TheWindowsClub为您提供了一些关于如何在日常生活中使用 Windows(Windows)的最佳指南。(TheWindowsClub)如果您正在寻找Windows不同部分的视觉体验,Microsoft可以满足您的需求。这些Windows(Windows) 10视觉指南可以帮助您理解并有效地使用它。您可以下载此 Windows 10初学者指南(Guide)- 但在此之前,让我们先看看它为每个人提供的内容。

适用于Microsoft(Microsoft)初学者的Windows 10指南(Guides)
这些 Windows 10 指南分为 8 个子指南。它包括商店(Store)、Windows Defender、照片应用(Photos App)等主题。虽然它直接告诉您如何使用它,但该指南仅适用于初学者。如果您正在寻找先进的东西,您可以随时关注我们。让我们简要地看一下。
1]微软商店(1] Microsoft Store)
本指南将向您介绍 UI 布局、每个磁贴的含义、如何安装应用程序、查找新内容以及推荐应用程序,即热门游戏、精选应用程序等。您必须使用Microsoft帐户来下载应用程序、购买游戏等。点击这里(Click here)。
2]Windows后卫(2] Windows Defender)
Defender是(Defender)Windows 10中内置的防病毒、防勒索软件解决方案。本教程提供了如何配置和使用它并确保您的计算机安全的方法。点击这里(Click here)。
3]地图应用程序(3] Maps App)
尽管地图(Maps)不是Microsoft非常受欢迎的应用程序,但本指南分享了一些鲜为人知的功能,以帮助您在驾驶时查找和导航。点击这里(Click here)。
4]照片应用程序(4] Photos App)
照片(Photos)应用程序最近进行了大修,它允许您创建 3D 图像,并使用一些基本工具编辑图像,因此您无需使用任何第三方应用程序来满足所有这些基本需求。点击这里(Click here)。
5]影视应用(5] Movies & TV App)
这是Windows(Windows)提供的另一个基本应用程序,可让您在Windows 10 PC 上观看电影,您可以购买或播放本地电影。点击这里(Click here)。
6]工作中的桌面(6] Desktop at work)
本指南将带您了解Desktop(Desktop)的不同部分,包括开始(Start)菜单、Cortana、任务栏(Taskbar)和操作中心(Action Center)。您将学习如何管理磁贴、清除操作中心的通知、管理系统托盘上的图标等。点击这里(Click here)。
7]连接到网络打印机(7] Connect to a network printer)
连接打印机很重要,尤其是通过网络连接时。如果您有一台可通过LAN或WiFi工作的打印机,本指南可让您连接并通过它进行打印。点击这里(Click here)。
8]带上你自己的设备(8] Bring your own device)
如果您携带设备上班或上学,本指南非常有用。您将需要使用工作或学校的帐户,它可以访问组织资源并连接到他们的网络。此外,这将确保设备遵循管理员应用的规则和组策略。点击这里(Click here)。
(Quick Start Guide)Microsoft的 Windows 10快速入门指南
Microsoft 已发布 Windows 10 指南,如果您是 Windows 10 新手或在(Windows 10)支持(Support)终止后刚从Windows 7 迁移(migrated from Windows 7),这将非常有用。如果您属于这一类,那么已经发生了很多变化,您不应错过该指南。Microsoft涵盖了基本主题,可帮助您轻松启动并运行Windows 10。

- 了解您的桌面
- 设置和个性化
- 应用程序和程序
- 技巧和窍门
- 安全、隐私(Privacy)和诈骗保护
- 可访问性
- Windows 更新和升级
- 其他资源。
我浏览了电子书并成为Windows 10(Windows 10)的长期用户;我可以看到指南的设计有多好。每个部分都以用户能够理解的方式进行了解释。
以开始菜单指南为例,这对于Windows 7用户来说是新的。每个区域都标有数字,并详细解释。它使新用户易于理解。如果他们希望查看分步指南的视觉效果,该指南还包含指向多个视频的链接。

