这是一个指南,可让您在Windows 11/10加快或减慢动画 GIF(speed up or slow down an animated GIF)。您可以根据需要轻松更改GIF速度并减慢或加快速度。为此,您可以使用免费工具来更改动画GIF的速度。在这里,我们将列出可让您在Windows 11/10 PC上加快或减慢动画GIF的免费软件和 Web 服务。(GIFs)现在,事不宜迟,让我们来看看这些吧!
每秒帧数 ( FPS ) 即Frame Rate值基本上是GIF的速度。它表示动画GIF(GIF)中每秒显示的帧数。标准GIF(GIFs)的每秒帧数在 15 到 24 之间。
如何在Windows 11/10中加速或减速GIF
以下是一些免费的GIF 速度转换器软件和网络服务( GIF speed changer software and web services),可让您在Windows 11/10中减慢或加快GIF的速度:
- 摄影景观
- 天才运动
- 文件转换器
- 真实世界涂料
- 皮科斯莫斯
- ezgif.com
- ImageOnline.co
- GIF文本
- 月饼图
GIMP是一个免费的图像编辑软件,您可以使用它来更改GIF速度。除了图像,它也适用于动画GIF(GIFs)。您可以使用它导入、编辑、更改GIF速度和导出动画 GIF(export animated GIFs)。基本上有两种方法可以在GIMP中更改(GIMP)GIF速度。首先(First),您可以更改单个GIF帧的帧速率以在特定持续时间内显示特定帧。其次(Second),您可以统一更改GIF的所有帧的帧率。现在让我们详细检查这些步骤。
如何在 GIMP 中更改 GIF 速度:
- 下载并安装 GIMP。
- 启动 GIMP。
- 导入 GIF 动画。
- 转到图层(Layer)面板并双击一个框架。
- 以毫秒为单位输入帧的时间。
- 对所有帧重复(Repeat)步骤 (4) 和 (5)。
- (Export)以更改的帧速率导出已编辑的GIF 。
如果您的 PC 上尚未安装GIMP,请下载并安装它。启动它,然后在其中打开一个GIF动画。当您导入GIF时,您将能够在“图层(Layers)”可停靠窗口中查看其所有帧。使用帧号,您将看到每帧的持续时间(以毫秒 (ms) 为单位)。
对要在生成的GIF中更改其持续时间的所有帧重复上述步骤。您可以通过转到Filters > Animation > Playback选项来预览输出。
最后,您可以使用“File > Overwrite”选项保存GIF 。如果要将编辑后的GIF保存到新文件,请使用File > Export As选项。
现在,如果您想通过相同地更改所有帧的速度来加快或减慢 GIF,请按照以下步骤操作:
- 首先,启动GIMP并打开一个(GIMP)GIF动画。
- 转到过滤器(Filter)菜单,单击动画( Animation)选项,然后选择播放(Playback)选项。
- 在动画播放(Animation Playback)对话框窗口中,打开速度下拉选项。
- 选择所需的速度以减慢(小于 1 倍)或加快GIF(大于 1 倍)。
- 以改变的速度预览 GIF。
- 如果一切正常,请关闭动画播放(Animation Playback)窗口。
- 最后,使用“File > Overwrite”或“File > Export为”选项保存GIF 。
请参阅:(See:) 如何在 GIMP 中为文本添加轮廓或为文本添加边框。(How to outline Text or add a Border to Text in GIMP.)
