我们正在查看 2022 年最佳轻量级 Linux 发行版(Best Lightweight Linux Distros)。我们了解发行版吗(Distros)?在深入探讨该主题之前,让我们了解Distros或发行版的含义。简而言之,i+t 代表发行版,在 IT 术语中,非正式用语是指Linux操作系统 (OS),是用于描述从标准Linux操作系统构建的特定Linux发行版/发行版的术语。(Linux)
有许多用于不同目的的Linux发行版,没有一种特定的发行版可以通用。正是由于这个原因,可以有许多Linux发行版,但 2022 年最好的轻量级Linux 发行版(Linux Distros)详述如下:
2022 年 20 个最佳轻量级 Linux 发行版(20 Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022)
1. 鲁本图
由于重量轻,这个发行版的主要推动力是速度和能源效率。Lubuntu使用LXQT/LXDE桌面界面。它曾经在LXDE桌面界面上运行,直到 2018 年底,但在Lubuntu 18.10及更高版本的发布中,它使用LXQT作为默认桌面界面。
在最近发布的Lubuntu 19.04 – Disco Dingo中,为了将操作系统运行到 500MB,它现在降低了所需的最低RAM。但是,为了确保系统运行顺畅无忧,它对YouTube和Facebook等 Web 服务的最低硬件要求至少为 1GB 的RAM和 Pentium 4 或Pentium M或AMD K8 CPU,也与其最新版本相匹配Lubuntu 20.04 LTS版本。尽管如此(Having),它仍然继续支持其早期的 32 位和 64 位版本的旧硬件。
Lubuntu附带大量应用程序,如PDF阅读器、多媒体播放器、办公应用程序、允许免费下载其他应用程序的内置软件中心、图像编辑器、图形应用程序和互联网,此外还有各种各样的有用的工具和实用程序等等。Lubuntu的独特(USP)之处在于它保持与Ubuntu缓存的兼容性,使用户能够访问数千个可以使用Lubuntu 软件中心(Lubuntu Software Center)轻松安装的软件包。
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2.Linux精简版(2. Linux Lite)
它旨在牢记Linux发行版初学者以及在旧设备或其他Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)(如Windows 7或 Windows 10)上运行(Windows 7)Windows XP的人,以吸引他们进入Linux世界。它是一个初学者友好的、基于 Ubuntu 的Linux 操作系统(Linux OS),它基于长期支持版本 18.04 (Term Support Version 18.04)Ubuntu LTS版本。
与其作为轻量级Linux发行版的名称相反,它需要大约 8 GB 的存储空间,这对某些设备来说可能相当繁重。运行此发行版的最低系统硬件要求是具有 1GHz CPU、768MB RAM和 8GB 存储空间的 PC,但为了提高系统性能,它需要具有更高规格的 PC 1.5GHz CPU、1GB RAM和 20GB储存空间。
鉴于上述系统规格,它可以被称为要求最低的发行版,但装载了许多流行的功能和有用的应用程序。使用此发行版可以轻松访问Mozilla Firefox等工具,内置对Netflix的支持,以及用于离线播放音乐和视频的VLC媒体播放器。(VLC)如果您对 Chrome 不满意,也可以安装Chrome作为Firefox的替代品。(Firefox)
Linux lite 还支持Thunderbird解决电子邮件问题(如果有)、Dropbox用于云(Cloud)存储、VLC 媒体播放器(VLC Media Player)用于音乐(Music)、LibreOffice套件用于办公、Gimp用于图像编辑、调整桌面的调整、密码管理器以及许多其他工具,如Skype、Kodi、Spotify、TeamViewer等等。它还可以访问支持大量视频游戏的Steam。它还可以使用USB记忆棒或 CD 启动或安装到您的硬盘驱动器上。
借助Linux Lite OS包含的 zRAM 内存压缩工具,它可以在旧机器上运行得更快。它还继续为早期的 32 位和 64 位版本的Linux Distros旧硬件提供支持。该操作系统具有最新的Linux Lite 5.0以及默认的UEFI引导模式支持,毫无疑问,在最近的过去,它以快速的速度增长,并已成为一个不容忽视的工具。
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3. TinyCore Linux
这个由Robert Shingledecker开发的(Robert Shingledecker)TinyCore发行版有三种变体,每种都有其功能和系统要求。名副其实,最轻的发行版具有 11.0 MB 的文件大小,仅包含内核和根文件系统,即操作系统的基本核心。
这个轻量级的准系统发行版需要更多的应用程序;因此,TinyCore 9.0 版具有比基本桌面操作系统稍多的功能,提供了一个 16 MB 大小的操作系统,提供FLTK或FLWM图形桌面界面的选择。
第三种变体,称为CorePlus版本,吸收了 106 MB 的较重文件大小,并包含相对更多的有用工具选择,例如各种网络窗口连接管理器,可提供对中央文件存储位置的入口,以促进您可以手动安装的大量有用应用程序。
CorePlus版本还允许访问许多其他工具,例如终端、(Terminal)重制工具、文本编辑器、无线 Wi-Fi 支持和非美国键盘支持等等。这款轻量级Linux发行版具有三种选择,对于同时使用台式机和笔记本电脑的初学者和专业人士来说都是一个有用的工具。
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Puppy Linux发行版由Barry Kauler开发,是Linux发行版中最老的老手之一。这个Linux不是基于另一个发行版,而是完全独立开发的。它可以由Ubuntu、Arch Linux和Slackware等发行版包构建,与其他发行版不同。
由于轻量级,易于使用的软件也被称为“爷爷友好认证”。它有 32 位和 64 位版本,可以安装在支持UEFI和BIOS的 PC 上。Puppy Linux的一大优点是体积小,因此可以在任何CD/DVD或USB记忆棒上启动。
它不附带任何流行的预装应用程序。安装应用程序包很容易,使用内置的Quickpup、Puppy 包管理器格式(Puppy Package Manager Format)或QuickPet实用程序,您可以非常快速地安装流行的包。
高度可定制,因此您可以拥有各种不同的应用程序或“puplets”,提供特殊功能或支持,如非英语 puppet 和特殊用途 puplets,以满足您的需求并满足您的要求。
Puppy Linux的Bionic Pup版本与 Ubuntu 的Caches和Puppy Linux 8.0保持一致。Bionic Pup版基于Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04,它使用户可以访问父发行版的庞大软件集合。
少数开发人员充分利用了此功能,并创建了专门的版本来满足不同的需求。种类繁多的应用令人钦佩。例如,Home bank 应用程序可以帮助您管理财务,Gwhere应用程序可以管理磁盘目录,还有一些图形应用程序可以帮助管理Samba共享和设置防火墙。
所有人都说Puppy Linux非常受欢迎,并且是许多用户的选择,而不是其他发行版,因为它可以工作、运行速度快,并且具有出色的图形,尽管它是一个轻量级的发行版,可以让您快速完成更多工作。Puppy Linux的最低基本硬件要求是256 MB的RAM和具有 600 Hz 处理器的(Hz Processor)CPU。
