如果您想下载电影、游戏、软件和其他文件,那么 uTorrent 是您可以使用的最佳 BitTorrent 客户端。然而,即使是最好的软件,uTorrent 也会时不时地遇到一些讨厌的问题。当您尝试下载某些文件时,您可能会遇到一些问题,例如 uTorrent 没有响应。许多用户抱怨 uTorrent 的无响应状态。您可能是在 uTorrent 上遇到此类问题的用户之一。
今天,我们在这里提供指南,解释 uTorrent 无响应状态背后的原因。此外,为了帮助您 解决 uTorrent 无响应问题(fix uTorrent not responding),我们将列出所有可能的问题解决方案。
修复(Fix)uTorrent在Windows 10中无响应的10种方法(Ways)
为什么 uTorrent 没有响应? (Why uTorrent is not responding? )
uTorrent 在下载文件时停止响应可能有多种原因。我们将列出导致这种无响应性能的一些原因。检查以下原因:
1. 管理权限(1. Administrative access)
有时,uTorrent 可能需要管理访问权限才能绕过Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)设置的限制,以保护您的系统免受恶意软件的侵害。
2. 不稳定的网络连接 (2. Unstable internet connection )
不稳定的互联网(Internet)连接是 uTorrent 无响应的最常见原因之一。
3.Windows防火墙 (3. Windows firewall )
您系统上的Windows(Windows)防火墙可能会阻止 uTorrent 流量,从而导致下载文件时性能无响应。
4. uTorrent 数据文件错误(4. Faulty uTorrent data files)
有时,uTorrent 配置文件可能会损坏,并可能导致无响应问题。当 uTorrent 的配置数据文件损坏或故障时,uTorrent 将无法加载预先保存的数据,这可能会导致无响应行为。
5. 损坏的 uTorrent 文件 (5. Corruoted uTorrent file )
大多数时候,问题不在于 uTorrent,而在于您正在下载的文件。如果您正在下载错误或损坏的 uTorrent 文件,您可能会遇到无响应行为。
我们将列出一些可以帮助您修复 uTorrent 在Windows上的无响应行为的方法。
方法一:重启uTorrent(Method 1: Restart uTorrent)
当 uTorrent 没有响应时,您应该做的第一件事是重新启动系统上的 uTorrent 应用程序。可能存在可能导致无响应行为的临时故障。因此,要修复 uTorrent 没有响应,您可以重新启动应用程序。请按照以下步骤重新启动 uTorrent:
1. 单击您的Windows 键(Windows key),然后转到 Windows 搜索栏。
2.在搜索栏中输入任务管理器(task manager),然后回车。或者,您可以单击键盘上的 Ctrl + Alt + Delete键,然后从屏幕中选择任务管理器。(Task Manager)
3. 现在,您将能够看到在后台运行的程序列表。找到(Locate)并单击uTorrent。
4. 要关闭uTorrent客户端,请从窗口屏幕的右下方选择结束任务。(End task)
5. 最后,返回您的桌面屏幕并重新启动 uTorrent 应用程序(restart the uTorrent app)。
6. 重新启动后,检查uTorrent 是否有响应并且您可以下载文件。如果没有,请尝试下一个方法。
方法二:以管理员身份运行(Method 2: Run as Administrator)
大多数情况下,uTorrent 崩溃或没有响应是因为它无法访问您的系统资源。此外,当您下载具有千兆字节数据的大文件时,uTorrent 可能需要管理权限才能访问基本系统文件以顺利运行。
在这种情况下,要 修复 uTorrent 在计算机上没有响应(fix uTorrent not responding on the computer),您可以以管理员身份运行 uTorrent 应用程序以绕过系统的任何限制。
1. 关闭后台运行的 uTorrent 应用程序。
2. 现在,右键单击 uTorrent(right-click on the uTorrent)图标。
3.从菜单中选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator)
4、最后点击YES(click on YES)确认以管理员身份运行程序。
或者,您也可以在系统上启用一个选项,以管理员身份永久运行 uTorrent。您可以这样做:
1.右键单击 uTorrent 应用程序(right-click on the uTorrent app),然后单击属性。(Properties.)
