华硕(ASUS)推出了三款不同的网状无线系统,均名为Lyra。他们从华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)开始,然后是华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra Trio),现在他们正在推出华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)。除了价格和外观外,很难将它们区分开来,也很难理解这三种型号之间的不同之处。这就是为什么我们决定进行详细比较的原因:它们的外观、硬件、无线信号覆盖范围、无线性能、以太网连接(Ethernet connection)速度、安全功能和价格。有很多内容需要覆盖,所以让我们开始吧:
比较华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)网状系统的外观
ASUS Lyra Mini 和 ASUS Lyra(ASUS Lyra Mini and ASUS Lyra)具有相同的外观和相似的尺寸。您可以在下方看到具有三个站点的ASUS Lyra Mini 网状 WiFi 系统。(ASUS Lyra Mini mesh WiFi system)
这是大哥:华硕天琴座(ASUS Lyra)。您无法将它们与Minis 区(Minis)分开来。你可以吗?
但是,华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra Trio)电台具有独特的外观,我们更喜欢它们。但是,其他用户可能会有不同的感觉。长相(Looks)总是得到主观评价。
比较华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)网状系统的硬件
三款华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)系统的硬件配置(hardware configuration)相似。ASUS Lyra 和 ASUS Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra and ASUS Lyra Mini)几乎一模一样。查看下表,了解每个Lyra 型号(Lyra model)的内部结构。
Qualcomm IPQ4018(用于华硕 Lyra Mini)和Qualcomm IPQ4019(用于华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra) )之间唯一显着的区别在于后者提供了更高的峰值速度(peak speed),这在现实生活中只有在使用高端无线(high-end wireless network)网卡时才明显。用过,比如华硕PCE-AC88(ASUS PCE-AC88)。在大多数无线设备上,这种差异并不明显。
在总最大带宽方面,华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)是更好的选择,总共 2134 Mbps。但是,华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)是三频系统,而另外两个是双频。华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)使用三个频段之一专门用于组成套件的站点之间的通信,以确保为所有客户端提供更稳定的无线覆盖(wireless coverage)。Lyra Mini 和 Lyra Trio(Lyra Mini and Lyra Trio)没有此功能。
我们从 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段开始。没有明确的赢家。有时,更昂贵的华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)更好,而有时,更便宜的华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)提供最佳信号强度。
当我们评估 5 GHz 无线频段的信号强度时,(GHz wireless)华硕 Lyra 和华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra and ASUS Lyra Trio)之间的竞争非常接近。华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)不如其他两个系统。
不幸的是,没有明显的趋势,在向网络客户端广播的无线信号强度方面,也没有华硕 Lyra可以击败其他人。(ASUS Lyra)
最大 WiFi(Maximum WiFi)速度潜力。获胜者:华硕天琴三重奏(ASUS Lyra Trio)!
这个测试执行起来很有趣,因为我们使用了市场上最好的无线网卡(wireless network card):ASUS PCE-AC88。我们用这张卡在台式电脑上运行(desktop computer)SpeedTest 。计算机与天琴座(Lyra station)主站位于同一个房间,后者与互联网服务提供商(internet service provider)相连。在这项测试中,华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra Trio)不出所料地获胜,因为它是华硕唯一支持3x3(ASUS) MU -MIMO(MU-MIMO)传输的网状系统。(mesh system)另外两个提供 2x2 MU-MIMO。
华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)也比华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)更快,因为它的处理器具有更高的峰值速度(peak speed),正如技术规格中所共享的那样。
麻烦的是,在现实生活中大多数用户并没有注意到这些差异,因为他们的设备上没有如此高端的无线(wireless network)网卡。以下测试对于使用这些设备的实际体验更有意义。
2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段的速度。获胜者:华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)!
