在您的家中和工作场所拥有一个体面的 Wi-Fi 网络正逐渐成为必需品。由于我们的大部分工作或简单的日常活动都严重依赖于我们保持在线,如果我们无法连接到 Wi-Fi 网络,尤其是因为我们忘记了密码,就会变得非常不方便。如果您忘记了 Wi-Fi 网络的密码,这里是“如何在 Android 上查找 Wi-Fi 密码” 。(“How To Find Wi-Fi Password On Android”)
不仅如此,Android在帮助我们找回已保存的密码方面提供的帮助很少或根本没有。在用户的多次要求下,Android终于推出了“ (Android)Wi-Fi 密码共享(Password sharing for Wi-Fi”)”这一最本质的功能。但是,只有在Android 10上运行的设备才具有此功能。对于其他人来说,这仍然是不可能的。因此,在本文中,我们将讨论查找 Wi-Fi 密码并与朋友分享的替代方法。
如何在 Android 上查找 Wi-Fi 密码(适用于 Android 10)(How to Find Wi-Fi Password on Android (Works on Android 10))
随着Android 10的推出,终于可以查看和共享所有已保存网络的密码。特别是如果您是Google Pixel用户,那么您的所有问题都已解决。让我们仔细看看如何找到保存的 Wi-Fi 密码。
2. 现在点击“无线和网络”(Wireless and networks”)选项。
3. 导航到Wi-Fi选项并点击它。
4. 您可以看到所有可用 Wi-Fi 网络的列表,以及您连接的网络,该列表将突出显示。( highlighted.)
5.点击您连接的 Wi-Fi 网络的名称,( Tap on the name of the Wi-Fi network to which you are connected,)您将被带到网络详细信息(Network details )页面。
6. 点击“分享”(Share” )选项,按下该选项会出现二维码(QR code)。
7. 在此过程中,您可能会被要求通过输入您的PIN 码、密码或指纹来显示二维码(PIN, password, or fingerprint to display the QR code.)进行授权。
8. 设备成功识别您后,Wi-Fi密码将以二维码的形式出现在您的屏幕上。( form of a QR code.)
10. 在某些特定设备(使用库存Android的设备)上,可以在二维码下方找到密码,以简单的文本格式编写。
如果您的密码写在二维码下,那么只需大声说出或发短信就可以很容易地与所有人分享。但是,如果您唯一可以访问的是 QR 码,那就很难了。不过,还有另一种选择。您可以解码此二维码以获取明文格式的密码。
如何解码二维码(How to Decode QR Code)
如果您使用的是非像素Android 10设备,那么您将无法获得直接查看密码的额外好处。您需要通过使用第三方应用程序来解码 QR 码以显示实际密码。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1. 首先,从 Play 商店下载并安装名为TrendMirco 的 QR 扫描仪(TrendMirco’s QR scanner)的第三方应用程序。
2.这个应用程序将帮助您解码二维码(Decoding the QR code)。
3.按照上述步骤在连接到 Wi-Fi 的设备上生成二维码。(QR code )
4. 打开TrendMirco 的 QR 扫描仪(TrendMirco’s QR scanner)应用程序,该应用程序借助设备的摄像头扫描和解码 QR 码。
5. 如果您没有辅助设备扫描二维码,可以将设置中显示的二维码截图保存在图库中。(Gallery)
6. 要使用屏幕截图(Screenshot),请单击应用程序屏幕左下角的二维码图标以打开屏幕截图。(QR code icon)
7. 应用程序扫描二维码并以明文格式显示数据,包括密码。数据清楚地显示在两个位置。您可以从此处轻松记下密码。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复提高 Android 中的位置准确性弹出窗口(Fix Improve Location Accuracy Popup In Android)
如何查找运行 Android 9 或更早版本的设备的 Wi-Fi 密码 (How to Find the Wi-Fi password for Devices running Android 9 or Older )
如前所述,在Android 10之前,几乎不可能找到保存的 Wi-Fi 密码,即使是我们当前连接的那个也是如此。但是,您可以通过多种不同的方式找到已保存/已连接网络的密码。其中一些方法很简单,但其他方法有点复杂,可能需要 root 设备。
让我们讨论一下可以找到Android 9或更早版本密码的所有不同方法:
在 Android 上使用第三方应用程序查找 Wi-Fi 密码(Find Wi-Fi Password Using a Third-Party App on Android)
Play 商店(Play Store)中有很多第三方应用程序声称会泄露Wi-Fi密码。但是,不幸的是,其中大多数都是骗局,并且不起作用。我们已经入围了一些真正能做到这一点的好人。您可能必须授予对这些应用程序的 root 访问权限,否则它们将无法运行。
1. ES文件资源管理器(需要root)(1. ES File Explorer (Root Required))