2.从顶部转到兼容性选项卡。(Compatibility tab)
3. 现在,勾选“以管理员身份运行此程序”(“Run this program as an administrator.”)选项旁边的复选框。(checkbox)
4. 最后,单击应用以保存(Apply to save)新更改。
就是这样; 重新启动计算机并启动 uTorrent 以检查您是否能够解决无响应问题。
方法三:重启电脑(Method 3: Restart your computer)
当您系统上安装的程序遇到性能问题时,您的操作系统可能无法正常运行。您的操作系统也可能会遇到故障或错误,这可能会导致尝试在 uTorrent 上下载文件时出现无响应行为。因此,要 修复 uTorrent 无响应, (fix uTorrent not responding, )请重新启动计算机并重新启动 uTorrent 以检查问题是否解决。
方法 4:禁用代理服务器(Method 4: Disable Proxy Servers)
办公室或公共网络使用代理服务器来提供互联网连接。因此,如果您使用公共网络在 uTorrent 上下载文件,那么代理服务器可能会阻止 uTorrent 用于访问网络连接的某些端口。当代理服务器阻止某些端口时,您可能会在尝试在 uTorrent 上下载文件时遇到无响应行为。要解决此问题,您可以在 Windows PC 上禁用代理设置:
1.按键盘上的 Windows key + R运行(Run)命令框。
2. 弹出运行对话框后,输入inetcpl.cpl并回车。
3. Internet 属性(Internet Properties)窗口将出现在您的屏幕上,单击顶部的连接选项卡(Connections tab)。
4. 单击局域网设置下的“局域网(Local Area Network settings)设置”(‘LAN settings’)按钮。
5. 最后,您必须取消选中“为 LAN 使用代理服务器”( “Use a proxy server for your LAN”)选项旁边的框,然后单击“确定”。( OK.)
6. 禁用系统上的代理服务器后,返回 uTorrent 并尝试下载文件以检查您是否能够解决无响应错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法连接到 Windows 10 中的代理服务器(Fix Unable to connect to the proxy server in Windows 10)
方法 5:通过 Windows 防火墙允许 uTorrent(Method 5: Allow uTorrent via Windows Firewall)
有时,由于您的Windows(Windows)防火墙设置配置不当,您还可能在 uTorrent 上遇到无响应行为。您的Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)设置可保护您的系统免受任何病毒或恶意软件的侵害。
因此,当您下载需要大量网络带宽的 uTorrent 文件时,您的Windows防火墙可能会将其检测为对您的系统构成潜在威胁并可能对其进行限制。但是,要(to) 修复 uTorrent 在 Windows 10 中没有响应(fix uTorrent not responding in Windows 10), 您可以允许 uTorrent 通过Windows防火墙。
1. 单击任务栏中的搜索图标( Search icon ),然后在搜索栏中键入防火墙(firewall)。
2.从搜索结果中打开防火墙和网络保护设置。(Firewall & network protection )
3. 单击窗口底部的“允许应用程序通过防火墙”链接。(“Allow an app through firewall”)
4. 将弹出一个新窗口,您必须在其中单击更改设置(Change settings)按钮。
5. 从列表中找到 uTorrent,并确保勾选 uTorrent 旁边的两个复选框(tick both the checkboxes next to uTorrent)。
6. 最后,保存更改并关闭Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)设置。
就是这样; 启动 uTorrent 以检查您是否能够不间断地下载文件。
方法六:禁用第三方杀毒软件(Method 6: Disable third-party Antivirus software)
如果您在计算机上安装第三方防病毒程序,那么它们可能是 uTorrent 客户端无响应性能的原因。
大多数情况下,这些防病毒程序会将您在 uTorrent 上的活动检测为对系统的潜在威胁,从而导致您在下载某些文件时出现无响应问题。但是,要 修复 uTorrent 没有响应(fix uTorrent not responding),您可以暂时禁用系统上的防病毒程序,直到您完成 uTorrent 上的文件下载。禁用防病毒程序后,启动 uTorrent 并检查无响应问题是否仍然存在。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 Windows 10 中检查 RAM 速度、大小和类型(How to check RAM Speed, Size, and Type in Windows 10)
方法七:删除App数据(Method 7: Delete App data)
有时,删除 uTorrent 的应用数据可以帮助您解决 uTorrent 无响应问题。由于 uTorrent 将包含文件详细信息的数据文件存储在您的计算机上,因此您通过 uTorrent 进行下载。这些数据文件可能会随着时间的推移而损坏,并可能导致您在 uTorrent 上下载文件时出现无响应问题。
在这种情况下,您可以从系统中删除 uTorrent 的应用程序数据,然后启动文件的下载过程:
1. 按键盘上的Windows key + R键打开运行。
2. 弹出运行对话框后,输入%appdata% 并回车。
3. 将打开一个新窗口,其中包含您计算机上的所有App数据文件夹。找到(Locate)并右键单击 uTorrent(right-click on the uTorrent)数据文件夹,然后选择删除。(Delete.)
