Trust是一家来自(Trust)荷兰(Netherlands)的计算机电子公司,以制造具有出色性价比的设备而闻名。他们活跃的领域之一是计算机麦克风,他们产品组合中最新的此类产品是新的Trust GXT 258 Fyru。Fyru被宣传为USB 4 合 1 多用途麦克风,听起来是家庭录音的绝佳选择。我们有幸测试和使用了大约一周,现在我们想告诉您更多有关它的信息。如果您对Trust GXT 258 (Trust GXT 258)Fyru能做什么以及它是否是您的正确选择感到好奇,请阅读此评论:
信任 GXT 258 (Trust GXT 258) Fyru:它对谁有好处?
- 是游戏玩家并喜欢流式传输您的游戏
- 需要一个多功能麦克风来创建播客或接受采访
- 演奏乐器或人声并想在家录制您的演奏
这些是Trust GXT 258 Fyru的最佳品质:
- 录音的音频质量是一流的
- 支持四种不同类型的拾音模式
- 出色的建造质量
- 即插即用 - 您只需要一个USB端口即可。无需驱动程序或软件
- 用户友好的操作和有用的控制
- 有用的照明,指示声音拾取模式以及麦克风是否静音
- 缺少降噪或回声消除功能
- 灯只有五个预设可供您选择(不包括软件)

我们喜欢Trust GXT 258 Fyru,我们将它推荐给任何寻找出色麦克风用于家庭录音的人。无论您使用何种拾音模式,它的性能都是一流的:心形、双向、立体声或全向。它的制造质量非常好,其上的控件易于理解和使用,而类似 RGB 的LED(LEDs)非常有用。如果您不想在麦克风上花大价钱,并且想要一台质量上乘的设备,那么Trust GXT 258 Fyru USB 4 合 1(Fyru USB 4-in-1)是您可以做出的最佳选择之一。
拆箱Trust GXT 258 Fyru麦克风
Trust GXT 258 Fyru麦克风包装在一个精美的盒子内。在它的侧面,您可以看到Fyru的外观,您还可以找到有关其基本功能和规格的详细信息。

当您打开Trust GXT 258 Fyru的包装箱时,您会发现构成此麦克风的所有部件及其附件都放置在保护性泡沫上。包装内有麦克风、三脚架、USB-C 转USB-A 数据(USB-A)线、Trust游戏贴纸、用户指南和保修文件。

拆箱 Trust GXT 258 Fyru 感觉就像是一种高级体验。盒子看起来一流,里面的所有东西都是单独包装的,所以在运输过程中不会损坏任何东西。(Unboxing the Trust GXT 258 Fyru feels like a premium experience. The box looks first-rate, and everything inside it is additionally packaged, individually, so that nothing gets broken during transport.)
Trust GXT 258 Fyru被宣传为USB 4(USB)合(Fyru)1 流媒体麦克风。虽然它显然是针对流媒体的,但它的功能也推荐它用于其他目的,包括但不限于播客、画外音和原声音乐录制。在它的顶部,有一个按钮可以在这四种预定义的录制模式之间切换:
- 心形:(Cardioid:)麦克风从正面拾取声音,从侧面拾取一点声音,但不从背面拾取任何声音,最适合流媒体、游戏、画外音、视频日志、语音通话等
- 双向:(Bidirectional:)调整声音拾取模式以从相反的源捕获音频,例如面对面采访或对话
- 立体声:(Stereo:)类似于双向,因为它同时从左右相反的方向捕捉声音,是音乐等立体声录音的最佳选择
- 全向:(Omnidirectional:)麦克风接收来自各个方向的音频信号,这使其成为多人录音(播客、多人在线会议等)的最佳模式

这款麦克风的采样率为 48 kHz/16 位,频率响应率从 30 到 18000 Hz,比其他多功能麦克风略低,但对于清晰的录音来说绰绰有余。麦克风的灵敏度为 -36 dB,它提供了出色的信噪比,等于 130 dB。

Trust GXT 258 Fyru使用三个带有爆音过滤器的电容式麦克风来获取声音,这些麦克风可以有效地清除爆音和重击音(爆破音和摩擦音),这些是在您发音 P 或F 等字母时发出的不受欢迎的声音。所以(F. So),尽管它不会出现使用降噪或回声消除功能,录制的音频仍然应该是高质量的。