PhotoScape 是一组包含动画 GIF(Animated GIF)编辑器的多照片查看器和编辑工具。使用此编辑器,您可以轻松更改GIF速度以减慢或加快速度。让我们检查一下它的分步过程。
以下是使用 PhotoScape更改GIF速度的主要步骤:(GIF)
首先,在您的 Windows 11/10 PC 上下载并安装PhotoScape 。然后,启动PhotoScape并从主屏幕选择动画 GIF( Animated GIF)工具。
现在,使用其内置的文件资源管理器浏览和导入动画GIF ,并将动画(GIF)GIF拖放到专用部分。之后,单击更改时间(Change Time)按钮,然后在下一个提示中输入所有帧的显示时间(以秒为单位)。如果要更改单个帧的显示时间,请启用单选按钮名称仅更改所选帧的显示时间。(Change only display time of the selected frame)按确定按钮。
最后,预览GIF,然后单击“保存( Save)”按钮保存动画 GIF。
它还包含其他工具,包括Image Splitter、Batch Photo Editor、Raw Image Converter等。您可以从photoscape.org下载它。
3] 天才运动
GiftedMotion是适用于Windows 11/10的免费便携式GIF速度变化。它可以让您快速加快或减慢GIF的速度。打开(Open)动画GIF,然后输入选定帧或所有帧的持续时间(以毫秒为单位)。要将更改应用于所有框架,请从主界面启用相应的复选框。接下来,您可以播放GIF以查看输出预览。要保存生成的GIF,请转到“File > Save为GIF动画”选项。
File Converter是另一个在(File Converter)Windows 11/10 PC上更改GIF速度的免费软件。它是一个免费转换的文件,可以从支持的图像的右键单击上下文菜单中访问。您还可以从GIF(GIF)的上下文菜单中减慢或加快GIF(GIFs)。让我们看看如何!
如何使用Windows 11/10中的右键单击上下文菜单更改GIF速度:
- 在您的 PC 上下载并安装文件转换器。(File Converter)
- 启动File Converter Settings窗口并从Conversion Presets中选择 To (Conversion Presets)Gif。
- 现在,根据您的要求自定义每秒帧数(Frames)(GIF速度),然后单击保存(Save)按钮。
- 打开文件资源管理器(Open File Explorer)并转到源GIF文件并右键单击GIF。
- 从上下文菜单中,单击“File Converter > To Gif选项。它将以源文件夹中的自定义速度处理和保存输出GIF
阅读:(Read:) 使用上下文菜单在 Google 图片上添加搜索。(Add Search on Google Images using Context Menu.)
RealWorld Paint是一款适用于Windows 11/10的图形设计器和图像编辑软件。它还可用于更改GIF速度,因为它还允许您创建和编辑动画GIF(GIFs)。您还可以在GIF动画上绘制、添加或删除GIF帧、调整帧大小、给 GIF 加水印,(GIF)以及使用这款免费的GIF速度转换器做更多事情。现在,按照以下步骤使用RealWorld Paint减慢或加速GIF。
只需(Simply)下载并安装,然后在您的 PC 上打开其界面。导入(Import)动画GIF,它会在屏幕上拆分并显示其各个帧。转到动画(Animation)菜单并单击更改动画速度(Change Animation Speed)选项。
或者,如果您想更改特定帧的持续时间,请双击该帧,然后以毫秒 (ms) 为单位输入持续时间。
最后,使用“File > Save as选项保存编辑后的 GIF。
6] 皮科斯莫斯
Picosmos是适用于Windows 11/10的(GIF)免费 GIF速度转换器。使用它,您可以快速或慢速地制作GIF 。您可以按照以下步骤操作:
- 下载并安装 Picosmos。
- 启动PicosmosTools应用程序。
- 选择动画( Animation)工具并双击打开它。
- 使用其内置的文件资源管理器添加GIF文件。(GIF)
- 现在,在右侧面板中,您将看到一个带有持续时间的设置所有帧选项。(set all frames)以秒为单位自定义此持续时间以更改GIF速度。您还可以通过从下拉选项中选择相应的选项来自定义单个帧的持续时间。
- 预览动画,然后单击“保存( Save)”或“另存为”(Save as)选项以保存编辑的 GIF。
7] Ezgif.com
如何在 Ezgif.com 上更改GIF速度:(GIF)
- 只需(Simply)在浏览器中打开其网站,然后转到(go to the) 调整 GIF 速度(Adjust GIF speed)部分。
- 然后,浏览并从您的 PC 中选择一个GIF文件或粘贴GIF的URL。
- 之后,按上传( Upload)选项。
- 现在,根据您的要求设置速度;您可以输入要更改GIF速度的百分比。
- 单击更改速度(Change Speed)按钮以应用更改。
- 最后,您可以单击“输出”部分中的“(Output)保存(Save)”按钮下载编辑后的GIF。
8] ImageOnline.co
