Windows 10中的Outlook应用程序具有许多新的和高级的特性和功能。您可以在Outlook(Outlook)应用程序中创建电子邮件、约会、联系人和任务。然而,在这篇文章中,我们将了解如何在Outlook(Outlook)应用程序中创建和编写新电子邮件,并了解它必须提供的特性和功能。

Outlook应用程序将打开,您将在上方看到功能区(Ribbon),其中包含各种功能和特性。要创建新电子邮件,请单击“主页”(‘Home’)选项卡中的“新电子邮件” 。(‘New Email’)

一个新的消息窗口将像这样打开。在顶部,您将看到由不同选项卡组成的菜单,例如文件、消息、插入、选项、文本格式、审阅和帮助。(File, Message, Insert, Options, Format Text, Review, and Help.)

(Fill)在“发件人”、“收件人”(‘From’, ‘To’,)和“抄送”(‘Cc’)部分填写适当的电子邮件地址。此外,在“主题”(‘Subject’)部分填写电子邮件的主题。

- 在“消息”(Message)选项卡中,您将看到各种分隔在不同部分的命令,例如剪贴板、基本文本、名称、包含、标签和我的模板。(Clipboard, Basic Text, Names, Include, Tags, and My Templates.)
- 在剪贴板(Clipboard)下,您可以剪切、复制和粘贴内容,并使用格式刷(Format Painter)功能。格式刷(Format Painter)允许您将一个选定内容的特定外观和样式应用到另一个。
- 基本文本(Text)包括更改字体样式、字体大小和字体颜色的功能。它为您提供了使文本粗体、斜体和下划线的选项。您可以选择内容的对齐方式——左、中或右;并增加或减少缩进,这是距边距的空间。此外,您可以创建项目符号列表和编号列表,以便更好地视觉呈现您的内容。
- 在Names下,您可以检查并打开列表中保存的姓名和电子邮件地址。
- 包含(Include)类别可帮助您附加文件、名片、日历、电子邮件签名或任何其他Outlook项目。
- 在标签(Tags)下,您可以为电子邮件添加不同的标签,以根据高优先级、低优先级和跟进进行设置。
- 我的模板将向您显示已经可用的模板,还允许您创建可以添加到消息中的新模板。文本(Text)和图像可以包含在模板中。

- 插入(Insert)选项卡显示不同的类别,称为包括、表格、插图、链接、文本和符号。(Include, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Text, and Symbols.)
- 在Include下,您可以插入或附加文件、名片、日历、签名和其他此类Outlook项目。
- 您可以绘制或插入具有所需行数和列数的表格。这可以帮助您组织信息并以像样的方式显示它。此功能还允许您在邮件中插入Microsoft Excel 工作表。(Microsoft Excel Worksheet)
- 插图(Illustrations)部分将帮助您添加或插入图片、形状、图标、不同的 3D 模型、图表、SmartArt 图形(SmartArt Graphic),甚至是屏幕截图!
- 您可以在Links(Links)下添加超链接或书签。
- 文本(Text)部分包括与文本、文本样式和艺术字(Word-Art)相关的设置。
- 您还可以从符号(Symbols)部分插入方程式、符号或水平线。

- 在选项选项(Options)卡中,您可以看到不同的部分,例如主题、显示字段、加密、跟踪和更多选项。(Themes, Show Fields, Encrypt, Tracking, and More Options.)
- 在“主题(Themes)”部分下,您可以为文档选择特定的主题、字体、颜色和效果,使其具有您想要的完美外观。也可以在此处更改文档的页面颜色。(Page Color)
- 显示字段(Show Fields)部分允许您添加“密件抄送(Bcc)”。Bcc字段中的收件人将收到电子邮件,但其他收件人看不到他们。
- 您可以对消息进行加密并设置权限,以限制其他人转发它。
- 跟踪下的命令允许您跟踪消息的状态,无论是接收者收到还是阅读。您还可以在此处将投票(Voting)按钮添加到您的消息中。
- 在“更多选项”下,您将找到有关您选择保存已发送项目的位置或文件夹的其他设置。您还将找到不保存已发送项目的选项以及更多此类设置。

