这是一个教程,供您在Windows 11/ 10中使用 GIMP 编辑动画 GIF 的帧(edit frames of an animated GIF using GIMP )。GIF帧是组合在一起以创建动画的单个图像帧。我们已经讨论过如何提取 GIF 帧(extract GIF frames)。现在,如果您想编辑动画GIF的单个帧,该怎么做?好吧(Well),在这篇文章中,我们将逐步向您展示编辑动画GIF帧的过程。
为此,我们将使用GIMP – GNU 图像处理程序(GNU Image Manipulation Program)。它是一款专用且功能丰富的免费开源图像编辑软件,可用于在Windows 11/10GIF帧。除了标量和矢量图像,它还可以处理GIF动画并让您创建动画 GIF(create an animated GIF)。它还允许您导入现有的GIF(GIFs)并允许您编辑单独的GIF帧。您可以裁剪、调整大小或旋转框架、在框架中插入文本、增强其外观等。让我们看看如何做到这一点!
如何使用GIMP编辑(GIMP)动画 GIF(Animated GIF)的帧(Edit Frames)
以下是在Windows 11/10 PC 上的GIMP中(GIMP)编辑动画GIF帧的基本步骤:(GIF)
- 下载并安装GIMP应用程序。
- 启动 GIMP。
- 打开动画 GIF。
- 从“图层(Layers)”面板中选择一个GIF帧。
- (Edit)使用可用工具编辑框架。
- 播放和导出编辑的动画GIF。
首先,您需要在 Windows 11/ 10 PC 上安装GIMP 。只需从其官方网站下载 GIMP ,然后使用屏幕上的安装指南将其安装到您的 PC 上。(download GIMP)之后,只需启动GIMP应用程序即可开始使用它。
现在,转到“文件(File)”菜单并单击“打开(Open)”或“作为图层打开”(Open as layers)选项以浏览并导入动画GIF。



此外,您可以从“图层(Layers)”窗口重新排列帧、删除特定帧以及添加全新的帧。右键单击(Right-click)一个框架,您将能够使用各种选项,例如 edit layer attributes, color tag, composite space/ mode, add a layer mask,等。此外,您可以将外部图像添加到GIF动画的帧中。
请参阅:(See:) 如何 在 GIMP 中为文本添加霓虹灯效果。(add a Neon Glow effect to Text in GIMP.)

编辑完动画GIF(GIF)的单个帧后,您可以通过转到“过滤器(Filters)”菜单并单击“Animation > Playback”选项来预览编辑后的GIF 。
您还可以优化/取消优化GIF ,并从动画(Animation)选项中为GIF添加混合、老化、波纹、旋转地球(Blend, Burn-in, Rippling, Spinning Globe,)和波浪(Waves)效果。
阅读:(Read:) 如何在 GIMP 中为文本添加轮廓或添加边框。(How to outline text or add a border to text in GIMP.)

在“动画播放(Animation Playback)”对话框窗口中,单击“播放”(Play)按钮以预览编辑后的GIF。此外(Furthermore),您可以通过单击以下屏幕截图中突出显示的下拉选项来调整输出GIF的帧速率。设置所有输出选项后,退出动画播放(Animation Playback)窗口。

现在,您需要导出带有编辑帧的动画GIF 。
为此,请转到“文件(File)”菜单并单击“导出为”(Export as)选项。然后,在输出对话框中选择GIF作为输出文件类型,然后按“导出(Export)”按钮。

您现在将看到“将图像导出(Export Image)为GIF ”对话框。在这里,启用作为动画( As animation)选项(将出现一个十字标记)并设置各种其他GIF配置,包括永久循环、帧之间的延迟等。完成后,点击导出(Export)按钮以保存编辑的 GIF。

现在阅读:(Now read:) 最好的免费视频到 GIF 制作软件。(Best free Video to GIF maker software.)
How to Edit Frames of an Animated GIF using GIMP in Windows 11/10
Here is a tutorial for you to edit frames of an animated GIF using GIMP in Windows 11/ 10. GIF frames are individual image frames that combine together to create an animation. We have already discussed how to extract GIF frames. Now, if you want to edit individual frames of an animated GIF, how to do that? Well, in this post, we are going to show you step by step procedure to edit frames of an animated GIF.
To do so, we will be using GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a dedicated and feature-rich free and open-source image editing software that can be used to modify GIF frames in Windows 11/10. Apart from scalar and vector images, it can also handle GIF animations and lets you create an animated GIF. It also lets you import existing GIFs and allows you to edit separate GIF frames. You can crop, resize, or rotate frames, insert text to a frame, enhance its look and feel, etc. Let’s check out how you can do that!
How to Edit Frames of an Animated GIF using GIMP
Here are the basic steps to edit frames of an animated GIF in GIMP on your Windows 11/10 PC:
- Download and install the GIMP application.
- Launch GIMP.
- Open an animated GIF.
- Select a GIF frame from the Layers panel.
- Edit the frame using available tools.
- Playback and export the edited animated GIF.
Let us discuss these steps in detail now!
Firstly, you need to have GIMP installed on your Windows 11/ 10 PC. Simply download GIMP from its official website and then install it on your PC using the on-screen installation guide. After that, just launch the GIMP application to start using it.
Now, go to the File menu and click on the Open or Open as layers option to browse and import an animated GIF.

As you import an animated GIF, you will be able to view individual frames of GIF in its Layers dockable window on the right-hand side. From here, just select the frame that you want to edit.

Next, you can use the available editing tools to modify the frame such as add text to the GIF frame, create drawings using painting tools, apply various effects and filters, resize, rotate, crop, adjust color levels, blur a frame, and do more.

Additionally, you can reorder frames, delete a specific frame, and add a completely new frame from the Layers window. Right-click on a frame and you will be able to use various options like edit layer attributes, color tag, composite space/ mode, add a layer mask, and more. Also, you can add an external image to a frame of GIF animation.
See: How to add a Neon Glow effect to Text in GIMP.

When you are done editing individual frames of an animated GIF, you can preview the edited GIF by going to the Filters menu and clicking on the Animation > Playback option.
You can also optimize/unoptimize GIF and add Blend, Burn-in, Rippling, Spinning Globe, and Waves effects to the GIF from the Animation options.
Read: How to outline text or add a border to text in GIMP.

From the Animation Playback dialog window, click on the Play button to preview the edited GIF. Furthermore, you can adjust the frame rate of output GIF by clicking the highlighted drop-down option in the below screenshot. After setting up all output options, exit the Animation Playback window.

Now, you need to export the animated GIF with edited frames.
To do so, go to the File menu and click on the Export as option. Then, select GIF as the output file type in the output dialog and press the Export button.

You will now see an Export Image as GIF dialog box. Here, enable the As animation option (a cross mark will appear) and set up various other GIF configurations including loop forever, the delay between frames, etc. After doing so, tap on the Export button to save edited GIF.

Hope this article helps you!
Now read: Best free Video to GIF maker software.