最小化和最大化应用程序可帮助您整理Windows 10桌面并专注于您正在使用的应用程序。有几种方法可以最大化或最小化一个窗口,其中一些就像单击或点击按钮一样简单,而另一些则需要使用键盘。您可以根据情况决定使用哪一种。本教程说明了在Windows 10(Windows 10)中最小化和最大化应用程序的七种方法,包括如何最小化所有窗口:
首先要做的事:在(First)Windows 10中最小化和最大化应用程序
- 最小化应用程序会在您的桌面上隐藏其窗口,而无需关闭应用程序。该应用程序的图标显示在任务栏上。您可以轻松地将最小化的窗口恢复到以前的状态并将其重新显示以继续使用它。
- 最大化应用程序会将其窗口扩展到桌面屏幕的大小。最大化的应用程序会占据整个可用屏幕空间,任务栏除外。
下面的屏幕截图显示了一个最大化的Google Chrome窗口。该应用程序位于前面和中间,占据了整个屏幕。
如下图所示,当Google Chrome窗口最小化时,它不再显示在桌面屏幕上。但是,该应用程序仍处于打开状态并且可以恢复,如其图标所示,显示在Windows 10的任务栏上。
最小化和最大化应用程序可能看起来是相反的操作。但是,记住它们之间存在一个中间状态是很有用的 - 当应用程序窗口显示但不占据整个屏幕时,您可以随意移动和调整它的大小。
提示:(TIP:)如果您在平板电脑模式下(Tablet mode)使用 Windows 10 ,所有应用程序都会启动并保持完全展开,因此最大化窗口的选项不再可用。在这种情况下,可以最小化或最大化应用程序,并且隐藏它们的标题栏,如下所示。默认情况下,应用程序图标也会从任务栏中隐藏。
继续(Continue)阅读以了解如何最大化程序以将其扩展到全屏以及如何最小化Windows 10上的应用程序屏幕。
最小化或最大化应用程序窗口的最著名方法是单击或点击标题栏中的最小化(Minimize)或最大化(Maximize)按钮。所有 Windows 10 应用程序和大多数桌面应用程序都会在窗口标题栏的右上角(用于关闭应用程序的(close apps)X旁边)显示(X)最小化(Minimize)和最大化(Maximize)按钮。最小化(Minimize)按钮是左侧的标题按钮,其图标显示一个下划线符号。
当应用程序的窗口已经全屏显示时,最大化(Maximize)图标变为两个重叠的正方形。将鼠标悬停在按钮上可能会显示一个工具提示,例如Restore Down或Unmaximize,具体取决于应用程序。单击或点击“向下还原”(Restore Down)按钮可将应用程序的窗口返回到其先前的形状和位置,然后再最大化。
您还可以使用标题栏菜单来最小化和最大化Windows 10中的应用程序。如果您更喜欢鼠标,请右键单击或按住窗口的标题栏以打开菜单。然后,根据您要执行的操作,单击或点击“最小化(Minimize)”或“最大化”选项。(Maximize)
所有这些操作也可以通过带有键盘快捷键的标题栏菜单来实现,您将在下一节中看到。随意(Feel)组合这两种方法中的元素,以从Windows 10的标题栏中找到您最喜欢的最小化、最大化和还原窗口的方式。
打开标题栏菜单的另一种方法是Alt + Spacebar键盘快捷键。
提示:(TIP:)如果您使用其他语言的Windows 10,则用于最大化、最小化和还原的键可能不同。Alt + Spacebar打开标题栏菜单并查看每个单词中带下划线的字母来轻松找到它们。如下所示,对于English,它们是N、X和R。
如果标题栏快捷方式对您来说太复杂,并且您正在寻找一种更直接的方法来最小化和最大化键盘,您可以尝试使用Windows键的一组不同的快捷方式。要最小化您正在使用的应用程序,请按键盘上的Windows + Down arrow如果应用程序被最大化,这个最小化快捷方式只会将它恢复到中间状态,所以你必须使用它两次才能隐藏窗口。
要最大化当前应用程序,请使用Windows + Up arrow键盘快捷键。
提示:(TIP:)如果您刚刚使用Windows + Down arrow快捷方式最小化了应用程序,您可以立即使用上面的最大化快捷方式来恢复它,只要您不释放Windows键即可。
要最小化应用程序,您还可以使用键盘快捷键Windows + 1 to 9。从左到右计算任务栏上的图标,并记下要最小化的图标的数量。在下图中, 1 对应于File Explorer, 2 对应于Mozilla Firefox,依此类推。
按住Windows键,然后按与要最小化的打开应用程序图标对应的数字键。Windows + 1快捷方式最小化文件资源管理器,Windows Windows + 2用于 Mozilla Firefox,Windows + 3可用于最小化Weather等等。
相同的快捷方式也可用于恢复应用程序窗口。当应用程序打开多个窗口时,Windows + 1 to 9快捷方式只能用于恢复其中一个。按住Windows键并按一次数字可恢复显示的第一个预览窗口,按两次可恢复显示的第二个窗口,依此类推。
另一个有用的键盘快捷键是Windows + D。您可以使用它立即最小化所有窗口并访问您的桌面。再次按下它可以恢复您刚刚最小化的窗口并继续您的任务。
另一个同时最小化桌面上所有应用程序窗口的键盘快捷键是Windows + M。
要反转此快捷方式的效果并将所有应用程序窗口恢复到桌面上的原始状态,请使用键盘快捷方式Windows + Shift + M。
如果您需要帮助专注于某事,您可以使用键盘快捷键Windows + Home最小化所有其他窗口,除了活动窗口。
Windows任务栏提供了多种最小化和最大化应用程序窗口的方法。最明显的一种适用于最小化,只需单击或点击即可。打开应用程序时,Windows 10 会自动在任务栏上显示它的图标。单击(Click)或点击它,应用程序窗口将最小化。再次单击(Click)或点击同一图标可将应用程序恢复到之前的状态,该状态可能会或可能不会最大化。
