Google Chrome是许多用户的默认网络浏览器,因为它提供流畅的浏览体验和出色的功能,例如Chrome扩展程序、同步选项等。但是,有时用户会在Google Chrome中遇到声音问题。播放YouTube(YouTube)视频或任何歌曲时可能会很烦人,但没有音频。之后,您可以检查计算机的音频,并且歌曲在您的计算机上播放得非常好。这意味着问题出在Google Chrome上。因此,为了 解决 Google Chrome 中的任何声音问题( fix no sound issue in Google Chrome),我们提供了一份指南,其中包含您可以遵循的可能解决方案。
修复谷歌浏览器没有声音的问题(Fix No Sound issue in Google Chrome)
Google Chrome 无声音问题背后的原因(Reasons behind No Sound issue in Google Chrome)
谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)没有声音问题可能有几个原因。一些可能的原因如下:
- 您的计算机的音频可能处于静音状态。
- 您的外部扬声器可能有问题。
- 声音驱动程序可能有问题,您可能需要更新它。
- 音频问题可能是特定于站点的。
- 您可能需要检查Google Chrome上的声音设置以修复无音频错误。
- 可能有一些待处理的Chrome更新。
这些是谷歌浏览器没有声音问题的一些可能原因。(possible reasons behind no sound)
修复 Google Chrome 声音在 Windows 10 中不起作用(Fix Google Chrome Sound Not Working in Windows 10)
我们列出了您可以尝试修复Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中没有声音问题的所有方法:
方法 1:重新启动系统(Method 1: Restart Your System)
有时,简单的重启就可以解决Google Chrome中的声音问题。因此,您可以重新启动计算机以检查是否能够修复 Chrome 浏览器中的无音频错误。(restart your computer to check whether you are able to fix the no audio error in the Chrome browser.)
方法 2:更新声音驱动程序(Method 2: Update Sound Driver)
当您的计算机音频出现问题时,您应该首先寻找的是您的声音驱动程序。如果您在系统上使用旧版本的声音驱动程序,那么您可能会在Google Chrome中遇到声音问题。
您必须在系统上安装最新版本的声音驱动程序。您可以选择手动或自动更新声音驱动程序。手动更新声音驱动程序的过程可能会有点耗时,这就是为什么我们建议使用Iobit 驱动程序更新(Iobit driver updater)程序自动更新声音驱动程序的原因。
借助Iobit驱动程序更新,您可以通过单击轻松更新声音驱动程序,驱动程序将扫描您的系统以找到正确的驱动程序来修复Google Chrome声音无法正常工作的问题。
方法 3:检查所有网站的声音设置(Method 3: Check Sound Settings for all Websites)
您可以检查Google Chrome中的常规声音设置以解决无声音问题。有时,用户可能会不小心禁用网站在Google Chrome中播放音频。
1. 打开您的Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser)。
2. 单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点,然后转到(three vertical dots)设置(Settings)。
3. 单击左侧面板中的隐私和安全(Privacy and security),然后向下滚动并转到站点设置(Site Settings)。
4.再次(Again),向下滚动并转到“内容(Content)”部分,然后单击“附加内容设置(Additional content settings)”以访问声音。
5. 最后,点击声音(Sound)并确保“允许站点播放声音(推荐)(Allow sites to play sound (recommended)) ”旁边的切换开关已打开。
在Google Chrome中为所有站点启用声音后,您可以在浏览器上播放任何视频或歌曲,以检查这是否能够解决 Google Chrome 中的任何声音问题。(to fix no sound issue in Google Chrome.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在 YouTube 上修复无声音的 5 种方法( 5 Ways to Fix No Sound on YouTube)
方法 4:检查系统上的音量混合器(Method 4: Check the Volume Mixer on your System)
有时,用户使用系统上的音量混合器工具将Google Chrome的音量静音。您可以检查音量混合器以确保Google Chrome(Google Chrome)的音频未静音。
1.右键单击(Right-click)任务栏右下角的扬声器图标,然后单击(speaker icon)打开音量混合器。(Open Volume Mixer.)