- 在“文本格式”选项卡中,在(Format Text)剪贴板、格式、字体、段落、样式、编辑和缩放(Clipboard, Format, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing, and Zoom.)等各个部分下,有各种与字体、字体样式等相关的设置。
- 剪贴板(Clipboard)包括与复制、剪切、粘贴和格式刷相关的功能。
- 格式(Format)设置允许您将邮件格式设置为HTML 、(HTML)纯文本或富文本。
- 字体(Font)类别包括更改字体类型、字体大小和字体颜色的功能。您可以更改文本的大小写。您可以将文本设置为粗体、斜体以及下划线。
- 段落(Paragraph)下的设置可帮助您调整行距和段落间距、对齐内容、增加或减少缩进等。您可以创建编号列表、项目符号列表以及多级列表。您还可以添加或删除边框并更改所选内容的底纹。
- 样式允许您更改文档中使用的样式、字体、颜色、段落间距集。您可以在此处从可用样式选项的数量中进行选择;并为文档创建新样式。
- 编辑设置可帮助您使用高级搜索选项查找和替换文本。
- 最后,您可以放大或缩小所需的百分比。

- 在Review选项卡中,您将找到与Proofing、Speech、Accessibility、Insights 和 Language 相关的设置。(Proofing, Speech, Accessibility, Insights, and Language.)
- 在校对(Proofing)下,您将看到三个重要功能——语法(Grammar)和拼写(Spelling)、同义词库(Thesaurus)和字数统计(Word Count)。这些可帮助您识别拼写错误或语法错误、相同的单词或同义词以及字数。
- 语音(Speech)下的朗读功能通过与朗读一起突出显示文本来大声朗读文本。
- 可访问性(Accessibility)功能检查问题并帮助使用户更容易访问文档。
- (Smart Lookup)Insights下的Smart Lookup可帮助您从其他在线资源中获取有关内容的更多相关信息。
- 最后,语言(Language)设置使您能够以不同的语言翻译内容并选择其他语言首选项。

- 如图所示,您可以在“帮助”选项卡下看到“(Help)帮助(Help)”和“工具(Tools)”部分。
- 在这里,您将找到联系Microsoft代理、提供反馈、获取使用Microsoft Office的帮助等按钮。

- 文件(File)选项卡包括保存文件、打印文件和其他更多Outlook选项的设置。
How to create a new email in Outlook app using its features
The Outlook app in Windows 10 comes with a lot of new and advanced features and functions. You сan create an email meѕsage, an appointment, a contаct, and a task in the Outlook app. In this post, however, we shall sеe how to create and write a new email message in the Outlook app, and alsо learn аbout the featυres and functiоns it has to offer.
How to create a new email in Outlook
Open the Outlook app from the Start menu or simply search for the app in the search box.

The Outlook app will open and you will see Ribbon above which will consist of a variety of functions and features. To create a new email message, click on ‘New Email’ from the ‘Home’ tab.

A new message window will open like this. At the top, you will see the menu consisting of different tabs such as File, Message, Insert, Options, Format Text, Review, and Help.

Fill in the appropriate email addresses in the ‘From’, ‘To’, and ‘Cc’ sections. Also, fill the subject matter of the email message in the ‘Subject’ section.
Next, write the body of the email in the space below and let us see how we can edit and customize it by using the Outlook features.
Features in the ‘Message’ tab

