甚至在 2018 年被罗技收购之前, (Logitech)Blue就在制造市场上一些最有趣的流媒体和游戏麦克风。现在,在罗技(Logitech)丰富的经验和财力的支持下,在购买新的麦克风进行内容制作时,Blue是一个安全的选择。在本文中,我将测试Blue Yeti,这是他们产品线中最受欢迎的麦克风(并且可以说是市场上最受欢迎的麦克风)。它是否像销售数据所暗示的那样好?请仔细阅读,找出答案:
Blue Yeti 麦克风(Blue Yeti microphone):它对谁有好处?
Blue Yeti是(Blue Yeti)录音棚(studio recording)以外任何类型内容创作的绝佳选择。是以下情况的正确选择:
- 将独奏录音与采访相结合的流媒体和内容创作者
- 业余音乐家正在寻找可以拾取多个声源的坚固、优质麦克风
- 打算多场景使用又不想牺牲音质的用户
在测试Blue Yeti麦克风时,我注意到以下优点:
Buy now
- 有趣的包装(Fun packaging)和开箱体验
- 麦克风(microphone build quality)的制造质量很棒
- 它具有大量的功能和控件,使其非常通用
- 音质(sound quality)非常适合播客、流媒体和任何类型的录音
- 与罗技(Logitech)共同开发的G-Hub软件有助于优化麦克风的声音
- 包装中不包含任何配件
- 推荐用于Blue Yeti阵容的Sherpa软件对于该模型几乎没有用处(Sherpa)
- 按下静音(Mute) 按钮(button doesn)感觉不太好,并且会发出相当响的咔嗒声

Blue Yeti具备畅销书的所有属性:坚固实用的设计、出色的音质和(sound quality)丰富的功能。它的多功能性和易用性以及G-Hub应用程序提供的出色过滤和效果(filtering and effects)给我留下了深刻的印象。在测试过程中,我没有发现值得一提的大缺陷。我强烈推荐Blue Yeti给正在为他们的录音寻找强大麦克风的内容创作者。
拆箱 Blue Yeti 麦克风
Blue Yeti装在一个和它的名字一样时髦多彩的盒子里。这是一个很重的盒子(比 3.4 磅或 1.5 公斤多一点),但它的尺寸并没有那么大:它的尺寸只有 4.9 x 9.8 x 6.2 英寸(12.5 x 24.8 x 15.7 厘米)。这一定意味着内容很扎实,对吧?盒子的正面有一张麦克风的照片和它的名字。

Blue Yeti 麦克风(Blue Yeti microphone)的包装引人注目

背面遵循相同的模式,对麦克风上的功能进行了详细说明。从外观上看,蓝雪人(Blue Yeti)拥有一切!但是,我们不要超越自己。

该包装仅包含基本物品:麦克风、6 英尺(2 米)USB-A 转Mini USB-A 电缆(Mini USB-A cable)、快速指南和保修信息。麦克风本身包装得很好,其他物品放在一个单独的隔间里。它也完全组装在支架上,因此您只需将其插入您的Mac 或 Windows PC(Mac or Windows PC)。

开箱体验令人愉悦:包装盒信息丰富,图形设计精美,麦克风妥善固定在内部且易于取用。不过,我有点惊讶,除了 USB 线,盒子里没有任何配件。(The unboxing experience is pleasant: the box is full of information and has excellent graphic design, the mike is properly secured inside and easy to access. I was a little surprised, though, that the box doesn’t contain any accessories apart from the USB cable.)
打开Yeti(Yeti )包装时,我首先注意到的是它的重量。它的支架重 2.2 磅(1 千克),麦克风本身也很重 - 1.2 磅(0.55 千克)。Blue Yeti高11.6 英寸(30 厘米),比(bit taller)我的“日常驱动器” Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus高一点,但它也更紧凑,因为GXT 252+安装在轻型三脚架上而不是实心三脚架上金属底座(metal base)。
这是多么坚实的基础!它的底部有软垫,用于减振(vibration dampening),并且由于其重量和形状(weight and shape)而非常稳定。将麦克风固定在支架上的机制很简单,但可以有效地将麦克风固定在适当的位置。话虽如此,您只能在一个轴上旋转麦克风,并且无法调整高度。