ImageOnline.co是一个改变GIF速度的网络服务。访问其网站并上传GIF文件。然后,更改延迟以更改GIF速度,然后按更改速度(Change Speed)按钮。它将处理并显示您可以下载的输出GIF 。输出预览(Preview)显示在其界面上。因此,在下载GIF之前,请检查预览。如果要进行更改,可以再次更改GIF速度,然后下载生成的文件。
9] GIF文本
Gifntext是一个内嵌的GIF编辑器,您也可以使用它来更改GIF速度。浏览(Browse)并导入GIF文件,或输入GIF的(GIF)URL以导入源GIF文件。然后,从GIF 设置(GIF Settings)调整GIF速度。将滑块向左拖动以减慢GIF或向右拖动以加快GIF。之后,单击Generate GIF以下载输出的动画GIF。
LunaPic是您更改GIF速度的另一种选择。在您喜欢的网络浏览器中打开其网站,然后单击上传(Upload)按钮从您的 PC导入GIF文件。(GIF)现在,转到“动画( Animation)”菜单并单击“编辑 GIF 动画(Edit GIF Animation)”选项。它将打开一些动画设置,包括Speed。单击(Click)“速度”( Speed)下拉选项并选择所需的预设以快速加速或减慢GIF。您还可以更改GIF动画的循环设置。
选择速度预设(慢或快)后,您可以单击“应用( Apply)”按钮。它将处理GIF并向您显示输出预览。然后,您可以将编辑后的动画GIF保存到您的 PC,或者您可以将其分享到Facebook、Twitter、Pinterest等社交媒体。
希望本文可以帮助您使用这些免费的GIF(GIF)速度转换器工具加快或减慢Windows 11/10 PC 上的GIF 。(GIFs)
现在阅读:(Now read:)
- Mozilla Firefox 和 Google Chrome 的视频速度控制器(Video Speed Controller for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome)
- 如何在 Windows Media Player 上更改视频播放速度。(How to change Video Playback Speed on Windows Media Player.)
How to Speed Up or Slow Down GIF in Windows 11/10
Here is a guide for you to speed up or slow down an animated GIF in Windows 11/10. You can easily change GIF speed and slow it down or make it fast as per your requirement. For that, you can use a free tool that lets you change animated GIF speed. Here, we will list down free software and web services that enable you to speed up or slow down animated GIFs on Windows 11/10 PC. Now, without much ado, let us check these out!
How do I change the speed of an animated GIF?
You can change the speed of an animated GIF using a GIF speed changer. There are multiple animated GIF editors that let you alter the GIF speed. You can find out these editors later in this article.
How many frames per second is a GIF?
Frames per second (FPS) i.e., Frame Rate value is basically the speed of GIF. It indicates the number of frames that are displayed per second in an animated GIF. The standard GIFs have a value of frames per second between 15 and 24.
How to Speed Up or Speed Down GIF in Windows 11/10
Here are some free GIF speed changer software and web services that let you slow down or speed up a GIF in Windows 11/10:
- PhotoScape
- GiftedMotion
- File Converter
- RealWorld Paint
- Picosmos
- Ezgif.com
- ImageOnline.co
- Gifntext
- LunaPic
Let us now discuss these freeware and online GIF speed changer services in detail!