2. 现在,确保谷歌浏览器的音量(Google Chrome)没有静音(volume level is not on mute),并且音量滑块设置得很高。
如果您在音量混合器工具中没有看到Google Chrome ,请(Google Chrome)在 Google 上播放随机视频,然后打开音量混合器。(play a random video on Google and then open the volume mixer.)
方法 5:重新插入外部扬声器(Method 5: Replug Your External Speakers)
如果您使用的是外部扬声器,那么扬声器可能有问题。因此,请拔下您的扬声器,然后将它们插回系统。当您插入扬声器时,您的系统将识别声卡,并且它可能能够修复谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)没有声音问题。
方法 6:清除浏览器 Cookie 和缓存(Method 6: Clear Browser Cookies and Cache)
当您的浏览器收集过多的浏览器 cookie 和缓存时,可能会减慢网页的加载速度,甚至可能导致无音频错误。因此,您可以按照以下步骤清除浏览器 cookie 和缓存。
1. 打开您的Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser)并单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点,然后点击(three vertical dots)更多工具(More tools)并选择“清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)”。
2. 会弹出一个窗口,您可以在其中选择清除浏览数据的时间范围。对于大范围清洁,您可以选择所有时间(All time)。最后,点击底部的清除数据(Clear data)。
就是这样; 重新启动(Restart)系统并检查此方法是否能够修复 Google Chrome 声音在 Windows 10 中不起作用。(fix Google Chrome sound not working in windows 10.)
方法 7:更改播放设置(Method 7: Change Playback Settings)
您可以检查播放设置,因为声音可能已路由到未连接的输出通道,导致Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中没有声音问题。
1. 打开系统上的控制面板(Control panel)。您可以使用搜索栏找到控制面板,然后转到声音(Sound)部分。
2. 现在,在播放(Playback)选项卡下,您将看到已连接的扬声器(speakers)(you will see your connected speakers)。单击它(Click on it)并从屏幕左下角选择配置。(Configure)
3. 点击音频通道下的立体声,然后点击(Stereo)下一步(Next)。
4. 最后,完成设置并前往谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)检查音频。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 中耳机没有声音的问题(Fix No sound from headphone in Windows 10)
方法 8:选择正确的输出设备(Method 8: Choose the Correct Output Device)
有时,当您没有设置正确的输出设备时,您可能会遇到声音问题。您可以按照以下步骤修复Google Chrome无声音问题:
1. 转到您的搜索栏并输入声音(Sound)设置,然后从搜索结果中单击声音设置。(Sound settings)
2. 在声音设置中(Sound settings),单击“选择您的输出设备(Choose your output device)”下的下拉菜单(drop-down menu),然后选择正确的输出设备。
现在您可以通过播放随机视频来检查Google Chrome中的声音问题。如果此方法无法解决问题,您可以检查下一个方法。
方法 9:确保网页未处于静音状态(Method 9: Ensure the Web Page is not on Mute)
1. 第一步是按Windows key + R运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
3. 单击顶部面板中的高级(Advanced)选项卡,然后向下滚动并找到多媒体(multimedia)部分。
4. 现在,确保勾选“在网页中播放声音(Play sounds in web pages)”旁边的复选框。
5. 要保存更改,请单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
最后,您可以重新启动Chrome浏览器以检查这是否能够取消 Google Chrome 浏览器的静音。( unmute the Google Chrome browser.)
