Youtube拥有超过 20 亿用户,已成为增长最快的社交媒体平台之一。这种快速增长可能是它拥有的各种应用程序的高潮。无论(Whether)您是寻找平台来教授学生的老师,还是想要与观众建立联系的品牌,Youtube都能满足每个人的需求。作为一个天真的青少年,如果您早在 2010 年代就开设了一个Youtube频道,现在回头看您为频道选择的名称,您会感到尴尬;我明白。或者,即使您是一家想要更改名称但又不想重新开始的企业,我们也为您提供完美的指南!如果您是新手,您可能会在更换Youtube时遇到问题(Youtube)频道名称。可以编辑或删除您的频道名称。但是有一个问题;在某些情况下,您还必须更改Google帐户的名称。

如何在Android上更改(Android)YouTube 频道(YouTube Channel)名称
1.启动 YouTube 应用(Launch the YouTube app)并点击屏幕右上角的个人资料图片。(tap on your profile picture)登录(Sign in)您的 YouTube 频道。

2. 点击列表中的您的频道(Your Channel) 选项。

3. 点击频道(Channel)名称下方的编辑频道(Edit Channel)。更改名称并按OK。

如何在 iPhone 和 iPad 上更改YouTube 频道名称(YouTube Channel)
您还可以在 iPhone 和 iPad 上编辑或更改频道名称。尽管Android(Android)和 iPhone的基本思想是相同的,但我们仍然提到了它们。该方法的详细步骤详述如下:
启动 YouTube(Launch the YouTube)应用并点击屏幕右上角的个人资料图片。
登录(Sign in)您的 YouTube 频道。
- 点击屏幕右上角的设置图标。(Settings icon)
- 现在,点击频道名称旁边的钢笔图标。(pen icon)
- 最后,编辑您的姓名并点击OK。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用“视频暂停”。在 YouTube 上继续观看(How to Disable ‘Video paused. Continue watching’ on YouTube)
如何在桌面上更改(Desktop)YouTube 频道(YouTube Channel)名称
1. 首先,登录YouTube 工作室(YouTube Studio)。
2. 从侧面菜单中选择自定义(Customization),然后单击基本信息(Basic info)。

3. 点击频道名称旁边的钢笔图标。(pen icon)

4. 您现在可以编辑您的 YouTube 频道名称(edit your YouTube channel name)。
5. 最后,点击选项卡右上角的发布(Publish,)

注意(Note):您每 90 天最多只能更改 3 次频道名称。所以,不要得意忘形,下定决心,明智地使用这个选项。
如何更改您的YouTube 频道说明(YouTube Channel Description)?
1.首先(First),您必须登录YouTube Studio。
2. 然后从侧面菜单中选择自定义(Customization ),然后单击基本信息(Basic info)。
3. 最后,为您的 YouTube 频道编辑或添加新的描述(edit or add a new description)。

