谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)是使用最广泛和首选的浏览器之一,因为它提供了出色的浏览体验,而且毕竟是谷歌的产品。(Google)但是权力越大,责任越大,当一件事情背负着巨大的责任时,出错和失误的机会就会增加。
Chrome用户不得不时不时地面对一些错误。但这没什么好担心的,这样的错误很容易解决。在本文中,我们将修复 Google Chrome 中的 ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误。(fix the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error in Google Chrome.)

方法 1 – 禁用代理设置(Method 1 – Disable the Proxy Settings)
使用(Use)代理服务器是ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误(ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error)的最常见原因。如果您使用的是代理服务器,那么这种方法肯定会对您有所帮助。您需要做的就是禁用代理设置。您可以通过取消选中计算机Internet属性(Properties)部分下LAN设置中的几个框来轻松完成此操作。如果您不知道如何操作,请按照给定的步骤操作:
1.首先,同时按Windows Key + R运行(RUN) 对话框 。
2. 在输入区输入inetcpl.cpl并点击(inetcpl.cpl)OK。

3. 您的屏幕现在将显示Internet 属性( Internet Properties )窗口。切换到Connections选项卡并单击LAN settings。

4.将弹出一个新的LAN设置窗口。(LAN)在这里,如果您取消选中为 LAN 使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server for your LAN)选项会很有帮助。

5.另外,请确保选中自动检测设置(Automatically detect settings)。完成后,单击“确定”按钮(OK button)。
重新启动计算机以应用更改。启动 Chrome 并检查 ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误是否消失。(Launch Chrome and check if the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error is gone.)我们非常确定这种方法会奏效,但如果没有奏效,请继续尝试我们在下面提到的下一种方法。
方法 2 – 重置网络设置(Method 2 – Reset the Network Settings)
通过重置网络设置,我们的意思是刷新DNS并重置您计算机的TCP/IP。您的ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误(ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error)问题很有可能会通过使用此方法得到解决。按照给定的步骤执行更改:
1. 在开始菜单中搜索命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator )选项。

2. 命令提示符打开后,运行以下命令:
Ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat -r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset

方法 3 (Method 3 )– 更改 DNS 地址(Change the DNS Address)
这里的重点是,您需要将DNS设置为自动检测 IP 地址或设置您的(DNS)ISP提供的自定义地址。ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED错误在没有设置任何设置时出现。(ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED)在这种方法中,您需要将您计算机的DNS地址设置为Google DNS服务器。请按照给定的步骤执行此操作:
1. 右键单击任务栏面板右侧的网络图标。(Network icon)现在单击打开(Open) 网络和共享中心(Network & Sharing Center) 选项。

2. 当网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center )窗口打开时,在此处单击当前连接的网络。( click on the currently connected network here.)

3. 点击已连接网络(connected network),会弹出WiFi状态窗口。(WiFi)单击(Click)属性(Properties )按钮。

4. 弹出属性窗口时, 在 Networking 部分搜索Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)双击它。

5. 现在新窗口将显示您的DNS设置为自动输入还是手动输入。在这里,您必须单击使用以下 DNS 服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)选项。并在输入部分填写给定的DNS地址:

6. 选中退出时验证设置(Validate settings upon exit) 框,然后单击确定。
现在关闭所有窗口并启动Chrome以检查您是否能够修复 Google Chrome 中的 ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误。( fix ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error in Google Chrome.)
方法 4 – 清除浏览数据(Method 4 – Clear Browsing Data)
如果以上方法都不起作用,那么我们建议您尝试使用其他浏览器来查看ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误(ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error)是否仅适用于Chrome。如果是,那么您应该尝试清除Chrome浏览器中所有已保存的浏览数据。现在按照给定的步骤清除您的浏览数据:
1. 首先,点击浏览器窗口右上角的三个点,然后(three dots)选择设置( select Settings)。您还可以在 URL 栏中键入chrome://settings 。

2. 当设置(Settings)选项卡打开时,滚动到底部并展开高级设置( Advanced Settings)部分。
3. 在高级(Advanced)部分下,找到隐私(Privacy)和安全部分下的清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)选项。

4. 点击清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)选项并在时间(Time)范围下拉菜单中选择“所有时间”。(All time)选中所有框,然后单击清除数据(Clear Data) 按钮。

方法 5 – 重置 Chrome 浏览器的设置(Method 5 – Reset Settings of your Chrome browser)
由于问题出在Chrome浏览器上,因此重置Chrome设置肯定有助于解决问题。以下是重置Chrome浏览器设置的步骤 -
1.首先(First),点击浏览器窗口右上角的三个点,选择设置(Settings)。在设置选项卡中,滚动到底部并单击高级设置(Advanced settings)。
2. 在高级部分,请导航到重置和清理(Reset and Clean up) 部分,然后单击 将设置恢复为原始默认值。(Restore settings to their original defaults.)

