在当今世界,仅仅保护您的计算机免受病毒、恶意软件、网络钓鱼攻击等等已经不够了。我们都在稳步转向我们的智能手机和其他类型的移动设备,我们中的大多数人不仅将它们用于电话或消息传递,还用于浏览互联网、运行各种应用程序,甚至在线支付. 这也导致了保护我们的移动设备的必要性。恶意软件也会影响它们,例如,它通常比对(Malware)Windows计算机的攻击更危险。这将我们带到了ESET ,这家公司为(ESET)Android智能手机(和平板电脑)创建了最好的安全工具之一。我们正在谈论ESET Mobile Security,我们已经测试和使用了很长时间的防病毒和保护应用程序。(antivirus and protection app)我们想在这篇评论中告诉您更多关于它的信息,因此请继续阅读以了解它如何保护您的所有Android设备免受各种威胁:
什么是 ESET Mobile Security?
ESET Mobile Security是一款安全应用程序(security app),它将一流的防病毒软件与许多不同的工具捆绑在一起,这些工具旨在保护您的移动 Android 设备。您可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)免费获得ESET Mobile Security。但是,如果您正在安装ESET Mobile Security的免费版本,您只能访问其防病毒(仅限手动扫描)和安全报告。如果您获得高级订阅,您将获得(Premium)ESET Mobile Security中捆绑的所有内容,包括访问防病毒(启用所有选项)、防盗、防网络钓鱼、支付保护、应用程序锁定、呼叫过滤器、网络检查器(Antivirus (all options enabled), Anti-Theft, Anti-Phishing, Payment Protection, App Lock, Call Filter, Network Inspector, )和安全审计(Security Audit)。
这些是ESET Mobile Security的最佳之处:
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- 它的用户界面看起来不错,而且易于使用和理解
- 反恶意软件保护非常好,反病毒引擎(antivirus engine)非常快
- 在所有流行的浏览器中,您始终受到网络钓鱼网站的保护
- 如果您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)被盗或丢失,它可以帮助您恢复或禁用它
- 如果其他人也在使用您的手机,应用程序锁定功能很有用
- 它的呼叫过滤器(Call Filter )模块可帮助您摆脱不需要的电话
- 如果您在智能手机上使用金融应用程序,付款保护是必不可少的(Payment Protection )
- Network Inspector可帮助您修补家庭Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)中的漏洞
- 使用ESET Mobile Security(ESET Mobile Security)时您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)没有变慢
关于ESET Mobile Security ,没有值得一提的有意义的负面方面。
我们非常喜欢适用于Android的(Android)ESET Mobile Security应用程序。它在保护您的智能手机安全(smartphone secure)方面做得很好,而且它不会让它变慢。防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)运行良好且速度非常快,并且防网络钓鱼模块(module doesn)不允许您加载危险网站。此外, ESET Mobile Security(ESET Mobile Security)捆绑的所有其他附加工具都很有用,并且设计为易于使用和配置。考虑到高级订阅的价格根本不高,我们相信ESET Mobile Security是您可以为自己和您所爱的人获得的最好的 Android 安全应用程序之一。
设置 ESET Mobile Security
首次在Android 设备(Android device)上运行ESET Mobile Security时,您需要完成几个配置步骤。第一个是选择您的居住国家和您喜欢在应用程序中使用的语言。然后,ESET会询问您是否想参与ESET LiveGrid,以及您是否同意允许分析以帮助他们改进产品、出于营销目的收集数据使用情况(usage collection)以及发送促销信息。这些都是可选的,所以您可以随意选择加入或退出。但是,我们建议您参与ESET LiveGrid因为此功能提高了 ESET 为所有用户(包括您自己)识别和检测恶意对象的能力。
欢迎使用ESET Mobile Security & Antivirus
然后配置向导(configuration wizard)会要求您登录ESET HOME 帐户(ESET HOME account)。这里有几个不同的选项,包括使用您的Google 帐户(Google account)。如果您已经有一个ESET 帐户(ESET account),或者如果您想立即创建一个,请选择您喜欢的方法。否则,如果您只想评估安全应用程序(security app),则可以跳过此步骤。但是,在这种情况下,您的访问权限将仅限于ESET Mobile Security的防病毒部分。
选择如何登录ESET并查看(ESET)高级订阅(Premium subscription)的好处
最后,要让ESET Mobile Security在您的Android 智能手机或平板电脑(Android smartphone or tablet)上运行,您必须允许它读取您设备上的文件。这是强制性的,否则ESET无法搜索威胁并确保您的设备安全(device safe)。
允许 ESET 访问读取文件
配置完所有初始设置后,ESET Mobile Security将加载其用户界面并开始更新其数据库,然后自动扫描您的Android 设备(Android device)。
下载和安装 ESET Mobile Security 很简单,安装向导也很简单。(Downloading and installing ESET Mobile Security is easy, and the setup wizard is straightforward.)