Blue Yeti 麦克风(Blue Yeti microphone)的正面
看麦克风本身,我要提一下,除了我测试的黑色版本外,还有灰色版本(我觉得更适合隐藏指纹),还有第三种选择,我让你猜猜是什么颜色……是的,当你说你刚买了蓝色的Blue Yeti时,你肯定会看到一些奇怪的表情。

Blue Yeti提供三种颜色
我首先对构建质量印象深刻,但我很快将注意力转移到了设备的按钮上。很多很多的按钮!首先(First),在麦克风的正面,你会发现一个音量旋钮(volume knob)和一个静音按钮(mute button)(我觉得后者是主播和游戏玩家必备的)。静音按钮(mute button)还兼作状态指示灯(status indicator)。当麦克风静音时,其集成的红色LED会闪烁,只要设备处于活动状态,它就会一直亮着。

Blue Yeti 麦克风(Blue Yeti microphone)正面的按钮
不过,前面(front isn)的旋钮不是用来控制增益(gain control)的。Blue Yeti确实是一款功能齐全的麦克风,其中一个功能是用于零延迟监听的(zero-latency monitoring)耳机插孔(headphone jack)。所以旋钮实际上是耳机输出的(headphone output)音量控制(volume control)。在麦克风的底部,除了迷你USB 端口(USB port)和前面提到的耳机插孔(headphone jack)之外,您会注意到一个螺纹安装座,与Blue Compass等悬臂(boom arm)完美搭配。Blue Yeti还可以安装防震(shock mount)架,蓝色半径 III(Blue Radius III)。

转到麦克风的背面,您会发现另外两个功能:增益控制旋钮(gain control knob)和模式选择器(pattern selector)。虽然我相信增益旋钮(gain knob)应该出现在任何体面的流媒体麦克风(streaming microphone)上,但即使按照我的标准,模式选择器(pattern selector)也非常奇特。在我们测试的麦克风中,只有Trust GXT 258 Fyru具有类似的功能。

Blue Yeti 麦克风(Blue Yeti microphone)背面的旋钮
您可以使用不少于四种敏感模式 - 每一种都针对特定类型的录音量身定制:
- 心形(Cardioid)模式 - 直接在麦克风前拾取声音,非常适合独奏录音,如游戏流媒体(game streaming)、播客或画外音。
- 全向(Omnidirectional)模式——顾名思义,在这种模式下,麦克风从任何方向拾取声音,使其成为电话会议或具有多个声源的任何类型录音的理想选择
- 双向(Bidirectional)模式 - 从麦克风前后拾取声音,最适合用于采访或二重唱
- 立体声(Stereo)模式 - 捕捉宽广而逼真的声像(sound image),非常适合音源放置(sound source placement)很重要的录音,例如,多种乐器或合唱团
模式的数量使Blue Yeti成为内容创作者和业余音乐家的多功能工具。您可以动态修改模式这一事实赋予了它更大的灵活性。

现在是我通常描述随附配件的部分,除了在这种情况下,没有任何配件。我承认,我被Trust GXT 252+宠坏了,它有一个吊臂(boom arm)、一个三脚架、一个防喷(pop filter)罩和一个泡沫麦克风罩(foam mike cover)。但我真的很想在包装中看到至少一个泡沫麦克风罩(foam mike cover)(防喷罩)。(pop filter)我无法想象这样一个配件的成本是一个问题,所以也许麦克风(microphone doesn)不需要防爆过滤器(pop filter)?我们将在下一章看到。

