设备只有密码、 PIN(PIN)和图案解锁选项的日子已经一去不复返了。近年来,产品制造商已开始为智能手机添加各种生物识别安全功能。这些措施允许设备所有者使用包括指纹、面部、虹膜和声音在内的各种身体部位来解锁他们的设备。
注意(Note):虽然这些说明更具体地适用于Android智能手机,但它们很容易在适用的情况下转化为 iPhone
许多智能手机用户通常通过将其设置为没有任何类型的密码(no passcode)或使用“滑动解锁(Swipe to Unlock)”设置在他们的设备上留下任何安全模式。这种方法没有为智能手机留下任何保护模式,通常不推荐使用。如果设备丢失或被盗,其他用户将可以直接访问您最敏感的信息。
如果您坚持让您的设备没有设置安全功能(security feature),请考虑在您的智能手机上设置某种受密码保护的文件夹。您可以将最重要的信息和应用程序(information and apps)保存在该文件夹中,同时可以轻松访问智能手机以执行更多日常任务。
设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问屏幕锁定类型(screen lock type)。如果您有,请输入您的密码或备用 PIN 以继续。在锁定屏幕(lock screen)选项中选择无(None)或滑动。(Swipe )您的设备将返回之前的设置页面进行确认。
密码安全选项(password security option)与网站或应用程序(website or app)的任何其他安全选项(security option)相同。您可以设置一系列数字、小写或大写字母(lowercase or capital letters)和字符作为密码。密码被认为是一种高安全性选项(security option),但它取决于密码序列(password sequence)的复杂性。
设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问密码(Password)。您将看到一条警告,说明如果您忘记了密码,则必须擦除设备并将其恢复为出厂设置。这意味着如果不进行外部备份,您将丢失所有数据。
输入(Input)您的密码一次,选择继续,然后再次确认。如果可用,请选择右侧的眼睛选项(eye option),这样您就可以在键入密码时看到密码。这将确保您正确输入密码。选择确定(Select Ok)。这将带您进入通知设置页面,您可以在其中决定是否要在锁定屏幕上接收通知以及在(lock screen)锁定屏幕(lock screen)通知上显示多少详细信息。选择您的偏好并选择完成(select Done)。
强烈建议您不要将智能手机密码(smartphone password)用作任何其他设备、服务、网站或应用程序的密码。
PIN 安全选项(security option)在智能手机用户中很受欢迎,因为此类代码通常很容易记住。用户经常选择对他们很重要的数字,从而减少他们忘记的可能性。PIN被认为是中高安全性选项(security option),但它取决于序列的长度和复杂性。(length and complexity)
PIN通常是一系列数字。根据设备的不同,您的PIN的长度可以在四到六个字符之间。许多智能手机使用PIN码作为其他登录方法的备用安全选项(backup security option),因此您可能已经在设备上设置了PIN并且不记得了。一世(I)
设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问PIN。与设置密码类似,如果您忘记了PIN ,您会看到一条警告信息。输入(Input)您的PIN一次,选择继续,然后再次确认。您的设备将返回之前的设置页面进行确认。
在 iPhone 上,您可以在相同的设置中选择想要数字PIN还是字母数字密码(Password)。在
Android 设备(Android device)上,PIN 和密码(PIN and Password)是两个不同的安全选项。
图案安全(Pattern security)选项在智能手机用户中很受欢迎,因为它很容易记住并且输入设置的图案设计(set pattern design)很有趣。模式被认为是中等安全性选项(medium security option),因为许多用户可能会选择简单的设计,但是很容易将通用设计修改为更安全的模式。
设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问模式(Pattern)。与设置密码(Password)类似,如果您忘记了Pattern ,您将看到一条警告信息。输入(Input)您的图案(Pattern)一次,选择继续(Continue),然后再次确认。您的设备将返回之前的设置页面进行确认。
指纹安全(Fingerprint security)选项不仅可以用作解锁设备的方法,还可以用作智能手机功能的验证功能,例如支付系统。
您可以在旧 iPhone 上 使用设置的指纹验证Google Pay、Samsung Pay和Apple Pay上的付款。(Apple Pay)
有些设备的主页按钮内有指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner),而另一些设备的背面板上有指纹扫描仪。一些较新的设备在其显示器中直接嵌入了 指纹扫描仪。(fingerprint scanner)
智能手机通常要求用户在设置指纹时具有备份安全选项。(security option)您可以选择密码(Password)、PIN或图案(Pattern)作为备份。
此选项的安全级别(security level)尚不清楚,因为指纹欺骗(fingerprint spoofing)等功能是可能的,但并不常见。iPhone 上的指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner)被认为比Android设备上的更安全,但指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner)现在是Apple设备上的罕见选择。
