Reddit 自称是“互联网的头版”,它兑现了这一承诺。从突发新闻到病毒模因,你可以找到一个小众论坛(find a niche forum)——称为 subreddit——几乎可以找到任何你能想到的话题。我们将向您展示Reddit上 50 个最佳子版块,按兴趣分类。
有数以千计的子版块,虽然没有官方目录,但您在网站上花费的时间越多,就会遇到有趣的子版块。您还可以通过访问r/all、r/popular或r/random来发现新的 subreddits 。当你找到你喜欢的 subreddit 时,别忘了订阅它!
最佳关系建议 Subreddits
(Advice)Reddit上的(Reddit)咨询论坛比比皆是。这里有五个流行的关系建议(relationship advice)子版块,您可以在其中询问(并提出)一些关于个人互动的建议。
- r/relationship_advice:拥有超过 500 万订阅者,这是所有建议子版块之母。就各种人际关系获取并提供建议。(Get)
- r/AmItheAsshole:你错了吗?描述(Describe)情况,蜂巢思维会告诉你你是不是混蛋。但是,请注意:他们不会退缩!
- r/Relationships:与 r/relationship_advice 类似,用于一般关系建议。
- r/NeedAdvice : 就个人关系、约会或性以外(except )的任何事情获取并提供建议。
- r/Dating:虽然不是专门的建议 subreddit,但您会找到有关约会过程和特定约会情况的帖子。
相关: r/InternetParents , r/BreakUps , r/askwomenadvice , r/advice
让你的金融屋井然有序!这些 subreddits 帮助您弄清楚如何处理您的资金(what to do with your money)并为您的财务未来做计划。
- r/PersonalFinance:了解有关预算、储蓄、债务、信贷、投资和退休的更多信息。在查看wiki(wiki)之前不要离开,尤其是主要指令(Prime Directive)。来自美国(United) 以外的用户应查看(States)此 subreddit 侧边栏中列出的区域个人财务 subreddits。
- r/FinancialIndependence:如果你不想为钱而工作,这是一个很棒的 subreddit 访问。大多数帖子都是关于如何“ FIRE ”,代表Financial Independence/Retire Early。
- r/investing:这个 subreddit 主要是关于投资的新闻。如果您正在寻找投资建议,请在每日建议线程中发布。
- r/algotrading:这是redditors深入研究算法交易的地方,包括量化交易、统计方法和计量经济学。
- r/frugal:加入或浏览这个Frugal Living subreddit 以获取减少时间和金钱浪费的提示和技巧。
关于政治的最佳 Subreddits
每个人都有自己的意见,有时似乎他们都发布在Reddit上。因此,这里有一些子版块,您可以在其中讨论政策、民选官员和一般政府。您还可以查看这篇文章(this post),了解一长串政治子版块,包括专注于特定州或地区的子版块。
- r/WorldNews美国(United) 以外的重大新闻,(States)这个 subreddit 非常适合了解世界上正在发生的事情。不要将此与 r/WorldPolitics 混淆,这是一个完全与政治无关的NSFW网站。
- r/ModeratePolitics:尽管它的名字,你不一定会在这里找到关于温和政治立场的帖子。相反,它是人们适度表达政治的地方。正如他们所说,“如果你正在寻找文明、温和和宽容,那就进来吧!”