网格非常密集,但它可以充当弹出过滤器(pop filter)吗?
在我们到达那里之前,让我们看一下规格表。Blue Yeti有 3 个电容极头(外壳内基本上有 3 个麦克风,每个麦克风的角度不同),频率响应(frequency response)为 20Hz - 20kHz。不是很好,也不是很糟糕,正如俗话说的那样(as the saying goes)——它显然不是作为录音室麦克风(studio microphone)的。但是,对于流媒体和画外音,频率范围(frequency range)绰绰有余。最大声压级为(pressure level)120 dB,最大总谐波失真 ( THD ) 为 0.5%。最后,最大采样率(sampling rate)和位深度(bit depth)流式麦克风的典型值:48 kHz/16 位。如果您想了解更多有关Blue Yeti的详细信息和规格,可以在产品页面(product page)上查看:Blue - Yeti
Blue Yeti 麦克风的设计新颖且非常实用。按钮(及其编号)的手感和底座的简单高效设计给我留下了深刻的印象。与各种悬臂和振动支架的兼容性抵消了随附配件的缺乏。功能的数量和良好的规格应该使 Blue Yeti 麦克风成为各种使用场景的不错选择。(The design of the Blue Yeti microphone is original and very practical. I was impressed by the feel of the buttons (and their number) and the simple and efficient design of the base. The lack of included accessories is offset by the compatibility with a variety of boom arms and vibration mounts. The number of features and the good specs should make the Blue Yeti microphone a good choice for a variety of usage scenarios.)
使用 Blue Yeti 麦克风
Blue Yeti完全即插即用。您只需将其从包装盒中取出,将麦克风固定在支架上,插入随附的USB 数据线(USB cable),即可开始使用。支架感觉稳定而坚固,虽然它的重量使设备难以重新定位,但假设你不会移动它太多。插入后,静音(Mute)按钮上的红色LED灯会亮起,以确认设备已通电。按下静音(Mute)按钮,我对它发出的噪音感到惊讶。咔哒声很大,感觉不是很好。使麦克风静音使LED 开始闪烁,这是(LED start)麦克风状态(mike status)的良好视觉指示. 旋钮感觉平滑而精确,麦克风的整体制造质量非常好。

将它插入我的Windows 测试平台(Windows testbench)后,Blue Yeti立即被识别。除了通常的增益和采样率(gain and sample rate),您不能从操作系统(operating system)调整其他设置。阅读快速安装指南(setup guide)后,我安装了Blue Sherpa软件,假设我会获得额外的功能。我错了:所有这些软件(至少在Yeti上)都是将增益和音量控制(gain and volume controls)带入一个新界面。在其他设备上,例如Blue Yeti Nano,该软件确实具有附加功能,但对于Yeti,我会说Sherpa这不是必需的。

G-Hub软件可以管理(G-Hub)罗技(Logitech)和Blue的许多游戏和流媒体设备(如鼠标、键盘、耳机等),它可以控制可用的RGB 照明(RGB lighting),并为某些设备提供附加功能。它为Blue Yeti提供了大量的调整和效果(如截止频率(cutoff frequency)或摩擦音和爆破音过滤),其界面简单易用。

G-Hub 界面(G-Hub interface)提供了很多设置
我在几个场景中测试了Blue Yeti 。首先(First),我和一个朋友(我们俩在同一个房间)在电话会议(conference call)中使用它,结果非常好:在全向和双向模式下,在电话的另一端,我们的声音是拾取时没有失真,清晰度很好。静音按钮在这里非常有用,因为我感冒了并且经常咳嗽。
接下来,我用它和我目前最喜欢的MMO 游戏(MMO game)Star Citizen中的队友交谈(专业提示:如果你想玩一款已经筹集了超过 4 亿美元(USD)资金但仍处于alpha 开发阶段(alpha development)的游戏十年了,去看看(go check it out))。在这里,录制的音频质量也非常好。
最后,我用麦克风录制了一段视频。麦克风拾取的声音再次几乎完美无瑕,唯一的小问题是,在不调整增益水平的情况下,Blue Yeti被证明非常敏感——它从我的 PC 粉丝那里拾取了太多的声音(使用电脑在桌子下面)和我邻居的装修。这个问题可以通过在设备上调高和在操作系统中(operating system)调低(我知道,这听起来可能违反直觉)或通过使用G-Hub软件过滤掉低于某个阈值的声音来解决。

我不会说高灵敏度是一件坏事,它有它的优点,但如果你打算在一个(甚至轻微)嘈杂的环境(noisy environment)中录制,你应该注意这一点。最后,这是我从我最喜欢的书《小王子(The Little Prince)》中朗读的录音,让您了解蓝雪人(Blue Yeti)的能力。使用心形模式(cardioid pattern)在大约 10 英寸(25 厘米)的距离进行录音。