ESET Mobile Security应用程序的起始页是一个仪表板,您可以在其中获取有关您的安全性以及如何改进它的快速信息和通知。(info and notifications)它显示最后执行的活动,并让您可以访问安全应用程序(security app)中包含的所有安全模块。仪表板可能包含大量信息、通知和按钮,这些信息、通知和按钮可能无法在单个屏幕上显示,因此您可能需要滚动才能查看其上的所有内容。
ESET Mobile Security的仪表板
如果您打开ESET的菜单或滚动(menu or scroll)仪表板,您将看到列出的所有安全模块。在彩色图标旁边以黑色字体显示的图标处于活动状态,而带有灰色文本的图标未启用。此外,如果ESET识别出任何安全风险,它会在仪表板顶部以亮红色警告您。
ESET Mobile Security的警告和模块
ESET Mobile Security有两种不同的防病毒扫描模式,它为您提供计划自动扫描的能力,它还包括一个实时防病毒扫描引擎。当您从ESET Mobile Security打开(ESET Mobile Security)防病毒软件(Antivirus)时,您会看到一个大的扫描设备(Scan Device)按钮。默认情况下,点击此按钮会启动智能(Smart)防病毒扫描。但是,如果您愿意,您也可以运行深度(In-Depth )扫描。要配置ESET Mobile Security执行此操作,您必须从“Antivirus -> Advanced settings扫描级别(Scan level)设置。
ESET Antivirus深度扫描和智能扫描
此外,在防病毒高级设置菜单中,您还可以设置ESET Mobile Security以检测可能不需要和可能不安全的应用程序。我们建议您这样做,因为它可以帮助您过滤“不良”应用(” apps)。
当我们使用智能(Smart)扫描配置文件时,使用 ESET 的防病毒软件扫描我们的 Android测试智能手机只需 1 秒,而使用(test smartphone)深度(In-Depth )扫描时只需 3 秒。这非常快,您应该注意,我们没有在高端智能手机上获得这些结果。相反,我们使用的是运行Android 10的旧版华为 P30(Huawei P30)。在较新的Android设备上,防病毒扫描可能会更快。
(Smart)在华为 P30上运行(Huawei P30)智能和深度扫描
我们欣赏ESET Mobile Security的一项功能是,它让您有机会按计划运行自动扫描,以及在您为Android 智能手机或平板电脑(Android smartphone or tablet)充电时运行。这是一个好主意。
ESET Antivirus 自动扫描
尽管按需和计划的防病毒扫描都做得很好,但它们不足以为您的Android设备提供完整的防病毒保护。(antivirus protection)您还需要实时保护,幸运的是,ESET Mobile Security也涵盖了这一点。默认情况下启用,实时扫描程序会在系统启动时启动,并扫描您与之交互的所有文件,以及保存在“下载(Download)”文件夹中的所有文件以及SD 卡(SD card)中的所有文件。
使用 ESET Mobile Security 运行按需防病毒扫描既简单又非常快速,实时扫描程序可以永久保护您。我们喜欢 ESET Mobile Security 可以运行计划的防病毒扫描并且它还可以检测潜在不需要和不安全的应用程序这一事实。(Using ESET Mobile Security to run on-demand antivirus scans is easy and extremely fast, and the real-time scanner protects you permanently. We like the fact that ESET Mobile Security can run scheduled antivirus scans and that it can also detect potentially unwanted and unsafe apps.)