- r/PoliticalDiscussion:这里只有平静和理性的政治讨论。这个 subreddit 保持文明,不允许政治上的谩骂。
- r/Ask_Politics:这个社区很小,但它是一个很好的资源,可以让你回答有关政治的问题。
- r/geopolitics:一个国家的地理位置与其政治有何关系?在这个 subreddit 中,用户分析我们全球世界中国家之间的关系。
相关:r/ukpolitics , r/CanadaPolitics , r/PoliticalHumor , r/NeutralPolitics , r/politics
模因的最佳 Subreddits
Reddit上不乏模因。按照这些 subreddits 来填补你的空缺。
- r/memes:近 1600 万人从 r/memes 获得他们的 meme。出去分享。
- r/DankMemes : dank meme 和 normie meme 有什么区别?好吧,dank meme 很新鲜(fresh),r/dankmemes 只接受高质量的原创内容,所以不要发布你在 9gag 上看到的 meme。
- r/WholesomeMemes:自称“互联网(Internet)精神(Spirit)”,Wholesome Memes(” Wholesome Memes)充满了传达温暖和同理心的模因。对奶奶来说(Grandma)完全(Totally)安全。
- r/AdviceAnimals :在Advice Animals中,您不仅可以找到Insanity Wolf。虽然这个 subreddit 是为建议动物模因而创建的,但它已经发展到包括任何类型的图像模因,顶部有文字。
- r/MemeEconomy:你是模因创造者吗?访问 Meme Economy(Visit Meme Economy)购买、出售、分享、制作和投资 meme 模板。
相关:r/funny、r/pics、r/gifs、r/TheRightCantMeme /TheRightCantMeme 、r/CryingCatMemes
你有问题,Reddit有答案。很多很多的答案。查看这些努力为您提供所需信息的 subreddits。
- r/AskReddit:在这个广受欢迎的 subreddit 中,人们发布他们对(有时)发人深省的问题的答案。
- r/NoStupidQuestions:令人惊讶的是,这个 subreddit 中发布的大多数问题都绝对不是愚蠢的。如果您害怕在不同的 subreddit 中发布您的问题,请尝试在此处发布。
- r/HomeworkHelp:在这个论坛中提交您的家庭作业问题,该论坛旨在帮助您学习——而不是为您完成家庭作业。
- r/DoesAnybodyElse:无论是什么,你并不孤单。
- r/ExplainLikeImFive:在此处查找面向外行的解释。
相关:r/AskWomen , r/AskMen , r/WhatsTheWord , r/TrueAskReddit , r/HistoricalWhatIf , r/Answers , r/WhatIsThisThing , r/TipofMyTongue , r/HelpMeFind , r/RBI
向专家学习的最佳 Subreddits
下面的 subreddits 充满了专家建议。如果你想认真回答一个严肃的问题,这些 subreddits 是一个很好的起点。
- r/AskHistorians:Ask Historian(Historians)称自己为“公共历史门户”。(Public History.)” 该网站是重度审核,只允许深入和全面的回答。
- r/AskScience:科学家和科学爱好者随时准备回答您的科学问题。请务必查看周三的主题询问任何内容(Ask Anything Wednesday)。
- r/AskSocialScience:如果您回答发布在此 subreddit 中的问题,您必须提供引文。同样,只接受可回答的问题。
- r/AskCulinary:无论您的技能水平如何,通过在此 subreddit 中发布和阅读有关烹饪的各种问题的答案,成为一名更好的厨师。
- r/AskEngineers:土木、电气和机械工程师随时准备回答您的技术问题以及有关工程专业的问题。
有时你只是想被娱乐(entertained)。尝试下面的 subreddits,获取迷人、引人入胜和引人入胜的内容。
- r/IAmA:“我是____。问我什么。” 将此subreddit(Think)视为众包采访的地方。虽然任何人都可以做任何问题(Ask Me Anything)( AMA ),但帖子要么是关于在海报生活中发挥核心作用的不寻常事物,要么是独特而令人兴奋的事件。对于有重要人物的AMA(AMAs),请查看r/IAMAFamousArchive。
- r/WatchPeopleDieInside : 你知道当事情发生时人们脸上的表情会让他们完全失去对生活的热情吗?你会在这里找到大量这样的视频。
- r/NextFuckingLevel : 有些人很有天赋,要么靠运气,要么靠实践。查看(View)人们做非凡事的图片、GIF 和视频。
- r/MildlyInteresting:这个 subreddit 只接受原创内容,你肯定会发现一些帖子不仅仅是有点(mildly)有趣。
- r/Unexpected:在这里,您会发现一些不同的视频和 GIF。
相关:r/Showerthoughts , r/TodayILearned , r/maybemaybemaybe , r/ConfusingPerspective /ConfusingPerspective , r r/DamnThatsInteresting , r/blackmagicfuckery , r/nonononoyes
关于猫的最佳 Subreddits
2015 年,CNN估计互联网上可能有大约 65 亿张猫的照片。其中一些位于下面列出的子目录中。
- r/ThisIsMyLifeMeow : 猫终于接受了它们是猫。
- r/SupermodelCats:漂亮猫的图片和视频。
- r/MurderMittens:那些爪子很危险!
