塞尔达传说游戏的真实秩序(The True Order of the Legend of Zelda Games)
2011 年,任天堂(Nintendo)发布了《Hyrule Historia》一书,详细介绍了所有《塞尔达传说》游戏的主时间(Legend)线(Zelda)。在这个时间线中,林克(Link)和塞尔达(Zelda)基本上在数百年的时间里重生到了游戏的每个故事情节中。
时间线从三位金色(Golden) 女神的背景故事开始,她们在为(Goddesses)Hyrule的世界带来秩序后,创造了Triforce(游戏中另一个反复出现的主题),可以满足其持有者的心愿。他们将三角(Hylia)力量的保护委托给了海莉亚(Triforce)女神。
封印死神后,海莉亚(Demise)创造了女神之剑(Goddess Sword)和精灵Fi,将选定的英雄带到那里,以防魔王的封印破裂。(Hylia)然后,为了继续保护三角力量(Triforce),她将自己的灵魂转移到了一个人类身上,那就是塞尔达(Zelda)。
天空之剑(Skyward Sword)
这场比赛是一开始,当林克(Link)在菲的带领下拔出女神之剑(Goddess Sword)时开始。塞尔达(Zelda)也恢复了她作为女神海莉亚(Hylia)的记忆。林克(Link)寻找特殊火焰(Flames)以将他的剑淬炼成大师剑,他最终使用它穿越(Master Sword)时间(Time)之门(Gates)穿越到过去以击倒死亡(Demise)。
迷你帽(The Minish Cap)
随着有关Triforce的消息传出,许多团体和个人开始寻找它。然而,被称为Picori的生物从天而降,以保护Hyrule免受邪恶生物的侵害。他们使用了皮科里之刃(Picori Blade),将邪恶封印在了绑定的宝箱(Bound Chest)中。
在这个游戏中,一个被称为Vaati的腐化皮科(Picori)里(Vaati)拿起皮科里之刃(Picori Blade)并再次打开绑定宝箱(Bound Chest),释放邪恶,折断剑刃,将塞尔达(Zelda)变成石头。林克(Link),在游戏中转世为铁匠,被海拉尔之王征召,重铸皮科里之刃(Picori Blade),打破塞尔达的(Hyrule)诅咒(Zelda)。
四剑(Four Swords)
瓦蒂(Vaati)再次出现在这个游戏中,绑架了塞尔达(Zelda)并将她关在风之(Winds)宫(Palace)。林克(Link)然后拔出四把剑(Four Swords),将他分成四个独立的林克(Link)。他们在整个土地上收集钥匙进入宫殿并拯救塞尔达(Zelda)。
时之笛 (Ocarina of Time )
加农多夫(Ganondorf)出现在这场比赛中,试图获得三角力量(Triforce)。为了做到这一点,他诅咒了Kokiri森林的(Kokiri Forest)Deku树(Deku Tree),试图获得Kokiri的翡翠(Emerald)。在他快要死的时候,德库树(Deku Tree)派出林克(Link)和仙女纳维(Navi)来阻止加农多夫(Ganondorf)。
Link最终遇见了Zelda ,两人决定在(Zelda)Ganon之前穿越时间(Time)之门(Door)到达Triforce。林克(Link)从时光之(Time)座(Pedestal)中拔出大师之剑(Sword),却被困七年,重新觉醒为时光之(Time)英雄(Hero)。在那些年里,加农多夫将(Hyrule)海拉尔(Ganondorf)大陆带入了黑暗。但是,他只能得到一份三角力量(Triforce)。
Link和Zelda获得了另外两块,并最终将Ganondorf封印在了邪恶的领域(Evil Realm)。
时间线拆分(Timeline Split)
在时之笛(Ocarina)的事件中,时间(Time)线分为三种不同的方式。第一个是Link被Ganon击败时的(Ganon)堕落英雄(Fallen Hero)时间线。另外两个发生在林克(Link)确实击败加农(Ganon)的地方,但由于塞尔达(Zelda)在时之笛中将(Ocarina)林克(Link)及时送回了他的童年,因此被进一步分为儿童(Child)和成人(Adult)时间(Time)线。
英雄被击败(The Hero Is Defeated)
在这个时间线中,Ganondorf获得了整个Triforce并击败了Link。然而,塞尔达(Zelda)和七贤(Seven Sages)者能够在短时间内 将加农多夫(Ganondorf)封印在神圣领域。(Sacred Realm)
与过去的链接(A Link to the Past)
他把塞尔达关(Zelda)在一个牢房里,她在那里用心灵感应呼唤林克(Link)。他救了她,把她带到避难所来保护她的安全。然而,阿加尼姆(Agahnim)最终找到了她并绑架了她。Link现在使用Master Sword找到了变成Ganon的(Ganon)Agahnim并击败了他。
林克的觉醒(Link’s Awakening)
林克现在(Link now)决定训练,以便为未来的麻烦做好准备。然而,在一次乘船旅行中,他遇到了暴风雨并被困在一个岛上。他在这里遇到了和塞尔达(Zelda)很像的马林(Marin)。
林克(Link)发现,为了离开小岛,他必须唤醒风鱼(Wind Fish),风鱼醒来后会使岛屿消失,仿佛这只是风鱼(Wind Fish)自己的梦想。林克(Link)最终这样做了,并在他旧船上的一块浮木上醒来。
季节神谕和时代神谕(Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages)
当林克有(Link one)一天在海拉尔城堡接触到(Hyrule Castle)三角力量(Triforce)时,它把他送到了全息之国(Holodrum)。与此同时,两个名叫Twinrova的女巫计划用三种特殊的火焰和一个人祭再次 复活盖侬。(Ganon)
