每当我们将寓教于乐视为一个概念时,通常我们首先想到的都是非常简单的游戏,通常是为了培养孩子的能力或教他们新事物而玩的。尽管大多数寓教于乐的游戏都属于这一领域,但也有一些例外,它们将更高水平的娱乐性、良好的图形和声音以及一些真正有用的教育内容结合在一起。The Path to Luma正是这样:一个伟大的游戏本身,但额外的内容可以教会每个人更环保一点。阅读这篇评论,了解为什么应该在Android 智能手机或平板电脑(Android smartphone or tablet)上玩这款游戏。
在讨论The Path to Luma 时,很高兴知道这主要(is)是一款手机游戏,教育内容只是次要的,但非常受欢迎。该游戏由NRG 和 Phosphor Games Studio(NRG and Phosphor Games Studio)开发,是一款探索和益智游戏(exploration and puzzle game),发生在 23 个不同的星球上,每个星球都是一个独特的关卡,需要解决自己的谜题才能进入下一个世界。

游戏的故事发生在曾经由强大的Chroma 文明(Chroma civilization)居住的星系中。他们是强大的外星物种,他们创造了广阔的星际文明,并在这些星球上繁衍生息了很长时间。不幸的是,色度(Chroma)号的先进技术也导致了它们的衰落:行星慢慢地耗尽了自然资源,在重度污染的重压下崩溃了。
Chroma被迫撤退到一个现在人口过剩的单一星球,在那里他们集中所有资源进行最后的绝望尝试,以拯救他们的物种并使他们的星球恢复昔日的辉煌。这种努力的结果是……(effort is…)好吧,你。
Chroma生存的最后机会是可持续性增强模型(Sustainability Augmentation Models)(或SAM(SAMs)),这是专门设计用于在Chroma行星上旅行以消除污染、利用新的绿色能源和恢复地球住所的机器人。Chroma相信一旦行星重新适合居住,他们的文明将恢复往日的辉煌,他们称之为Luma的(Luma)状态。

正如您可能已经猜到的那样,您是SAM中的一员,实际上是您同类中的最后一个,因此是(SAMs)Chroma 文明(Chroma civilization)的最后希望。游戏的目标是引导SAM穿越一系列不同的星球(目前有 23 个,但预计未来这个数字会增加),探索它们,解决每个星球上的一系列谜题并提供清洁能源到行星上的住所。玩家必须完全完成一个关卡才能进入下一个关卡,但已完成的关卡可以随时重玩。
The Path to Luma是一款点击式益智和探索游戏(puzzle and exploration game),这意味着您只需点击屏幕即可控制主角。这将指示SAM去一个特定的地方,拿起、放下或使用一个物体。控制就是这样:游戏真的很容易上手和玩,尽管在几个关卡后谜题会变得令人难以置信。

稍后您将可以使用电池,让您可以将电力带到没有其他电源的区域、为这些电池充电的电池充电器、风力和水力发电厂(wind and water power plants)等。这些都需要特定的条件才能工作,例如风力发电厂(wind power plant)需要放置在有风的地区,而水力发电(water power)厂只能在湖泊附近使用。
在旅途中您不会孤单,因为银河用户指导员和专门的护送员(Galactic User Instructor and Dedicated Escort)(或简称为GUIDE。)将解释游戏的每一个细节,让您轻松上手。当然,随着你在不同的星球上前进,你得到的帮助会越来越少,所以谜题会变得更具挑战性。除了整个游戏基于推广清洁和绿色能源的理念外,您还可以访问Codex Luma,它提供了有关不同类型可再生能源的更多信息,并且游戏的网站提供了更多可供阅读的内容,所以整个Path to Luma(The Path to Luma)项目实现了教育和娱乐的目标。

如果我们要谈论任何负面的方面,我们可能会提到游戏的长度:目前有 23 个行星,这会让你玩上一阵子,但不要指望解谜(puzzle solving)的漫长夜晚。
下载:(Download:) Luma 之路(The Path to Luma)。