- r/CatBellies:你知道你想触摸它们。
- r/StartledCats:这些猫没有看到它的到来。
相关: r/cats , r/blackcats , r/SeniorKitties , r/PocketPussy , r/CatsInBusinessAttire , r/CatsWhoYell , r/CatTaps
关于看起来不错的最佳 Subreddits
如果你想看起来最好,这些 subreddit 想要帮助!
- r/MaleFashionAdvice:超过 300 万的 redditor 随时准备帮助您发展自己的风格。
- r/FemaleFashionAdvice:女性时尚的建议、指南和灵感专辑。
- r/MakeUpAddiction : 与化妆有关的任何事物。也可以查看每周的比赛。
- r/ABraThatFits:如果你穿胸罩,它很可能不合身。这些人可以提供帮助。你应得的。
- r/SkincareAddiction : 咆哮、赞叹和护肤建议。这个社区会让你的皮肤立刻焕发光彩。
相关:r/FrugalMaleFashion , r/FrugalFemaleFashion , r/ProgressPics , r/FancyFollicles , r/RedditLaqueristas , r/DrugstoreMUA , r/UglyDuckling , r/wicked_edge
最佳房间设计(Design)和家居装修 Subreddits(Home Improvement Subreddits)
谁不想要一个令人愉悦的生活空间?按照这些 subreddits 获取您家的设计灵感和维护技巧。
- r/AmateurRoomPorn:居住在其中的人拍摄并提交的漂亮房间的照片。
- r/DesignMyRoom:提交照片和房间的布局,这个社区会提出如何改进的建议。
- r/HomeImprovement:这个 subreddit 只是为了帮助您进行家庭装修项目。
- r/RoomPorn:梦幻般的室内空间的高质量图像。
- r/DIY : 如果你想自己做,请在此处查看其他人的经验。
相关:r/architecture、r/homeowners /homeowners 、 r r/HousePorn、r/TinyHouses
Here Are the 50 Best Subreddits on Reddit Broken Down by Interest
Reddit is the self-described “front pagе of the internet,” and it lives up to that promise. From breaking news tо viral memes, you can find a niche forum—called a subreddit—for virtually any topic you can think of. We’ll show you 50 of the best subreddits on Reddit, broken down by interest.
There are thousands of subreddits, and while there isn’t an official directory, you’ll come across interesting subreddits the more time you spend on the site. You can also discover new subreddits by visiting r/all, r/popular, or r/random. When you find a subreddit you like, don’t forget to subscribe to it!
Best Relationship Advice Subreddits
Advice forums abound on Reddit. Here are five popular relationship advice subreddits where you can ask for (and dish out) some advice about personal interactions.
- r/relationship_advice: With over five million subscribers, this is the mother of all advice subreddits. Get and give advice on all kinds of personal relationships.
- r/AmItheAsshole: Were you in the wrong? Describe the situation, and the hive mind will tell you if you’re the jerk. But, be warned: they won’t hold back!
- r/Relationships: Similar to r/relationship_advice, this is for general relationship advice.
- r/NeedAdvice: Get and give advice on anything except personal relationships, dating, or sex.
- r/Dating: While not specifically an advice subreddit, you’ll find posts about the dating process and specific dating situations.
Related: r/InternetParents, r/BreakUps, r/askwomenadvice, r/advice
Best Finance Subreddits
Get your financial house in order! These subreddits help you figure out what to do with your money and plan for your financial future.
- r/PersonalFinance: Learn more about budgeting, saving, debt, credit, investing, and retirement. Don’t leave before checking out the wiki, especially the Prime Directive. Users from outside the United States should check out the regional personal finance subreddits listed in this subreddit’s sidebar.