我们对 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率进行了两组测量。第一个是使用SpeedTest,查看在 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)上使用无线网络时(wireless network)互联网连接(internet connection)的速度。然后,我们使用PassMark 性能测试(PassMark Performance test)在连接到网络的两台计算机之间传输数据。该测试显示了您在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上进行网络传输时获得的速度。
当我们用SpeedTest测量下载量时,最快的网状系统(mesh system)是华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini),在许多房间但不是全部。
当我们使用PassMark 性能测试(PassMark Performance test)来衡量网络传输时,华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)仍然是领先者,但在某些房间中,华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)超过了它。
使用PassMark Performance test(PassMark Performance test)测量上传速度时也是如此。
从我们得到的结果来看,ASUS Lyra Mini在 2.4 (ASUS Lyra Mini)GHz 频段(GHz band)上提供了最快的无线网络。有时,它会被华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)超越。
5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上的速度。获胜者:华硕天琴三重奏(ASUS Lyra Trio)!
我们也在 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上进行了相同的测量。使用常规的日常网络设备,在运行SpeedTest时,我们在使用ASUS Lyra Trio时达到了最大下载速度(download speed),但仅限于放置中央站的房间。在其他房间,Lyra Trio的表现优于ASUS Lyra。
使用SpeedTest测量上传速度时,速度冠军(speed champion)是华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra Trio)。它对 3x3 MU-MIMO 无线传输的支持提供了更快的速度。
在PassMark 性能下载(PassMark Performance download)测试中,ASUS Lyra倾向于在大多数房间内提供最佳速度,但有少数例外,ASUS Lyra Mini的表现优于它。
在上传测试中,ASUS Lyra Trio 一路(ASUS Lyra Trio)攀升,整体表现最佳。
当谈到5 GHz 频率的(GHz frequency)无线网络(wireless network)速度时,华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra Trio)往往是最佳选择,因为它支持 3x3 MU-MIMO 传输。然而,它并不总是速度冠军(speed champion),因为其他网格系统可以超越它。但是,如果您查看我们测试结果的平均值,华硕 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra Trio)提供了相对一致的结果。
无线网状系统的问题在于它们每个站只有两个以太网端口。(Ethernet)此外,由于它们往往通过无线电频率相互连接,因此您可以在直接连接到互联网的主站上享受一个以 1 Gbps运行的(Gbps)以太网连接。(Ethernet connection)
我们在连接到天琴座主站(Lyra station)的台式计算机上运行(desktop computer)SpeedTest。最快的是华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra),因为它的峰值速度(peak speed)更高。华硕 Lyra Mini(ASUS Lyra Mini)紧随其后。
我们在两台台式计算机之间运行网络传输,每台计算机都通过(network transfer)以太网电缆连接(Ethernet cable)到不同的Lyra 站(Lyra station)。由于站点以无线方式相互连接,因此传输是通过WiFi进行的。我们为此测量使用了PassMark 性能测试。(PassMark Performance test)如您所见,我们获得的传输速度并不令人印象深刻。ASUS Lyra Mini的下载速度最快,ASUS Lyra Trio的上传速度最快。
在ASUS Lyra 无线(ASUS Lyra wireless)系统上使用以太网(Ethernet)连接时,很难确定一个明显的赢家。
在功能方面,所有华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)系统都共享相同的功能。所有Lyras均通过适用于Android和iOS的(iOS)ASUS Lyra移动应用程序进行管理。最好的部分是它们都受益于先进的防病毒保护(antivirus protection)和双向入侵防御系统(intrusion prevention system)。您还可以预防和阻止(device prevention and blocking)受感染的设备,以便受感染的设备不会通过您的网络传播安全问题。
家长控制也做得很好。家长可以创建简单的规则和时间表,家长控制会自动知道要阻止哪些内容以及何时阻止,而无需手动维护黑名单。其他公司制造的大多数网状WiFi系统不包括华硕 Lyra 产品线(ASUS Lyra lineup)等高级安全功能。其他人提供类似的功能,但时间有限,然后您必须支付额外费用。
华硕 Lyra 和 Lyra Trio(ASUS Lyra and Lyra Trio)不久前推出。ASUS Lyra Mini已在欧洲(Europe)上市,但尚未在美国(United) 上市(States)。根据我们在网上能找到的少量信息,它将以 299 美元的价格推出。但是,我们认为价格会很快下降,这反映了硬件配置(hardware configuration)略逊一筹。我们相信您很快就会在美国市场(US market)上找到它,价格约为 249 美元。
如果您想购买任何Lyra系统,您可以在亚马逊(Amazon)上找到它们,这里是:ASUS Lyra和ASUS Lyra Trio。
你最喜欢哪款华硕 Lyra?