常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。我可以重命名我的 YouTube 频道吗?(Q1. Can I rename my YouTube channel?)
Q2。我可以在不更改 Google 名称的情况下更改我的 YouTube 频道名称吗?(Q2. Can I change my YouTube channel name without changing my Google name?)
是的,您可以通过创建品牌帐户(Brand Account)并将其链接到您的YouTube频道来更改您的(YouTube)YouTube频道名称,而无需更改您的Google帐户名称。
Q3。为什么我不能更改我的 YouTube 频道名称?(Q3. Why can’t I change my YouTube channel name?)
Youtube 有一条规定,你每 90 天只能更改 3 次频道名称,所以也要考虑一下。
Q4。如何在不更改 Google 名称的情况下更改 YouTube 频道名称?(Q4. How can you change your YouTube channel name without changing your Google name?)
如果您不想在编辑YouTube频道名称时更改您的(YouTube)Google帐户名称,可以使用另一种方法。您必须创建一个品牌帐户(Brand Account),然后将同一帐户链接到您的YouTube频道。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够更新您的 YouTube 频道名称( update your YouTube channel name)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Change Your YouTube Channel Name (Android, iOS & Desktop)
With over 2 billion users, Youtube has become one of the fastest-growing social media platforms. This fast-track growth can be the culmination of the various applicatіоns it has. Whether you’re a teаcher looking for а platform to teaсh your students or a brand that wants to connect with its audience, Youtube’s got something for everyone. Being a naive teen, if you had started a Youtube channel back іn the 2010s and now lоoking back at thе name you chоse for your channel, you feel embarrassed; I υnderstand. Or even if you’re a bυsіness that wants to change its name but doesn’t wаnt to start anеw, we have the рerfect guide for you! If you’re nеw to this, you might face problems іn changіng your Youtube channel name. Editing or removing your channel’s name is poѕsible. Βut there’s а catch; in some cases, you’ll have to change the name of your Googlе account too.
If you are someone looking for tips on how to change your YouTube channel name, it seems that you have reached the right page. With our comprehensive guide’s help, all your queries related to updating your Youtube channel name will get solved.

How to Change YouTube Channel Name on Android
In order to change your YouTube channel name on Android, you need to note that your Google account name will also get edited accordingly since your YouTube channel name reflects the name on your Google account.
1. Launch the YouTube app and tap on your profile picture in the top right corner of your screen. Sign in to your YouTube channel.

2. Tap on the Your Channel option from the list.

3. Tap on Edit Channel below your Channel’s name. Change the name and press OK.

How to Change YouTube Channel Name on iPhone & iPad
You can also edit or change your channel’s name on iPhone & iPad. Although the basic idea is the same for both Android and iPhones, we have still mentioned them. The detailed steps for this method are elaborated below:
Launch the YouTube app and tap on your profile picture in the top right corner of your screen.
Sign in to your YouTube channel.
- Tap on the Settings icon, which is on the right corner of your screen.
- Now, tap on the pen icon, which is next to your channel’s name.
- Finally, edit your name and tap on OK.
Also Read: How to Disable ‘Video paused. Continue watching’ on YouTube
How to Change YouTube Channel Name on Desktop
You can also edit or change your YouTube channel name on your desktop. You need to follow the below-mentioned instructions to update your channel’s name:
1. First of all, sign in to YouTube Studio.
2. Select Customization from the side menu, followed by clicking on Basic info.

3. Tap on the pen icon next to your channel name.

4. You can now edit your YouTube channel name.
5. Finally, click on Publish, which is in the upper right corner of the tab

Note: You can only change your channel name up to three times every 90 days. So, don’t get carried away, make up your mind and use this option sensibly.
How to Change your YouTube Channel Description?
If you want to advance the visibility of your channel, having a good description is one thing that can help you do it. Or, if you’re thinking of changing your channel’s genre, changing the description to reflect what your new channel is about is essential. The detailed steps for changing your YouTube channel description are elaborated below:
1. First of all, you must sign in to YouTube Studio.
2. Then select Customization from the side menu, followed by clicking on Basic info.
3. Finally, edit or add a new description for your YouTube channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Can I rename my YouTube channel?
Yes, you can rename your YouTube channel by tapping on your profile picture and then opening your channel. Here, tap on the pen icon next to your channel name, edit it and finally tap on OK.
Q2. Can I change my YouTube channel name without changing my Google name?
Yes, you can change your YouTube channel name without changing your Google account name by creating a Brand Account and linking it to your YouTube channel.
Q3. Why can’t I change my YouTube channel name?
Youtube has a rule that you can only change your channel name three times every 90 days, so look into that too.
Q4. How can you change your YouTube channel name without changing your Google name?
If you do not want to change your Google account name while editing your YouTube channel name, there is an alternative method. You’ll have to create a Brand Account and then link the same account to your YouTube channel.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to update your YouTube channel name. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.