方法 10:禁用扩展(Method 10: Disable Extensions)
Chrome扩展程序可以增强您的浏览体验,例如当您想阻止YouTube视频上的广告时,您可以使用Adblock扩展程序。但是,这些扩展可能是您在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中没有声音的原因。因此,要修复Chrome(Chrome)中突然停止工作的声音,您可以按照以下步骤禁用这些扩展:
1. 打开您的Chrome浏览器并单击屏幕右上角的扩展程序图标,然后单击(Extension icon)管理扩展程序(Manage extensions)。
2.您将看到所有扩展程序的列表,关闭(turn off the toggle)每个扩展程序旁边的切换以禁用它。
方法 11:检查特定网站的声音设置(Method 11: Check Sound Setting for Specific Website)
您可以检查声音问题是否与Google Chrome上的特定网站有关。如果您遇到特定网站的声音问题,则可以按照以下步骤检查声音设置。
- 在您的系统上打开 Google Chrome。
- 导航到您面临声音错误的网站。
- 从地址栏中找到扬声器图标,如果您在扬声器图标上看到十字标记,请点击它。
- 现在,单击“始终允许 https 上的声音……(Always allows sound on https…..) ”以启用该网站的声音。
- 最后,点击完成以保存新更改。
方法 12:重置 Chrome 设置(Method 12: Reset Chrome Settings)
1. 打开您的Chrome浏览器并单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点,然后转到(three vertical dots)设置(Settings)。
2. 向下滚动并单击高级(Advanced)。
3. 现在,向下滚动并单击将设置重置为原始默认值(Reset settings to their original defaults)。
4. 将弹出一个确认窗口,您必须在其中单击重置设置(Reset settings)。
就是这样; 您可以检查此方法是否能够解决 Google Chrome 上的声音无法正常工作的问题。( resolve the sound not working issue on Google Chrome.)
方法 13:更新 Chrome(Method 13: Update Chrome)
当您使用旧版本的浏览器时,可能会出现谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)没有声音的问题。以下是在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)上检查更新的方法。
1. 打开您的Chrome浏览器并单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点,然后转到(three vertical dots)帮助(Help)并选择关于 Google Chrome(About Google Chrome)。
2. 现在,谷歌(Google)会自动检查任何更新。如果有任何可用更新,您可以更新您的浏览器。(You can update your browser if there are any updates available.)
方法 14:重新安装谷歌浏览器(Method 14: Re-install Google Chrome)
如果这些方法都不起作用,您可以在系统上卸载并重新安装Google Chrome。请按照以下步骤操作此方法。
1. 关闭您的Chrome浏览器并前往系统上的设置(Settings)。使用搜索栏导航到设置(Settings)或按Windows Key + I。
2. 点击应用程序(Apps)。
3. 选择谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)并点击卸载(Uninstall)。您也可以选择清除浏览器数据。(You have the option of clearing your browser data as well.)
4. 成功卸载Google Chrome后,您可以通过前往任何网络浏览器并导航至 -重新安装该应用程序。
5. 最后,点击下载 Chrome(Download Chrome)以在您的系统上重新安装浏览器。
重新安装浏览器后,您可以检查它是否能够 修复谷歌浏览器声音不工作的问题。(fix Google Chrome sound not working issue.)
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何在 Google Chrome 上恢复声音?(Q1. How do I get sound back on Google Chrome?)
Q2。如何取消 Google Chrome 静音?(Q2. How do I unmute Google Chrome?)
您可以通过导航到该站点并单击地址栏中带有叉号的扬声器图标来轻松取消Google Chrome静音。要在Google Chrome上取消静音网站,您还可以右键单击选项卡并选择取消静音网站。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您无法 修复 Google Chrome 中的任何声音问题(fix no sound issue in Google Chrome)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Fix No Sound issue in Google Chrome
Google Chrome is the default web browser for many users as it offers a ѕmooth browsing exрerience and fantastic features such as Chrome extensions, sync options, and more. However, there are cases whеn users experience sound issues in Googlе Chromе. It can be annoуing when уou play a YоuTυbe video or any song, but there is no audio. After that, you may check your computеr’s audіo, and the songs are playing perfectly fine on your computer. Τhis means that the issue iѕ with Google Chrome. Thereforе, to fix no sound issue in Google Chrome, we have a guide with the possible solutions that you can follow.