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Bodhi Linux就是这样一款轻量级Linux发行版,它可以在 15 年以上的旧PC(PCs)和笔记本电脑(Laptops)上运行。Bodhi Linux被标记为Enlightened Linux Distro,是一个基于 Ubuntu LTS 的发行版。在更轻松的情况下,它通过使用其Moksha 操作系统为旧 PC 和笔记本电脑提供(Moksha OS)Moksha ,使旧电脑再次焕然一新。
文件大小小于 1GB的Moksha OS提供了良好的用户体验,尽管它没有预装太多的应用程序。安装此Linux(Linux)发行版的最低硬件要求是 256 MB 的RAM大小和5 GB 硬盘空间的500MHz CPU ,但为了提高性能,推荐的硬件是 512MB (CPU)RAM、1GHz CPU和 10GB 硬盘空间。这个发行版的好处在于它是一个强大的发行版。它占用的系统资源很少。
Moksha是流行的(Moksha)Enlightenment 17环境的延续,不仅消除了 bug,还引入了新功能,并且通过安装Moksha支持的许多主题,您可以使桌面界面更加出色。
Bodhi Linux是一个开源发行版,最新的Bodhi Linux 5.1有四个不同的版本。标准版支持 32 位系统。硬件(Hardware)启用或HWE版本与(HWE)标准(Standard)版本几乎相似,但具有更现代的 64 位操作系统,支持现代硬件和内核更新。然后有一个Legacy版本,适用于 15 年以上的非常旧的机器,并且支持 32 位架构。第四个版本是最简约的,用户只需安装需要的特定应用程序,无需任何附加功能。
作为开源发行版,开发人员会根据社区反馈和要求不断更新以改进发行版。最好的部分是开发人员有一个论坛,而用户可以就您对操作系统的体验以及任何建议甚至任何技术帮助与他们进行交谈或实时聊天。该发行版还有一个有益的Wiki页面,其中包含许多有关如何开始和充分利用Bodhi Linux发行版的有用信息。
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这个易于安装、轻量级、高度流线型的发行版专为桌面用户设计。基于在轻量级IceWM窗口管理器上运行的(IceWM)Slackware 14.2发行版,它预装了Firefox浏览器和LibreOffice套件,可以快速同化非常旧的硬件。它还托管某些其他应用程序,例如Google Chrome、Google Earth、Kodi、GIMP、Inkscape、Calibre等等
它仅支持 64位(Bit)计算机,最低系统要求(Requirements)为Intel 486 CPU或更高,并且支持 64 MB RAM。它是一个基于文本的安装程序,使其非常易于遵循。然而,最新版本的Absolute Linux占用 2 GB 空间,并且与许多其他发行版一样,它的 live 版本也可以直接从 CD 或闪存驱动器安装。
作为初学者,最好使用基本版本,但高级长期用户可以根据自己的要求修改Absolute Linux 。开发人员为想要创建自定义发行版的用户提供了快速入门指南。它仅涉及在核心文件之上添加软件包或在不需要时将其删除。开发人员还提供了几个指向其网站上相应软件包的链接,供用户创建他们的定制发行版。
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7. 波特斯
Porteus是一个基于Slackware的快速发行版,可用于 32 位和 64 位桌面。由于这个发行版需要 300 MB 的存储空间,它可以直接从系统RAM运行并在 15 秒内启动。从USB记忆棒或 CD 等可移动闪存驱动器运行时,只需大约 25 秒。
桌面界面无法使用此发行版构建自己的自定义ISO。因此,它必须下载ISO映像,为此,发行版使桌面界面有多种软件和驱动程序可供选择,即Openbox、KDE、MATE、Cinnamon、Xfce、LXDE和LXQT。如果您正在为桌面界面寻找替代的安全操作系统,您也可以使用Porteus Kiosk。
使用Porteus Kiosk(除了其网络浏览器),您可以默认锁定和限制对任何内容的访问,以防止用户下载软件或修改任何Porteus设置。
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8. 许本图
顾名思义,Xubuntu 源自Xfce和Ubuntu的混合体。Ubuntu是一个基于Debian的(Debian)Gnome桌面操作系统,主要由免费和开源软件组成,而Xfce是轻量级、易于使用的桌面软件,也可以安装在旧电脑上而不会挂断。
因此,作为Ubuntu(Ubuntu)的一个分支,Xubuntu可以访问所有Canonical档案。这些档案是位于马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)波士顿(Boston)的M/s Canonical USA Inc的专有应用程序,包括Adobe Flash Plugin等软件。
Xubuntu支持 32 位桌面系统,非常适合低端硬件。它适用于能够访问大量附加软件存档的新老Linux用户。(Linux)您可以访问Xubuntu网站,下载所需的ISO映像,然后开始使用这个Linux发行版。ISO映像是ISO 9660格式的CD ROM软件,用于创建安装 CD。
要启用此发行版,您必须确保您的设备具有 512MB RAM和Pentium Pro或AMD Anthlon 中央处理器(AMD Anthlon Central Processing Unit)的设备内存的最低功能要求。但是,对于完整安装,它需要 1GB 的设备内存。总体而言,Xubuntu 可以被认为是一个出色的发行版,它以最少的系统资源提供了出色的功能和应用程序。
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一个易于使用的轻量级桌面Linux发行版,基于Lubuntu,由Ubuntu LTS构建,即长期支持(Term Support)版本。它也被称为轻量级强者,并提供对 32 位计算机设备的支持。
一个好看的发行版,它使用最小的LXDE桌面界面。它提供长期的硬件支持,并且在新旧硬件上都能很好地工作。该发行版拥有数百种壁纸以及Aero Snap和Expose等(Expose)Windows功能的克隆,非常强调视觉美感。
LXLE带有直观的用户界面(User Interface),并具有许多有用的附件,例如基于终端的天气(Weather)应用程序和Penguin Pills,它们是多个病毒扫描程序的先驱应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上安装 Linux Bash Shell(How To Install Linux Bash Shell On Windows 10)
该发行版在任何设备上成功运行的最低(Minimum)硬件要求是系统RAM为 512 MB,磁盘空间为 8GB 和Pentium 3处理器。但是,推荐的规格是1.0 GB的RAM和(RAM)Pentium 4处理器。
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10. Ubuntu 伴侣
这个轻量级的Linux发行版对旧计算机非常有用,但该设备的使用时间不应超过 10 年,Ubuntu Mate才能在其上运行。任何超过 10 年的设备都会出现问题,不建议使用此发行版。
该发行版兼容在Windows和Mac OS上运行,对于任何想要切换的人来说,无论哪种方式,Ubuntu Mate都是推荐的发行版。Ubuntu MATE支持 32 位和 64 位桌面,并支持多种硬件端口,包括Raspberry Pi或Jetson Nano。
Ubuntu Mate桌面框架是Gnome 2的扩展。它具有各种布局和自定义选项,例如Windows用户(Windows)的Redmond、Mac OS用户的(Mac OS)Cupertino ,以及(Cupertino)Mutiny、Pantheon、Netbook、KDE和Cinnamon等许多其他选项,以帮助改善桌面屏幕,使您的 PC 看起来不错并在有限的硬件上运行系统也是。
