
在不中断任务的情况下记笔记的一个很好的解决方案是使用Google Keep应用程序。现在您可以在浏览器扩展的简单而时尚的形式中使用它。使用Google Keep Chrome 扩展程序(Google Keep Chrome Extension)快速(Quickly)记笔记、列出清单、保存重要网页并在以后查看。
为什么使用 Google Keep 扩展程序?(Why Use The Google Keep Extension?)
首先(First),笔记应用程序非常适合提高您的工作效率,Google Keep也不例外。如果您知道如何充分利用该应用程序,它可以节省您计划重要活动的时间,让您的待办事项和个人笔记井井有条,甚至可以帮助您进行项目管理(project management)。

它是如何工作的?添加Google Keep 扩展程序(Google Keep extension)后,您可以在浏览时一键保存项目。这样您就可以继续浏览网页,稍后再返回。您不必担心再次丢失重要链接。
(Access)随时从Google Keep 网页(Google Keep webpage)访问您保存的所有内容。标签系统(labeling system)可帮助您整理笔记和保存的卡片。对您的卡片进行颜色编码,使其在所有其他内容中弹出,或者使用图像或绘图来发挥创意。您还可以设置完成任务的提醒,Google Keep会在时间到时提醒您。
如何安装 Google Keep 扩展(How To Install The Google Keep Extension)
在您开始使用Google Keep 扩展程序(Google Keep extension)之前,请先了解如何设置它。
- 在Chrome 网上应用(Chrome web)店中 打开Google Keep 扩展程序页面。(extension page)

- 单击添加到 Chrome(Add to Chrome)按钮。

- 您会看到添加“Google Keep Chrome 扩展程序”吗?(Add “Google Keep Chrome Extension”? )菜单弹出。选择添加扩展名(Add extension)。

- 然后, Chrome(Chrome)会通知您添加了扩展程序。您现在可以通过点击地址栏(address bar)旁边带有灯泡的黄色图标来访问Google Keep。
如何使用 Google Keep Chrome 扩展程序(How To Use The Google Keep Chrome Extension)
现在您已经添加了扩展程序,在窗口的右上角找到Google Keep 图标(Google Keep icon)并右键单击(window and right-click)它。选择转到 Keep(Go to Keep)以在新选项卡中打开该应用程序。

当您第一次登陆Keep 页面(Keep page)时,该应用程序会询问您是要使用浅色模式还是深色模式(dark mode)。我们建议启用暗模式(dark mode)以获得更舒适的用户体验。完成整体应用定制后,您可以开始向Keep添加备注和网页。您的所有项目都将在您的所有设备上同步,包括您使用的计算机、Android、iOS 和 Wear。

您可以使用窗口顶部的“ 记笔记...”菜单从“(Take a note…)保留”页面添加笔记。(Keep page)

或者,您可以在浏览时创建注释。只需单击(Just click)Keep图标(Keep icon)即可从任何Chrome 选项卡(Chrome tab)中执行此操作。添加笔记和标签以更好地组织笔记,或保持原样。
用你保存的东西获得创意(Get Creative With What You Save)
Google Keep允许您对创建的笔记和保存的内容进行一些创意。您可以使用以下一些工具来更好地整理您的Google Keep卡片。学习(Learn)使用所有这些以充分利用该服务。
使用标签创建类别(Use Labels To Create Categories)

Google Keep上的任何项目都可以有一个或多个标签。添加注释时 ,您可以从Google Keep 页面(Google Keep page)以及任何其他Chrome 选项卡(Chrome tab)创建新标签。
使用图像和颜色代码来可视化您的目标 (Use Imagery & Color Codes To Visualize Your Goals )
无论您在Google Keep(Google Keep)上的卡片和笔记都是专业的还是个人的,更好地可视化您的目标永远不会有坏处。您可以将图像或照片添加到您的卡片和列表中以获得更好的动力。

如果它是一个待办事项列表,请创建一个颜色编码系统,它会告诉您任务的进度。结合智能标签和激励图像,您可以将您的Google Keep 页面(Google Keep page)变成一个鼓舞人心的愿景板(vision board)。
使用提醒永远不会再忘记另一个生日(Use Reminders To Never Forget Another Birthday Again)

Google Keep允许您为您的笔记设置单次或重复提醒,并附上日期和时间(date and time)。这是您密友生日和不容错过 的视频电话会议的便捷功能。(conference video call)
使用共享列表让家务活更轻松(Use Shared Lists to Make Household Chores Easier)
您可以与任何联系人共享Keep中的笔记和列表。(Keep)打开笔记时找到协作者图标(collaborator icon),单击它并添加他们的姓名或电子邮件(name or email)。

除了专业协作,您还可以用它来组织朋友的生日派对(birthday party),或与家人分享购物清单。获取项目后,您可以在列表中打勾,Keep将为您与之共享的每个人更新列表。
通过手机访问 Google Keep(Access Google Keep From Your Phone)