- r/FinancialIndependence: If you don’t want to work for money, this is a great subreddit to visit. Most posts are about how to “FIRE,” which stands for Financial Independence/Retire Early.
- r/investing: This subreddit is mainly for news about investing. If you’re looking for investment advice, post in the daily advice thread.
- r/algotrading: This is where redditors take a deep dive into algorithmic trading, including quantitative trading, statistical methods, and econometrics.
- r/frugal: Join or browse this Frugal Living subreddit for tips and tricks for wasting less time and money.
Related: r/ynab, r/PersonalCapital, r/FatFire, r/LeanFire, r/CoastFIRE, r/Fire, r/RealEstate
Best Subreddits About Politics
Everyone’s got an opinion, and sometimes it seems like they’re all posted on Reddit. So here are a few subreddits where you can discuss policies, elected officials, and government in general. You can also check out this post for a long list of political subreddits, including subreddits focused on specific states or regions.
- r/WorldNews: Dedicated to major news from outside the United States, this subreddit is excellent for finding out what’s happening in the world. Do not confuse this with r/WorldPolitics, an NSFW site that’s really not about politics at all.
- r/ModeratePolitics: Despite its name, you won’t necessarily find posts about moderate political positions here. Instead, it’s a place for people to express their politics moderately. As they say, “If you are looking for civility, moderation, and tolerance, come on in!”
- r/PoliticalDiscussion: There’s nothing but calm and rational political discussion here. This subreddit keeps it civil, with no political name-calling allowed.
- r/Ask_Politics: This community is fairly small, but it’s a great resource for getting your questions about politics answered.
- r/geopolitics: How does a nation’s geographic location relate to its politics? In this subreddit, users analyze the relationship between countries in our global world.
Related: r/ukpolitics, r/CanadaPolitics, r/PoliticalHumor, r/NeutralPolitics, r/politics
Best Subreddits for Memes
There’s no shortage of memes on Reddit. Get your fill by following these subreddits.
- r/memes: Nearly 16 million people get their memes from r/memes. Go forth and share.
- r/DankMemes: What’s the difference between a dank meme and a normie meme? Well, dank memes are fresh, and r/dankmemes only accepts high-quality original content, so no posting memes you saw on 9gag.
- r/WholesomeMemes: Billing itself as “Internet for the Spirit,” Wholesome Memes is filled with memes that convey warmth and empathy. Totally safe for Grandma.
- r/AdviceAnimals: You can find more than just Insanity Wolf in Advice Animals. While this subreddit was created for advice animal memes, it has since evolved to include any kind of image meme with text on top.
- r/MemeEconomy: Are you a meme creator? Visit Meme Economy to buy, sell, share, make, and invest in meme templates.
Related: r/funny, r/pics, r/gifs, r/TheRightCantMeme, r/CryingCatMemes
Best Subreddits for Questions
You’ve got questions, and Reddit has answers. Lots and lots of answers. Check out these subreddits that strive to provide you with the information you seek.
- r/AskReddit: In this hugely popular subreddit, people post their answers to (sometimes) thought-provoking questions.
- r/NoStupidQuestions: Surprisingly, most of the questions posted in this subreddit are decidedly not stupid. If you’re afraid to post your question in a different subreddit, try posting it here.
- r/HomeworkHelp: Submit your homework questions in this forum that’s designed to help you learn—not do your homework for you.
- r/DoesAnybodyElse: No matter what it is, you are not alone.
- r/ExplainLikeImFive: Find explanations geared toward the layperson here.
Related: r/AskWomen, r/AskMen, r/WhatsTheWord, r/TrueAskReddit, r/HistoricalWhatIf, r/Answers, r/WhatIsThisThing, r/TipofMyTongue, r/HelpMeFind, r/RBI
Best Subreddits for Learning from Experts
The subreddits below are chock full of expert advice. If you want a serious answer to a serious question, these subreddits are a great place to start.