Ubuntu MATE基础版在其盘片上预装了一组应用程序,例如Firefox、LibreOffice、Redshift、Plank、Network Manager、Blueman、Magnus、Orca Screen Reader。它还托管各种知名工具,如System Monitor、Power Statistics、Disk Usage Analyzer、Dictionary、Pluma、Engrampa以及更多无数其他应用程序,可根据您的特定需求和要求自定义操作系统。
Ubuntu MATE需要至少 8 GB 的可用磁盘空间用于存储、Pentium M 1 GHz CPU、1GB RAM、1024 x 768 显示器和最新的稳定版本Ubuntu 19.04作为在任何设备上运行的最低系统硬件要求。因此,当您购买一台特别考虑Ubuntu Mate的机器时,请确保满足所述规格以在该设备上运行。
最新的Ubuntu Mate 20.04 LTS版本提供了大量新功能,包括一键多色主题变化、实验性ZFS和来自Feral Interactive的(Feral Interactive)GameMode。拥有如此多的工具和功能,这个Linux发行版非常受欢迎。许多笔记本电脑和台式机都预装了Ubuntu Mate ,从而提高了它在新手和高级用户中的受欢迎程度。
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这就是所谓的忠于你的名字。该发行版以 50 MB 文件证明了其轻量级、小得令人难以置信的声誉。它甚至可以在旧的 i486DX Intel CPU或同等设备上运行
只有 16 MB 的RAM大小。它最新的稳定版 4.4.10 也很老了,2008 年发布。但值得注意的是它是一个小型发行版,它可以在您设备的系统内存中运行。
不仅限于此,由于它的大小和从设备内存运行的能力,它具有异常高的功能速度。您必须在硬盘驱动器上使用 Debian 样式安装才能从设备内存运行,或者您也可以根据自己的喜好从 CD 或USB运行它。(USB)有趣的是,该发行版也可以从基于 Windows 的主机操作系统中启动。
除了上面提到的浏览器,您还可以使用名为Ted的文字处理器、名为(Ted)Xpaint、Slypheed的图像编辑器来对您的电子邮件进行排序,您还可以使用超小型 emelFM 文件管理器对数据进行排序。
您还可以使用Windows管理器、文本编辑器,甚至是名为Naim的基于 AOL 的即时消息应用程序。如果您正在寻找更多应用程序,例如游戏、主题等,您可以使用MyDSL 扩展工具(MyDSL Extension Tool)添加额外的应用程序。您可以获得几乎所有基本应用程序,没有任何混乱或混乱,类似于您从其他常规操作系统获得的应用程序。
这个Linux发行版唯一真正的缺点是它适用于旧操作系统,并且自 2008 年以来多年未更新。假设您不介意使用旧操作系统,但享受无数应用程序的绝对灵活性您的不同应用。在这种情况下,建议您务必检查这个Damn Small Linux发行版。
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如果您想使用此发行版,此应用程序在您的设备上运行的主要最低要求是满足其最低精简版或标准版要求。要满足轻量版的需求,您应该拥有 64 MB 的RAM大小、Pentium 166处理器,而对于标准版,则需要拥有 96 MB 的RAM和Pentium 200 CPU。如果您的设备满足这些最低要求中的任何一个,您就可以运行2015 年 7 月正式发布的稳定Vector Linux 7.1版本。(Vector Linux 7.1)
VectorLinux至少需要 1.8 GB 的硬盘空间,与许多其他发行版相比,这绝不是一个小要求。如果您在您的设备上安装此发行版,则安装工具包本身使用标准 CD 上略多于 600 MB 的空间。该发行版由其开发人员创建为多面手,为各种用户提供了一点点一切。
这个基于 Slackware 的发行版倾向于支持GTK+应用程序,例如Pidgin Messenger,但您可以使用TXZ包管理器来获取和安装其他软件。该发行版的模块化特性使其能够根据每个用户的要求以及在旧设备和最新设备上进行定制。所以可以说VectorLinux有两种不同的变体——标准(Standard)和轻量级(Light)。
Vector Linux Light版本,基于JWM和(JWM)Fluxbox窗口(Fluxbox)管理器,使用了超高效的IceWM窗口管理器,并灵巧地为过时的硬件注入了新的活力。这个带有 Web 浏览器、电子邮件、即时消息和其他有用应用程序的精美桌面版本是为临时用户即兴创作的。它包含Opera,它可以充当您的浏览器、电子邮件以及聊天用途。
Vector Linux Standard版本使用更快但也更受资源驱动的桌面版本,称为 Xfce。该版本带有强大的内置工具,可用于编译程序或将系统转换为高级用户可以使用的服务器。使用此标准版本,您可以选择从Open Source Lab(Open Source Lab)缓存中安装更多内容。此版本的设计使其在旧系统上也可以毫无问题地使用。
由于其模块化特性,该发行版以及标准(Standard)版和轻(Light)量版也可用于VectorLinux Live和VectorLinux SOHO(Small Office/Home Office)。尽管它们与较旧的 PC 不兼容并且最适合较新的系统,但它们仍然可以在旧的 Pentium 750 处理器上运行。
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Peppermint 是基于Lubuntu的发行版,是常规桌面和以云为中心的应用程序的双重组合。它还支持 32位(Bit)和 64位(Bit)硬件,不需要任何高端硬件。基于Lubuntu,您还可以获得进入Ubuntu软件缓存(Caches)的优势。
Peppermint 是一个精心设计的操作系统,它具有更多的实用性和实用性,并且是一款中肯的软件,而不是一个华而不实的操作系统。出于这个原因,它是一个轻量级的操作系统,也是最快的Linux发行版之一。由于采用LXDE桌面界面,软件运行流畅,用户体验极佳。
在您的设备上使用此应用程序应满足此发行版的最低硬件要求,包括至少1 GB 的RAM。但是,建议的RAM大小为 2 GB,一个Intel x86 处理器或CPU,至少可用 4GB,但最好是 8GB 可用磁盘空间。
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14. AntiX Linux
这个轻量级发行版基于 Debian Linux,并且在其软件应用程序中不包含系统。系统软件与 Debian 脱钩的主要问题是其任务蠕变和膨胀问题,此外还降低了与UNIX System V和BSD系统等类 Unix 操作系统的兼容性。这种系统脱节是许多Linux(Linux)铁杆粉丝决定继续使用Linux的主要因素。(Linux)
此Linux发行版支持 32 位和 64 位硬件,使此发行版可用于较旧和较新的计算机。它使用icewm Windows manager 使系统能够在低端硬件上运行。由于预装软件不多,ISO文件大小约为。700 MB。如果需要,您可以通过 Internet 下载和安装更多软件。
目前,antiX -19.2 “Hannie Schaft” 有四个版本,分别是Full、Base、Core和Net。您可以使用 antiX - Core或 antiX-net 并在它们的基础上构建来控制您需要安装的内容。在您的设备上安装发行版的最低硬件要求是 256 MB 的RAM和PIII系统CPU或具有 5GB 磁盘空间的Intel AMDx86处理器。(Intel AMDx86)
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15. Sparky Linux