现在您知道三个华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)系统如何相互比较,有什么不同,以及这三个系统有什么相同之处。在结束本文之前,我们想知道您会选择哪一个。您想购买ASUS Lyra Mini还是更喜欢Trio?或者您已经将目光投向了第一款华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
ASUS Lyra vs. ASUS Lyra Trio vs. ASUS Lyra Mini: Price, performance, and features!
ASUS has launchеd three different mesh wireleѕs systems, all of them named Lyra. They began with AЅUS Lyra, then ASUS Lyra Trio and now they are launching the ASUS Lyra Mini. Except for the price and their looks, it is difficult to tell them apart and understand what is diffеrent between the three models. That'ѕ whу we decided to make a detailed comparison which covers: their looks, hardware, wireless signal coverage, wireless performance, Ethernet connection speeds, security features, and price. There is a lot of ground to cover, so let's get started:
Comparing the looks of the ASUS Lyra mesh systems
ASUS Lyra Mini and ASUS Lyra have the same look and a similar size. Below you can see an ASUS Lyra Mini mesh WiFi system with three stations.
And here is the bigger brother: ASUS Lyra. You cannot tell them apart from the Minis. Can you?
However, the ASUS Lyra Trio stations have a distinct look, and we like them better. But, other users may feel differently. Looks always get a subjective evaluation.
Comparing the hardware of the ASUS Lyra mesh systems
The hardware configuration of the three ASUS Lyra systems is similar. ASUS Lyra and ASUS Lyra Mini are almost identical. Take a look at the table below to see what's inside each Lyra model.
The only significant difference between Qualcomm IPQ4018 (used in ASUS Lyra Mini) and Qualcomm IPQ4019 (used in ASUS Lyra) is the fact that the latter offers a higher peak speed, which is noticeable in real life only when high-end wireless network cards are used, like ASUS PCE-AC88. On most wireless devices, this difference is not noticeable.
When it comes to the total maximum bandwidth, ASUS Lyra is the better choice, with a total of 2134 Mbps. However, ASUS Lyra is a tri-band system, while the other two are dual band. One of the three bands is used by ASUS Lyra exclusively for communicating between the stations that make up the kit, to ensure a more stable wireless coverage for all clients. Lyra Mini and Lyra Trio do not have this feature.
Wireless signal coverage. Winner: None!
We measured the signal strength for all three mesh WiFi systems, in all the rooms in our apartment. You can see how it was set up, in the diagram below:
We started with the 2.4 GHz wireless band. There was no clear winner. Sometimes the more expensive ASUS Lyra was better, while other times, the cheaper ASUS Lyra Mini delivered the best signal strength.
When we evaluated the signal strength on the 5 GHz wireless band, the fight was close between ASUS Lyra and ASUS Lyra Trio. ASUS Lyra Mini was inferior to the other two systems.
Unfortunately, there is no clear trend, and there is no ASUS Lyra that beats the others when it comes to the strength of the wireless signal that is broadcast to network clients.
Maximum WiFi speed potential. Winner: ASUS Lyra Trio!
This test was fun to perform because we used the best possible wireless network card available on the market: ASUS PCE-AC88. We ran SpeedTest on a desktop computer with this card. The computer was in the same room as the main Lyra station, which was connected to the internet service provider. In this test, ASUS Lyra Trio predictably won because it is the only mesh system from ASUS with support for 3x3 MU-MIMO transfers. The other two offer 2x2 MU-MIMO.
ASUS Lyra was also predictably faster than ASUS Lyra Mini because its processor has a higher peak speed, as shared in the technical specifications.
The trouble is that in real life most users do not notice these differences, because they do not have such high-end wireless network cards on their devices. The following tests are a lot more meaningful to the real-life experience of using these devices.
The speed on the 2.4 GHz wireless band. Winner: ASUS Lyra Mini!
We performed two sets of measurements on the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency. The first was using SpeedTest, to see how fast the internet connection is when using the wireless network on the 2.4 GHz band. Then, we used the PassMark Performance test to transfer data between two computers connected to the network. This test showed the speed you get when making network transfers on the 2.4 GHz wireless band.