在Holodrum中,林克(Link)冒险拯救时代(Ages)和季节的(Seasons)神谕(Oracle),以防止火焰被点燃。然而,其中两个被点燃了,Twinrova抓住了塞尔达公主(Princess Zelda)以点燃第三道火焰。林克(Link)找到了他们并击败了他们,并击败了加农半复活的形态,让这片土地恢复了和平。
世界之间的联系(A Link Between Worlds)
一个名叫尤加(Yuga)的黑巫师将七贤人(Seven Sages)变成了画作并偷走了它们,并绑架了塞尔达(Zelda)。他能够复活加农的一些力量,并用它来对抗林克(Link)。然而,林克(Link)能够打败他。
塞尔达传说(The Legend of Zelda)
林克的冒险(Adventure of Link)
Ganon 的追随者继续在Hyrule内部引发问题。林克(Link)被英帕(Impa)带到了北城堡(North Castle),塞尔达公主(Princess Zelda)在那里沉睡。为了唤醒塞尔达,(Zelda)林克(Link)被派去大皇宫寻找三角(Great Palace)力量(Triforce)的最后一块。
英雄成功:儿童时代(The Hero Is Successful: Child Era)
马修拉的面具(Majora’s Mask)
在林克的搜索过程中,他迷失在了森林中。他遇到了戴着马约拉面具的(Mask)骷髅小子(Skull Kid)。骷髅小子(Skull Kid)偷走了林克的马,他追着他进入了特米纳(Termina)的世界。
骷髅小子(Skull Kid)计划用上面的月亮摧毁特米纳(Termina),而林克(Link)有三天的时间来拯救这片土地。他成功击败了马约拉面具(Mask)中的恶魔,并离开特米纳(Termina)继续寻找纳维(Navi)。
暮光公主(Twilight Princess)
在这场比赛中(this game),七贤(Seven Sages)者将加农多夫(Ganondorf)送到了暮光之境(Twilight Realm)。在这个领域,他与Twili家族的一位皇家仆人Zant合作,从Midna公主手中(Princess Midna)夺取王位。米德娜(Midna)在海拉尔(Hyrule)找到了林克(Link),他们一起回到了暮光之城(Twilight),暮光之城将林克(Link)变成了狼形。
Midna和Link一起打败了Zant,Link用Master Sword打败了Ganon。米德娜(Midna)回到暮光之境(Twilight Realm),打破了世界之间的联系。
Four Swords + Hyrule Adventure
加农死后很久,海拉鲁(Ganon)和格鲁多(Gerudo)部落已经做出了弥补。(Hyrule)然而,在部落中诞生了一个加农的转世。(Ganon)他密谋从四剑(Four Sword)中释放古老的邪恶瓦蒂,并创造了一个名为Shadow Link的(Shadow Link)Link的另一个自我。
塞尔达(Zelda)还没来得及更新对瓦蒂(Vaati)的封印,暗影林克(Shadow Link)就把他放了。真正的林克(Link)拿着四剑(Four Sword)分裂成四根林克(Link),穿越海拉尔(Vaati),最终击败瓦蒂(Hyrule)和加农(Ganon),将他封印在四剑(Four Sword)中。
英雄成功:成人时代(The Hero Is Successful: Adult Era)
这个时间线(Link)发生在时(Time)之笛之后,在盖侬(Ganon)被击败 后林克从(Ocarina)海拉尔(Hyrule)消失之后。
风之杖(The Wind Waker)
在Wind Waker事件中,Link遇见了海盗Tetra,并找到了大师剑(Master Sword)。他试图击败加农多夫(Ganondorf),但失败了。他把剑带给海拉尔(Hyrule)的国王,他修好了。Link和Tetra然后再次击败Ganondorf。Triforce的所有部件都聚集在一起,但在加农(Ganon)使用它之前,国王介入并希望海拉尔(Hyrule)永远被淹没。
幻影沙漏(Phantom Hourglass)
林克(Link)和利特拉开始探索这片土地,利特拉(Tetra)被(Tetra)引诱上了幽灵船(Ghost Ship)并被带走。林克(Link)试图救她,但在大海中迷路了,最终来到了梅尔凯岛(Mercay Island),在那里他遇到了仙女希拉(Ciela)。
Link和Ciela最终找到了幽灵船(Ghost Ship),但发现Tetra已经被恶魔Bellum变成了石头。Link旅途锻造幻影剑(Phantom Sword),然后用它打败Bellum并拯救Tetra。林克(Link)和利特拉(Tetra)继续寻找新土地的旅程。
精神轨迹(Spirit Tracks)
最终,Link和Tetra发现了一块被灵(Spirit Tracks)迹覆盖的土地,由Lokomo放置在那里以封印恶魔Malladus。Tetra将这片土地视为新的Hyrule。
一百年后,这些灵迹(Spirit Tracks)开始消失。林克(Link),在这个转世中现在是一名皇家工程师(Royal Engineer),和塞尔达(Zelda),Tetra的后裔,一起旅行以恢复精神轨迹(Spirit Tracks)。
灾难时代(Calamity Era)
在这些游戏事件发生数千年后,在旷野之息(Breath of the Wild)之前的 10,000 年,Sheikah 部落(Sheikah Tribe)努力阻止 Ganon 的下一次复活。
