尽管谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)带有一个集成的安全浏览模块来保护您的隐私(integrated Safe Browsing module to preserve your privacy),但这还不够。互联网是一个充满侵犯隐私的跟踪器(privacy-invasive trackers)、误导性URL(URLs)和恶意网站的危险场所,这意味着您必须始终采取更多措施来加强保护。
如果您在Windows或Mac上使用 Google (Mac)Chrome作为默认浏览器,请查看Chrome 网上应用店中(Chrome Web Store)的这十个最佳浏览器扩展,它们可以增强您的在线隐私。

以下Chrome隐私扩展也可用于Mozilla Firefox和基于 Chromium 的浏览器,例如Microsoft Edge、Opera和Brave。
1.隐私獾(Privacy Badger)
Privacy Badger是来自EFF(电子前沿基金会)(EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation))的 Chrome 扩展,旨在阻止不可见的跟踪脚本和 cookie。它向网站发送全球隐私控制(Global Privacy Control)和不跟踪信号,如果跟踪器不遵守,它会阻止它们。它还禁用链接预取(网站用来预加载您可能提前访问的页面的机制),阻止Google监控您访问的网址,甚至用点击激活占位符替换社交媒体小部件。

Privacy Badger位于 Chrome 的地址栏旁边,并显示您加载的每个网页的被阻止跟踪器的实时计数。您可以选择Privacy Badger图标以获取更多信息,并选择选项(Options)图标来管理您的偏好。例如,您可以将您信任的站点列入白名单、允许或禁止跟踪域、将您的首选项导出到JSON文件等等。
Privacy Badger并不是严格意义上的广告拦截器,但由于跟踪器拦截,您会看到广告明显减少。如果扩展程序破坏了站点,请将其添加到例外列表或手动重新激活被阻止的跟踪器。
ClearURLs是一个简单的扩展,可以直接从网址中删除跟踪元素。只需安装它,它就会在后台被动工作,同时阻止基于 URL 的跟踪器标记您的在线活动。它还添加了一个上下文菜单选项,您可以使用它来复制无跟踪器URL(URLs)。

(PixelBlock)如果您在Google Chrome中使用(Google Chrome)Gmail , PixelBlock是必不可少的。如果您还不知道,电子邮件可以包含跟踪像素(emails can include tracking pixels),能够在您打开和阅读它们时提醒发件人(类似于消息应用程序中的阅读回执)。

4. DuckDuckgo 隐私要点(DuckDuckgo Privacy Essentials)
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials用极其注重隐私的 DuckDuckGo(extremely privacy-oriented DuckDuckGo)作为默认搜索引擎取代了Google 。它还根据网站使用的跟踪器数量及其一般隐私做法对网站进行评分,范围从A(最安全)到F。它甚至带有一个站点隐私保护(Site Privacy Protection)模块,可以阻止跟踪器以加强隐私。

问题?如果不自动将搜索引擎更改为DuckDuckGo ,您将无法使用DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials。如果您在工作流程中依赖 Google 的卓越结果,这可能会导致问题。如果没有,它对于注重隐私的Chrome用户来说是一个很好的扩展。
5. HTTPS 无处不在(HTTPS Everywhere)
HTTPS(安全超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure))是一种安全协议,它以加密格式在网站和浏览器之间传输信息。Chrome用地址栏上的Lock符号表示。但是,虽然大多数网站都支持HTTPS,但您仍然会遇到不支持的公平份额。
Electronic Frontier Foundation的另一个扩展HTTPS Everywhere帮助Chrome以加密格式强制加载未加密的站点内容。这不是一个铁定的解决方案,但它在浏览互联网的偏远角落时显着增强了隐私和安全性。

6.超级经纪人(Super Agent)
(Super Agent)如果您厌倦了为您访问的每个站点指定 cookie 首选项,Super Agent就适合您。该扩展程序不仅可以记住您的偏好并每次自动应用它们,而且从长远来看还可以节省大量时间。

要管理您的 Cookie 首选项,请打开Super Agent扩展菜单并选择设置(Settings)> Cookie 首选项(Cookie preferences)。然后,在接受或拒绝广告 cookie、功能 cookie、性能 cookie 和其他形式的 cookie 之间进行选择。

另一个替代扩展名是Unshorten.It!,您可以使用它通过上下文菜单条目扫描缩短的链接是否存在恶意意图。(scan shortened links for malicious intent)
如果您讨厌挖掘 Chrome 的互联网设置以清除您的浏览历史记录、缓存和 cookie(clear your browsing history, cache, and cookies),那么Click & Clean是必不可少的。只需(Just)安装它,即可快速删除隐私数据并安全关闭浏览器。

它还提供对其他隐私和安全增强选项的即时访问,例如快速访问隐身模式窗口(quick access to Incognito mode windows)、内置隐私扫描器、密码生成器等。
9.紧急按钮(Panic Button)
Panic Button是处理突然的隐私侵犯的最佳扩展……离线。只需(Just)安装并将其固定在 Chrome 的地址栏旁边,您就可以选择紧急按钮(Panic Button)图标来立即关闭所有打开的标签。一旦海岸被清除,您还可以再次选择该图标以恢复选项卡。

此外,您可以创建一个快捷方式来更快地隐藏所有内容,甚至可以指定一个“安全页面”来代替关闭的选项卡加载。要访问紧急按钮选项(Panic Button Options),请右键单击或按住 Control(Control)键单击紧急按钮(Panic Button)图标并选择选项(Options)。
10. Avast 在线安全和隐私(Avast Online Security & Privacy)
Avast Online Security & Privacy是一个多合一的扩展。它通过阻止跟踪器、广告网络和社交媒体小部件来保护您的隐私。