Fix No Sound issue in Google Chrome
Reasons behind No Sound issue in Google Chrome
There may be several reasons behind no sound issue in Google Chrome. Some of the possible reasons are as follows:
- Your computer’s audio may be on mute.
- There may be something wrong with your external speakers.
- There may be something wrong with the sound driver, and you might have to update it.
- The audio problem may be site-specific.
- You may have to check the sound settings on Google Chrome to fix the no audio error.
- There may be some pending Chrome updates.
These are some of the possible reasons behind no sound issue in Google Chrome.
Fix Google Chrome Sound Not Working in Windows 10
We are listing all the methods that you can try to fix no sound issue in Google Chrome:
Method 1: Restart Your System
Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the sound issue in Google Chrome. Therefore, you can restart your computer to check whether you are able to fix the no audio error in the Chrome browser.
Method 2: Update Sound Driver
The first that you should look for when there is something wrong with your computer’s audio is your sound driver. If you are using an older version of the sound driver on your system, then you may face the sound issue in Google Chrome.
You must install the latest version of the sound driver on your system. You have the option of updating your sound driver either manually or automatically. The process of manually updating your sound driver may be a bit time-consuming, which is why we recommend updating your sound driver automatically by using the Iobit driver updater.
With the help of Iobit driver updates, you can easily update your sound driver with a click, and the driver will scan your system to find the right drivers to fix Google Chrome sound not working issue.
Method 3: Check Sound Settings for all Websites
You can check the general sound settings in Google Chrome to fix the no sound issue. Sometimes, users may accidentally disable the sites to play audio in Google Chrome.
1. Open your Chrome browser.
2. Click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen and go to Settings.
3. Click on Privacy and security from the panel on the left then scroll down and go to Site Settings.
4. Again, scroll down and go to the Content section and click on Additional content settings to access sound.
5. Finally, tap on Sound and ensure that the toggle next to ‘Allow sites to play sound (recommended)’ is on.
After you enable the sound for all sites in Google Chrome, you can play any video or song on the browser to check whether this was able to fix no sound issue in Google Chrome.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Fix No Sound on YouTube
Method 4: Check the Volume Mixer on your System
Sometimes, the users mute the volume for Google Chrome using the volume mixer tool on their system. You can check the volume mixer to ensure the audio is not on mute for Google Chrome.
1. Right-click on your speaker icon from the bottom right of your taskbar then click on Open Volume Mixer.
2. Now, make sure the volume level is not on mute for Google Chrome and the volume slider is set high.
In case you don’t see Google Chrome in the volume mixer tool, play a random video on Google and then open the volume mixer.
Method 5: Replug Your External Speakers
If you are using external speakers, then there may be something wrong with the speakers. Therefore, unplug your speakers and then plug them back to the system. Your system will recognize the sound card when you plug your speakers, and it may be able to fix Google Chrome has no sound issue.
Method 6: Clear Browser Cookies and Cache
When your browser collects too much of the browser cookies and cache, it can slow down the loading speed of web pages and may even cause no audio error. Therefore, you can clear your browser cookies and cache by following these steps.
1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen then tap on More tools and select ‘Clear browsing data.’
2. A window will pop up, where you can select the time range for clearing the browsing data. For extensive clean, you can select All time. Finally, tap on Clear data from the bottom.
That’s it; Restart your system and check whether this method was able to fix Google Chrome sound not working in windows 10.
Method 7: Change Playback Settings
You can check the playback settings as the sound may have routed to a non-connected output channel, causing the no sound issue in Google Chrome.
1. Open the Control panel on your system. You can use the search bar to locate the control panel then go to the Sound section.
2. Now, under the Playback tab, you will see your connected speakers. Click on it and select Configure from the bottom-left of the screen.