数千年后,又一位塞尔达公主(Princess Zelda)诞生了,她和林克(Link)再次前去阻止灾厄加农(Calamity Ganon)。然而,林克(Link)在帮助塞尔达(Zelda)时受了重伤,不得不在复活(Resurrection)神殿(Shrine)中睡了100年。
塞尔达(Zelda)自己去阻止灾厄加农(Calamity Ganon),但为了做到这一点,她也必须将自己与加农封印,(Ganon)因为没有只有林克(Link)可以使用 的大师之剑(Master Sword),她无法将他完全封印。
荒野之息(Breath of the Wild)
一百年后,塞尔达(Zelda)的封印已经减弱,但林克(Link)准备再次觉醒。林克利用(Link)塞尔达(Zelda)留下的希卡石板(Shiekah Slate),找到了主剑(Master Sword),解救了神兽(Divine Beasts),并用剑伤害了灾厄加农,最终(Calamity Ganon)塞尔达(Zelda)将他完全封印了。
你应该按什么顺序玩塞尔达(Legend)传说游戏(Zelda Games)?
Best Way to Play the Legend of Zelda Games in Order
From an outѕide perspective, every Legend of Zelda game ѕeems to have a completely different ѕtory, with only a few constants, ѕuch as the appearance of Link аnd Zelda in every game.
However, each game is connected through the background lore, and there is a true order you can play the games that follows the storyline of the games. This is different from the order of release.
This article will outline where the canonically correct order came from, as well as how to play the games in this way.
The True Order of the Legend of Zelda Games
In 2011, Nintendo released the Hyrule Historia book, which detailed the master timeline of all the Legend of Zelda games. In this timeline, Link and Zelda are essentially reincarnated for hundreds of years into each of the game’s storylines.
The timeline begins with the backstory of the three Golden Goddesses, who, after bringing order to the world of Hyrule, created the Triforce (another recurring motif in the games) that can grant its holder their heart’s desire. They entrusted the protection of the Triforce to the goddess Hylia.
Eventually, a demon king called Demise rose to power against Hyrule. Hylia took the remaining humans of the world and brought them to a land in the sky, called Skyloft. She also hid the Triforce there.
After sealing away Demise, Hylia created the Goddess Sword and the spirit Fi to bring a chosen hero to it as a precaution for when the demon king’s seal broke. Then, in order to continue to protect the Triforce, she transferred her soul into a human, who would be Zelda.
After these events is when the first game in this timeline begins.
Skyward Sword
This game is the very beginning and starts when Link is led by Fi to draw the Goddess Sword. Zelda also regains her memories as the goddess Hylia. Link seeks out the Special Flames in order to temper his sword into the Master Sword, which he eventually uses to travel to the past through the Gates of Time to take down Demise.