要为您的智能手机设置此选项,请访问设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问指纹扫描仪(Fingerprint Scanner)。确认您的备份密码(backup passcode)并按照设备的说明记录您的指纹。
在大多数智能手机上,您必须将手指放在指定的扫描仪位置(scanner location)的几个不同位置,才能注册您的指纹。这样做直到进度达到 100%。选择完成(Done)。
完成后,您将看到指纹扫描仪设置页面,该页面显示您在设备上注册了多少指纹,可用于指纹验证的(fingerprint verification)应用程序和服务(apps and services),以及根据您的判断禁用或启用指纹解锁的选项。
面部识别(Facial recognition) 安全选项(security option)是另一种既可用于解锁设备又可用作身份验证功能(authentication function)的方法。此选项的安全级别(security level)取决于设备。
许多Android设备允许用户为某些应用程序设置人脸验证(face verification),但该功能被认为不够安全,无法用于支付验证(payment authentication)。较新的 iPhone 将Face ID作为解锁和安全身份验证的唯一生物识别选项(biometric option),包括Apple Pay。一世(I)
要为您的智能手机设置此选项,请访问设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问人脸识别(Face Recognition)。确认您的备用密码(backup passcode)并按照设备的说明记录您的面部。
完成后,系统会提示您启用该功能。选择开启(Turn On)。然后您将看到一个人脸识别(Face Recognition)设置页面,您可以在其中管理您的人脸数据、设置应用程序验证以及禁用或启用该功能。
虹膜(Iris)扫描安全选项(security option)既可用于解锁您的设备,也可作为三星支付和谷歌支付(Samsung Pay and Google Pay)等支付系统的一种安全身份验证(secure authentication)形式。特点;但是,在智能手机上并不常见。许多设备支持面部识别而不是虹膜扫描。
要为您的智能手机设置此选项,请访问设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问虹膜解锁(Iris Unlock)。确认您的备用密码(backup passcode)并按照设备的说明记录您的虹膜。
在大多数智能手机上,您必须摘下眼镜,可能还有隐形眼镜,然后将设备向前握,让您的眼睛与取景器对齐以扫描您的眼睛。完成后,系统会提示您启用该功能。选择开启(Turn On)。
然后您将看到一个人脸识别(Face Recognition)设置页面,您可以在其中管理您的人脸数据、设置应用程序验证以及禁用或启用该功能。
语音检测(Voice detection) 安全选项(security option)是一个鲜为人知的功能,它不是为了安全,而是为了方便。用户可以设置语音匹配(Voice Match),以便智能手机上的Google 助理(Google Assistant)只响应他们的声音。随后,您可以通过说“Ok Google”来设置使用语音匹配(Voice Match)解锁以唤醒和解锁您的设备。(Unlock)
要为您的智能手机设置此选项,请访问设置(Settings)、锁定屏幕和安全(Lock Screen & Security),然后访问Smart Lock。确认您的备用密码(backup passcode),然后选择Voice Match。选择使用语音匹配访问以使用(Access with Voice Match)Google 助理(Google Assistant)为用户录制您的声音。
同意(Agree)条款按照设备的说明录制您的声音。返回“Ok Google detection”设置页面后,选择使用语音匹配(Voice Match)解锁(Unlock)并确认提示,确认该功能的限制。它详细说明了在几次尝试失败后,用户将不得不输入他们的备份密码(backup passcode)才能访问他们的设备。
设置完成后,如果您说“ Ok Google ”,您设备的静止屏幕将打开并直接转到Google 助理(Google Assistant),等待进一步的指示。除非是Google Assistant的狂热用户,否则许多用户可能不会觉得此功能有用。
管理智能手机密码(Smartphone Passcode)的更多提示
用户必须设置备用密码(backup passcode)才能启用生物识别功能,例如指纹解锁或面部解锁(fingerprint unlock or face unlock),但您也可以使用生物识别功能作为备份,以防忘记密码。只要您的智能手机(smartphone hasn)尚未重新启动,您就应该能够使用您的生物识别选项在没有密码的情况下访问设备。
启用语音检测(voice detection)的Smart Lock 选项(Smart Lock option)具有其他功能,可让您的设备在指定的安全空间中保持解锁状态。使用Smart Lock,您可以将智能手机设置为在您本人、在受信任的位置连接到Wi-Fi或在另一个受信任的设备连接到同一Wi-Fi的位置时保持解锁状态。
将您的Google 帐户(Google account)连接到您的手机,以便在出现提示时始终确认您的设备是您的。
Common Smartphone Security Features and How They Work
There are several security functions on the
average smartphone intended to protect your data frоm the outside world.