3. Tap on Stereo under audio channels and click on Next.
4. Finally, complete the setup and head to Google Chrome to check the audio.
Also Read: Fix No sound from headphone in Windows 10
Method 8: Choose the Correct Output Device
Sometimes, you may face sound issues when you do not set up the right output device. You can follow these steps to fix Google Chrome no sound issue:
1. Go to your search bar and type Sound settings then click on Sound settings from the search results.
2. In Sound settings, click on the drop-down menu under ‘Choose your output device’ and select the right output device.
Now you can check the sound issue in Google Chrome by playing a random video. If this method was not able to fix the issue, you can check the next method.
Method 9: Ensure the Web Page is not on Mute
There are chances that the sound of the web page that you are visiting is on mute.
1. The first step is to open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R key.
2. Type inetcpl.cpl in the dialog box and hit enter.
3. Click on the Advanced tab from the top panel then scroll down and locate the multimedia section.
4. Now, make sure that you tick the checkbox next to ‘Play sounds in web pages.’
5. To save the changes, click on Apply and then OK.
Finally, you can restart your Chrome browser to check whether this was able to unmute the Google Chrome browser.
Method 10: Disable Extensions
Chrome extensions can enhance your browsing experience, such as when you want to prevent ads on YouTube videos, you can use Adblock extension. But, these extensions may be the reason why you are getting no sound in Google Chrome. Therefore, to fix sound suddenly stopped working in Chrome, you can disable these extensions by following these steps:
1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the Extension icon from the top-right corner of the screen then click on Manage extensions.
2. You will see the list of all the extensions, turn off the toggle next to each extension to disable it.
Restart your Chrome browser to check if you are able to receive sound.
Method 11: Check Sound Setting for Specific Website
You can check whether the sound issue is with a specific website on Google Chrome. If you are facing sound issues with specific websites, then you can follow these steps to check the sound settings.
- Open Google Chrome on your system.
- Navigate to the website where you are facing the sound error.
- Locate the speaker icon from your address bar and if you see a cross mark on the speaker icon then cick on it.
- Now, click on ‘Always allows sound on https…..’ to enable the sound for that website.
- Finally, tap on done to save the new changes.
You can restart your browser and check whether you are able to play the audio on the specific website.
Method 12: Reset Chrome Settings
If none of the above methods work, you can reset your Chrome settings. Don’t worry, Google will not remove your saved passwords, bookmarks, or web history. When you reset Chrome settings, it will reset the startup page, search engine preference, the tabs you pin, and other such settings.
1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen then go to Settings.
2. Scroll down and click on Advanced.
3. Now, scroll down and click on the Reset settings to their original defaults.
4. A confirmation window will pop up, where you have to click on Reset settings.
That’s it; you can check whether this method was able to resolve the sound not working issue on Google Chrome.
Method 13: Update Chrome
The issue of no sound in Google Chrome may occur when you use an old version of the browser. Here is how to check for updates on Google Chrome.
1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen then go to Help and select About Google Chrome.
2. Now, Google will automatically check for any updates. You can update your browser if there are any updates available.
Method 14: Re-install Google Chrome
If none of the methods are working, you can uninstall and re-install Google Chrome on your system. Follow these steps for this method.
1. Close your Chrome browser and head to the Settings on your system. Use the search bar to navigate to the Settings or press Windows Key + I.
2. Click on Apps.
3. Select Google Chrome and tap on Uninstall. You have the option of clearing your browser data as well.
4. After successfully uninstalling Google Chrome, you can re-install the app by heading to any web browser and navigating to-
5. Finally, tap on Download Chrome to re-install the browser on your system.
After reinstalling the browser, you can check whether it was able to fix Google Chrome sound not working issue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How do I get sound back on Google Chrome?
To get sound back on Google, you can restart your browser and check the sound settings to enable sound for all the sites on the browser. Sometimes, the problem may be with your external speakers, you can check whether your system speakers are working by playing a song on your system.
Q2. How do I unmute Google Chrome?
You can easily unmute Google Chrome by navigating to the site and clicking on the speaker icon with a cross in your address bar. To unmute a site on Google Chrome, you can also make a right-click on the tab and select unmute site.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix no sound issue in Google Chrome. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.