The Minish Cap
As word about the Triforce gets out, many groups and individuals begin to seek it out. However, beings known as the Picori came from the sky to protect Hyrule from evil beings. They used the Picori Blade to do so and the evil was sealed away in the Bound Chest.
In this game, a corrupted Picori known as Vaati takes the Picori Blade and opens the Bound Chest again, unleashing the evil, breaking the blade, and turning Zelda to stone. Link, reincarnated as a blacksmith in the game, is enlisted by the king of Hyrule to reforge the Picori Blade and break the curse on Zelda.
Four Swords
Vaati reappears in this game, kidnapping Zelda and keeping her in the Palace of Winds. Link then draws the Four Swords, splitting him into four separate Links. They gather keys throughout the land to enter the palace and save Zelda.
Ocarina of Time
Ganondorf appears in this game, attempting to obtain the Triforce. In order to do this, he curses the Deku Tree of Kokiri Forest in an attempt to gain the Kokiri’s Emerald. As he is dying, the Deku Tree sends out Link and the fairy Navi to stop Ganondorf.
Link eventually meets Zelda, and the two decide to travel through the Door of Time to get to the Triforce before Ganon. Link draws the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time, but is trapped for seven years, to reawaken as the Hero of Time. During those years, Ganondorf brought the land of Hyrule into darkness. However, he was only able to obtain one portion of the Triforce.
Link and Zelda obtain the other two pieces and are able to eventually seal Ganondorf away in the Evil Realm.
Timeline Split
During the events of Ocarina of Time, the timeline is split three different ways. The first is the Fallen Hero timeline when Link is defeated by Ganon. The other two take place where Link does defeat Ganon, yet are split further into Child and Adult timelines, due to Zelda sending Link back in time to his childhood during Ocarina of Time.
The Hero Is Defeated
In this timeline, Ganondorf obtains the entire Triforce and defeats Link. However, Zelda and the Seven Sages are able to seal Ganondorf into the Sacred Realm for a short time.
A Link to the Past
After Hyrule undergoes many hardships, the king begins to seek out anyone who can put an end to it. The wizard Agahnim comes forward and mysteriously brings order to Hyrule, and the king appoints Agahnim as chief advisor and priest. Using this power, the wizard brainwashes Hyrule’s knights and rids of the king, in an attempt to break Ganon’s seal.
He puts Zelda in a cell, where she calls out to Link telepathically. He rescues her and brings her to a sanctuary to keep her safe. However, Agahnim eventually finds her and kidnaps her. Link, now with the Master Sword, finds Agahnim, who turns into Ganon, and defeats him.
Link’s Awakening
Link now decides to train in order to be ready for future troubles. However, during a journey on a boat, he runs into a storm and gets stuck on an island. He meets Marin here, who resembles Zelda.
Link discovers that in order to leave the island he must wake the Wind Fish, who upon waking would cause the island to disappear as though it were just the Wind Fish’s own dream. Link eventually does so and wakes up on a piece of driftwood of his old ship.
Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages
When Link one day touches the Triforce in Hyrule Castle, it sends him to the land of Holodrum. Meanwhile, two witches named Twinrova plot to revive Ganon once more using three special flames and a human sacrifice.
In Holodrum, Link adventures to save the Oracle of Ages and Seasons in order to prevent the flames from being lit. However, two of them are lit, and Twinrova captures Princess Zelda in order to light the third flame. Link finds them and defeats them, as well as defeating Ganon’s half-resurrected form to bring peace back to the land.
A Link Between Worlds
A dark wizard named Yuga turns the Seven Sages into paintings and steals them, as well as kidnapping Zelda. He is able to resurrect some of Ganon’s power and uses it to fight against Link. However, Link is able to defeat him.
The Legend of Zelda
The first Legend of Zelda game ever made actually falls very far along on the true timeline. In this game, Ganon leads an evil army to retrieve the Triforce.
Zelda sends Impa to find someone to defeat Ganon. However, Ganon captures Zelda and sends others to find Impa. Link is eventually discovered by Impa and is sent on a quest to find the eight pieces of the Triforce. He uses this to then defeat Ganon.
Adventure of Link
Ganon’s henchmen continue to cause issues within Hyrule. Link is brought by Impa to North Castle, where Princess Zelda lays in a cursed sleep. Link is sent to find the final piece of the Triforce in the Great Palace in order to wake Zelda.