这可能是唯一可行的应用程序,但您需要提供 root 访问权限。但是,它的有效性是特定于设备的。它适用于某些设备,但对于其他设备,它可能会要求 root 访问权限,因为不同的智能手机 OEM(Smartphone OEMs)提供对系统文件的不同级别的访问权限。最好尝试一下,也许您是找到丢失密码的幸运者之一。
您可以从Play Store下载(Play Store)ES File Explorer 应用程序(ES File Explorer app),顾名思义,它本质上是一个File Explorer。该应用程序(App)可帮助您管理多项活动,例如创建备份、移动、复制、粘贴文件等。但是,该应用程序的特殊功能是它可以帮助您访问系统文件。
以下是有关如何使用特殊功能查找已连接/已保存网络的 Wi-Fi 密码的分步指南。
1.您需要做的第一件事是打开应用程序,然后点击屏幕左上角的“三竖线” 。(Three vertical lines” )
2. 这将打开包含导航面板( Navigation panel)的扩展菜单。
3. 选择本地存储(Local storage)选项,然后点击名为设备(Device)的选项。
4. 现在在屏幕右侧,您将能够看到设备内存中的内容。在这里,打开系统文件夹(System folder)。
5. 之后,转到“等”。(‘etc.’)文件夹后跟“ Wi-Fi ”,最后你会找到“wpa_supplicant.conf”文件。
6. 使用应用内文本查看器打开它,您将找到保存在您设备上的所有 Wi-Fi 密码。( you will find all the Wi-Fi passwords saved on your device.)
2. Solid Explorer 文件管理器(需要 Root)(2. Solid Explorer File Manager (Requires Root))
如前所述,这些应用程序中的大多数都需要 root 访问权限才能查看系统文件。因此,请确保在安装此应用程序之前根您的设备。在您的手机上,按照以下步骤查找您的 Wi-Fi 密码。
1. 首先,从 Play 商店下载并安装“ Solid Explorer File Manager ”。
2. 现在打开应用程序,点击屏幕左上角的“三竖线” 。(Three vertical lines”)
3. 这将打开滑入式菜单。在这里,在“存储(Storages)”部分下,您将找到“根”(“Root”)选项,点击它。
5. 现在打开名为 data 的文件夹,并在其中打开“misc”文件夹。
6. 之后,选择“wifi”文件夹。
7. 在这里,您将找到“wpa_supplicant.conf”文件。打开它,您将被要求选择一个应用程序来打开文件。
8. 继续并选择 Solid Explorer 的内置文本(Text)编辑器。
9. 现在滚动代码行并转到Network块(The code starts with “network = {”)
“psk =”开头的行,这是您可以找到Wi-Fi网络密码的地方。
使用 ADB 查找 Wi-Fi 密码(Android – Minimal ADB 和快速启动工具)(Find the Wi-Fi password Using ADB (Android – Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool))
ADB代表Android 调试桥(Android Debug Bridge)。它是一个命令行工具,是Android SDK (软件开发工具包)((Software Development Kit))的一部分。它允许您使用 PC 控制您的Android智能手机,前提是您的设备通过USB电缆连接到计算机。您可以使用它来安装或卸载应用程序、传输文件、获取有关网络或 Wi-Fi 连接的信息、检查电池状态、截取屏幕截图或屏幕录制等等。它有一组代码,可让您在设备上执行各种操作。
2. 现在,单击系统(System)选项。
3. 之后,选择关于手机(About phone)选项。
4. 现在,您将能够看到名为Build Number的东西;继续点击它,直到您看到屏幕上弹出消息说您现在是开发人员。通常,您需要点击 6-7 次才能成为开发人员。
5. 之后,您需要从开发者选项中(Developer options)启用 USB 调试( enable USB debugging)。
6. 返回设置(Settings)并单击系统(System)选项。
7. 现在,点击开发者选项(Developer options)。
8.向下滚动(Scroll),在调试(Debugging)部分下,您将找到USB 调试(USB debugging)设置。拨动开关,您就可以开始了。
启用USB调试后,您可以在计算机上安装 ADB(install ADB on your computer)并在两者之间建立连接。有多种ADB工具和平台供您选择。为简单起见,我们将向您推荐几个简单的工具,这些工具将使您的工作更轻松。但是,如果您有足够的Android经验并具备(Android)ADB的基本知识,那么您可以使用您选择的任何应用程序。下面给出了使用ADB(ADB)提取Wi-Fi密码的简单分步指南。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是在您的 PC 上安装通用 ADB 驱动程序。(Universal ADB Drivers)这是您通过USB(USB)电缆在手机和 PC 之间建立连接所需的基本驱动程序集。