在您的智能手机上,您可以使用Google Keep 移动(Google Keep mobile)应用程序查看您保存的内容,或者从Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser)转到Google Keep 页面(Google Keep page)。您在手机上所做的所有更改和更新都将自动保存并在其他设备上可见。
看看谷歌还提供什么(Check Out What Else Google Has To Offer)
谷歌(Google)早已从它曾经的搜索引擎分支出来。(search engine)如果您喜欢Google Keep ,请尝试其他鲜为人知的Google服务。(Google)您可能会对他们提供的服务感到惊讶。
您使用Google Keep吗?您更喜欢使用该应用程序还是Google Keep 扩展程序(Google Keep extension)?在下面的评论中与我们分享(Share)您的想法。
How the Google Keep Extension on Chrome Makes Web Surfing Fun
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted while sυrfing the web. You start with one seemіngly simple task and before you know it find уourself switching back and fоrth between a million tabs having lost what you were looking for in the first place completely.
After you move on to something else, searching your open tabs in Chrome can take a while. A different way to stay on top of your tasks is to take notes and save your findings right there and then.

A great solution for taking notes without interrupting your tasks is using the Google Keep app. Now you can use it in a simple and sleek form of a browser extension. Quickly take notes, make lists, save important web pages and review them later with the Google Keep Chrome Extension.
Why Use The Google Keep Extension?
First of all, note-taking apps are great for improving your productivity, and Google Keep is no exception. If you know how to take full advantage of the app, it can save you time on planning important events, keep your to-do lists and personal notes organized, and even help you with project management.

How does it work? Once you add the Google Keep extension, you can save items while browsing with just one click. That way you can continue surfing the web and come back to it later on. You don’t have to worry about losing an important link ever again.
Access all your saved content whenever you want from the Google Keep webpage. The labeling system helps you keep your notes and saved cards organized. Color-code your cards to make them pop-up among all other content, or use images or drawings to get creative with them. You can also set reminders for completing tasks and Google Keep will alert you about them when the time comes.
How To Install The Google Keep Extension
Before you start using the Google Keep extension, here’s how to set it up.
- Open the Google Keep extension page in the Chrome web store.

- Click the Add to Chrome button.

- You’ll see the Add “Google Keep Chrome Extension”? menu pop up. Select Add extension.

- Chrome will then inform you that you added the extension. You can now access Google Keep by clicking the yellow icon with a light bulb next to the address bar.
How To Use The Google Keep Chrome Extension
Now that you’ve added the extension, find the Google Keep icon in the upper-right corner of the window and right-click on it. Select Go to Keep to bring the app up in a new tab.

When you first land on the Keep page, the app will ask you whether you’d like to use light or dark mode. We recommend enabling the dark mode for a more comfortable user experience. Once you’re done with overall app customization, you can start adding notes and web pages to your Keep. All your items will be synced across all of your devices, including computers, Android, iOS, and Wear that you use.

You can add notes from the Keep page by using the Take a note… menu from the top of the window.

Alternatively, you can create a note while browsing. Just click on the Keep icon to do it from any Chrome tab. Add a note and a label to organize your notes better, or leave it as it is.
Get Creative With What You Save
Google Keep allows for some creativity with the notes you create and the content you save. Here are a few tools that you can use to better organize your Google Keep cards. Learn to use all of them to take full advantage of the service.
Use Labels To Create Categories
Labels are the easiest way to organize the content on Keep. They make it easier for you to add and then search the notes for any specific information. Labeling will also help you keep your work-related content separate from personal content.

Any item on Google Keep can have one or multiple labels. You can create new labels from the Google Keep page, as well as from any other Chrome tab when adding a note.
Use Imagery & Color Codes To Visualize Your Goals
Whether your cards and notes on Google Keep are all professional or personal, it never hurts to visualize your goals better. You can add images or photos to your cards and lists for better motivation.

If it’s a to-do list, create a color-coding system that will tell you how far in progress you are with the tasks. Together with smart labeling and motivating imagery, you can turn your Google Keep page into an inspiring vision board.
Use Reminders To Never Forget Another Birthday Again

Google Keep allows you to set a singular or a repeated reminder for your notes with a date and time. This is a handy feature for both your close friend’s birthday and a conference video call that you can’t miss.
Use Shared Lists to Make Household Chores Easier
You can share your notes and lists from the Keep with any of your contacts. Find the collaborator icon when you open your note, click on it and add their name or email.

Aside from professional collaboration, you can use it to organize your friend’s birthday party, or to share shopping lists with your family. You can tick the items off the list once you get them, and the Keep will update the list for everyone you shared it with.
Access Google Keep From Your Phone
You can access your notes and cards from other computers and mobile phones.

From your smartphone, you can either use the Google Keep mobile app to see your saved content, or go to Google Keep page from the Chrome browser. All changes and updates that you make on your phone will be automatically saved and visible from other devices as well.
Download: for iOS, Android.
Check Out What Else Google Has To Offer
Google has long branched out from the search engine that it used to be. If you like Google Keep, give other lesser-known Google services a try. You might be surprised by what they have to offer.
Do you use Google Keep? Do you prefer using the app or the Google Keep extension? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.