到目前为止,我们都应该知道Discord是什么,因为该服务已经存在多年了。如果您不这样做 – 这是一个免费的即时消息传递和VoIP应用程序和数字分发平台,旨在创建从游戏玩家到教育和企业的社区。各行各业的游戏玩家都利用了这项服务所提供的优势,并且它带来了很多东西。
打开Discord 文字转语音(Discord Text-to-Speech)( TTS )
目前,文本转语音功能仅在Windows和Mac上可用。对于那些喜欢使用Android和 iOS 的人来说,你将不得不等到开发人员决定在新的更新中提供它。
启用Discord将文本转录为语音的功能非常简单。首先(First),通过网络浏览器打开Discord或使用适用于(Discord)Windows 10的应用程序。完成后,导航到您的服务器(Server)并从列表中选择它。
最后,继续并从位于屏幕左侧的菜单部分中选择权限。现在,在General Permissions下,向下滚动到 Send TTS Messages,然后单击绿色对勾图标启用。
在Discord(Discord)中禁用文本(Text)转语音 ( TTS )
这很简单。只需转到用户设置(User Settings),然后直接导航到通知(Notifications)。您现在应该看到一个部分,文字转语音通知(Notifications)。您需要选择从不(Never)关闭此功能。完成此操作后,请访问您的聊天或频道以查看文本转语音是否仍处于活动状态。
要完成它,请单击左侧聊天旁边的齿轮图标,然后导航到Text & Images。从右侧部分向下滚动,直到看到“文本(Text)转语音(Speech)”并将其关闭。
不和谐 TTS 不工作
如果Discord TTS不适合您,请首先确保已按照帖子中的说明进行设置。如果这没有帮助,请将Speakers配置更改为Stereo。如果没有任何帮助,您可能必须在 PC 上运行Windows 音频疑难解答(Windows Audio Troubleshooter)和修复(Repair)或重新安装Discord。
How to enable and use Discord Text-to-Speech (TTS) feature
By now wе should all knоw what Discord is since the service has been around for a number of years now. In case you do not – It is a free instant messaging and VoIP app & digital distribution platform designed for creating communities ranging from gamers to education and businesses. Gamers from all walks of life have taken advantage of what the service has to offer, and there are a lot of things it brings to the table.
Turn on Discord Text-to-Speech (TTS)
Despite the many features, the creators have chosen to add another, and it is all about text-to-speech. Basically, with these features active, users can transform simple text into speech, so if you are the type of person who doesn’t like to read, then this option should work wonders.
Now, the only way to use text-to-speech is if it is enabled on a server. You cannot enable it yourself unless the server is yours, so keep that in mind.
At the moment, the text-to-speech ability is only available on Windows and Mac. For those who prefer to use Android and iOS, well, you will have to wait until the developers decide to deliver it in a new update.
How to enable text-to-speech in a Discord server
Enabling the ability for Discord to transcribe the text into voice is super easy. First, open Discord via the web browser or use the app for Windows 10. Once you’ve done that, then, navigate to your Server and select it from the list.
From there, be sure to click on the gear icon beside General, and right away the settings are should appear.
Finally, go on ahead and select Permissions from the menu section located on the left of the screen. Now, under General Permissions, scroll down to Send TTS Messages and click on the green tick icon to enable.
How to use Discord text-to-speech when ready
OK, so you’ve enabled the feature, or the server you are a member of, the administrator has now activated it.
To use it, please type /tts into the message box, then type out the message you want to relay before hitting the Enter key. Make sure the text is easy to read or else the text-to-speech feature will fail to say it out in the correct way.
Mute every text-to-speech message in Discord
If you are on the receiving end of a lot of text-to-speech messages, then maybe it is time to turn it off for better peace of mind. This option is great for regular users who are not admins or a server owner.
Disable Text to speech (TTS) in Discord
We’ve explained how to take advantage of the text-to-speech option in Discord, but now it is time for us to explain how to get rid of it.
This is simple. Just go to User Settings, then navigate directly to Notifications. You should now come across a section that reads, Text-to-Speech Notifications. You will want to select Never to turn off this feature. When you have done this, visit your chat or channel to see if text-to-speech is still active.
To get it done, click on the gear icon beside the chat to the left, then navigate to Text & Images. From the section on the right, scroll down until you see Text to Speech and turn it off.
From there, you should no longer have problems with the noise of Discords robotic speech whenever a message comes through.
Discord TTS not working
If Discord TTS is not working for you then first ensure that the settings have been made as described in the post. If that does not help, change the Speakers configuration to Stereo. If nothing helps, you may have to run the Windows Audio Troubleshooter and Repair or reinstall Discord on your PC.
Let us know if this helped.