The Hero Is Successful: Child Era
This part of the timeline split takes place after Ocarina of Time, when Link is sent by Zelda back to childhood at the end of the game. Link leaves Hyrule at this point to search for his fairy, Navi.
Majora’s Mask
During Link’s search, he becomes lost in a forest. He meets Skull Kid, who wears the Majora’s Mask. Skull Kid steals Link’s horse and he chases him into the world of Termina.
Skull Kid plans to destroy Termina with the moon above it, and Link has three days to save the land from this fate. He succeeds by defeating the demon inside the Majora’s Mask, and leaves Termina to continue to look for Navi.
Twilight Princess
In this game, The Seven Sages have sent Ganondorf to the Twilight Realm. In this realm, he partners with one of the royal servants of the Twili family, Zant, to take the throne from Princess Midna. Midna finds Link in Hyrule and together they go back to the Twilight, which transforms Link into a wolf form.
Together, Midna and Link defeat Zant, and Link defeats Ganon with the Master Sword. Midna returns to the Twilight Realm and breaks the link between the worlds.
Four Swords + Hyrule Adventure
Long after Ganon’s death, Hyrule and the Gerudo tribe have made amends. However, a reincarnation of Ganon was born in the tribe. He plotted to release the ancient evil Vaati from the Four Sword, and created an alter ego of Link called Shadow Link.
Before Zelda could renew the seal on Vaati, Shadow Link released him. The actual Link took the Four Sword and split into four Links, journeying through Hyrule and eventually defeating Vaati and Ganon, and sealing him in the Four Sword.
The Hero Is Successful: Adult Era
This timeline takes place after Ocarina of Time, after Link disappears from Hyrule once Ganon is defeated.
The Wind Waker
Hyrule was submerged in water by the gods in order to seal it and to seal Ganon with it. They moved inhabitants to the mountains, which became islands when Hyrule was flooded. Part of the Triforce, the Triforce of Wisdom, was split in two and given to Hyrule’s king as well as his daughter Zelda.
In the events of Wind Waker, Link meets the pirate Tetra, and finds the Master Sword. He attempts to defeat Ganondorf, but fails. He brings the sword to Hyrule’s king, who fixes it. Link and Tetra then go to defeat Ganondorf again. All the pieces of the Triforce come together, but before Ganon can use it, the king steps in to wish for Hyrule to be flooded forever.
Phantom Hourglass
As Link and Tetra set out to explore the land, Tetra is lured onto the Ghost Ship and taken away. Link tries to save her, but becomes lost in the ocean and ends up on Mercay Island, where he meets the fairy Ciela.
Link and Ciela eventually find the Ghost Ship, but find that Tetra has been turned to stone by the demon Bellum. Link journeys to forge the Phantom Sword, and then uses it to defeat Bellum and save Tetra. Link and Tetra continue their journey to find a new land.
Spirit Tracks
Eventually, Link and Tetra discover a land covered in Spirit Tracks, put there by the Lokomo to seal the demon Malladus. Tetra deemed this land as the new Hyrule.
After a hundred years, these Spirit Tracks begin to disappear. Link, in this reincarnation now a Royal Engineer, and Zelda, the descendant of Tetra, travel together to restore the Spirit Tracks.
Calamity Era
Thousands of years after the events of these games, and 10,000 years before Breath of the Wild, the Sheikah Tribe worked to prevent Ganon’s next resurrection.
Thousands of years later, another Princess Zelda was born, and she and Link went to stop Calamity Ganon once more. However, Link was injured greatly while trying to help Zelda and had to sleep for 100 years in the Shrine of Resurrection.
Zelda went to stop Calamity Ganon on her own, but in order to do so she had to seal herself with Ganon as well, as she couldn’t fully seal him away without the Master Sword, which only Link can use.
Breath of the Wild
After a hundred years had passed, Zelda’s seal had weakened, but Link was ready to awaken again. Using the Shiekah Slate left by Zelda, Link was able to find the Master Sword, free the Divine Beasts, and injure Calamity Ganon with the sword so that Zelda could finally seal him away fully.
What Order Should You Play Legend of Zelda Games?
The order listed above is best in order for the overarching story behind the games to make the most sense. However, playing them in order of release can be a good way to go, too.
If you play the games in the official order, you might wonder what to do when the timeline split occurs. In that case, you can play either path first, just make sure that when you’re playing through the Hero is Successful path that you play the child era, then the adult era.
If you’re new to the Zelda franchise, I’d definitely advise playing the games in this official order, as it can answer many questions you may have about the series and make for a much more enjoyable playthrough.