Devices have always had several options for users to emрloy, but as mobile
technology advances, the nυmbers of ways to unlock a smartphone оnly increase.
Gone are the days when devices has only
password, PIN, and pattern unlock options. In recent years, product makers have
begun adding various biometric security features to smartphones. These measures
allow device owners to use various body parts including fingerprints, faces,
irises, and voices to unlock their devices.
These functions can be set up in accordance
with a user’s lifestyle. Smartphone users can also set up several unlock
features for different security options on a devices. Take a look at all of the
unlock features you may find on a smartphone, how they work, and how they may
be beneficial to you as a user.
Note: While these directions are more specifically for Android smartphones,
they are easily translate to iPhones where applicable
Many smartphone users commonly leave no mode
of security on their devices, by setting it to have no passcode of any kind, or by using the Swipe to Unlock setting. This method leaves no mode of protection
for a smartphone and typically isn’t recommended. If a device is lost or
stolen, other users will have direct access to your most sensitive information.
If you insist on leaving your device without a security feature set, consider having a password protected folder of some kind on your smartphone. You can keep your most important information and apps in that folder, while having easy access to your smartphone for more mundane tasks.
To set this option for your smartphone, access
Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then screen lock type. If you have one, input your passcode or backup
PIN to proceed. Select None or Swipe among the lock screen options.
Your device will return to the previous settings page to confirm.
The password security option is the same as any other security option for a website or app. You can set a series of numbers, lowercase or capital letters, and characters as your password. A password is considered a high security option, but it depends on the complexity of your password sequence.
To set this option for your smartphone, access
Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then Password. You will see a warning that explains if you forget your
password, you will have to wipe your device and take it back to factory
settings. This means you would lose all of your data if it is not backed up
Input your password once, select continue, and
then again to confirm. If available, select the eye option to your right that
will allow you to see the password as you type it. This will ensure you’re
typing the password correctly. Select Ok.
This will take you to a notifications settings page, where you can decide
whether you want to receive notifications on your lock screen and how much
detail will be shown on lock screen notifications. Choose your preferences and select Done.
It is highly recommended that you don’t use
your smartphone password for any as a passcode for any other device, service,
website, or app.
The PIN security option is popular among
smartphone users because such codes are typically easy to remember. Users often
select numbers that are of significance to them, making them less likely to
forget. A PIN is considered a medium high security option, but it depends on
the length and complexity of your sequence.
A PIN is typically a series of numbers.
Depending on the device, your PIN can be between four and six characters long.
Many smartphones use PIN codes as a backup security option for other login
methods, so there is a possibility you already have a PIN set up on your device
and don’t remember. I
To set this option for your smartphone, access
Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then PIN. Similar to setting a password, you will see a warning about
what happens if you forget your PIN. Input your PIN once, select continue, and
then again to confirm. Your device will return to the previous settings page to
On an iPhone you can select within the same
settings whether you want a numerical PIN or an alphanumeric Password. On an
Android device, the PIN and Password are two different security options.
The Pattern security option is popular among smartphone users because it is easy to remember and inputting the set pattern design can be fun. A Pattern is considered a medium security option because many users may choose a simple design, however it is easy to modify a common design to a more secure pattern.
To set this option for your smartphone, access
Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then Pattern. Similar to setting a Password, you will see a warning
about what happens if you forget your Pattern. Input your Pattern once, select Continue, and then again to confirm.
Your device will return to the previous settings page to confirm.
The Fingerprint security option can be used
not only as method of unlocking your device, but also as an authentication
function for smartphone features, such as payment systems. You can use a set
fingerprint to authenticate payment on Google Pay, Samsung Pay, and Apple Pay
on older iPhones.