即使在现代计算机上也适用的轻量级发行版,它有两个版本可供使用。基于 Debian 的操作系统都支持这两个版本,但两个版本都使用不同版本的 Debian 操作系统。
一个版本基于Debian稳定版本,而另一个版本的 sparky Linux使用Debian的测试分支。根据您的需要和要求,您可以选择两个版本中的任何一个。
您还可以下载不同的ISO版本,尤其是与CD-ROM 介质一起使用的ISO 9660文件系统相关的。(ISO 9660)您可以通过单击“稳定”或“滚动”版本来获取详细信息,以获取列出的版本的详细信息并下载所需的版本,如LXQT桌面版或GameOver版等。
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要在您的设备上安装Sparky Linux,以下最低硬件是大小为 512 MB的RAM 、 AMD Athlon或 Pentium 4,以及CLI 版的 2 GB(CLI Edition)磁盘(Disk)空间、家庭版(Home Edition)10 GB或 20 GB 用于GameOver 版(GameOver Edition)。
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16. Zorin OS Lite
它是一个支持 Ubuntu 的Linux发行版,如果在旧计算机上使用,它会提供带有Xfce桌面界面的精简版。常规的Zorin操作系统支持不太旧和最近的系统。
要运行Zorin OS Lite,系统至少需要 512 MB 的RAM 、700 (RAM)MHz的单核处理器、8GB 可用磁盘存储空间和 640 x 480 像素的显示分辨率。此Linux发行版支持 32 位和 64 位硬件。
Zorin Lite操作系统是一个理想的系统,它提供了良好的性能,并为您的旧 PC 提供了 Windows 类型的感觉。此外,它增强了安全性,同时提高了系统的速度,使 PC 功能更快。
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17. Arch Linux
我不确定你是否知道KISS咒语。你会感到惊讶;Arch Linux发行版的KISS口头禅有什么意义。不要过于活跃,因为这个发行版运行背后的理念是保持简单愚蠢(Stupid)。我希望你所有高飞的想象力都坠毁了,如果是这样,让我们来看看这个Linux的一些更严重的方面。
Arch Linux强烈坚持KISS口头禅,这种轻量级且易于使用的系统功能与 i686 和 x86-64 窗口管理器一起使用。但是,建议将其与轻量级 i3 窗口管理器一起使用。你也可以试试Openbox窗口管理器,因为它也支持这个准系统操作系统。为了提高运行速度,您可以使用LXQT和Xfce桌面界面来增强其工作能力,使其运行速度更快。
使用此发行版的最低硬件要求是 530MB RAM、64 位用户界面硬件和 800MB 磁盘空间,建议使用 Pentium 4 或任何更高版本的处理器。但是,一些较旧的CPU(CPUs)也可以运行Arch Linux发行版。还有一些Arch Linux发行版的衍生产品,例如BBQLinux和Arch Linux ARM,它们可以安装在Raspberry Pi上。
Arch Linux发行版的独特(USP)之处在于它在滚动发布系统上运行,即使您的 PC 硬件可能很旧,也可以进行当前的持续更新。如果您要使用Arch Linux(Arch Linux)发行版,唯一要记住的条件是您的设备没有使用 32 位硬件,因为它的流行度正在风向标。但是,在这里,它仍然可以帮助您获得分叉的 archlinux32 选项。用户是其优先事项,并试图满足其用户的大多数要求。
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18. Manjaro Linux
Manjaro是一个免费使用的开源Linux发行版,基于Arch Linux操作系统,是拥有众多用户的最快发行版之一。它由Manaru GMBH & Co. KG开发,并于 2009 年首次发布,使用带有单片内核基础的(Kernal)X86硬件接口。
它通过命令行(终端)使用Pacman包管理器,并使用(Pacman)Libalpm作为后端包管理器。它使用预装的Pamac工具作为图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)包管理器工具。使用Manjaru Xfce Linux(Manjaru Xfce Linux)版本的设备的最低硬件要求是 1GB RAM和 1GHz中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)。
许多想要在旧的 32 位系统上运行的人会大失所望,因为它不再支持 32 位硬件。但是,如果您想继续使用 32 位硬件,可以尝试新的交易破坏者Manjaru32 Linux 。
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19. Linux Mint Xfce
Linux Mint Xfce于2009年首次推出。该发行版基于Ubuntu发行版,支持 32 位硬件架构。该发行版具有Xfce桌面界面版本,使其适用于一些旧 PC。
带有肉桂 3.0 界面的Linux Mint 18 Sarah也可用。它可以使用,但最新版本的Linux Mint 19.1 Xfce桌面界面 4.12 以及更新的软件带有许多新功能,这些新功能将使使用该发行版的体验非常舒适且值得记住。
充分利用此发行版的设备的最低系统要求是 1 GB 的RAM大小和 15 GB 的磁盘空间,但为了更好,建议您使用2 GB 的 RAM(GB RAM)和 20 GB 的磁盘空间并设计最小1024×768像素的分辨率。
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20. 松弛
这是另一个轻量级、可移植的Linux发行版,它支持 32 位系统并使用基于 Debian 的操作系统。它不一定需要安装在设备上,无需安装在USB驱动器上即可使用。如果要在旧 PC 上使用此发行版,您可以通过 300 MB ISO文件使用它。
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要让Slax在离线模式下在您的设备上运行,您需要 128 MB 的RAM,而如果您需要在在线模式下使用它,则需要 512 MB RAM才能通过网络浏览器使用。设备上此发行版操作的中央处理器要求是 i686 或更新版本的处理器。
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20 Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022
We are checking out for the Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022. Do we understand what Distros is? Before we delve further into the topic, let uѕ understand the meaning of Distros or a distro. In short, i+t stands for distribution, and in IT terminology in informal parlance іs for a Linux operating system (OS) аnd is a term used to describe a specific distribution/distributions of Linux built frоm the standard Linux operating systems.