Microsoft在(Microsoft)安全(Security)性和隐私(Privacy)性方面付出了很多努力。Microsoft Security Essentials已将自身升级到Windows Security。它可以防御勒索软件。您还可以选择应如何共享数据。权限允许您为相机(Camera)和麦克风(Microphone)等硬件设备配置授权。
Windows 更新和升级
Windows 7 用户将享受的最佳功能之一是Windows 更新(Updates)。它不那么烦人,并且用户有更多的控制权。您可以选择将其设置为手动下载并( download manually and update)在您希望时进行更新或暂停它并决定在有功能更新时执行的操作(pause it and decide what to do when there is a feature update)。除此之外,Windows 10 在过去 5 年多的时间里每年只接收两次功能更新。(Feature Updates)微软(Microsoft)似乎已经停止发布新版本的Windows,而是使用新功能更新相同的Windows 。未来企业将不必担心兼容性和迁移。
就像Windows 7有一套技巧和窍门一样,Windows 10也有很多技巧和窍门。(tons of them for Windows 10.) 微软(Microsoft)已经谈到了加快日常使用的键盘快捷键、 (Keyboard Shortcuts)Windows 资源管理器、从(Windows Explorer)Windows内启动进入高级恢复(Recovery)模式的选项,将Windows 10应用程序(Apps)安装或移动到另一个驱动器(Drive)的选项等。
从 Windows 7 迁移到 Windows 10
最后,微软(Microsoft)也谈到了这个话题。他们解释了 Windows 7 支持终止、 Windows 10的(Windows 10)系统(System)要求、升级(Upgrade)或购买(Buy),以及如何迁移到新的Windows 10 PC。
Microsoft员工(Employees)Windows(Microsoft) 10指南(Guide)_
如果您已在工作场所升级到新计算机并且它们随附Windows 10,或者如果您已完全更改工作环境以使用Windows 10,则您的一些员工在切换或升级到最新的Windows 10时可能会遇到一些困难操作系统。为帮助您和您的员工习惯Windows 10,Microsoft设计并发布了一份名为“了解 Windows 10 – 员工(Getting to know Windows 10 – for Employees)版”的指南。本指南以演示文稿(Presentation)格式提供,是一个很好的快速指南,可以帮助您的员工入门。该指南由Microsoft IT Showcase提供给您。
了解适用于员工的Windows 10 指南(Guide)
该指南以简短的介绍性幻灯片开始,讨论全新Windows 10的功能。然后在多张幻灯片中解释了新的开始菜单及其所有功能。

接下来,还将简要讨论任务视图(Task View)和虚拟桌面(Virtual Desktops)等功能。涉及以下功能:
安全功能:(Security Features: )由于更新中包含最新的安全技术,人们将他们的计算机升级到Windows 。因此,本指南还涵盖了Windows 10中的一些最新安全改进。它介绍了Windows Defender 安全中心并指导如何运行它。
Windows Hello :它是(Windows Hello)Windows的最新成员。Windows Hello允许您使用指纹传感器或面部识别登录到您的计算机。您还可以配对智能手环或智能手机等配套设备。点击支付功能也可用,但并非在所有国家/地区都支持。该指南还在以下幻灯片中介绍了一些其他高级安全功能。
Cortana:Cortana是Windows 10上另一个最受重视的功能。该指南涵盖了有关Cortana(Cortana)的一些基本细节以及它如何帮助人们工作。幻灯片还包括一个你可以对Cortana(Cortana)说的事情的候选清单,你可以使用她的笔记本。
Microsoft Edge: Edge 是最新添加的,大多数用户不知道它的功能。该指南全面介绍了Microsoft Edge及其功能。该指南还重点介绍了安全功能,并讨论了Edge如何与Microsoft Office 365协作。
Office 365:如果您是企业用户,您可能会从Windows 10升级到Office 365。本指南确实涵盖了Office 365以及如何在Windows 10中使用它。使用本指南,您还可以开始使用OneDrive for Business。本部分介绍了Office 365(Office 365)中的一些功能和OneDrive功能。
其他功能:(Other features: )演示文稿的最后一部分介绍了其他一些新功能,例如新的设置(Settings)应用程序。和新的Windows Ink。您可以了解有关其他应用程序的更多信息,例如新的Sticky Notes 和Paint 3D。
最后几张幻灯片是关于最新的 Microsoft设备(Devices)。您将了解Surface 系列(Surface Family)的设备。以及如何在可用的不同模式下使用它们。该指南还谈到了Windows Mobile功能,例如Continuum。
通过单击此处下载由Microsoft创建的本指南: Getting_to_know_Windows_10_for_employees。
Lenovo开始使用Windows 10(Windows 10) 指南(Guide)