When we measured the downloads with SpeedTest, the fastest mesh system was ASUS Lyra Mini, in many rooms but not all.
The same was true when measuring the upload speed.
When we measured network transfers with the PassMark Performance test, ASUS Lyra Mini was still the leader of the pack, but in some rooms, the ASUS Lyra outpaced it.
The same was true when measuring the upload speed with PassMark Performance test.
Looking at the results we got, ASUS Lyra Mini delivers the fastest wireless networks on the 2.4 GHz band. Sometimes, it is outpaced by ASUS Lyra.
The speed on the 5 GHz wireless band. Winner: ASUS Lyra Trio!
We performed the same measurements on the 5 GHz wireless band too. With conventional everyday network devices, when running SpeedTest, we achieved the maximum download speed while using the ASUS Lyra Trio, but only in the room where the central station was placed. In other rooms, Lyra Trio was outperformed by ASUS Lyra.
When measuring the upload speed with SpeedTest, the speed champion was ASUS Lyra Trio. Its support for 3x3 MU-MIMO wireless transfers delivered better speed.
In the PassMark Performance download test, ASUS Lyra tended to deliver the best speeds in most rooms, with a few exceptions, where ASUS Lyra Mini outperformed it.
In the upload test, ASUS Lyra Trio climbed up the chart and delivered the best overall performance.
When it comes to the speed of the wireless network on the 5 GHz frequency, ASUS Lyra Trio tends to be the best choice, due to its support for 3x3 MU-MIMO transfers. However, it is not always the speed champion, as the other mesh systems can outperform it. But, if you look at the average of our test results, ASUS Lyra Trio delivers relatively consistent results.
The speed of Ethernet connections. Winner: None!
The trouble with wireless mesh systems is that they have only two Ethernet ports per station. Also, since they tend to be connected to each other through wireless radio frequencies, you can enjoy just one Ethernet connection running at 1 Gbps, on the main station that is connected directly to the internet.
We ran SpeedTest on a desktop computer connected to the main Lyra station. The fastest was ASUS Lyra, due to its higher peak speed. ASUS Lyra Mini was a close second best.
We ran a network transfer between the two desktop computers, each connected with an Ethernet cable to a different Lyra station. Since the stations were connected to each other wirelessly, the transfer was mediated through WiFi. We used PassMark Performance test for this measurement. As you can see, the transfer speeds we got were not impressive. ASUS Lyra Mini delivered the fastest downloads, and ASUS Lyra Trio the fastest uploads.
It is difficult to determine a clear winner when using Ethernet connections on ASUS Lyra wireless systems.
Comparing the security features
When it comes to features, all ASUS Lyra systems share the same. All Lyras are managed through the ASUS Lyra mobile app for Android and iOS. The best part is that they all benefit from advanced antivirus protection and a two-way intrusion prevention system. You also get infected device prevention and blocking, so that infected devices do not spread security problems through your network.
The parental controls are also well done. Parents can create simple rules and schedules, and the parental controls know what content to block and when, automatically, without the need for manual maintenance of blacklists. Most mesh WiFi systems made by other companies do not include such advanced security features as the ASUS Lyra lineup. Others offer similar features but for a limited time, and then you have to pay extra.
Price comparison
ASUS Lyra and Lyra Trio were launched a while ago. ASUS Lyra Mini is available in Europe, but not yet in the United States. According to what little information that we could find on the web, it will be launched at a price of $299. However, we think that the price will go down quite fast so that it reflects the slightly inferior hardware configuration. We believe that you will soon find it on the US market with a price of about $249.
If you want to purchase any of the Lyra systems, you can find them on Amazon, here: ASUS Lyra, and ASUS Lyra Trio.
Which ASUS Lyra do you like best?
Now you know how the three ASUS Lyra systems compare to each other, what is different, and what is the same in all three. Before closing this article, we would like to know which you would choose. Do you want to buy an ASUS Lyra Mini or do you prefer the Trio? Or you have your sights set on the first ASUS Lyra? Comment below and let's discuss.