如果您打开同一个应用程序的多个窗口(opened multiple windows of the same app),单击或点击其图标会显示两个窗口的预览。单击(Click)或点击任一预览以恢复或使该窗口成为焦点。
您可以通过将光标悬停在其图标上来显示仅打开一个窗口的应用程序的预览。右键单击(Right-click)应用程序的预览以打开类似于前面讨论的标题的菜单。根据您要执行的操作,在菜单中按Minimize、Maximize或Restore或在键盘上分别按(Restore)N、X或R 。
您还可以通过在要最小化、最大化或恢复的应用程序的任务栏图标上按Shift + Right-click(或Shift + press-and-hold然后,您可以单击或点击“最小化(Minimize)”、 “最大化(Maximize)”或“还原”(Restore)或使用相应的N、X和R键。
如果同一应用程序的多个窗口打开,则此菜单中可用的选项适用于所有窗口。由于您不能最大化多个窗口,您只能单击或点击“恢复所有窗口”("Restore all windows")或“最小化所有窗口("Minimize all windows)”。您也可以使用相应的键R或M获得相同的结果。
6. 使用标题栏最大化应用程序的窗口
显示桌面(Show desktop)按钮可通过单击或点击最小化屏幕上的所有应用程序。您可以在屏幕的右下角找到它。单击(Click)或点击它以最小化所有打开的应用程序窗口并显示您的桌面。
再次单击或点击“显示桌面”(Show desktop)按钮可将相同的应用程序窗口恢复为其初始大小并放置在您的桌面上。
奖励:使用Windows 10(Windows 10)中的任务(Task)切换器和任务视图(Task View)恢复最小化的应用程序
最小化的应用程序仍处于打开状态,因此您还可以从任务视图(Task View)或任务切换器(Task switcher)中恢复它们,它们都提供了您打开的应用程序的概览。要打开任务切换器(Task switcher),请使用键盘组合Ctrl + Alt + Tab。
任务切换器(Task switcher)显示活动应用程序的所有打开窗口的预览。单击(Click)或点击要恢复的那个,或使用箭头键突出显示它,然后按Enter。
或者,您可以按住Alt + Tab来访问任务切换器。(Task switcher.)继续按住Alt键并按住Tab在打开的应用程序窗口之间移动焦点,直到找到要恢复的窗口。然后,松开按钮,窗口恢复到原来的位置。
要访问任务视图(Task View),您可以使用键盘快捷键Windows + Tab。在平板电脑模式下(Tablet mode),从屏幕左侧向内滑动以将其打开。就像(Just)任务切换器(Task switcher)一样,任务视图(Task View)显示您在 Windows 10 计算机或设备上打开的所有应用程序窗口。单击(Click)或点击要恢复的那个或使用箭头键,然后按Enter。
虽然本教程中说明的一些方法很直观,但有些方法更难理解。如果您想专注于某件事,最大化应用程序始终是一个好主意 - 我们总是在应用程序最大化的情况下撰写我们的文章。如果您需要整理屏幕,最小化可能会有所帮助。但是,如果您打算长时间不使用某个应用程序,最好将其关闭(close it)。如果您从我们的教程中获得任何新信息,请(Please)告诉我们。您(Did)是否学习了任何新方法来最小化、最大化或恢复应用程序窗口?有没有我们忽略的?让我们在评论中知道。
7 ways to minimize and maximize apps in Windows 10
Minimizing and maximizing apps helps yoυ declutter the Windows 10 desktop and focus on the apps you're using. There are seνeral ways to maximize or minimize a window, and while some of thеm are as easy as clicking or tapping a button, others require using the keyboard. You cаn decide which one to use depending on thе situation. This tutorial illustrates seven ways to minimize and maximize apps in Windows 10, inclυding how to minimize all wіndows:
First things first: Minimizing and maximizing apps in Windows 10
Before going through all the different ways to minimize and maximize app windows, let's clarify what each of them means:
- Minimizing an app hides its window from your desktop without closing the app. An icon for that app is displayed on the taskbar. You can easily restore the minimized window to its former state and bring it back to view to continue using it.