其他基本功能是网络保护和反网络钓鱼(protection and anti-phishing)。ESET Mobile Security两者兼有。最受欢迎的网络浏览器(web browser)是Google Chrome,但我们现在更喜欢Microsoft Edge。这就是为什么我们选择同时使用它们来测试ESET Mobile Security提供的(ESET Mobile Security)反网络钓鱼(Anti-Phishing)保护的效率。我们尝试访问最近被报告为恶意的一系列网站,但 ESET 的安全应用程序(security app)阻止我们每次尝试加载它们。这一优异成绩证明了ESET Mobile Security是一款优质产品,其在线危险数据库永久更新。
ESET Mobile Security阻止网络钓鱼网站(phishing website)
ESET Mobile Security 包括一个反网络钓鱼模块,该模块提供有效的保护来抵御专门从事网络钓鱼诈骗的网站。(ESET Mobile Security includes an Anti-Phishing module that offers efficient protection against websites that specialize in phishing scams.)
默认情况下,ESET Mobile Security提供(ESET Mobile Security )的防盗(Anti-Theft)功能已关闭。要启用它们并能够执行定位或擦除Android 设备(Android device)上的数据等操作,您必须调整一些设置。如果您注册了ESET HOME 帐户(ESET HOME account),您可以查看有关您的Android 设备(Android device)活动(s activity)的更多详细信息。例如,您可以跟踪其位置并拍摄发现或偷走您设备的人的相机快照,即面部照片。如果检测到可疑活动(s activity),您还可以自动锁定您的设备,向发现或偷走您的Android 设备的人发送个性化消息(Android device),或者如果您失去了取回设备的希望,则远程擦除其中的所有数据。
ESET 在线(ESET online)帐户中的防盗功能和选项
要使防盗(Anti-Theft)模块正常工作,您还必须创建一个安全密码(secure password),以便在您需要远程锁定或解锁您的Android 设备并允许(Android device)ESET Mobile Security访问您设备的位置时使用。此外,如果您的智能手机使用SIM 卡(SIM card),ESET Mobile Security会将其保存为“受信任的 SIM”。(“Trusted SIM.”)如果移除该 SIM 卡或插入不同的SIM卡(SIM card),您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)将自动锁定。
ESET Mobile Security(ESET Mobile Security)的防盗模块(Anti-Theft module)
为好消息做好准备也很好,例如当有人找到您丢失的智能手机并想将其归还给您时。对于此类情况,Anti-Theft还会要求您输入您的联系方式:姓名、电子邮件地址(email address)和备用电话号码(phone number)。有了这些信息,就可以找到。
ESET Mobile Security 提供的防盗功能和工具是完整的。它们运行良好,如果您丢失了 Android 智能手机或平板电脑,它们将非常有用。更不用说是否有人偷了它。(The anti-theft features and tools offered by ESET Mobile Security are complete. They work well, and they are going to be useful if you lose your Android smartphone or tablet. Not to mention if someone steals it.)
阅读此评论的第二页,了解ESET 应用程序提供的电话过滤功能、(phone call filtering feature)支付保护(payment protection)、安全审计模块(security audit module)、应用程序阻止工具以及ESET Mobile Security对您的Android 设备(Android device)性能的影响。
Review ESET Mobile Security: Excellent protection for Android devices
In today’s world, it’s no longer enough tо protect just your computers against viruses, malware, phishing attacks, and whatnot. We’ve all been steadily moving оn to our smartphones and other typeѕ of mobile devices, and most of υs use them not only for phone calls or messaging, but also for browsing the internet, running all kinds of apps, and even making payments online. That leads to the necessіty of protecting our mobilе devices as well. Mаlware can affect them too, and it’s often even more dangerous than attacks on Windows computеrs, for example. This bringѕ us to ΕSET, a comрany that created onе of the best security tools for Αndroid smartphоnes (and tablets). We’re tаlking about ESET Mobile Security, an antivirus and protection app that we’ve been testing and using for a long time. We’d like to tell you more about it in this review, so read on to find out how it can secure all your Android devices against all kinds of threats:
What’s ESET Mobile Security?