4. 最后,删除应用程序数据后,启动 uTorrent 应用程序并开始下载文件。( launch the uTorrent app and start downloading the files.)
如果此方法能够解决“在 uTorrent 上没有响应问题”,那么 uTorrent 应用程序数据就是问题背后的原因。但是,如果此方法对您不起作用并且您在下载文件时仍然遇到无响应行为,那么您可以查看下一种方法。
方法 8:创建新用户帐户(Method 8: Create a New User Account)
您的用户帐户可能会损坏,并且系统上的应用程序可能会出错。但是,创建一个新的用户帐户可以帮助您在下载文件时解决 uTorrent 上的无响应问题(fix the not responding issue)。
在这种情况下,您可以创建一个新的用户帐户并检查在 uTorrent 上下载文件时无响应问题是否得到解决。如果在新用户帐户上下载文件时没有任何中断,则表示您以前的帐户已损坏。将您的所有数据转移到您的新帐户,如果您愿意,可以删除以前的用户帐户。请按照以下步骤创建新用户帐户:
1.按键盘上的Windows key + SWindows搜索栏。
3. 屏幕上出现设置窗口后,单击“帐户( Accounts)”部分。
4. 单击左侧面板中的“家庭和其他用户”(“Family and other users”)。
5. 现在,在其他用户下,选择“将其他人添加到此 PC”。( “Add someone else to this PC”.)
6. 当新窗口出现在您的屏幕上时,您必须点击“我没有此人的登录信息”。( “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information”.)
7. 单击“添加没有 Microsoft 帐户的用户”选项。(“Add a user without Microsoft account”.)
8. 现在,您必须通过创建用户名和用户帐户的安全密码来创建登录凭据。
9. 单击下一步(Next),您的系统将创建一个新的用户帐户。
10.登录(Log)您的新用户帐户,然后启动 uTorrent 以检查它是否正常工作,没有任何无响应行为。
如果 uTorrent 在新用户上正常工作,您可以从以前的帐户转移所有数据。
方法 9:扫描系统以查找恶意软件或病毒(Method 9: Scan System for Malware or Virus)
您的系统可能已经感染了一些恶意软件或病毒,这可能是 uTorrent 无响应问题的原因。在这种情况下,要解决此问题,您可以扫描计算机以查找病毒或恶意软件,这可能会导致系统上的程序出现问题。您可以使用Windows Defender 或任何其他第三方防病毒软件。我们推荐的一些防病毒软件是Bitdefender、McAfee、Norton antivirus plus 或Avast。
但是,如果您不想安装任何第三方杀毒软件,您可以使用内置的 Windows Defender 来扫描您的系统:
1. 按Windows key + S键打开Windows搜索栏。
2.在搜索框中输入windows security,从搜索结果中打开应用。
3.您的屏幕上会弹出一个窗口,您必须在其中单击病毒和威胁防护( Virus & threat protection)。
4. 单击扫描选项。( Scan options.)