- Maximizing an app expands its window to the size of your desktop screen. A maximized app occupies the entire screen space available, except for the taskbar.
The screen capture below shows a maximized Google Chrome window. The app is front and center, taking up the whole screen.
As shown in the screen capture below, when the Google Chrome window is minimized, it is no longer shown on the desktop screen. However, the app is still open and can be restored, as indicated by its icon, displayed on the taskbar in Windows 10.
Minimizing and maximizing apps might seem like opposite actions. However, it's useful to keep in mind that there is an intermediate state between them - when the app window is shown but does not take up the whole screen, and you can move and resize it at will.
TIP: If you're using Windows 10 in Tablet mode, all apps launch and remain completely expanded, so the option to maximize windows is no longer available. In this case, apps can be either minimized or maximized, and their title bar is hidden, as seen below. By default, app icons are also hidden from the taskbar.
Continue reading to find out how to maximize programs to expand them to full-screen and how to minimize an app's screen on Windows 10.
1. Minimize and maximize apps from the caption buttons on the top-right corner of the title bar
The best-known method for minimizing or maximizing an app window is to click or tap on its Minimize or Maximize button from the title bar. All Windows 10 apps and most desktop apps show the Minimize and Maximize buttons on the top-right corner of the window's title bar, next to the X used to close apps. The Minimize button is the caption button on the left, and its icon displays an underscore symbol.
The Maximize button is in the middle, and its icon looks like a square.
When the app's window is already displayed in full screen, the Maximize icon changes to two overlapping squares. Hovering over the button might display a tooltip like Restore Down or Unmaximize, depending on the app. Clicking or tapping the Restore Down button returns the app's window to its previous shape and location, before it was maximized.
2. Minimize and maximize apps from the title bar menu using the mouse
You can also use the title bar menu to minimize and maximize apps in Windows 10. If you prefer the mouse, right-click or press-and-hold on a window's title bar to open the menu. Then, click or tap on the Minimize or Maximize option, depending on what you want to do.
If a window is maximized, you can also use the Restore button in this menu to return it to its previous size and location on your screen.
All these actions can also be achieved from the title bar menu with keyboard shortcuts, as you're about to see in the next section. Feel free to combine elements from these two methods to find your favorite way to minimize, maximize, and restore windows from the title bar in Windows 10.
3. Minimize and maximize apps from the title bar menu using keyboard shortcuts
An alternative to open the title bar menu is the Alt + Spacebar keyboard shortcut.
As soon as the title bar menu opens, you can press the N key to minimize or the X key to maximize the window. If the window is expanded, press R on your keyboard to restore it.
TIP: If you're using Windows 10 in another language, the keys used to maximize, minimize, and restore might be different. However, you can easily find them out by opening the title bar menu with the keyboard shortcut Alt + Spacebar and looking at the underlined letters in each word. As seen below, for English, these are N, X, and R.
4. Minimize and maximize apps using Windows keyboard shortcuts
If the title bar shortcuts are too complicated for you, and you are looking for a more straightforward way to minimize and maximize from the keyboard, you can try a different set of shortcuts that make use of the Windows key. To minimize the app you are using, press Windows + Down arrow on your keyboard. If the app is maximized, this minimize shortcut only restores it to its intermediate state, so you have to use it twice to hide the window from view.
To maximize the current app, use the Windows + Up arrow keyboard shortcut.
TIP: If you just minimized an app with the Windows + Down arrow shortcut, you can immediately use the maximize shortcut above to restore it, as long as you don't release the Windows key.
To minimize an app, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Windows + 1 to 9. Count the icons on your taskbar from left to right and note the number of the one to minimize. In the image below, 1 corresponds with File Explorer, 2 with Mozilla Firefox, and so on.