Windows 10 指南
计划于7 月 29 日(July 29)发布的 Windows 10 将带来许多功能更改,联想发布的(Lenovo)PDF指南将真正帮助新用户了解操作系统中的新调整和技巧。
23 页的PDF指南有 6 个章节,分为不同的类别,解释Windows 10的基本功能。该指南包含从“解包”Windows(OOBE 或开箱即用体验(OOBE or Out-of-Box Experience))到Microsoft帐户设置、系统备份(System Backup)、One Drive 功能和Windows Store的详细说明。
- 第 1 章包括解压和激活(Activation)Windows的说明,其中包括有关使用或安装安全软件以及进行系统备份的详细信息。
- 第 2 章介绍了如何创建Microsoft帐户、使用它以及在 Windows 10 PC 中添加新用户帐户。
- 本用户指南的第 3 章包含有关“开始”菜单(Start Menu)和操作中心(Action Center)的详细信息,其中解释了电源(Power)按钮、定位应用程序并将它们固定到任务栏。操作中心(Action Center)还通过屏幕截图和逐步启用平板电脑(Tablet)或飞行模式(Airplane Mode)的步骤进行了很好的解释。
- 继续前进,第 4 章(Chapter 4)全面介绍了Microsoft提供的(Microsoft)OneDrive在线存储。
- 第 5 章是关于Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)和在您的计算机上安装应用程序的说明的全部内容。
- 第 6 章是本指南的最后一章,提供有关恢复Windows的说明。
联想发布本指南的全部目的是帮助用户了解新操作系统及其新方面。如果您想了解这些 Windows 10 基础知识,请下载PDF 指南。(PDF Guide)(PDF Guide)
现在阅读(Now read):如何使用 Windows 10 PC(How to use Windows 10 PC) -初学者的基本(Basic)教程和提示。
Download Windows 10 Guides for Beginners from Microsoft
While we at TheWindоwsClub bring you some of thе best guides on how you can use Windows in your daily lifе. If уou аre looking for a visual experience of different parts of Windows, Microsоft has got yoυ covered. These visual gυides to Windows 10 can help you understand and also use it effectively. Υou can download this Windows 10 Guidе fоr beginners – but bеfore that let’s take a look at what it has to offer for everyоne.

Windows 10 Guides for beginners from Microsoft
These Windows 10 Guides are divided into 8 sub-guides. It includes topics like Store, Windows Defender, Photos App, and more. While it tells you straightaway how to use it, the guide is only for beginners. and if you are looking for something advanced, you can always follow us. Let’s take a look at it briefly.
1] Microsoft Store
This guide educates you about the UI layout, what each tile means, how you can install apps, find new content, and recommend apps i.e top games, apps featured and so on. You will have to use a Microsoft account to download apps, buy games and so on. Click here.
2] Windows Defender
The Defender is the inbuilt antivirus, anti-ransomware solution in Windows 10. The tutorial offers how you can configure and use it and make sure your computer is safe. Click here.
3] Maps App
Even though Maps is not a very popular app from Microsoft, but this guide shares some of the lesser-known features to help you find, and navigate while driving. Click here.
4] Photos App
Photos app has got a major overhaul recently, and it allows you to create 3D images, and edit the images with some basic tools so you don’t need to use any third-party app for all those basic needs. Click here.
5] Movies & TV App
This is another basic app Windows offers you to watch Movies on your Windows 10 PC which you can either buy or play local movies. Click here.
6] Desktop at work
This guide takes you through different parts of Desktop including Start menu, Cortana, Taskbar and Action Center. You will learn how to manage tiles, clear notifications from action center, manage icons on the system tray and so on. Click here.
7] Connect to a network printer
Connecting printer is important, especially when it’s over the network. If you have a printer that works over LAN or WiFi, this guide lets you connect, and print through it. Click here.
8] Bring your own device
This guide is useful if you carry your device to work or school. You will need to use an account from your work or school, and it gets access to organizational resources and connect to their network. Also, this will make sure the device follows the rules and group policies applied by the admin. Click here.
While parts of the guide are still getting updated, and you may find a few features rather old compared to the recent version, but if you are a beginner, it should work fine for you to get started.
Quick Start Guide to Windows 10 from Microsoft
Microsoft has released a guide on Windows 10, which is extremely useful if you new to Windows 10 or have just migrated from Windows 7 after the End of Support. If you fall into this category, then there is a lot that has changed, and you should not miss the guide. Microsoft has covered the fundamental topics to help get you up and running on Windows 10 without much hassle.

Microsoft has covered the following topics in this guide.
- Understanding your Desktop
- Setup and Personalization
- Apps and Programs
- Tips and Tricks
- Security, Privacy and scam protection
- Accessibility
- Windows Updates and Upgrades
- Additional Resources.
I went through the eBook and being a long term Windows 10 users; I can see how well the guide has been designed. Each section has been explained in such a way that users will be able to understand it.
Take the example of the Start Menu guide, which is going to be new for Windows 7 users. Each area is marked with numbers and explained well with details. It makes it easy for a new user to understand. The guide also has links to several videos if they wish to see a visual of step by step guide.