5.从列表中 选择完全扫描。( Full scan)
6. 最后,点击立即扫描(Scan now)按钮开始扫描您的系统。
仍然面临恶意软件问题,然后了解如何从您的 Windows 10 PC 中删除恶意软件(how to remove Malware from your Windows 10 PC)。
方法 10:重新安装 uTorrent(Method 10: Reinstall uTorrent)
如果上述方法都无法解决 uTorrent 无响应问题,那么您可以尝试的最后一种方法是在系统上重新安装 uTorrent。同样(Again),uTorrent 应用程序文件有可能损坏,并可能在您尝试下载文件时导致无响应问题。
因此,删除 uTorrent 并重新安装最新版本的应用程序可以帮助您解决问题。
1. 在 Windows 搜索栏中键入控制面板(control panel)。
2.从搜索结果中打开控制面板。(Control panel)
3. 现在,在程序部分下,单击“卸载程序”。(“Uninstall a program”.)
4. 从屏幕上的程序列表中找到 uTorrent,然后右键单击 uTorrent 软件(right-click on the uTorrent software)。
5. 单击卸载。(Uninstall.)
6. 最后,导航到uTorrent 的官方(uTorrent’s official )网站并在您的系统上下载最新版本的 uTorrent 客户端。
重新安装 uTorrent 后,启动它并检查您在尝试下载文件时是否能够解决无响应问题。
因此,这些是您可以用来 修复 uTorrent(fix uTorrent not responding)在下载文件问题时没有响应的一些方法。我们希望我们的指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决问题。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
10 Ways To Fix uTorrent Not Responding (2022)
If you eνer want to download movies, gаmes, softwarе, and other files, then uTorrent iѕ the best BitTorrent client that you can use. However, even after being the best softwаre, uΤorrent can encountеr a few pesky issues every now and then. You mіght experienсe some іssues like uTorrent not responding while you try to download some files. Manу users complain about thе non-responsive status of uTorrent. You may be one оf the users who encounter sυch issues on uTоrrent.
Today, we are here with a guide explaining the reasons behind the non-responsive status of uTorrent. Moreover, to help you fix uTorrent not responding, we will be listing down all the possible solutions to the problem.
10 Ways To Fix uTorrent Not Responding in Windows 10
Why uTorrent is not responding?
There may be several reasons why uTorrent stops responding while downloading files. We will list down a few of the causes for this non-responsive performance. Check out the following causes:
1. Administrative access
Sometimes, uTorrent may require administrative access to bypass the restrictions set by your Windows Firewall to protect your system from malware.
2. Unstable internet connection
An unstable Internet connection is one of the most common reasons why uTorrent is non-responsive.
3. Windows firewall
Windows firewall on your system may block uTorrent traffic leading to non-responsive performance while downloading files.
4. Faulty uTorrent data files
Sometimes, the uTorrent configuration files can get corrupt, and may cause not responding issues. When the configuration data files of uTorrent are corrupt or faulty, then uTorrent will not be able to load the pre-saved data, which may lead to non-responsive behavior.
5. Corruoted uTorrent file
Most of the time, the issue is not with uTorrent, but the file you are downloading. If you are downloading bad or corrupt uTorrent files, you might encounter a non-responsive behavior.
We are going to list down a few methods that can help you fix the non-responsive behavior of uTorrent on Windows.
Method 1: Restart uTorrent
The first thing that you should do when uTorrent is not responding is to restart the uTorrent app on your system. There may be a temporary glitch that might be causing the non-responsive behavior. Therefore, to fix uTorrent not responding, you can restart the app. Follow these steps to restart uTorrent:
1. Click on your Windows key, and go to the Windows search bar.
2. Type task manager in the search bar, and hit enter. Alternatively, you can click on Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys on your keyboard, and then select Task Manager from your screen.