Some devices have a fingerprint scanner within
their home buttons, while others have the feature on their back panels. Several
newer devices have fingerprint scanners embedded directly in their
Smartphones typically require users to have a backup security option in place when setting up a fingerprint. You can select a Password, PIN, or Pattern as your backup.
The security level of this option is not clear, since functions such as fingerprint spoofing are possible, but not common. The fingerprint scanners on iPhones are considered more secure than those on Android devices, but the fingerprint scanner is now a rare option on Apple devices.
To set this option for your smartphone, access Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then Fingerprint Scanner. Confirm your backup passcode and follow the device’s directions for recording your Fingerprint.
On most smartphones you will have to place your finger on the designated scanner location in several different positions for it to register your fingerprint. Do this until the progress is 100 percent. Select Done.
Once complete you will then see a Fingerprint
Scanner settings page, which shows how many fingerprints you have registered on
your device, the apps and services available for fingerprint verification, and
an option to disable or enable fingerprint unlock as your discretion.
Facial recognition
The Facial recognition security option is another method that can be used for both unlocking devices and as an authentication function. The security level of this option depends on the device.
Many Android devices allow users to set face verification for certain apps, but the feature is not considered safe enough for payment authentication. Newer iPhones have Face ID as their only biometric option for unlocking and secure authentication, including Apple Pay.I
To set this option for your smartphone, access Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then Face Recognition. Confirm your backup passcode and follow the device’s directions for recording your face.
On most smartphones you will have to hold the device slightly slanted and allow your face to align with the circular viewfinder that will record your image.
Once complete, you will be prompted to enable the function. Select Turn On. You will then see a Face Recognition settings page, which allows you to manage your face data, set up app verification and disable or enable the function.
Iris scanning
The Iris scanning security option can be used for both unlocking your device and as a form of secure authentication for payment systems such as Samsung Pay and Google Pay. The feature; however, isn’t that common on smartphones. Many devices favor facial recognition over iris scanning.
To set this option for your smartphone, access Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then Iris Unlock. Confirm your backup passcode and follow the device’s directions for recording your irises.
On most smartphones you will have to remove your glasses and possibly your contact lenses and then hold the device forward to allow your eyes to align with the viewfinder to scan your eyes. Once complete, you will be prompted to enable the function. Select Turn On.
You will then see a Face Recognition settings
page, which allows you to manage your face data, set up app verification and
disable or enable the function.
Voice Detection
The Voice detection security option is a little known function that is available not so much for security, but rather for convenience. Users can set up Voice Match so that the Google Assistant on their smartphone will respond only their voice. Subsequently, you can set up Unlock with Voice Match to wake and unlock your device by saying “Ok Google.”
To set this option for your smartphone, access Settings, Lock Screen & Security, and then Smart Lock. Confirm your backup passcode and then select Voice Match. Select Access with Voice Match to record your voice for user with Google Assistant.
Agree to the terms follow the device’s directions for recording your recording your voice. Once back at the “Ok Google detection” settings page, select Unlock with Voice Match and confirm the prompt acknowledging the feature’s limitations. It details that after a few failed attempts, users will have to input their backup passcode to access their device.
Once set, if you say “Ok Google,” your
device’s resting screen will turn on and go directly to Google Assistant,
waiting for further instruction. Many users may not find this function useful
unless they are avid users of Google Assistant.
More Tips to Manage Your Smartphone Passcode
Users must set a backup passcode to enable a biometrics feature, such as fingerprint unlock or face unlock, but you can also use the biometrics feature as a backup up happen to forget your passcode. As long as your smartphone hasn’t been restarted you should be able to use your biometric options to access the device without a passcode.
The Smart Lock option that enables voice detection has other functions that allow your device to remain unlocked in designated safe spaces. With Smart Lock, you can set your smartphone to remain unlocked while on your person, when connected to Wi-Fi in trusted locations, or when in a location with another trusted device connected to the same Wi-Fi.
Register your device with the manufacturer if they offer such a service. You will need to create a username and password (like the Samsung ‘Find My Mobile’ option), which you can use to log in and make remotely make changes to your device.
Connect your Google account to your phone so you can always confirm that your device is yours if prompted.
Backup the information on your smartphone so that you will have all of your data in the event you have to factory reset your device due to not knowing the passcode.