上面的扩展并不是一个详尽的列表。您始终可以使用专用的广告拦截(use a dedicated ad-blocker)器(例如uBlock Origin)来阻止更多跟踪器,投资密码管理器以提高安全性(Lastpass、Dashlane 和 1Password 是极好的选择(Lastpass, Dashlane, and 1Password are excellent choices)),并设置虚拟专用网络 (VPN)(set up a virtual private network (VPN))隐私。另外,别忘了接下来查看我们的Chrome 顶级安全扩展列表。(top security extensions for Chrome)
The 10 Best Privacy Extensions for Chrome (2022)
Although Google Chrome comes with an integrated Safe Browsing module to preserve your privacy, that’s simply not enough. The internet is a dangerous place filled with privacy-invasive trackers, misleading URLs, and malicious sites, which means you must always do more to ramp up the protection.
If you use Google Chrome as your default browser on Windows or Mac, check out these ten best browser extensions from the Chrome Web Store that can enhance your online privacy.

The following Chrome privacy extensions are also available on Mozilla Firefox and Chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Brave.
Privacy Badger is a Chrome extension from the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) geared toward thwarting invisible tracking scripts and cookies. It sends websites the Global Privacy Control and Do Not Track signals and blocks trackers if they don’t comply. It also disables link prefetching (a mechanism that sites use to preload pages you’re likely to visit in advance), stops Google from monitoring web addresses you visit, and even replaces social media widgets with click-to-activate placeholders.

Privacy Badger lives next to Chrome’s address bar and displays a live count of blocked trackers for each web page you load. You can select the Privacy Badger icon for more information and select the Options icon to manage your preferences. For example, you can whitelist sites you trust, allow or disallow tracking domains, export your preferences to a JSON file, and more.
Privacy Badger isn’t strictly an ad-blocker, but you will see a marked reduction in advertisements due to tracker blocking. If the extension breaks a site, add it to the exceptions list or manually reactivate the blocked trackers.
ClearURLs is a simple extension that removes tracking elements directly from web addresses. Just install it, and it will work passively in the background while stopping URL-based trackers from marking your online activity. It also adds a contextual menu option that you can use to copy tracker-free URLs.

ClearURLs offers a limited amount of customization options. Open the ClearURLs extension menu and select the Settings icon, and can choose to allow referral marking trackers, disable hyperlink auditing (a form of tracking that will enable sites to determine what pages have been clicked on), filter ETags, etc.
PixelBlock is indispensable if you use Gmail in Google Chrome. If you don’t already know, emails can include tracking pixels capable of alerting senders whenever you open and read them (similar to read receipts in messaging apps).
Not only do PixelBlock block these tracking pixels, but you will also see an eye-shaped icon under the subject line in any email that includes them.

DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials replaces Google with the extremely privacy-oriented DuckDuckGo as the default search engine. It also grades websites based on the number of trackers they use and their general privacy practices on a scale of A (safest) to F. It even comes with a Site Privacy Protection module that blocks trackers to bolster privacy.

The problem? You can’t use DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials without automatically changing your search engine to DuckDuckGo. That can cause issues if you rely on Google’s superior results for your workflow. If not, it’s an excellent extension for privacy-conscious Chrome users.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure protocol that transfers information between a website and the browser in an encrypted format. Chrome denotes that with the Lock symbol on the address bar. However, while most sites support HTTPS, you’ll still come across a fair share that don’t.
Another extension by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, HTTPS Everywhere helps Chrome forcibly load unencrypted site content in an encrypted format. It’s not an iron-clad solution, but it dramatically enhances privacy and security while navigating the far-flung corners of the internet.

Super Agent is for you if you’re fed up specifying your cookie preferences for every site you visit. The extension not only remembers your preferences and automatically applies them each time but also saves a lot of time in the long run.

To manage your cookies preferences, open the Super Agent extension menu and choose Settings > Cookie preferences. Then, select between accepting or rejecting advertising cookies, functional cookies, performance cookies, and other forms of cookies.
You never know where a shortened URL may lead you to, so you must have Unshorten.link active in Chrome. The extension automatically loads any shortened URL on a separate page and provides a safety rating with the option to proceed.

Another alternative extension is Unshorten.It!, which you can use to scan shortened links for malicious intent via a contextual menu entry.
If you hate digging around Chrome’s internet settings to clear your browsing history, cache, and cookies, Click&Clean is a must-have. Just install it, and you can quickly delete private data and securely close the browser.

It also offers instant access to additional privacy and security-enhancing options such as quick access to Incognito mode windows, a built-in privacy scanner, a password generator, and more.
Panic Button is the best extension to deal with sudden privacy invasions … offline. Just install and pin it next to Chrome’s address bar, and you can select the Panic Button icon to close all open tabs instantly. You can also select the icon again to restore the tabs once the coast is clear.

Additionally, you can create a shortcut that can hide everything faster and even specify a “safe page” that loads in place of the closed tabs. To get to your Panic Button Options, right-click or Control-click the Panic Button icon and select Options.
Avast Online Security & Privacy is an all-in-one extension. It preserves your privacy by blocking trackers, advertising networks, and social media widgets.

But what the extension excels at the most is its ability to scan search engine results in real time. That’s a great way to ensure you’re visiting a trustworthy site and not a domain masquerading itself as another.

You Can Always Do Even More
The extensions above aren’t an exhaustive list. You can always use a dedicated ad-blocker such as uBlock Origin to block more trackers, invest in a password manager to improve security (Lastpass, Dashlane, and 1Password are excellent choices), and set up a virtual private network (VPN) for extra privacy. Also, don’t forget to check our list of top security extensions for Chrome next.