3. Now, you will be able to see the list of programs that are running in the background. Locate and click on uTorrent.
4. To close the uTorrent client, select the End task from the bottom right of the window screen.
5. Finally, return to your desktop screen and restart the uTorrent app.
6. After restarting, check whether uTorrent is responding and you are able to download the files. If not, try out the next method.
Method 2: Run as Administrator
Most of the time why uTorrent crashes or does not respond is because it is not able to access your system’s resources. Moreover, when you are downloading a large file with gigabytes of data, uTorrent may require administrative privileges for accessing essential system files for running smoothly.
In this situation, to fix uTorrent not responding on the computer, you can run the uTorrent app as an administrator to bypass any restrictions of your system.
1. Close the uTorrent app from running in the background.
2. Now, make a right-click on the uTorrent icon.
3. Select Run as administrator from the menu.
4. Finally, click on YES to confirm running the program as an administrator.
Alternatively, you can also enable an option on your system to permanently run uTorrent as an administrator. Here is how you can do it:
1. Make a right-click on the uTorrent app and click on Properties.
2. Go to the Compatibility tab from the top.
3. Now, tick the checkbox next to the option that says “Run this program as an administrator.”
4. Finally, click on Apply to save the new changes.
That’s it; restart your computer and launch uTorrent to check whether you were able to resolve the not responding issue.
Method 3: Restart your computer
When the programs installed on your system encounter performance issues, then there are chances that your operating system may not be functioning properly. Your operating system may also encounter a glitch or error, which may lead to non-responsive behavior while trying to download files on uTorrent. Therefore, to fix uTorrent not responding, restart your computer and relaunch uTorrent to check if the problem resolves.
Method 4: Disable Proxy Servers
Offices or public networks use proxy servers to provide internet connection. So, if you are using a public network to download files on uTorrent, then there are chances that the proxy servers are blocking some ports that uTorrent uses to access the network connection. And when proxy servers block some ports, you might encounter a non-responsive behavior while trying to download files on uTorrent. To fix the issue, you can disable proxy settings on your Windows PC:
1. Open the Run command box by pressing the Windows key + R key on your keyboard.
2. Once the run dialog box pops up, type inetcpl.cpl and hit enter.
3. The Internet Properties window will appear on your screen, click on the Connections tab from the top.
4. Click on the ‘LAN settings’ button under Local Area Network settings.
5. Finally, you have to uncheck the box next to the option that says “Use a proxy server for your LAN” and click on OK.
6. After you disable the proxy servers on your system, go back to uTorrent and try to download a file to check if you were able to resolve the not responding error.
Also Read: Fix Unable to connect to the proxy server in Windows 10
Method 5: Allow uTorrent via Windows Firewall
Sometimes, you can also experience non-responsive behavior on uTorrent because of the improper configuration of your Windows firewall settings. Your Windows Firewall settings protect your system from any virus or malware.
Therefore, when you download uTorrent files, which require a lot of network bandwidth, then your Windows firewall may detect it as a potential threat to your system and may restrict it. However, to fix uTorrent not responding in Windows 10, you can allow uTorrent through your Windows firewall.
1. Click on the Search icon from the Taskbar and type firewall in the search bar.
2. Open Firewall & network protection settings from the search results.
3. Click on the “Allow an app through firewall” link at the bottom of the window.
4. A new window will pop up, where you have to click on the Change settings button.
5. Locate uTorrent from the list, and make sure you tick both the checkboxes next to uTorrent.
6. Finally, save the changes and close Windows Firewall settings.
That’s it; launch uTorrent to check whether you are able to download files without any interruptions.
Method 6: Disable third-party Antivirus software
If you are installing third-party antivirus programs on your computer, then they might be the reason behind the non-responsive performance of the uTorrent client.
Most of the time, these antivirus programs detect your activity on uTorrent as a potential threat to your system leading to the not responding issue when you download some files. However, to fix uTorrent not responding, you can temporarily disable your antivirus program on your system until you complete downloading the file on uTorrent. Once you disable the antivirus program, launch uTorrent and check if the not responding problem still prevails.