GIMP is a free image editing software using which you can change GIF speed. Along with images, it works with animated GIFs too. You can import, edit, change GIF speed, and export animated GIFs using it. There are basically two ways to change GIF speed in GIMP. First, you can either change the frame rate for individual GIF frames to show a particular frame for a specific duration. Second, you can change the frame rate for all frames of GIF uniformly. Let us check out these steps in detail now.
How to change GIF speed in GIMP:
Here are the main steps to change speed for each frame individually:
- Download and install GIMP.
- Launch GIMP.
- Import a GIF animation.
- Go to the Layer panel and double-click on a frame.
- Enter the time for the frame in ms.
- Repeat steps (4) and (5) for all the frames.
- Export the edited GIF with a changed frame rate.
If you don’t have GIMP already installed on your PC, download and install it. Launch it and then open a GIF animation in it. As you import a GIF, you will be able to view all its frames in the Layers dockable window. With the frame number, you will see the duration for each frame in milliseconds (ms).
From the Layers window, double-click on a frame to change its duration in the output GIF and change overall GIF speed. Type the duration in milliseconds and press the Enter button.
Repeat the above step for all frames whose duration you want to change in the resulting GIF. You can preview the output by going to the Filters > Animation > Playback option.
Finally, you can save the GIF by using the File > Overwrite option. If you want to save edited GIF to a new file, use the File > Export As option.
Now, if you want to speed up or slow down a GIF by changing speed for all frames equally, follow the below steps:
- Firstly, launch GIMP and open an animated GIF.
- Go to the Filter menu, click the Animation option, and select the Playback option.
- In the Animation Playback dialog window, open the speed drop-down option.
- Select the desired speed to slow down (less than 1x) or speed up a GIF (greater than 1x).
- Preview the GIF at changed speed.
- If all looks ok, close the Animation Playback window.
- At last, save the GIF by using the File > Overwrite or File > Export As option.
So, GIMP is a good alternative to change GIF speed according to your requirement.
See: How to outline Text or add a Border to Text in GIMP.
2] PhotoScape
PhotoScape is a set of multiple photo viewer and editing tools that include an Animated GIF editor. Using this editor, you can easily change GIF speed to slow it down or speed it up. Let us check out the step-by-step procedure for that.
How to slow down or speed up GIF in PhotoScape
Here are the main steps to change the speed of a GIF using PhotoScape:
Firstly, download and install PhotoScape on your Windows 11/10 PC. Then, launch PhotoScape and from the home screen, select the Animated GIF tool.
Now, browse and import an animated GIF using its inbuilt file explorer and drag and drop the animated GIF to the dedicated section. After that, click the Change Time button and in the next prompt, enter the display time for all frames in seconds. Enable the radio button name Change only display time of the selected frame if you want to change display time for the individual frame. Press the OK button.
Finally, preview the GIF and then click the Save button to save the animated GIF.
It also contains other tools including Image Splitter, Batch Photo Editor, Raw Image Converter, etc. You can download it from photoscape.org.
3] GiftedMotion
GiftedMotion is a free and portable GIF speed change for Windows 11/10. It lets you quickly speed up or slow down a GIF. Open an animated GIF and then enter the duration for selected or all frames in milliseconds. To apply changes to all frames, enable the respective checkbox from the main interface. Next, you can play the GIF to view the output preview. To save the resulting GIF, go to the File > Save as GIF animation option.
Apart from editing GIF speed, you can also add, remove, and rearrange GIF frames.
4] File Converter
File Converter is another free software to change GIF speed on Windows 11/10 PC. It is a free file converted and can be accessed from right-click context menu of supported images. You can also slow down or speed up GIFs from the context menu of GIF. Let’s check out how!
How to change GIF speed using the right-click context menu in Windows 11/10:
Here are the steps to speed up or slow down GIF speed using the context menu of GIFs:
- Download and install File Converter on your PC.
- Launch File Converter Settings window and select To Gif from Conversion Presets.
- Now, customize the Frames per second (GIF speed) as per your requirement and click the Save button.