2. 除此之外,在您的计算机上安装Minimal ADB 和 Fastboot Tool 。(Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool )这个简单的工具包允许您跳过初始设置命令,从而使您的工作变得更轻松。
3.此应用程序自动配置与您手机的ADB连接。(configures the ADB connection)
4. 安装这两个软件后,使用USB数据线将手机连接到计算机。确保选择“传输文件”(“Transfer files”)或“数据传输”(“Data Transfer”)选项。
5. 现在启动ADB 和 Fastboot 应用程序(ADB and Fastboot app),它将作为命令(Command)提示符窗口打开。
6. 如前所述,您可以跳过初始设置命令,因为连接将自动建立。
7. 您只需输入以下命令并回车:adb pull /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
8. 这将提取“wpa_supplicant.conf”文件(包含Wi-Fi密码)中的数据并将其复制到安装(Wi-Fi)Minimal ADB和Fastboot的相同位置。
9. 在您的 PC 上打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)并导航到该位置,您将找到一个同名的记事本文件。
10.打开它,您将能够访问您保存的所有 Wi-Fi 密码。(Open it, and you will be able to access all your saved Wi-Fi passwords.)
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够轻松地在 Android 设备上找到 Wi-Fi 密码(easily find the Wi-Fi password on your Android device)。无法找到您自己的 Wi-Fi 密码是一种令人沮丧的情况。这类似于被锁在自己家门外。我们希望您能够借助本文中讨论的各种方法尽快摆脱这种棘手的解决方案。
使用Android 10的用户比其他所有人都有明显的优势。因此,如果您有任何未完成的软件更新,我们强烈建议您这样做,然后您也将成为幸运俱乐部的一员。在那之前,你必须比同龄人更努力地工作。
How To Find Wi-Fi Password On Android
Hаving a decent Wi-Fi network at your home and workplace is gradually becomіng a necessity. Since most of our work or simple day-to-day activities аre heavilу reliant on us staying online, іt becomes quite inconvenient if we cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network, especially becаuse we forgot thе passwоrd. Here іѕ “How To Find Wi-Fi Password On Android” incase you forgot the password to your Wi-Fi network.
At times, when friends and family visit us and ask for the Wi-Fi password, all they get is a disappointment because we have forgotten the password. Honestly, it is not even your fault; you must have created the passwords months or years ago and then never used it again as the password gets saved on your device and there is no need to enter it again and again.
Not only that, Android offers little or no assistance in helping us retrieve the saved passwords. After many requests from the users, Android finally introduced the most essential feature of “Password sharing for Wi-Fi”. However, only those devices that are running on Android 10 have this feature. For others, it is still not possible. Therefore, in this article, we are going to discuss alternate ways in which you can find your Wi-Fi password and share it with your friends.