Also Read: How to check RAM Speed, Size, and Type in Windows 10
Method 7: Delete App data
Sometimes, deleting uTorrent’s app data can help you resolve the uTorrent not responding issue. Since uTorrent stores data files on your computer that contain details about the files, you are downloading through uTorrent. These data files can get corrupt over time and may cause a not responding issue when you download a file on uTorrent.
In this situation, you can delete uTorrent’s app data from your system, and then initiate the download process of the files:
1. Open Run by pressing the Windows key + R key on your keyboard.
2. Once the run dialog box pops up, type %appdata% and hit enter.
3. A new window will open with all the App data folders on your computer. Locate and make a right-click on the uTorrent data folder and select Delete.
4. Finally, after deleting the app data launch the uTorrent app and start downloading the files.
If this method was able to resolve the “Not responding issue on uTorrent”, then uTorrent app data was the reason behind the problem. However, if this method does not work for you and you still encounter non-responsive behavior when you download files, then you can check out the next method.
Method 8: Create a New User Account
Your user account can get corrupt, and the apps on your system can run into errors. However, creating a new user account can help you fix the not responding issue on uTorrent whenever you download a file.
In such a situation, you can create a new user account and check whether the not responding issue resolves when you download files on uTorrent. If the files are downloading without any interruptions on the new user account, then it means your previous account was corrupt. Transfer all your data to your new account, and delete the previous user account if you like. Follow these steps to create a new user account:
1. Open your Windows search bar by pressing the Windows key + S key on your keyboard.
2. Type Settings, and open the app from the search results.
3. Once the settings window appears on the screen, click on the Accounts section.
4. Click on “Family and other users” from the panel on the left.
5. Now, under other users, select “Add someone else to this PC”.
6. When the new window appears on your screen, you have to click on “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information”.
7. Click on the option that says “Add a user without Microsoft account”.
8. Now, you have to create your login credentials by creating a username, and a secure password for your user account.
9. Click on Next, and your system will create a new user account.
10. Log onto your new user account, and launch uTorrent to check if it works properly without any non-responsive behavior.
If uTorrent works properly on the new user, you can transfer all your data from the previous account.
Method 9: Scan System for Malware or Virus
It is possible that your system has caught some malware or virus, which may be the reason behind the not responding issue on uTorrent. In this case, to fix the issue you can scan your computer for viruses or malware, which may be causing problems for the programs on your system. You can use Windows defender or any other third-party antivirus software. Some of the antivirus software that we recommend are Bitdefender, McAfee, Norton antivirus plus, or Avast.
However, if you don’t want to install any third-party antivirus software, you can use the in-built windows defender to scan your system:
1. Press Windows key + S key to open your Windows search bar.
2. Type windows security in the search box, and open the app from the search results.
3. A window will pop up on your screen, where you have to click on Virus & threat protection.
4. Click on Scan options.
5. Select Full scan from the list.
6. Finally, hit the Scan now button to start scanning your system.
Still facing malware issues, then learn how to remove Malware from your Windows 10 PC.
Method 10: Reinstall uTorrent
If none of the above methods are able to fix uTorrent not responding issue, then the last method that you can try is reinstalling uTorrent on your system. Again, there are chances that uTorrent applications files got corrupt, and maybe causing the not responding issue when you try to download files.
Therefore, deleting uTorrent and reinstalling the latest version of the app can help you fix the issue.
1. Type the control panel in the Windows search bar.
2. Open the Control panel from the search results.
3. Now, under the programs section, click on “Uninstall a program”.
4. Locate uTorrent from the list of programs on your screen, and make a right-click on the uTorrent software.
5. Click on Uninstall.
6. Finally, navigate to uTorrent’s official website and download the latest version of the uTorrent client on your system.
After reinstalling uTorrent, launch it and check whether you were able to resolve the not responding issue while trying to download files.
So, these were some methods that you can use to fix uTorrent not responding when downloading files issue. We hope our guide was helpful, and you were able to resolve the issue. If you liked the article, let us know in the comments below.