Apple iPad don’t offer compatibility with an Apple Watch. Right now, it’s an iPhone or nothing. This is incredibly frustrating since the cellular model can work as a completely independent device, so the decision to make an iPhone a key part of the package is Apple locking you in their ecosystem.
This may change in the future, and Apple has said it’s considering bringing iPad users into the fold. If Apple allows Mac or iPad users to set up and manage an Apple Watch one day, buying the cellular model makes more sense.
Still, buying an Apple Watch locks you into Apple’s phone brand unless you’re willing to give up both. However, if you keep your old iPhone, you can leave it at home if you have a cellular Apple Watch, so that’s another point in its favor!
Always Have Your Phone With You? Buy the GPS Model
If you know that you will always have your iPhone with you, even when you do outdoor walks or other activities, it doesn’t make much sense to pay for a feature you’ll never use. We’ve tried to highlight a few scenarios where you may end up being grateful that you did have the option to use cellular features on your Apple Watch, but going without it is still a valid option.
It’s also worth keeping in mind that your Wi-Fi-only Apple Watch, well, still has Wi-Fi. So if you have a portable hotspot or always have access to Wi-Fi in the place you roam, you can still get most of the benefits offered by the cellular model. Likewise, if you’re going to be in places with no cellular service anyway, it doesn’t matter which model of watch you ultimately choose.
Feeling Independent? Buy the GPS + Cellular Model
We think that the additional options offered by the cellular model are more than worth the price difference. If you carefully watch prices on commerce sites like Amazon, you can even get cellular Apple Watches at decent discounts, eroding some of that financial hesitancy.
Although it seems that the Apple Watch GPS vs. Cellular debate is between two almost identical products, the independence afforded to the Apple Watch through the cellular network really expands how useful and powerful the device is. Even if you don’t have a specific reason to get the cellular model, we’d still recommend it to anyone prospective buyer over the GPS model unless there truly is no flexibility in your budget.