How to Find Wi-Fi Password on Android (Works on Android 10)
With the introduction of Android 10, it is finally possible to view and share the passwords for all the saved networks. Especially if you are a Google Pixel user, then all your problems have been solved. Let us take a closer look at how you can find the saved Wi-Fi passwords.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the “Wireless and networks” option.
3. Navigate to the Wi-Fi option and tap on it.
4. You can see the list of all the available Wi-Fi networks, along with the one you are connected to, which will be highlighted.
5. Tap on the name of the Wi-Fi network to which you are connected, and you will be taken to the Network details page.
6. Tap on the “Share” option, and on pressing the option a QR code appears.
7. In this process you might be asked to authorize by entering your PIN, password, or fingerprint to display the QR code.
8. After the device successfully recognizes you, the Wi-Fi password will be visible on your screen in the form of a QR code.
9. You can ask your friends to scan this code, and they will be able to connect to the network.
10. On some specific devices (ones using stock Android) the password can be found below the QR code, written in simple text format.
If you have the password written under the QR code, then it becomes pretty easy to share it with everyone by simply saying it out loud or texting it. However, if the only thing you have access to is the QR code, things are difficult. There is an alternative, though. You can decode this QR code to get the password in plaintext format.
How to Decode QR Code
If you have a non-pixel Android 10 device, then you won’t have the added benefit of viewing the password directly. You need to make some effort to decode the QR code by using a third-party app to reveal the actual password. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Firstly, download and install a third-party app called TrendMirco’s QR scanner from the Play Store.
2. This app will help you in Decoding the QR code.
3. Generate the QR code on the device which is connected to the Wi-Fi by following the steps given above.
4. Open TrendMirco’s QR scanner app which scans and decodes the QR code with the help of the device’s camera.
5. If you don’t have a secondary device to scan the QR code, the QR code which is displayed in the settings can be saved in the Gallery by taking a screenshot.
6. To make use of the Screenshot, click on the QR code icon present on the bottom left corner of the screen in the app to open the screenshot.
7. The app scans the QR code and reveals the data in a plaintext format, including the password. The data is clearly displayed in two spots. You can easily take note of the password from here.
Also Read: Fix Improve Location Accuracy Popup In Android
How to Find the Wi-Fi password for Devices running Android 9 or Older
As mentioned earlier, before Android 10, it was nearly impossible to find out the saved Wi-Fi passwords, not even for the one that we currently connected to. However, there are several different ways in which you can find the password to the saved/connected networks. Some of these methods are simple, but others are a little complicated and might need to root your device.
Let us discuss all the different ways in which you can find the password for Android 9 or older:
Find Wi-Fi Password Using a Third-Party App on Android
There are a lot of third-party apps on the Play Store that claim to disclose the Wi-Fi password. However, unfortunately, most of these are a hoax and do not work. We have shortlisted a few good ones that actually do the trick. You might have to give root access to these apps, or else they won’t work.
1. ES File Explorer (Root Required)
This is probably the only app that might work but you need to provide root access. However, its effectiveness is device-specific. It works for some devices, but for other devices, it might ask for root access because different Smartphone OEMs provide varying levels of access to the system files. It is better to give it a try and maybe you are one of the lucky ones to find your lost password.
You can download the ES File Explorer app from the Play Store and as the name suggests, it is essentially a File Explorer. The App helps you manage several activities like creating a backup, moving, copying, pasting files, etc. However, the special feature of the app is it can help you access system files.
Given below is a step-wise guide on how to use the special feature to find out the Wi-Fi password of the connected/saved network.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open the app and then tap on the “Three vertical lines” present on the top-left corner of the screen.
2. This will open the extended menu that includes the Navigation panel.
3. Select the Local storage option and then tap on the option named Device.
4. Now on the right side of the screen, you will be able to see the contents of your device’s internal memory. Here, open the System folder.
5. After that, go to the ‘etc.’ folder followed by ‘Wi-Fi’, and then finally you will find the “wpa_supplicant.conf” file.