ESET Mobile Security is a security app that bundles a top-notch antivirus together with a lot of different tools created with the specific purpose of protecting your mobile Android devices. You can get ESET Mobile Security for free from the Google Play Store. However, if you are installing the free version of ESET Mobile Security, you only get access to its antivirus (manual scans only) and security reports. If you get a Premium subscription, you get everything bundled in ESET Mobile Security, which is access to Antivirus (all options enabled), Anti-Theft, Anti-Phishing, Payment Protection, App Lock, Call Filter, Network Inspector, and Security Audit.
Pros and cons
These are the best things about ESET Mobile Security:
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- Its user interface looks good, and it’s easy to use and understand
- The anti-malware protection is excellent, and the antivirus engine is very fast
- You are always protected against phishing websites in all popular browsers
- It helps you recover or disable your Android smartphone if it’s stolen or you lose it
- The app locking feature is useful if other people are also using your phone
- Its Call Filter module helps you get rid of unwanted phone calls
- The Payment Protection is a must-have if you use financial apps on your smartphone
- The Network Inspector helps you patch vulnerabilities in your home Wi-Fi network
- Your Android smartphone is not slowing down when using ESET Mobile Security
There are no meaningful negative aspects worth mentioning about ESET Mobile Security.
We like the ESET Mobile Security app for Android a lot. It does an excellent job at keeping your smartphone secure, and it does so without making it slow. The antivirus engine works great and is very fast, and the anti-phishing module doesn’t allow you to load dangerous websites. Furthermore, all the other additional tools bundled by ESET Mobile Security are useful and designed to be easy to use and configure. Taking into account that the price for a premium subscription is not high at all, we believe that ESET Mobile Security is one of the best Android security apps you can get for yourself and your loved ones.
Setting up ESET Mobile Security
When you run ESET Mobile Security for the first time on your Android device, you need to walk through a couple of configuration steps. The first one is to select your country of residence and the language you prefer to use in the app. Then, ESET asks you if you want to participate in ESET LiveGrid, as well as whether you consent to allow analytics to help them improve their products, data usage collection for marketing purposes, and sending of promotional messages. These are all optional, so opt-in or out as you please. However, we do recommend you to participate in ESET LiveGrid as this feature improves ESET’s ability to identify and detect malicious objects for all its users, including yourself.
Welcome to ESET Mobile Security & Antivirus
The configuration wizard then asks you to log in to your ESET HOME account. There are a couple of different options here, including using your Google account. If you already have an ESET account or if you want to create one right now, choose the method you prefer. Otherwise, you can skip this step if you only want to evaluate the security app. However, in this case, your access will be limited to the antivirus part of ESET Mobile Security.
Choose how to log in to ESET and see the benefits of a Premium subscription
Finally, to have ESET Mobile Security run on your Android smartphone or tablet, you have to allow it to read the files on your device. This is mandatory because, otherwise, ESET can’t search for threats and keep your device safe.
Allowing ESET access to read files
Once you’ve configured all the initial settings, ESET Mobile Security loads its user interface and begins updating its database, followed by an automatic scan of your Android device.
ESET updates its database and runs the first system scan
Downloading and installing ESET Mobile Security is easy, and the setup wizard is straightforward.
Anti-malware protection
The start page of the ESET Mobile Security app is a dashboard where you get quick info and notifications about your security and how you can improve it. It displays the last activities that were performed and gives you access to all the security modules included in the security app. The dashboard can contain quite a lot of information, notifications, and buttons that might not fit on a single screen, so you might have to scroll to see everything on it.
The dashboard of ESET Mobile Security
If you open ESET’s menu or scroll through the dashboard, you’ll see all the security modules listed. The ones displayed in black font next to colored icons are active, while the ones with gray text are not enabled. Also, if ESET identifies any security risks, it warns you in bright red right at the top of the dashboard.