总的来说,使用 Blue Yeti 是一次了不起的体验。麦克风用途广泛,可立即配置用于电话会议、流媒体或录制视频和播客。允许在录音模式之间切换的旋钮非常有用,带有集成状态 LED 的静音按钮也是如此。音质非常适合其预期用途,虽然 Blue Yeti 的灵敏度在嘈杂的环境中或在离麦克风太近的地方讲话时可能会成为问题,但可以通过调整增益或使用 G-Hub 软件轻松缓解. 与 Blue Yeti 最接近的竞争对手(无论是在价格还是在功能方面)是 Trust GXT 258 Fyru,两者之间的选择确实是一个艰难的选择。(Overall, using the Blue Yeti was an amazing experience. The microphone is very versatile and can instantly be configured for conference calls, streaming, or recording videos and podcasts. The knob that allows switching between the recording patterns is very useful, as is the mute button with the integrated status LED. The sound quality is perfect for its intended purposes, and while the sensitivity of the Blue Yeti can be an issue in noisy environments or when talking too close to the microphone, this can be easily mitigated by adjusting gain or by using the G-Hub software. The closest competitor (both in terms of pricing and in terms of features) to the Blue Yeti is the Trust GXT 258 Fyru, and the choice between the two is indeed a difficult one. )
您对Blue Yeti 麦克风(Blue Yeti microphone)有何看法?
这总结了我使用Blue Yeti麦克风的经验。我一点也不惊讶它是市场上最畅销的流媒体麦克风,它的营销、功能和音质都是一流的。但关于我的事情已经够多了:你对Blue Yeti有什么看法?你会买吗?您的候选名单上还有其他麦克风吗?请在评论中告诉我们,当然,如果您已经拥有一台,请告诉我们您是否有与我类似的经历。
Blue Yeti USB microphone review - the perfect choice for content creators
Even before it was acquired by Logitech in 2018, Blue was manufacturing some of the most interesting streaming and gaming microphones on the market. Now, backed up by the huge experience and financial power of Logitech, Blυe is a safе bet when it cоmes tо buying a new mike for content production. In this article, I will be testing out the Blue Yeti, the most popular microphone from their lineup (and arguably, on the market). Is it as good as the sales figures suggest? Read on to find out:
Blue Yeti microphone: Who is it good for?
The Blue Yeti is an excellent choice for any type of content creation other than studio recording. It’s the right choice for:
- Streamers and content creators who mix solo recordings with interviews
- Amateur musicians looking for a rugged, good-quality mike that can pick up multiple sound sources
- Users who plan to use it in multiple scenarios and don’t want to sacrifice sound quality
Pros and cons
While testing the Blue Yeti microphone, I noticed the following strong points:
See price on:

Buy now
- Fun packaging and unboxing experience
- The microphone build quality is great
- It has a huge amount of features and controls, making it extremely versatile
- The sound quality is excellent for podcasts, streaming, and any kind of voice recordings
- The G-Hub software developed together with Logitech helps optimize the sound of the microphone
However, there are a few things that could be improved:
- There are no accessories included in the package
- The Sherpa software, which is recommended for the Blue Yeti line-up, is pretty much useless for this model
- Pressing the Mute button doesn’t feel great and makes a rather loud clicking noise

The Blue Yeti has all the attributes for a best-seller: it has a solid and practical design, the sound quality is excellent, and it’s feature-rich. I was impressed with its versatility and the ease of use, as well as the excellent filtering and effects offered by the G-Hub application. During testing, I found no big flaws worth mentioning. I highly recommend the Blue Yeti for content creators looking for a robust microphone for their recordings.
Unboxing the Blue Yeti microphone
The Blue Yeti comes in a box that’s as funky and colorful as its name. It’s a heavy box (a bit more than 3.4 lbs or 1.5 kg), but its dimensions are not that large: it only measures 4.9 by 9.8 by 6.2 inches (12.5 by 24.8 by 15.7 cm). This must mean that the contents are pretty solid, right? The front of the box features a photo of the microphone and its name.

The packaging for the Blue Yeti microphone is eye-catching
The sides are packed with specs, cool information, and of course, lots of yetis, explaining in detail the features of the microphone.

Much effort was put into the graphic design of the box
The back follows the same pattern, with a detailed explanation of the features present on the microphone. From the looks of it, the Blue Yeti has everything! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

You get a large amount of information regarding the microphone just by studying the package
The package contains just the basics: the microphone, a 6 feet (2 meters) USB-A to Mini USB-A cable, a quick guide, and warranty information. The microphone itself is very well packaged, with the other items in a separate compartment. It’s also completely assembled on its stand, so the only thing you need to do is plug it into your Mac or Windows PC.