- In the Message tab, you will see a variety of commands segregated in different sections such as Clipboard, Basic Text, Names, Include, Tags, and My Templates.
- Under Clipboard, you can cut, copy, and paste content, and use the Format Painter feature. Format Painter allows you apply a particular look and style of one selected content to another.
- Basic Text includes features to change font style, font size, and font color. It gives you options to make your text bold, italicize it, and underline it. You can choose alignment for the content – left, center, or right; and increase or decrease indent, which is the space from the margin. Also, you can create a bulleted list as well as a numbered list for a better visual presentation of your content.
- Under Names, you can check and open the saved names and email addresses in the list.
- The Include category helps you attach a file, business card, calendar, your email signatures, or any other Outlook item.
- Under Tags, you can add different tags to the email messages to set it based on high priority, low priority, and follow up.
- My Templates will show you the already available templates and also let you create new templates that you can add to your message. Text and images can be included in the templates.
Features in the ‘Insert’ tab

- The Insert tab shows different categories called Include, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Text, and Symbols.
- Under Include, you can insert or attach a file, business card, calendar, signature, and other such Outlook items.
- You can draw or insert a table with the required number of rows and columns. This can help you to organize the information and display it in a presentable manner. This feature also allows you to insert a Microsoft Excel Worksheet in to the message.
- The Illustrations section will help you add or insert pictures, shapes, icons, different 3D models, charts, SmartArt Graphic, or even a screenshot!
- You can add a hyperlink or a bookmark under Links.
- The Text section includes settings related to the text, text styles and Word-Art.
- You can also insert an equation, a symbol, or a horizontal line from the Symbols section.
Features in the ‘Options’ tab

- In the Options tab, you can see different sections such as Themes, Show Fields, Encrypt, Tracking, and More Options.
- Under the Themes section, you can choose a particular theme, fonts, colors, and effects for your document to give it the perfect look that you want. The Page Color of the document can also be changed here.
- The Show Fields section allows you to add ‘Bcc’. The recipients in Bcc field will receive the email message, but they will not be visible to the other recipients.
- You can Encrypt and set permission on the message in order to restrict other people from forwarding it.
- The commands under Tracking allow you to track the status of the message, whether it is received or read by the receiver. You can also add Voting buttons here to your message.
- Under More Options, you will find additional settings to where or in which folder you choose to save your sent items. You will also find an option to not save your sent items and more such settings.
Features in the ‘Format Text’ tab

- In the Format Text tab, there are a variety of settings related to the font, font styles and so under various sections such as Clipboard, Format, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing, and Zoom.
- Clipboard includes functions related to copy, cut, paste, and format painter.
- The Format settings allow you to format the message as HTML, plain text, or rich text.
- The Font category includes features to change the font type, font size, and font color. You can change the case of the text. You can make the text bold, italicize it, as well as underline it.
- The settings under Paragraph help you adjust the line and paragraph spacing, align the content, increase or decrease indent, etc. You can create a numbered list, a bulleted list, as well as a multilevel list. You can also add or remove borders and change the shading of the selected content.
- Styles allow you to change the set of styles, fonts, colors, paragraph spacing used in the document. You can choose from the number of available options of styles here; and also create a new style for the document.
- Editing settings help you to find and replace text using advanced search options.
- Lastly, you can Zoom in or out into the desired percentage.
Features in the ‘Review’ tab

- In the Review tab, you will find settings related to Proofing, Speech, Accessibility, Insights, and Language.
- Under Proofing, you will see three important features – Grammar & Spelling, Thesaurus, and Word Count. These help you identify typos or grammatical errors, identical words or synonyms, and word count.
- The Read-Aloud feature under Speech reads out the text loudly by highlighting it along with the reading.
- Accessibility feature checks for issues and helps make the document more accessible to the users.
- Smart Lookup under Insights helps you gain more related information about the content from other online sources.
- Lastly, Language settings enable you to translate the content in a different language and choose other language preferences.
Features in the ‘Help’ tab

- As in the image, you can see Help and Tools sections under the Help tab.
- Here, you will find the buttons to contact a Microsoft agent, give feedback, get help using Microsoft Office, and more.
Features in the ‘File’ tab

- File tab includes settings to save the file, print the file, and such other more Outlook options.
This covers all the features in the Outlook app and in this way, you can create a new email message and customize it the way you want by using these features.