There are many Linux distributions for different purposes, and no one particular distribution can be universally applied. It is for this reason, there can be many Linux distributions, but the best lightweight Linux Distros of 2022 are detailed below:
20 Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022
1. Lubuntu
As signified with the first letter ‘L’ in its nomenclature, it is a lightweight Linux distribution OS. It belongs to the family of Ubuntu users though it was designed for older devices & was not as resourceful but has kept on upgrading itself in time. It, in no way, has compromised on its favorite apps.
Being lightweight, the main thrust of this distros is on speed and energy efficiency. Lubuntu makes use of the LXQT/LXDE desktop interface. It used to run on an LXDE desktop interface until late 2018, but in its release from Lubuntu 18.10 version and above, it uses LXQT as the default desktop interface.
In the recent release of Lubuntu 19.04 – Disco Dingo, to run the operating system to 500MB, it has now lowered the minimum required RAM. However, to ensure that the system running is smooth and hassle-free, it has a minimum hardware requirement of at least 1GB of RAM and a Pentium 4 or Pentium M or AMD K8 CPU for web services like YouTube and Facebook that also matches its latest Lubuntu 20.04 LTS version. Having said all this, it has nevertheless continued support for its earlier 32 and 64-bit version old hardware too.
Lubuntu comes with a deluge of applications like PDF reader, multimedia players, office applications, a built-in software center that allows downloading of additional applications free of charge, an image editor, graphic apps, and the internet besides a whole lot of assortment of useful tools and utilities and much more. The USP of Lubuntu is its maintaining compatibility with Ubuntu caches enabling users’ ingress to thousands of more packages that can be easily installed using the Lubuntu Software Center.
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2. Linux Lite
It is designed keeping in mind the Linux distro beginners and those who are running Windows XP on their old devices or other Windows OS like Windows 7 or Windows 10 to lure them to the Linux world. It is a beginner-friendly, Ubuntu-based Linux OS that’s based on Long Term Support Version 18.04 Ubuntu LTS releases.
Contrary to its name of being a lightweight Linux distro, it requires around 8 GB of storage space, which can be quite taxing for some devices. The minimum system hardware requirement to run this distro is a PC with 1GHz CPU, 768MB of RAM, and 8GB of storage, but for improved system performance, it requires a PC with higher specs of 1.5GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM, and 20GB of storage space.
Given the above system specs, it can be termed as the least demanding distro but comes loaded with a host of popular features and useful applications. Tools like Mozilla Firefox with inbuilt support for Netflix and the VLC media player for running music and videos offline can be easily accessed using this distro. You can also install Chrome as an alternative to Firefox if you are not happy with it.
Linux lite also supports Thunderbird for email issues if any, Dropbox for Cloud storage, VLC Media Player for Music, LibreOffice suite for office, Gimp for image editing, tweaks to tweak your desktop, a password manager, and a host of other tools like Skype, Kodi, Spotify, TeamViewer and many more. It also enables access to Steam, which supports video games galore. It can also boot using a USB stick or CD or install on to your hard drive.
With the zRAM memory compression tool which the Linux Lite OS includes makes it run faster on older machines. It continues to provide support for the earlier 32-and 64 bit version old hardware of Linux Distros too. This operating system with the latest Linux Lite 5.0 along with default UEFI boot mode support has without a speck of doubt grown at a rapid pace in the recent past and has become a tool to reckon with.
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3. TinyCore Linux
This TinyCore distro developed by Robert Shingledecker comes in three variants, each with its features and system requirements. Standing true to its name, the lightest of the distros has a file size of 11.0 MB and embodies only the kernel and the root file system, the fundamental core of an OS.
This lightweight barebone distro needed more apps; therefore the TinyCore version 9.0, with slightly more features than the basic desktop operating system, came up with a 16 MB sized OS offering a choice of FLTK or FLWM graphical desktop interface.
The third variant, known as the CorePlus version, assimilating a heavier file size of 106 MB incorporated relatively more choices of useful tools like the various network window connection managers giving ingress to a central file storage location promoting plenty of useful apps you can install manually.
The CorePlus version also gave access to many other tools like Terminal, remastering tool, a text editor, wireless Wi-Fi support, and the non-US keyboard support, and much more. This lightweight Linux distros with its three choices can be a useful tool both for beginners and professionals who use both desktop and laptop computers.
Any individual who does not need proper hardware support but only a simple system to boot up along with a wired Internet connection can get working on it whereas on the other hand, if you are a professional who knows how to compile necessary tools to have a satisfying desktop experience, can also go for it & give it a try. In a nutshell, it is a Flexi-tool for one and all into internet computing.
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4. Puppy Linux
Developed by Barry Kauler, the Puppy Linux distro is one of the oldest veterans of the Linux distros. This Linux isn’t based on another distribution and is developed entirely on its own. It can be built from packages of distros like Ubuntu, Arch Linux, and Slackware and is not like some other distros.
Being lightweight, the easy to use the software is also called “Grandpa Friendly Certified”. It comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions and can be installed on UEFI and BIOS enabled PCs. One of the great advantages of Puppy Linux is its tiny size and so can be booted on any CD/DVD or USB stick.
Using universal installers JWM and Openbox window managers, which are by default available on the desktop, you can install this distribution fairly easy on to your hard drive or any other media you wish to install it on. It requires very little storage space, so it does not eat into your system resources too.
It doesn’t come with any popular preinstalled applications. Installing application packages is easy and using the built-in Quickpup, Puppy Package Manager Format, or the QuickPet utility, you can install popular packages very quickly.
Being highly customizable, so you can have a variety of different applications or “puplets” offering special features or support like non-English puppets and special-purpose puplets that will meet your needs and fulfill your requirements.
The Bionic Pup edition of Puppy Linux is coherent with Ubuntu’s Caches and Puppy Linux 8.0. Bionic Pup edition is based on the Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04, which gives the users ingress to the parent distro’s vast software collection.
A handful of developers have made good use of this feature and created their specialized versions to meet different needs. The sheer variety of applications is admirable; for example, the Home bank app helps manage your finances, the Gwhere app manages to catalog of disks, and there are also graphical apps that help manage Samba shares and set up a firewall.
All said Puppy Linux is very popular and a choice of many users over other distros because it works, runs fast, and has great graphics despite being a lightweight distro enabling you to get more work done quickly. The minimum basic hardware requirements for Puppy Linux are a RAM of 256 MB and a CPU with a 600 Hz Processor.