I will talk about some of my favorite topics here.
Security and Privacy
Microsoft has taken a lot of effort for both Security and Privacy. Microsoft Security Essentials has upgraded itself to Windows Security. It can safeguard against Ransomware. You can also choose how data should be shared. Permissions allow you to configure authorization for hardware devices such as Camera and Microphone.
Windows Updates and Upgrades
One of the best features which Windows 7 users will enjoy is Windows Updates. It is less annoying, and users have more control. You can choose to set it to download manually and update it when you wish to or pause it and decide what to do when there is a feature update. Apart from this, Windows 10 has been only receiving Feature Updates twice a year past 5+ years. Microsoft seems to have stopped releasing a new version of Windows and instead of updating the same Windows with new features. Businesses will have to worry less about compatibility and migration in the future.
Tips and tricks
Just like how Windows 7 has its set of tips and tricks, there are tons of them for Windows 10. Microsoft has talked about Keyboard Shortcuts to speed up day to day usage, Windows Explorer, option to boot into Advanced Recovery mode from within Windows, the option to install or move Windows 10 Apps to another Drive, and more.
They have done significant work when it comes to accessibility as well. Ease of access dictation for easy device navigation is one of them, which makes it easy for anyone with special needs.
Moving from Windows 7 to Windows 10
Lastly, Microsoft has touched on this topic as well. They have explained Windows 7 end of support, System requirement of Windows 10, Upgrade or Buy, and how to move to a new Windows 10 PC.
Windows 10 Guide for Employees from Microsoft
If you’ve upgraded to new computers at your workplace and they came with Windows 10, or if you’ve entirely changed your work environment to use Windows 10, some of your employees might face some difficulties while switching or upgrading to the latest Windows 10 OS. To help you and your employees get used to Windows 10, Microsoft has designed and released a guide called ‘Getting to know Windows 10 – for Employees’. This guide is available in Presentation format and is a nice quick guide that can get your employees started. The guide is brought to you by Microsoft IT Showcase.
Getting to know Windows 10 Guide for Employees
The guide starts with a brief introductory slide discussing the features of the all-new Windows 10. Then the new start menu with all its features is explained in multiple slides.

Moving on, features like Task View and Virtual Desktops are also discussed briefly. The following features are touched upon:
Security Features: People upgrade their computers to Windows because of the latest security technology included in the updates. So, this guide also covers some of the latest security advancements in Windows 10. It introduces Windows Defender Security Centre and guides upon how to run it.
Windows Hello: It is the latest addition to Windows. Windows Hello lets you sign-in to your computer using a fingerprint sensor or faces recognition. You can also pair a companion device like a smart band or a smartphone. The tap-to-pay feature is also available but not supported in all countries. The guide also covers some other advanced security features in the following slides.
Cortana: Cortana was another most emphasized feature on Windows 10. The guide covers some basic details about Cortana and how can it help people at work. The slides also include a shortlist of things you can say to Cortana and can you utilize her notebook.
Microsoft Edge: Edge being the latest addition, most users are unaware of its features. The guide comprehensively covers Microsoft Edge and its features. The guide also makes a point on the security features and discusses how Edge can collaborate with Microsoft Office 365.
Office 365: If you are an enterprise user, probably you are going to get Windows 10 to Office 365. And this guide does cover Office 365 and how to use it with Windows 10. Using this guide, you can also get started with OneDrive for Business. A few features from Office 365 and OneDrive features are covered in this part.
Other features: The last part of the presentation introduces some other new features like the new Settings app. And the new Windows Ink. You can learn more about other applications like the new Sticky Notes and Paint 3D.
The last few slides are about the latest Microsoft Devices. You get to know about devices from the Surface Family. And how to use them in different modes that are available. And the guide also talks also about Windows Mobile features such as Continuum.
The guide is pretty amazing, and it will surely help some people get started with their new computer.
Download this guide, created by Microsoft by clicking here: Getting_to_know_Windows_10_for_employees.
Starting to use Windows 10 Guide from Lenovo

Windows 10 Guide
Windows 10, which is scheduled to release on July 29 is coming with many functionality changes and the PDF guide released by Lenovo will be a real help for the new users to learn the new tweaks and tricks in the operating system.
The 23-page PDF guide has 6 chapters which are divided into different categories explaining the basic features of Windows 10. The guide has detailed instructions right from the “Unpack” Windows (OOBE or Out-of-Box Experience) to Microsoft account settings, System Backup, One Drive features, and Windows Store.
- Chapter 1 includes the instructions on the unpacking and Activation of Windows which includes details about using or install security software and making a system backup.
- Chapter 2 explains about creating a Microsoft account, using it and adding a new user account in your Windows 10 PC.
- Chapter 3 of this user guide has detailed information about the Start Menu and Action Center which explains the Power button, locating apps and pinning them to the taskbar. The Action Center is also well explained with the screenshots and step-by-step to enable the Tablet or Airplane Mode.
- Moving ahead, Chapter 4 shows a comprehensive write-up about the OneDrive online storage provided by Microsoft.
- Chapter 5 is all about the Windows Store and instructions on installing an app on your computer.
- Chapter 6 which is the last chapter in the guide gives instructions about Restoring Windows.
Lenovo’s whole purpose in releasing this guide is to help the users understand the new operating system and its new aspects. Download the PDF Guide if you want to learn about these Windows 10 basics.
Now read: How to use Windows 10 PC – Basic tutorial & tips for beginners.