3. 在重置(Reset)设置窗口中,单击重置设置(Reset Settings )按钮。重置完成后,重新启动浏览器并检查此方法是否有效。

方法 6 – 更新 Chrome 浏览器(Method 6 – Update Chrome browser)
使用旧版本的Chrome也可能导致ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误( ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error)。如果您尝试检查更新版本并更新浏览器,那将是最好的。更新您的浏览器并检查错误是否已经消失。以下是更新Chrome的方法:
1.首先(First),点击浏览器窗口右上角的三个点,进入帮助部分(Help section)。在此部分下,选择About Google Chrome。

2.关于 Chrome(About Chrome)窗口将打开,它会自动开始寻找可用的更新。如果有任何新版本可用,它将为您提供更新选项。

3.更新浏览器(Update the browser)并重新启动以查看这是否适合您。
在本文中,我们提到了一些修复ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误(ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error)的最佳方法。其中一些方法专门针对Chrome,而另一些则与TCP/IP和DNS设置有关。您可以自由尝试任何或所有方法来解决ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED 错误(ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error)。如果您在上述任何方法中遇到任何问题,请在下方评论,我们会尽快回复您。
Google Сhrome is one of the most widely used and preferred browsers as it gives a great browѕing experienсe and is a Goоgle prоduсt, after all. But with great powers comes great respоnѕibility and when sоmething is burdеned with great responsibilities, the сhаnces of errors and mistakes slacking off increase.
Chrome users have to face some errors every now and then. But it is nothing to worry about, and such errors can easily be solved. In this article, we will fix the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error in Google Chrome.

This error occurs when Chrome is unable to establish a tunnel for the targeted website. If said in simple words, Chrome fails to connect to the internet. There may be many reasons behind this error, but the most common one is the use of proxy servers for connection or using a VPN.
However, you do not need to worry about the causes and reasons. We are about to tell you about the most suitable methods that can solve this problem. Most probably, you will have your solution in the first method. But we have more methods up our sleeves, just in case.
Let us now start with the first method:
Method 1 – Disable the Proxy Settings
Use of proxy servers is the most common cause of ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error. If you are using a proxy server, then this method is surely going to help you. All that you need to do is disable the proxy settings. You can do so easily by unchecking a few boxes in the LAN settings under the Internet Properties section of your computer. Just follow the given steps if you do not know how to do it:
1. First, open the RUN dialog box by pressing the Windows Key + R simultaneously.
2. Type inetcpl.cpl in the input area and click OK.

3. Your screen will now show the Internet Properties window. Switch to the Connections tab and click on LAN settings.

4. A new LAN settings window will pop up. Here, it would helpful if you unchecked the Use a proxy server for your LAN option.

5. Also, make sure to checkmark Automatically detect settings. Once done, click on the OK button.
Restart your computer to apply the changes. Launch Chrome and check if the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error is gone. We are very sure that this method would have worked, but in case it didn’t, move on and try the next method that we have mentioned below.
Method 2 – Reset the Network Settings
By resetting the network settings, we mean flushing the DNS and resetting the TCP/IP of your computer. It is very likely that your problem of ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error will be solved by using this method. Follow the given steps to perform the changes:
1. Search for the Command Prompt in the Start menu and click on Run as administrator option.

2. Once the command prompt opens, run the following commands:
Ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat -r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset

Once the commands finish executing, exit the command prompt, and restart your computer. Open Chrome again and see if this method worked.
Method 3 – Change the DNS Address
The point here is, you need to set the DNS to automatically detect IP address or set a custom address given by your ISP. The ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error arises when neither of the settings has been set. In this method, you need to set the DNS address of your computer to the Google DNS server. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Right-click the Network icon available on the right side of your taskbar panel. Now click on the Open Network & Sharing Center option.

2. When the Network and Sharing Center window opens, click on the currently connected network here.

3. When you click on the connected network, the WiFi status window will pop up. Click on the Properties button.

4. When the property window pops up, search for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the Networking section. Double click on it.

5. Now the new window will show if your DNS is set to automatic or manual input. Here you have to click on the Use the following DNS server addresses option. And fill the given DNS address on the input section:

6. Check the Validate settings upon exit box and click OK.
Now close all windows and launch Chrome to check if you’re able to fix ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error in Google Chrome.
Method 4 – Clear Browsing Data
If none of the above methods worked, then we suggest you try using other browsers to see if the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error is exclusive to Chrome only. If it is, then you should try clearing all the saved browsing data of your Chrome browser. Now follow the given steps to clear your browsing data:
1. First, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the browser window and select Settings. You can also type chrome://settings in the URL bar.

2. When the Settings tab opens, scroll to the bottom and expand the Advanced Settings section.
3. Under the Advanced section, find the Clear browsing data option under Privacy and security section.

4. Click on the Clear browsing data option and select “All time” in the Time range dropdown. Check all the boxes and click on Clear Data button.

When the browsing data is cleared, close, and relaunch the Chrome browser and see if the error is gone.
Method 5 – Reset Settings of your Chrome browser
Since the problem is with the Chrome browser, performing a reset of Chrome setting will surely help in resolving the issue. Here are the steps to reset settings of your Chrome browser –
1. First of all, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the browser window and select Settings. In the settings tab, scroll to the bottom and click on Advanced settings.
2. In the advanced section, please navigate to the Reset and Clean up section and click on Restore settings to their original defaults.

3. In the Reset settings window, click on the Reset Settings button. Once the reset is finished, relaunch the browser and check if this method worked.

Method 6 – Update Chrome browser
Using an older version of Chrome might also cause the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error. It would be best if you tried checking for a newer version and updating the browser. Update your browser and check if the error is gone for good. Here is how you can update the Chrome:
1. First, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the browser window and go to the Help section. Under this section, select About Google Chrome.

2. The About Chrome window will open and it will start looking for available updates automatically. If any new version is available, it will give you an option to update.

3. Update the browser and restart to see if this worked for you.
In this article, we have mentioned some of the best methods to fix the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error. Some of the methods focus specifically on Chrome, while others are related to the TCP/IP and DNS settings. You are free to try any or all of the methods to solve the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Error. If you face any problem in any of the above-mentioned methods, comment down below, and we will get back to you.