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5. Bodhi Linux
Bodhi Linux is one such lightweight Linux distro that can run on older PCs & Laptops that are even more than 15 years old. Labeled as the Enlightened Linux Distro, Bodhi Linux is an Ubuntu LTS-based distribution. In a lighter vein, it provides Moksha to the old PCs and laptops by using its Moksha OS making old computers feel young and new again.
The Moksha OS with a file size of less than 1GB provides a good user experience though it does not come with too many preinstalled apps. The minimum hardware requirement for installing this Linux distro is a RAM size of 256 MB and a 500MHz CPU with a hard disk space of 5 GB, but the recommended hardware for improved performance is 512MB RAM, 1GHz CPU, and 10GB of hard drive space. The good part about this distro is despite being a powerful distribution; it uses up very few system resources.
Moksha, a continuation of the popular Enlightenment 17 environment, not only removes bugs but introduces new functionality, and by installing many themes supported by Moksha, you can make the desktop interface even better.
Bodhi Linux an open-source distro, and the latest Bodhi Linux 5.1 is available in four different versions. The standard version supports the 32 bit systems. The Hardware enablement or the HWE version almost similar to the Standard version but has a 64-bit operating system that is a bit more modern, supporting the modern hardware and kernel updates. Then there is a Legacy version for very old machines that are more than 15 years old and support 32-bit architecture. The fourth version is the most minimalistic, enabling users only to install the need specific apps without any additional features.
Being an open-source distribution, the developers continuously update for the betterment of the distro based on community feedback and requirements. The best part is that the developers have a forum, whereas a user can talk or have live chats with them on your experience with the OS and any suggestion or even any technical assistance. The distro also has a beneficial Wiki page that contains a lot of useful information on how to get started and make the best of the Bodhi Linux distro.
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6. Absolute Linux
This easy to install, featherweight, the highly streamlined distro is designed for desktop users. Based on the Slackware 14.2 distro that runs on the lightweight IceWM window manager, it preinstalled with the Firefox browser and LibreOffice suite and can quickly assimilate very old hardware. It also hosts certain other apps like Google Chrome, Google Earth, Kodi, GIMP, Inkscape, Calibre, and many more
It supports only 64 Bit computers with minimum System Requirements of Intel 486 CPU or better and a 64 MB RAM supported. It being a text-based installer makes it very simple to follow. However, the latest version of Absolute Linux occupies 2 GB of space, and like many other distros, its live version can also be installed directly from a CD or flash drive.
It has a very dedicated development team that usually launches a new version every year, keeping the software updated. So there is never any apprehension of any outdated software. This is also the prime feature of this distro.
As a beginner, best use the base version, but advanced longtime users can modify Absolute Linux based on their requirements. The developers provide a quick start guide for users who want to create their customized distros. It involves merely adding software packages on top of the core files or removing them if not needed. Several links to the appropriate packages on their website are also provided by the developers for users to create their customized distros.
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7. Porteus
Porteus is a fast Slackware based distro available for both 32-bit and 64-bit desktops. Since this distro requires 300 MB of storage space, it can run directly from the system RAM and boot up in just 15 seconds. When running from a removable flash drive such as a USB stick or CD, it takes around 25 seconds only.
Unlike the traditional Linux distributions, this distro needs no package manager to download apps. Being modular, it comes with pre-compiled modules that can be downloaded and stored on the device and freely activated or deactivated by a simple double click on them. This attribute of the distribution not only saves time but also enhances the system speed of the devices.
The desktop interface cannot, using this distro, builds its own customized ISO. So it has to download the ISO images and to do this, the distro enables the desktop interface a wide selection of software and drivers to choose from, namely Openbox, KDE, MATE, Cinnamon, Xfce, LXDE, and LXQT. In case you are looking for an alternative secure OS for the desktop interface, you can also use Porteus Kiosk.
Using Porteus Kiosk, except its web browser, you can lock down and restrict access to anything and everything by default, to prevent users from downloading software or modifying any Porteus settings.
The kiosk also offers the advantage of not saving any password or browsing history, making it an excellent choice of various devices for setting up web terminals.
Finally, Porteus is modular and portable amongst various types of devices. It can be used on a diverse range of computer brands.
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8. Xubuntu
Xubuntu, as the name also reflects, is derived from a blend of Xfce and Ubuntu. Ubuntu being a Gnome desktop operating system based on Debian mostly composed of free and open-source software and Xfce is lightweight, easy to use desktop software, which can also be installed on old computers with no hang-ups.
As a branch of Ubuntu, Xubuntu, therefore, has access to the entire range of the Canonical archives. These archives are proprietary applications of M/s Canonical USA Inc situated in Boston, Massachusetts, and include software like Adobe Flash Plugin.
Xubuntu supports 32-bit desktop systems and is well suited for low-end hardware. It is intended for both new and experienced Linux users with access to a vast archive of additional software. You can go to the Xubuntu website, download the ISO images you need, and begin using this Linux distro. An ISO image is CD ROM software in ISO 9660 format, used to create installation CDs.
To enable this distro to function, you must ensure that your device has minimum functional requirements of a device memory of 512MB RAM and a Pentium Pro or an AMD Anthlon Central Processing Unit. For a full install, however, it requires 1GB of device memory. Overall, Xubuntu can be considered as a fantastic distro with minimum system resources offering great features and applications.
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An easy to use lightweight desktop Linux distro based on Lubuntu and built from Ubuntu LTS, i.e. Long Term Support editions. It is also known as the lightweight powerhouse and offers support for 32-bit computer devices.
A good looking distribution, it uses a minimal LXDE desktop interface. It provides long-term hardware support and works well on both old and new hardware. With hundreds of wallpapers along with clones of Windows functions like Aero Snap and Expose, this distro lays great emphasis on visual aesthetics.
This distro lays prime emphasis on stability and dedicatedly aims to revive the older machines to serve as ready to use desktops. It has an impressive range of fully-featured default apps like LibreOffice, GIMP, Audacity, etc. for various applications like the internet, sound, and video games, graphics, office, etc. for fulfilling your daily needs.
LXLE comes with an intuitive User Interface and features many useful accessories like the Terminal-based Weather app and Penguin Pills, which act as the forerunner apps for several virus scanners.
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Minimum hardware requirements for the distro to run successfully on any device is a system RAM of 512 MB with a disk space of 8GB and a Pentium 3 processor. However, the recommended specs are a RAM of 1.0 GB and a Pentium 4 processor.
The developers of this LXLE app have spent a considerable amount of time to ensure it does not pose any challenges to a beginner and is popular with both the professional and amateur fraternity.
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10. Ubuntu Mate
This lightweight Linux distro is very useful for old computers, but the device should not be more than a decade old for the Ubuntu Mate to run on it. Any device more than 10 years old will have problems and is not recommended to use this distribution.