Warnings and modules from ESET Mobile Security
ESET Mobile Security has two different antivirus scanning modes, it offers you the ability to schedule automatic scans, and it also includes a real-time antivirus scanning engine. When you open the Antivirus from ESET Mobile Security, you are greeted by a large Scan Device button. By default, tapping this button launches a Smart antivirus scan. However, if you want to, you can also run an In-Depth scan. To configure ESET Mobile Security to do that, you have to set the Scan level setting from “Antivirus -> Advanced settings.”
ESET Antivirus in-depth and smart scans
Furthermore, in the antivirus advanced settings menu, you can also set ESET Mobile Security to detect potentially unwanted and potentially unsafe applications. We recommend you do that, as it can help you filter “bad” apps.
Detect potentially unwanted and unsafe applications
Scanning our Android test smartphone with ESET’s antivirus took only 1 second when we used the Smart scanning profile and 3 seconds when using the In-Depth scan. That’s very fast, and you should note that we didn’t get these results on a high-end smartphone. Instead, we used an old Huawei P30 running Android 10. On newer Android devices, it’s likely that the antivirus scans are even faster.
Smart and in-depth scans run on a Huawei P30
One feature that we appreciate in ESET Mobile Security is that it offers you the opportunity to run automatic scans on a schedule, as well as whenever you charge your Android smartphone or tablet. This is a great idea.
ESET Antivirus automatic scans
Although both on-demand and scheduled antivirus scans do a good job, they are not enough to offer complete antivirus protection for your Android devices. You also need real-time protection, and, fortunately, ESET Mobile Security has that covered too. It is enabled by default, and the real-time scanner launches when the system starts and scans all the files you interact with, together with any files saved in the Download folder and all the files from your SD card.
ESET real-time protection detecting malware
Using ESET Mobile Security to run on-demand antivirus scans is easy and extremely fast, and the real-time scanner protects you permanently. We like the fact that ESET Mobile Security can run scheduled antivirus scans and that it can also detect potentially unwanted and unsafe apps.
Anti-Phishing protection
Other essential features are web protection and anti-phishing. ESET Mobile Security has both. The most popular web browser is Google Chrome, but we like Microsoft Edge more these days. That’s why we chose to use both of them to test the efficiency of the Anti-Phishing protection offered by ESET Mobile Security. We tried to visit a series of websites that have been recently reported as being malicious, but ESET’s security app stopped us from loading them every time we tried. This excellent result proves that ESET Mobile Security is a high-quality product, and its online dangers database is permanently updated.
ESET Mobile Security blocking a phishing website
ESET Mobile Security includes an Anti-Phishing module that offers efficient protection against websites that specialize in phishing scams.
Anti-Theft protection
By default, the Anti-Theft features offered by ESET Mobile Security are turned off. To enable them and be able to do things like locating or wiping the data on your Android device, you have to adjust a few settings. If you register an ESET HOME account, you can see more details about your Android device’s activity. For instance, you can track its location and take camera snapshots, aka mugshots, of the person who found or stole your device. You can also automatically lock your device if suspicious activity is detected, send personalized messages to the one who found or stole your Android device, or wipe all the data on it remotely if you have lost any hope of getting your device back.
Anti-Theft features and options in the ESET online account
For the Anti-Theft module to work correctly, you must also create a secure password that you can then use if you need to lock or unlock your Android device remotely and allow ESET Mobile Security to access your device’s location. Furthermore, if your smartphone uses a SIM card, ESET Mobile Security saves it as a “Trusted SIM.” If that SIM is removed or a different SIM card is inserted, your Android smartphone is automatically locked.
The Anti-Theft module from ESET Mobile Security
It’s nice to be prepared for good news also, like when someone finds your lost smartphone and wants to return it to you. For such situations, Anti-Theft also asks you to enter your contact details: name, email address, and an alternative phone number. With this information, you can be found.
Contact Details in ESET's Anti-Theft
The anti-theft features and tools offered by ESET Mobile Security are complete. They work well, and they are going to be useful if you lose your Android smartphone or tablet. Not to mention if someone steals it.
Read the second page of this review to find out about the phone call filtering feature offered by ESET’s app, about the payment protection, security audit module, app blocking tool, and the effect that ESET Mobile Security has on the performance of your Android device.