The Path to Luma是当今游戏市场上真正的新鲜空气。不仅因为它的主题(确实有新鲜空气),还因为它的设计、教育价值和整体体验。很少见到这样一款益智游戏(puzzle game),它提供的不仅仅是另一个宝石迷阵克隆,还有大量可购买的物品。The Path to Luma提供了大量的独创性,很明显,开发人员不想简单地将环保公司的宣传材料打包成类似游戏的产品,而是想创造一款优质的游戏(quality game)。
他们做到了!在一个我们被数十种动作射击游戏和驾驶游戏所淹没的世界中,很高兴看到一些东西能够保持美好和快乐,同时又不会绊倒一些非常幼稚的东西。当然,儿童也可以使用The Path to Luma:没有攻击性,图形很漂亮,整体信息非常积极。
亲爱的 NRG 和 Phosphor Games Studio(Dear NRG and Phosphor Games Studio),我们只有一个要求:请保持新关卡的到来,我们要努力工作以达到Luma!
Free Android game of the month - Reviewing The Path to Luma
Whenever we think of edutainmеnt as a concept, usually the first thіngs that pop into our mind are very simple games, usually meant to be played by children in order tо develop their capabіlitiеs or to teaсh them new things. Although the majority оf edutainment games fall іntо this niche, there are some exceptions that bring together а much higher level of еntertainmеnt, good graphicѕ and sound and sоme really useful and educational content. The Path to Lυma iѕ exactly this: a great game on its own, but the additіonal contents can teach everyone to be a little more green. Read this review and lеarn why you should play this game on your Android smartphone or tablet.
A different kind of education
When discussing The Path to Luma it is good to know that this is primarily a mobile game, educational content is only a secondary, but very welcome addition to it. The game, developed by NRG and Phosphor Games Studio is an exploration and puzzle game that takes place on 23 different planets, each of which is a unique level with its own puzzles that need to be solved in order to progress to the next world.

The game's story takes place in a galaxy once inhabited by the mighty Chroma civilization. They are a powerful alien species who have created a vast, interplanetary civilization and lived prosperously on these planets for a long, long time. Unfortunately, the Chroma's advanced technologies also led to their decline: the planets slowly used up the natural resources and crumbled under the weight of heavy pollution.
The Chroma were forced to retreat to a single, now overpopulated planet, where they pulled together all of their resources in a final, desperate attempt to save their species and restore their planets to their former glory. The result of this effort is… well, you.
Sam I am
The Chroma's last chance for survival are the Sustainability Augmentation Models (or SAMs), androids specially designed to travel the Chroma planets in order to remove pollution, harness new, green energies and restore the planet's dwellings. The Chroma believe that once the planets are again habitable, their civilization will return to their former glory, a state they refer to as Luma.

As you might have guessed, you are one of the SAMs, actually the last of your kind, thus the last hope for the Chroma civilization. The goal of the game is to guide the SAM through a series of different planets (there are 23 currently, but this number is expected to grow in the future), explore them, solve a series of puzzles on each of them and provide clean energy to the dwellings on the planets. The player must fully complete a level before progressing to the next one, but completed levels can be replayed anytime.
The Path to Luma is a point-and-tap puzzle and exploration game, meaning that you can control the main character by simply tapping the screen. This will instruct the SAM to go to a specific place, pick up, put down or use an object. And that's about it for the controls: the game is really easy to pick up and play, although the puzzles can get mind-boggling after a few levels.
A beautiful shade of green
The goal of each level is to restore power to all dwellings on the current planet by using green energy. First you will only have solar power at your disposal: the SAM carries a rod that can be placed at specific locations. You can then rotate the planet so that the sun shines on the rod, thus providing power to adjacent facilities. Not only the dwellings need to be powered, but also some other objects: you will need to power up gates to open them, levers to rotate things and carts to use them as vehicles.

Later on you will have access to batteries, allowing you to bring power to areas where there are no other power sources, battery chargers to charge these batteries, wind and water power plants, and so on. Each of these require specific conditions to work, for example the wind power plant needs to be placed in a windy area, while water power plants can only be used near lakes.
You won't be alone on your journey, as a Galactic User Instructor and Dedicated Escort (or simply G.U.I.D.E.) will explain every detail of the game, making the start easy. Of course, as you progress through the different planets, you will receive less and less help, so the puzzles will become more challenging. Besides the whole game being based on the idea of promoting clean and green energy, you also have access to the Codex Luma, which provides additional information on the different types of renewable energy, and the game's website offers even more to read, so the whole The Path to Luma project fulfills its goal of being educational and entertaining.

Also, the game has really nice graphics: the style is minimalistic, but very cute and clean at the same time. This is accompanied by a simple and relaxing music that doesn't get annoying even after playing for a long time. Another huge bonus is that there are absolutely no in-app purchases, and the creators are proud of that. This means that the game is free and all future updates will remain free.
If we're to talk about any negative aspects, we might mention the length of the game: there are currently 23 planets, which will keep you entertained for a while, but don't expect long nights of puzzle solving.
Download: The Path to Luma.

The Path to Luma is a real breath of fresh air on today's gaming market. Not only because of its topic (which does indeed have fresh air), but also because of its design, educational value and overall experience. It is rare to see such a puzzle game that offers more than yet another Bejeweled-clone with tons of purchasable items. The Path to Luma offers a great deal of originality and it is clear that the developers didn't want to simply package an eco-friendly company's promotional material into a game-like product, but wanted to create a quality game.
And so they did! In a world where we are overwhelmed by dozens of action shooters and driving games, it is great to see something that manages to stay nice and joyful, while not stumbling over to something very childish. Of course, The Path to Luma is still accessible for children as well: there is no aggression, the graphics are beautiful and the overall message is very positive.
Dear NRG and Phosphor Games Studio, we have but one request: please keep the new levels coming, we want to work really hard to reach Luma!