This distro is compatible to run on both Windows and Mac OS, and for anybody wanting to switch, either way, Ubuntu Mate is the recommended distribution. Ubuntu MATE supports both 32-bit and 64-bit desktops and supports a wide range of hardware ports, including Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano.
The Ubuntu Mate desktop framework is an extension of Gnome 2. It has various layouts and customized options like Redmond for Windows users, Cupertino for Mac OS users, and many others like Mutiny, Pantheon, Netbook, KDE, and Cinnamon to help improve the desktop screen and make your PC look good and run on limited hardware systems too.
Ubuntu MATE base version has on its platter a set of pre-installed applications like Firefox, LibreOffice, Redshift, Plank, Network Manager, Blueman, Magnus, Orca Screen Reader. It also hosts a wide range of well-known tools like System Monitor, Power Statistics, Disk Usage Analyzer, Dictionary, Pluma, Engrampa, and many more countless other applications to customize the OS as per your specific needs and requirements.
Ubuntu MATE requires at least 8 GB of free disk space for storage, a Pentium M 1 GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 1024 x 768 display, and the latest stable release Ubuntu 19.04 as minimum system hardware requirements to run on any device. Therefore when you buy a machine with specifically Ubuntu Mate in mind, ensure the stated specs are catered to enable running on that device.
The latest Ubuntu Mate 20.04 LTS version offers tons of new features, including one-click multiple color theme variations, experimental ZFS, and GameMode from Feral Interactive. With so many tools and features, this Linux distro is very popular. Numerous laptops and desktops come pre-loaded with Ubuntu Mate enhancing its popularity amongst novices and advanced users alike.
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11. Damn Small Linux
This is what is called standing true to your name. This distro certifies its reputation of being lightweight, incredibly small, with 50 MB files. It can run even on an old i486DX Intel CPU or equivalent
with just 16 MB of RAM size. The latest stable 4.4.10 version it has is also very old, which was released in 2008. But what is noteworthy is being a small distro, it can run in your device’s system memory.
Just not limited to this, due to its size and ability to run from the device memory, it has exceptionally high functional speed. You will have to use a Debian style install on to your hard drive to run from your device memory, or else you can run it from a CD or USB also, as per your preference. Interestingly, the distro can be booted from within a Windows-based host operating system too.
With a minimalistic user interface, surprisingly, it has a vast number of tools pre-installed in it. You have the flexibility to surf the net with any of the three browsers, namely Dillo, Firefox, or the text-based Netrik, all depending on which one you are more comfortable in using.
In addition to the browser mentioned above, you could also use a word processor named Ted, an image editor called Xpaint, Slypheed, for sorting your email, and you could sort through your data using the ultra-tiny emelFM file manager.
You can also use Windows managers, text editors, and even an AOL-based instant messaging app known as Naim. If you are on the lookout for more applications like games, themes, and many more, you can use the MyDSL Extension Tool to add extra applications. You get pretty much all the basic apps, without any clutter or jumble up, similar to what you would get from other regular operating systems.
The only real drawback of this Linux distro is it works with an old operating system and hasn’t been updated in many years, since 2008. Suppose you don’t mind working with an old operating system but enjoy the sheer flexibility of innumerable apps for your different applications. In that case, it is recommended to check on this Damn Small Linux distro without fail.
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12. Vector Linux
In case you want to use this distribution, the prime minimum requirement for this application to run on your device is to fulfill its minimum light edition or the standard edition requirements. To meet the light edition needs, you should possess a 64 MB of RAM size, Pentium 166 processor, and for the standard edition, it is required to have 96 MB of RAM and a Pentium 200 CPU. If your device fulfills either of these minimum requirements, you can run the stable Vector Linux 7.1 edition officially released in July 2015.
VectorLinux requires at least 1.8 GB of hard drive space, which is not by any means a small requirement as compared to many other distros. If you install this distro on your device, the installation kit itself uses a little over 600 MB of space on a standard CD. This distro created as a jack of all trades by its developers offers a little bit of everything to its variety of users.
This Slackware-based distro is inclined in favor of the GTK+ apps such as Pidgin Messenger, but you can use the TXZ package manager to get and install additional software. This distro’s modular nature enables it to be customized as per every user’s requirements and on both old and latest devices. So it can be said that VectorLinux is available in two different variants – Standard and Light.
The Vector Linux Light version, based on the JWM and Fluxbox window managers, uses the ultra-efficient IceWM window manager and is deft in breathing new life into outdated hardware. This slick desktop discreet version with web browsers, email, instant messaging, and other useful applications is improvised for the casual user. It incorporates Opera, which can act as your browser, email as well as for chatting purposes too.
The Vector Linux Standard version uses a faster but also more resource-driven desktop version known as Xfce. This version comes with powerful in-built tools that can be used to compile programs or transform the system into a server that advanced users can use. Using this standard version, you get the option for installing even more from the Open Source Lab caches. This version is so designed that it can be used without any issues on older systems too.
Due to its modular nature, this distro and Standard and Light versions are also available in the VectorLinux Live and VectorLinux SOHO (Small Office/Home Office). Although they are not compatible with the older PCs and are best suited for newer systems, they can still run on the old Pentium 750 processors.
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13. Peppermint Linux
Peppermint, a Lubuntu-based distro, is a dual combination of a regular desktop and a cloud-focused application. It also supports both 32 Bit and 64 Bit hardware and does not need any high-end hardware. Based on Lubuntu, you get the advantage of being able to have ingress to Ubuntu software Caches also.
Peppermint is a discreetly designed OS with more practicality and usefulness and to the point software rather than a showy and flashy one. For this reason, it is a lightweight operating system and one of the fastest Linux distros. Since it uses the LXDE desktop interface, the software runs smoothly and gives an excellent user experience.
The web-centric approach of netbooks and hybrid cloud infrastructure includes the ICE application for many tasks and assimilating any website or web app as a standalone desktop app. In this way, Instead of running local applications, it can work in a site-specific browser.
Using this application on your device should fulfill the minimum hardware requirements of this distro, including a minimum RAM of 1 GB. However, the recommended RAM size is 2 GB, an Intel x86 processor or CPU, and at the least, available 4GB, but better would be an 8GB free disk space.
In case you have any kind of issue in the use of this distro, you can always fall back on a backup service team of this Linux distro to help you out of your predicament or use its self-help document to enable instant troubleshooting in case the service team is not contactable.
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14. AntiX Linux
This lightweight distro is based on Debian Linux and does not include a system in its software application. The major issues for which system software was delinked from Debian were its mission creep and bloat issues besides reducing compatibility with Unix-like OS such as UNIX System V and BSD systems. This system delinking was a major factor in deciding to continue using Linux for many die-hard Linux fans.