Hold down the Windows key and press the number key corresponding to the icon of the open app you want to minimize. The Windows + 1 shortcut minimizes File Explorer, Windows + 2 for Mozilla Firefox, Windows + 3 can be used to minimize Weather, and so on.
The same shortcuts can also be used to restore the app window. When an app has multiple windows open, the Windows + 1 to 9 shortcut can only be used to restore either of them. Hold down the Windows key and press the number once to restore the first preview window displayed, two times to restore the second window shown, etc.
Another useful keyboard shortcut is Windows + D. You can use it to immediately minimize all windows and access your desktop. Press it again to restore the windows you just minimized and continue your task.
Another keyboard shortcut to minimize all the app windows from your desktop at once is Windows + M.
To reverse this shortcut's effect and restore all the app windows to their original state on your desktop, use the keyboard shortcut Windows + Shift + M.
If you need help focusing on something, you can use the keyboard shortcut Windows + Home to minimize all the other windows, except for the active one.
5. Minimize and maximize app windows from the taskbar
The Windows taskbar offers several ways to minimize and maximize app windows. The most obvious one applies to minimizing and requires just one click or tap. When you open an app, Windows 10 automatically displays an icon for it on the taskbar. Click or tap on it, and the app window minimizes. Clicking or tapping on the same icon again restores the app to its previous state, which may or may not be maximized.
If you opened multiple windows of the same app, clicking or tapping on its icon shows a preview of both windows. Click or tap on either preview to restore or bring that window into focus.
You can bring up a preview of an app that only has one window open by hovering your cursor over its icon. Right-click on an app's preview to open a menu similar to the title one discussed earlier. Press Minimize, Maximize, or Restore in the menu or N, X, or R respectively on your keyboard depending on what you want to do.
You can also bring up the same menu by pressing Shift + Right-click (or Shift + press-and-hold for touchscreens) on the taskbar icon of the app you want to minimize, maximize, or restore. Then, you can click or tap Minimize, Maximize, or Restore or use the corresponding N, X, and R keys.
If more windows of the same app are open, the options available in this menu apply to all of them. Since you can't maximize more than one window, you can only click or tap to "Restore all windows" or "Minimize all windows." You can also use the corresponding keys R or M for the same results.
6. Maximize an app's window using its title bar
An app's title bar can also be used to both maximize an app and restore it to its former size and location. The easiest way to do that is to double-click or double-tap on the window's title bar. Click or tap it twice in fast succession once more to restore it.
You can also click or tap on the app's title bar to grab it, and then drag it to the top of your screen. A transparent overlay appears around the screen, showing a preview of the window's placement. Release the mouse or lift your finger when you see the overlay, and the window is maximized.
You can also drag the title bar of a maximized window downwards in order to restore it.
7. Minimize all windows with one click or tap
The Show desktop button minimizes all the apps on your screen with one click or tap. You can find it in the lower-right corner of your screen. Click or tap on it to minimize all the open app windows and show your desktop.
Clicking or tapping on the Show desktop button again restores the same app windows to their initial size and place on your desktop.
BONUS: Restore minimized apps with Task switcher and Task View in Windows 10
Minimized apps are still open, so you can also restore them from the Task View or Task switcher, which both offer an overview of your open apps. To open the Task switcher, use the keyboard combination Ctrl + Alt + Tab.
The Task switcher displays previews of all the open windows of your active apps. Click or tap on the one you want to restore or use the arrow keys to highlight it, and then press Enter.
Alternatively, you can press-and-hold Alt + Tab to access the Task switcher. Continue holding the Alt key and keep pressing Tab to move the focus between the open app windows until you find the one you want to restore. Then, release the buttons, and the window is restored to its former place.
To access Task View, you can use the keyboard shortcut Windows + Tab. In Tablet mode, swipe inwards from the left side of your screen to open it. Just like Task switcher, Task View shows all the app windows you have open on your Windows 10 computer or device. Click or tap on the one you want to restore or use the arrow keys, and then press Enter.
Did you learn any new ways to minimize, maximize, or restore apps?
While some of the methods illustrated in this tutorial are intuitive, some are a bit harder to figure out. Maximizing apps is always a good idea if you are trying to focus on something - we always write our articles with the app maximized. If you need to declutter your screen, minimizing can help. However, if you're not going to use an app for a long time, it's better to close it. Please, let us know if you picked up any new info from our tutorial. Did you learn any new ways to minimize, maximize, or restore app windows? Are there any we overlooked? Let us know in the comments.