6. Open it using the in-app text viewer, and you will find all the Wi-Fi passwords saved on your device.
2. Solid Explorer File Manager (Requires Root)
As mentioned earlier, most of these apps require root access to view the system files. So, make sure that you root your device before installing this app. On your rooted phone, follow the steps given below to find your Wi-Fi passwords.
1. Firstly, download and install the “Solid Explorer File Manager “from the Play Store.
2. Now open the app and tap on the “Three vertical lines” on the top-left corner of the screen.
3. This will open the slide-in menu. Here, under the Storages section, you will find the “Root” option, tap on it.
4. You will now be asked to grant root access to the app, allow it.
5. Now open the folder named data and in there open the “misc” folder.
6. After that, select the “wifi” folder.
7. Here, you will find the “wpa_supplicant.conf” file. Open it, and you will be asked to choose an app to open the file with.
8. Go ahead and select the Solid Explorer’s built-in Text editor.
9. Now scroll past the lines of code and go to the Network block (The code starts with “network = {”)
11. Here you will find a line that starts with “psk =” and this is where you will find the password for the Wi-Fi network.
Find the Wi-Fi password Using ADB (Android – Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool)
ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. It is a command-line tool that is a part of the Android SDK (Software Development Kit). It allows you to control your Android smartphone using a PC provided that your device is connected to the computer via a USB cable. You can use it to install or uninstall apps, transfer files, get information about network or Wi-Fi connection, check battery status, take screenshots or screen recording, and so much more. It has a set of codes that allow you to perform various operations on your device.
To use ADB, you need to make sure that USB debugging is enabled on your device. This can be easily enabled from the Developer options. In case, you do not have any idea what that is, follow the steps given below to unlock Developer options and then use it to enable USB debugging.
1. Firstly, open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now, click on the System option.
3. After that, select the About phone option.
4. Now, you will be able to see something called Build Number; keep tapping on it until you see the message pop up on your screen that says you are now a developer. Usually, you need to tap 6-7 times to become a developer.
5. After that, you need to enable USB debugging from the Developer options.
6. Go back to Settings and click on the System option.
7. Now, tap on Developer options.
8. Scroll down, and under the Debugging section, you will find the setting for USB debugging. Toggle on the switch, and you are good to go.
Once you have enabled, USB debugging, you can install ADB on your computer and establish a connection between the two. There are different kinds of ADB tools and platforms for you to choose from. For the sake of simplicity, we will be suggesting you a couple of simple tools that will make the job easier for you. However, if you have sufficient experience with Android and possess the basic know-how of ADB, then you can use any app of your choice. Given below is a simple step-wise guide to using ADB to extract the Wi-Fi password.
1. The first thing that you need to do is to install Universal ADB Drivers on your PC. This is the basic driver set that you need to establish a connection between a phone and a PC via a USB cable.
2. In addition to that, install the Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool on your computer. This simple toolkit will make things easier for you by allowing you to skip the initial set-up commands.
3. This app automatically configures the ADB connection with your phone.
4. Once both the software has been installed, connect your phone to the computer using a USB cable. Ensure that you select the “Transfer files” or “Data Transfer” option.
5. Now launch the ADB and Fastboot app, and it will open as a Command prompt window.
6. As mentioned earlier, you can skip the initial setup commands as the connection will automatically be established.
7. All that you need to is type in the following command and hit enter: adb pull /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
8. This will extract the data in the “wpa_supplicant.conf” file (which contains the Wi-Fi passwords) and copy it to the same location where Minimal ADB and Fastboot are installed.
9. Open File Explorer on your PC and navigate to that location and you will find a notepad file of the same name.
10. Open it, and you will be able to access all your saved Wi-Fi passwords.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to easily find the Wi-Fi password on your Android device. Unable to find out your own Wi-Fi password is a frustrating situation. It is similar to being locked out of your own home. We hope that you will be able to get out of this sticky solution soon, with the help of the various methods discussed in this article.
Users with Android 10 have a clear advantage over everyone else. Therefore, if you have any pending software updates, we would highly recommend you to do so, and then you will also be a part of the lucky club. Until then, you will have to work a little harder than your peers.