This Linux distro supports both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware, enabling this distro to be used for both older and newer computers. It uses icewm Windows manager to enable the system to run on low-end hardware. With not much pre-installed software, the ISO file size is approx. 700 MB. You can download and install more software through the internet if needed.
Currently, antiX -19.2 “Hannie Schaft” is available in four versions, namely Full, Base, Core, and Net. You can use antiX-Core or antiX-net and build upon them to control what you need to be installed. The minimum hardware requirement to install the distro on your device is a RAM of 256 MB and PIII systems CPU or Intel AMDx86 processor with a 5GB disc space.
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15. Sparky Linux
A lightweight distro applicable for use even on modern computers, it has two versions for use. Both versions are supported by Debian-based operating system, but both versions use different versions of the Debian OS.
One version is based on the Debian stable release, whereas the other version of sparky Linux uses Debian’s testing branch. Depending upon your needs and requirements, you can opt for either of the two versions.
You can get different ISO editions also downloaded, especially related to the ISO 9660 file system used with the CD-ROM media. You could get details by clicking on “Stable” or “Rolling” releases to get the details of the listed editions and download the desired edition like the LXQT desktop-based edition or a GameOver edition etc. etc.
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You can head down to the download page of an LXQT desktop-based edition or the pre-installed GameOver edition and so on, and click on “Stable” or “Semi-Rolling” releases to find all the editions listed.
To install the Sparky Linux on your device, the following minimum hardware is a RAM of size 512 MB, an AMD Athlon or a Pentium 4, and a Disk space of 2 GB for the CLI Edition, 10 GB for the Home Edition, or 20 GB for the GameOver Edition.
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16. Zorin OS Lite
It is an Ubuntu-supported Linux distro, and if used on an old computer, it offers the lite edition with the Xfce desktop interface. The regular Zorin operating system supports the not too old and recent systems.
To run the Zorin OS Lite, the system should have a minimum requirement of a RAM of 512 MB, a single-core processor of 700 MHz, 8GB free disk storage space, and a display resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. This Linux distro supports both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware.
The Zorin Lite operating system is an ideal system that gives a good performance and gives your old PC a Windows-type feel. Also, it enhances security while improving the speed of the system to make the PC function faster.
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17. Arch Linux
I am not sure if you know the KISS mantra. You will be surprised; what is the significance of the KISS mantra with Arch Linux distro. Don’t get too hyperactive as the philosophy behind this distro’s running is to Keep It Simple Stupid. I hope all your imaginations flying high have crash-landed and if so, let’s get down to some more severe aspects of this Linux.
Arch Linux strongly adheres to the KISS mantra, and this lightweight and an easy to use system functions with the i686 and x86-64 windows managers. It is, however, recommended to use this with the lightweight i3 windows manager. You can also try the Openbox window manager as it supports this barebone OS also. To improve the operating speed, you can use the LXQT and Xfce desktop interface to enhance its working and make it operate faster.
The minimum hardware requirement to use this distro is 530MB RAM, 64-bit user interface hardware with 800MB of disk space, and a Pentium 4 or any later processor is recommended. However, some older CPUs can also run the Arch Linux distribution. There are also some derivatives of the Arch Linux distro like the BBQLinux and Arch Linux ARM, which can be installed on the Raspberry Pi.
The USP of the Arch Linux distro is it operates on a rolling-release system for current, continuous updates even if your PC hardware may be old. The only condition to be kept in mind if you are going in for the Arch Linux distro is that your device is not using the 32-bit hardware as its popularity is on the vane. However, here also it still comes to your help with an option to get the forked archlinux32 option. The user is its priority and tries to meet most requirements of its users.
An experienced hand at using Linux distros will note that this is a no-nonsense distribution and does not support pre-installed packages but, on the contrary, encourages the user to customize the system and make it as personal he can depending on his need and requirements and the output he is looking from it.
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18. Manjaro Linux
Manjaro is a free-to-use, open-source Linux distro based on the Arch Linux operating system and is one of the fastest distros with many users. It has been developed by Manaru GMBH & Co. KG and was first released in the year 2009 using the X86 hardware interface with a monolithic Kernal base.
This distro uses the Xfce edition, giving the user a leading Xfce experience of being a fast OS. Well, if you talk of it being a lightweight application, it is not one, but it surely uses well-integrated and polished leading-edge software.
It uses the Pacman package manager via the command line (terminal) and uses Libalpm as a back-end package manager. It uses the pre-installed Pamac tool as a Graphical User Interface package manager tool. The minimum hardware requirement for a device to use the Manjaru Xfce Linux edition is 1GB RAM and a 1GHz Central Processing Unit.
Many of those who want to run on the old 32-bit system will be a big disappointment as it no longer supports the 32-bit hardware. But you can try out the new deal-breaker Manjaru32 Linux if you want to continue with the 32-bit hardware.
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19. Linux Mint Xfce
The Linux Mint Xfce was first launched in the year 2009. This distro is based on the Ubuntu distribution and supports the 32-bit hardware architecture. This distro features the Xfce desktop interface version, making it suitable for a few old PCs.
The Linux Mint 18 Sarah with the cinnamon 3.0 interface is also available. It can be used, but the latest release of Linux Mint 19.1 Xfce desktop interface 4.12 with the updated software comes with many new features that will make use of this distro an experience very comfortable and worth remembering.
The minimum system requirements for a device to make the best use of this distro is a RAM size of 1 GB and a disk space of 15 GB though, for betterment, you are recommended to go in for a2 GB RAM and disk space of 20 GB and devise resolution of minimum 1024×768 pixels.
From the above, we have seen no one particular tailor-made choice of a specific distribution for all applications. However, there is no denying the fact that everyone has his favorite. I would instead emphasize choosing depending on your personal preference for ease of usage and what you want to derive from it.
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20. Slax
This is another lightweight, portable Linux distro which supports the 32- bit system and uses the Debian-based operating system. It does not necessarily need to be installed on the device and can be used without installing it on a USB drive. If this distro is to be used on older PCs, you can use it via a 300 MB ISO file.
It has a simple and easy-to-use User interface and comes with the essential pre-built packages for a typical average user. Still, you can also customize the operating system, which is compatible with your needs and requirements, and make the required necessary changes, which can be made permanent even on the fly, i.e. without interrupting an already running computer program.
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For Slax to operate on your device in offline mode, you require a RAM size of 128 MB, whereas if you need to use it in the online mode, it requires 512 MB RAM for use through a web browser. The central processing unit requirement for this distro operation on the device is an i686 or a newer version processor.
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As a concluding remark, options can be unlimited. A person can make a distribution by assembling it from the source code entirely on his own, thereby generating a new distribution or modifying an existing distribution and coming up with an entirely new distro to cover his specific wants.