- r/AskHistorians: Ask Historians calls itself the “Portal for Public History.” The site is heavily moderated, and only in-depth and comprehensive answers are allowed.
- r/AskScience: Scientists and science enthusiasts are standing by to answer your science questions. Be sure to check out the topical Ask Anything Wednesday threads.
- r/AskSocialScience: If you answer a question posted in this subreddit, you must provide a citation. Similarly, only answerable questions are accepted.
- r/AskCulinary: No matter your skill level, become a better cook by posting and reading answers to all kinds of questions about cooking in this subreddit.
- r/AskEngineers: Civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers are standing by to answer your technical questions as well as questions about the engineering profession.
Related: r/AskPhilosophy, r/Ask_Politics, r/AskElectronics, r/AskComputerScience, r/AskAcademia, r/AcademicBiblical
Best Interesting/Fun Subreddits
Sometimes you just want to be entertained. Try the subreddits below for charming, compelling, and fascinating content.
- r/IAmA: “I am a ____. Ask me anything.” Think of this subreddit as a place for crowdsourced interviews. While anyone can do an Ask Me Anything (AMA), posts are either about something uncommon that plays a central role in the poster’s life or a unique and exciting event. For AMAs with noteworthy people, check out r/IAMAFamousArchive.
- r/WatchPeopleDieInside: You know that look on people’s faces when something happens that makes them completely lose the zest for life? You’ll find tons of videos like that here.
- r/NextFuckingLevel: Some people are highly talented, either by luck or through practice. View pictures, gifs, and videos of people doing extraordinary things.
- r/MildlyInteresting: This subreddit only accepts original content, and you’re sure to find some posts much more than just mildly interesting.
- r/Unexpected: Here, you’ll find videos and gifs with a twist.
Related: r/Showerthoughts, r/TodayILearned, r/maybemaybemaybe, r/ConfusingPerspective, r/DamnThatsInteresting, r/blackmagicfuckery, r/nonononoyes
Best Subreddits about Cats
In 2015, CNN estimated there might be around 6.5 billion cat pictures on the internet. Some of them are in the subreddits listed below.
- r/ThisIsMyLifeMeow: Cats finally accepting that they are cats.
- r/SupermodelCats: Pics and videos of beautiful cats.
- r/MurderMittens: Those claws are dangerous!
- r/CatBellies: You know you want to touch them.
- r/StartledCats: These cats didn’t see it coming.
Related: r/cats, r/blackcats, r/SeniorKitties, r/PocketPussy, r/CatsInBusinessAttire, r/CatsWhoYell, r/CatTaps
Best Subreddits About Looking Good
If you want to look your best, these subreddits want to help!
- r/MaleFashionAdvice: Over 3 million redditors are ready to help you develop your style.
- r/FemaleFashionAdvice: Advice, guides, and inspiration albums for fashion for women.
- r/MakeUpAddiction: Anything and everything related to makeup. Check out the weekly contest, too.
- r/ABraThatFits: Chances are if you wear a bra, it doesn’t fit. These folks can help. You deserve it.
- r/SkincareAddiction: Rants, raves, and skincare advice. This community will get your skin glowing in no time.
Related: r/FrugalMaleFashion, r/FrugalFemaleFashion, r/ProgressPics, r/FancyFollicles, r/RedditLaqueristas, r/DrugstoreMUA, r/UglyDuckling, r/wicked_edge
Best Room Design and Home Improvement Subreddits
Who doesn’t want a pleasing living space? Follow these subreddits to get design inspiration and maintenance tips for your home.
- r/AmateurRoomPorn: Photographs of beautiful rooms taken and submitted by the people who live in them.
- r/DesignMyRoom: Submit photos and the layout of your room, and this community will make suggestions on how to make it better.
- r/HomeImprovement: This subreddit is just for helping you with your home improvement projects.
- r/RoomPorn: High-quality images of fantastic interior spaces.
- r/DIY: If you want to do it yourself, check here for other people’s experiences.
Related: r/architecture, r/homeowners, r/HousePorn, r/TinyHouses