如果您希望在使用搜索引擎时利用未经过滤的搜索结果,那么最好的选择是使用DuckDuckGo.com或StartSearch.com。但是,如果您一心想使用Google 搜索(Google Search),那么我们别无选择,只能解释如何让它为您服务。
事情是这样的,谷歌收集了大量关于其用户的数据,(Google collects a lot of data about its users)以使搜索结果更加准确、相关和个性化。通过这种方式,Google 搜索(Google Search)会将您置于过滤后的气泡(filtered bubble)中,这意味着您会错过大量关键信息。
将自己从Google 搜索(Google Search)过滤器泡沫中解放出来
谷歌搜索(Google Search)的算法基本上对你隐藏了很多可以帮助你研究的网站。幸运(Lucky)的是,我们将为您提供有关如何在泡沫之外进行搜索的提示,因为它可以将您变成一个更聪明、偏见更少的人。您拥有的选项是:
- 使用不同的搜索引擎
- 以私密模式搜索网络
- 禁用或删除您的搜索记录
- 不喜欢私人搜索结果?把它关掉
- 删除您的浏览器 cookie
如上所述,DuckDuckGo StartSearch.com 是两家最好的私人搜索引擎提供商(best private search engine providers),声称从不保存或收集用户信息。因此,搜索结果始终是公正的,无论您使用哪台计算机,搜索结果都将始终保持一致。
如果您仍想继续在Google 搜索(Google Search)兔子洞中走下去,那么以下数据应该可以增强您的知识思维。
从我们的角度来看,在隐身或私人模式下通过(Incognito or Private mode)Google 搜索搜索(Google Search)未经过滤的网络可能是最简单的方法之一。你看,当你在私人模式下搜索时,你会自动退出你的谷歌(Google)账户。这意味着,您之前的搜索历史不会影响您的搜索结果。
例如,要在Mozilla Firefox中打开(Mozilla Firefox)隐私窗口(Private Window),请按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + P或按Ctrl + Shift + N打开与Microsoft Edge和Google Chrome相关的隐私窗口。
不幸的是,谷歌(Google)搜索工具仍然可以使用烹饪来根据您过去的搜索提供相关结果。这是通过称为退出搜索活动(Signed-out search activity)的功能完成的。因此,就目前而言,此选项很简单,但并不可靠。
幸运的是,如果您居住在欧盟(European Union),那么您应该会看到一个叠加层,让您能够禁用烹饪跟踪功能。
![取消个性化您的 Google 搜索结果](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tZpuybuMWy0/YVAwKyqqpRI/AAAAAAAAGcc/lV_IadADEukKmOFkFAG9mIDQ79tgcTYOwCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/-pmVLmB5X35wJeKLCNB0nkw-fIw.jpg)
另一种通过Google(Google Search)搜索私下搜索的方法是删除或完全禁用您的搜索历史记录(delete or completely disable your search history)。为了完成此操作,请访问您的“我的 Google 活动(My Google Activity)”页面。从这里,您可以删除一天的历史记录,或者如果您愿意,可以删除所有内容。
现在,如果您希望Google停止在其服务器上存储您的搜索历史记录,请选择Web & App Activity,然后将其关闭。如果您点击“自动删除(Auto-Delete)”部分,那么您将指示Google以特定时间间隔自动删除您的搜索历史记录。
啊(Ahh)是的!我们几乎忘记了谷歌(Google)从未谈论过的这个功能。它称为Private Results,基本上,它将来自其他Google服务的信息包含到您的搜索结果中。当然,您是唯一看到此类内容的人,但任何人都可以访问您的设备并在浏览时遇到他们不应该拥有的东西。
谷歌(Google)搜索足以锁定您的浏览器 cookie,以收集存储在其中的所有美味数据。因此,您会发现您经常访问的网站在搜索结果中的排名往往高于其他网站,这就是泡沫的一部分。
为了让它大受欢迎,我们建议从您各自的网络浏览器中删除 cookie(removing cookies from within your respective web browser)。
Depersonalize Google search and free yourself from the filter bubble
If you are looking to takе advantage of unfiltered search resυlts when using a searсh engine, then your best bet is to use DuckDuckGo.com or StartSearch.cоm. However, if уou are hеll-bеnt оn using Google Search, then we haνe no choiсe but to еxplаin how to make it work for you.
Depersonalize your Google search results
Here’s the thing, Google collects a lot of data about its users to make search results more accurate, relevant, and personal. By doing things this way, Google Search keeps you in a filtered bubble, which means, there are tons of key information you’re missing out on.
Free yourself from the Google Search filter bubble
The algorithm of Google Search basically hides quite a lot of websites from you that could aid in your research. Lucky for you, we are going to give you tips on how to search outside of the bubble because it could transform you into a smarter person who is less biased. The options you have are:
- Use a different search engine
- Search the web in private mode
- Disable or remove your search history
- Don’t like private search results? Turn it off
- Delete your browser cookies
1] Use a different search engine
As mentioned above, DuckDuckGo StartSearch.com are two of the best private search engine providers out there that claim to never save or collect information on users. Because of this, the search results are always unbiased, and will always look the same no matter which computer you’re using.
If you still want to continue down the Google Search rabbit hole, then the following data should empower your knowledgeable thoughts.
2] Search the web in private mode
![free yourself from the filter bubble](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yN1R46JoL6c/YVAs2l8yodI/AAAAAAAAGEY/UVnIGOInlzwcl1vajlTyB2kjsAmXG82wwCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/-ZP5wKIafLEuAqJho6bWyMUaGgo.jpg)
From our point of view, searching the web unfiltered via Google Search in Incognito or Private mode is probably one of the easiest ways. You see, when you are searching in private mode, you are automatically logged out of your Google account. This means, your earlier search history will have no bearings over your search results.
For instance, to open the Private Window in Mozilla Firefox, please press Ctrl + Shift + P on your keyboard or press Ctrl + Shift + N to open the private windows related to Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
Unfortunately, the Google search tool can still use cooking to deliver relevant results based on your searches from the past. This is done via a feature known as Signed-out search activity. So, as it stands, this option is easy, but not as reliable.
Luckily, if you live in the European Union, then you should see an overlay offering you the ability to disable the cooking tracking feature.
3] Disable or remove your Google search history
![Depersonalize your Google search results](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tZpuybuMWy0/YVAwKyqqpRI/AAAAAAAAGcc/lV_IadADEukKmOFkFAG9mIDQ79tgcTYOwCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/-pmVLmB5X35wJeKLCNB0nkw-fIw.jpg)
Another way to search privately via Google Search is to delete or completely disable your search history. In order to get this done, please visit your My Google Activity page. From here, you can delete a day’s history, or everything if you so wish.
Now, if you want Google to stop storing your search history on its servers, then select Web & App Activity, then switch it off. If you hit the Auto-Delete section, then you will instruct Google to automatically remove your search history at certain intervals.
4] Don’t like private search results? Turn it off
Ahh yes! We almost forgot about this feature that Google never talks about. It is called Private Results, and basically, it includes information from other Google services into your search results. Granted you are the only to see such things, but anyone could gain access to your device and come across things they shouldn’t have while browsing.
Folks can remove this feature temporarily by going to Settings, then select Hide private results right away. In order to disable private search results permanently, click on Search settings, then Do not use private results, and that’s it.
5] Delete your browser cookies
Google search is pretty sufficient at latching on to your browser cookies in a bid to collect all the tasty data stored in them. Because of this, you will find that websites you visit quite often tend to rank higher in search results than others, and that’s a part of the bubble.
To give it a big pop, we recommend removing cookies from within your respective web browser.
Hope this helps.