- Open File Explorer and go to the source GIF file and right-click on the GIF.
- From the context menu, click on the File Converter > To Gif option. It will process and save output GIF with the customized speed in the source folder
Read: Add Search on Google Images using Context Menu.
5] RealWorld Paint
RealWorld Paint is a graphics designer and image editing software for Windows 11/10. It can also be used to change GIF speed as it also lets you create and edit animated GIFs. You can also draw over GIF animation, add or remove GIF frames, resize frames, watermark GIF, and do more with this free GIF speed changer. Now, follow the below procedure to slow down or speed up a GIF using RealWorld Paint.
Simply download and install and then open its interface on your PC. Import an animated GIF and it will split and show its individual frames on the screen. Go to the Animation menu and click the Change Animation Speed option.
Next, drag the speed slider towards the right to speed up the GIF or move it toward the left to slow down the GIF. It shows the preview in the prompt only, sp you can make adjustments to speed as required. Click the OK button to apply changes.
Alternately, if you want to change the time duration for particular frames, double click on the frame and then enter the duration in milliseconds (ms).
Finally, use the File > Save as option to save the edited GIF.
6] Picosmos
Picosmos is a free GIF speed changer for Windows 11/10. Using it, you can make it a GIF fast or slow. You can follow the below steps for that:
- Download and install Picosmos.
- Launch the PicosmosTools application.
- Select the Animation tool and double-click open it.
- Add a GIF file using its inbuilt file explorer.
- Now, in the right panel, you will see a set all frames option with time duration. Customize this duration in seconds to change GIF speed. You can also customize the time duration for individual frames too by selecting the respective option from the drop-down options.
- Preview the animation and then click the Save or Save as option to save edited GIF.
Apart from changing GIF speed, you can also change GIF width and height and remove frames.
7] Ezgif.com
Ezgif.com is a popular online GIF creation tool using which you can also change GIF speed. It provides a dedicated section to slow down or speed up a GIF.
How to change GIF speed on Ezgif.com:
- Simply open its website in a browser and then go to the Adjust GIF speed section.
- Then, browse and choose a GIF file from your PC or paste the URL of the GIF.
- After that, press the Upload option.
- Now, set up the speed as per your requirement; you can enter the percentage by which you want to change GIF speed.
- Click the Change Speed button to apply changes.
- Finally, you can click on the Save button in the Output section to download the edited GIF.
8] ImageOnline.co
ImageOnline.co is a web service to change GIF speed. Go to its website and upload a GIF file. Then, change the delay to change GIF speed and press the Change Speed button. It will process and show the output GIF that you can download. The Preview of output is shown on its interface. So, before downloading the GIF, check the preview. If you want to make changes, you can again change the GIF speed and then download the resulting file.
9] Gifntext
Gifntext is an inline GIF editor using which you can change GIF speed too. Browse and import a GIF file to it or enter the URL of a GIF to import the source GIF file. Then, from the GIF Settings, adjust the GIF speed. Drag the slider towards the left to slow down the GIF or drag it to the right to speed up the GIF. After that, click the Generate GIF to download the output animated GIF.
10] LunaPic
LunaPic is one more option for your to change GIF speed. Open its website in your favorite web browser and then click the Upload button to import a GIF file from your PC. Now, go to the Animation menu and click the Edit GIF Animation option. It will open up some animation settings including Speed. Click on the Speed drop-down option and select a desired preset to quickly speed up or slow down a GIF. You can also change loop settings for your GIF animation.
After selecting a speed preset (slow or fast), you can click on the Apply button. It will process the GIF and show you the output preview. You can then Save that edited animated GIF to your PC or you can share it to social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
Hope this article helps you to speed up or slow down GIFs on your Windows 11/10 PC using these free GIF speed changer tools.
Now read:
- Video Speed Controller for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
- How to change Video Playback Speed on Windows Media Player.