Accessories? What accessories?
The unboxing experience is pleasant: the box is full of information and has excellent graphic design, the mike is properly secured inside and easy to access. I was a little surprised, though, that the box doesn’t contain any accessories apart from the USB cable.
Design and hardware specifications
The first thing I noticed when unpacking the Yeti was its weight. Its stand weighs 2.2 lbs (1kg) and the microphone itself is heavy as well - 1.2 lbs (0.55 kg). At 11.6 inches (30 cm), the Blue Yeti is a bit taller than my “daily driver”, the Trust GXT 252+ Emita Plus, but it’s also more compact, since the GXT 252+ sits on a light tripod instead of a solid metal base.
And what a solid base it is! It has soft pads on the bottom, for vibration dampening, and it is super stable thanks to its weight and shape. The mechanism that secures the mike to the stand is simple but effective in keeping the microphone in position. That being said, you can only rotate the mike on one axis, and height adjustment is not possible.

The front of the Blue Yeti microphone
Looking at the microphone itself, I should mention that apart from the black version that I tested, there is also a gray variant (which I feel is better at hiding fingerprints), and a third option, I’ll let you guess what color… Yeah, you will definitely get some weird looks when you say you just bought the blue Blue Yeti.

Three colors are available for the Blue Yeti
I was first impressed by the build quality, but I quickly shifted my attention towards the device’s buttons. Lots and lots of buttons! First of all, on the front of the microphone, you will find a volume knob and a mute button (the latter I feel is a must for streamers and gamers). The mute button also doubles as a status indicator. Its integrated red LED flashes when the mike is muted and stays lit as long as the device is active.

The buttons on the front of the Blue Yeti microphone
The knob on the front isn’t for gain control, though. The Blue Yeti is truly a fully-featured mic, and one of its features is a headphone jack for zero-latency monitoring. So the knob is actually a volume control for the headphone output. On the bottom of the microphone, apart from the mini USB port and the aforementioned headphone jack, you will notice a threaded mount, which goes perfectly with a boom arm like the Blue Compass. The Blue Yeti can also be fitted with a shock mount, the Blue Radius III.

The bottom of the microphone houses the ports and the mount
Moving on to the back of the microphone, you will find two more features: a gain control knob and a pattern selector. While I believe that the gain knob should be present on any decent streaming microphone, the pattern selector is quite exotic even by my standards. From the microphones we tested, only the Trust GXT 258 Fyru has a similar feature.

The knobs on the back of the Blue Yeti microphone
You have at your disposal no less than four sensitivity patterns - each one tailored for certain types of recordings:
- Cardioid pattern - picks up the sound directly in front of the microphone and is perfect for solo recordings like game streaming, podcasts, or voice-overs.
- Omnidirectional pattern - just as its name implies, in this mode, the microphone picks up the sound from any direction, making it a good choice for conference calls or any kind of recording with multiple sound sources
- Bidirectional pattern - picks up the sound from the front and the back of the mic and is best used for interviews or duets
- Stereo pattern - captures a wide and realistic sound image and is ideal for recordings where sound source placement is important, for example, multiple instruments or a choir
The number of patterns makes the Blue Yeti a very versatile tool for content creators and amateur musicians. The fact that you can modify the pattern on the fly gives it even more flexibility.

Four recording patterns are available, thanks to the three condenser capsules
Now comes the part where I normally describe the included accessories, except in this case, there aren’t any. I admit, I was spoiled by the Trust GXT 252+, which has a boom arm, a tripod, a pop filter and a foam mike cover. But I would have really liked to see at least a foam mike cover (pop filter) in the package. I can’t imagine the cost to be an issue for such an accessory, so maybe the microphone doesn’t need a pop filter? We’ll see in the next chapter.

The mesh is pretty dense, but can it act as a pop filter?
Before we get there, let’s look at the specs sheet. The Blue Yeti has three condenser capsules (so basically there are three microphones inside the casing, each one positioned at a different angle), with a frequency response of 20Hz - 20kHz. Not great, not terrible, as the saying goes - it’s clearly not intended as a studio microphone. However, for streaming and voice-over, the frequency range is more than sufficient. The maximum sound pressure level is 120 dB, with a maximum total harmonic distortion (THD) of 0.5%. Finally, the maximum sampling rate and the bit depth are typical for a streaming microphone: 48 kHz/16bit. If you want more details and specs for the Blue Yeti, you can check them out on the product page: Blue - Yeti
The design of the Blue Yeti microphone is original and very practical. I was impressed by the feel of the buttons (and their number) and the simple and efficient design of the base. The lack of included accessories is offset by the compatibility with a variety of boom arms and vibration mounts. The number of features and the good specs should make the Blue Yeti microphone a good choice for a variety of usage scenarios.
Using the Blue Yeti microphone
The Blue Yeti is completely plug-and-play. All you need to do is take it out of the box, secure the microphone on its stand, plug in the provided USB cable, and you’re ready to go. The stand feels stable and solid, and while its weight makes the device hard to reposition, it’s assumed you won’t be moving it around too much. As soon as you plug it in, the red LED on the Mute button lights up to confirm the device is powered. Pushing the Mute button, I was surprised at the noise it made. It clicks loudly and the feeling is not great. Muting the microphone makes the LED start blinking, a good visual indicator of the mike status. The knobs feel smooth and precise, and the overall build quality of the microphone is really good.

The red light indicates the microphone is active
After plugging it into my Windows testbench, the Blue Yeti was recognized instantly. Apart from the usual gain and sample rate, you cannot adjust other settings from the operating system. After reading the quick setup guide, I installed the Blue Sherpa software, assuming I would gain additional functionality. I was wrong: all this piece of software does (at least on the Yeti) is bring gain and volume controls into a new interface. On other devices, like the Blue Yeti Nano, the software does have additional features, but for the Yeti, I’d say the Sherpa it’s not necessary.

The Blue Sherpa interface
I then proceeded to download and install another piece of software, developed together with Logitech: the G-Hub. Now we’re talking!
The G-Hub software can manage many gaming and streaming devices from Logitech and Blue (like mice, keyboards, headsets, etc.), it can control the RGB lighting where available, and it gives additional functionality to some devices. It has a plethora of adjustments and effects for the Blue Yeti (like the cutoff frequency or the fricative and plosive filtering) and its interface is simple and easy to use.

The G-Hub interface offers lots of settings
I tested the Blue Yeti in several scenarios. First, I used it in a conference call together with a friend (both of us in the same room), and the results were very good: with both the omnidirectional and the bidirectional pattern, at the other end of the line, our voices were picked up without distortions and with good definition. The mute button was super useful here, since I had a cold and was coughing frequently.
Next, I used it to talk to my team-mates in my current favorite MMO game, Star Citizen (pro tip: if you want to play a game that has raised over 400 million USD in funding, and yet is still in alpha development for ten years now, go check it out). Here too, the quality of the recorded audio was very good.
Finally, I used the microphone to record a video. The sound picked up by the microphone was again almost flawless, with the only small issue being that without tweaking the gain levels, the Blue Yeti proves to be extremely sensitive - it picks up way too much of the sound from my PC fans (with the PC being under the desk) and my neighbor’s renovating. This issue can be fixed either by turning the gain up on the device and down in the operating system (I know, it might sound counter-intuitive) or by using the G-Hub software to filter out sounds below a certain threshold.

Various software filters can help eliminate unwanted sounds
I wouldn’t say the high sensitivity is a bad thing, it has its advantages, but it’s something you should be aware of if you plan to record in a(n even slightly) noisy environment. Finally, here is a recording of me reading from my favorite book, The Little Prince, to give you an idea of the Blue Yeti’s capabilities. The recording was made at a distance of roughly 10 inches (25cm), using the cardioid pattern.

Overall, using the Blue Yeti was an amazing experience. The microphone is very versatile and can instantly be configured for conference calls, streaming, or recording videos and podcasts. The knob that allows switching between the recording patterns is very useful, as is the mute button with the integrated status LED. The sound quality is perfect for its intended purposes, and while the sensitivity of the Blue Yeti can be an issue in noisy environments or when talking too close to the microphone, this can be easily mitigated by adjusting gain or by using the G-Hub software. The closest competitor (both in terms of pricing and in terms of features) to the Blue Yeti is the Trust GXT 258 Fyru, and the choice between the two is indeed a difficult one.
What’s your opinion about the Blue Yeti microphone?
This sums up my experience with the Blue Yeti microphone. I’m not at all surprised that it’s the best-selling streaming microphone on the market, its marketing, features, and sound quality are just stellar. But enough about me: what’s your opinion about the Blue Yeti? Will you buy it? Do you have other microphones on your shortlist as well? Let us know in the comments and, of course, if you already own one, let us know if you had a similar experience to mine.