在外观方面,Fyru麦克风看起来坚固而美观。它的车身由金属制成,并在其所有侧面都具有美观的格栅。正如公司展示的那样,它所站立的三脚架也是“重金属”🙂,并且可以调节倾斜度。此外,麦克风配有通用 5/8 英寸螺丝安装座,因此如果您需要自定义设置,您可以将其连接到任何兼容的麦克风臂上。

说到按钮和连接,除了我们之前提到的模式按钮之外, (Mode)Trust GXT 258 Fyru还有很多。首先(First),您应该知道这是一个 USB 设备:它使用 1.8 米(5.9 英尺)长的 USB-C 到USB-A电缆通过底部的 USB-C 端口连接到您的计算机。您可以将它与任何计算机、笔记本电脑或游戏机一起使用。

Fyru麦克风正面有两个旋钮和一个 3.5 毫米音频插孔。有一个增益旋钮,您可以使用它来增加或减少麦克风的增益以及按下,在这种情况下它会完全静音麦克风。如果您将一副耳机连接到 3.5 毫米插孔,则另一个旋钮可让您调节其音量。Fyru麦克风上的耳机端口具有零延迟,这意味着您可以在没有任何延迟的情况下实时收听您正在录制的内容。

麦克风重 626 克/22.08 盎司(总共 1030 克/36.33 盎司,加上三脚架),高 183 毫米(7.20 英寸),宽 63 毫米(2.48 英寸),深 74 毫米(2.91 英寸)。
如果您想查看该产品的所有官方规格,请访问其官方网页:Trust GXT 258 Fyru USB 4-in-1 Streaming Microphone。
使用Trust GXT 258 Fyru麦克风

组装好所有东西后,我使用其USB电缆将Fyru麦克风连接到我的台式计算机。令人惊喜的是,它被证明是一种真正的即插即用体验。Windows 10 立即识别出麦克风并将其设置为主音频输入源。实际上(Practically),我不需要做任何其他事情来让它正常运行。

录制音频时,无论是在流式传输、制作播客还是您可能会做的任何事情时,都可以轻松切换麦克风的模式。我喜欢它的是模式(Mode)按钮附近的附加LED 。(LEDs)当更改为心形(Cardioid)、双向(Bidirectional)、立体声(Stereo)或全向(Omnidirectional)时,LED(LEDs)会亮起以指示麦克风从哪一侧拾取声音。这是一种实用且用户友好的方式,可让您了解麦克风的收听方式。

关于音质,我只有好话要说。Trust GXT 258 Fyru麦克风能够从远处和近距离捕捉高质量的音频。我不是任何类型的歌手,所以我没有在录制任何重金属翻唱时测试它。🙂
但是,我确实玩了很多游戏,包括英雄联盟等在线游戏,我(Legends)确实(League)在其中与队友交谈。使用Fyru麦克风,他们都说他们可以很清楚地听到我的声音,就像我们在同一个房间里一样。如果您想听听录音的声音,以及它如何处理爆破音(P 字母),请听听我录制的这个示例音频:
Trust GXT 258 Fyru 是一款美观且坚固的麦克风,我很乐意向任何想要以高质量录制他或她的声音的人推荐它。(Trust GXT 258 Fyru is an aesthetically pleasing and robust microphone that I would gladly recommend to anyone who wants to record his or her voice in high quality.)
您对Trust GXT 258 Fyru麦克风有何看法?
现在您知道我们非常喜欢Trust GXT 258 Fyru USB 4 合 1 流媒体麦克风。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的想法。如果您已经拥有它,请不要犹豫,在下面的评论中与其他读者分享您的经验。
Reviewing Trust GXT 258 Fyru: First-class microphone for streaming
Trust is a computer electronіcs company from the Netherlands that's well-known for manufасturing devices wіth an excеllent price-performance ratio. Onе of the areas in which they are active is computer mіcrophones, and thе lateѕt ѕuch product in their portfoliо is the new Trust GXT 258 Fуru. Advertised as being a USB 4-in-1 multipurpose microphone, the Fyru sounds like a great choiсe for home recording. We've had the plеasurе of testing and usіng for about a week, and now we'd like to tell you more aboυt it. If you're curious about what the Trust GXT 258 Fyru can do and whether it's the right choice fоr you, read this revіew:
Trust GXT 258 Fyru: Who is it good for?
This multipurpose microphone is a good choice if you:
- Are a gamer and like streaming your games
- Need a multipurpose mike for creating podcasts or taking interviews
- Play an instrument or vocals and want to record your performance at home
Pros and cons
These are the best qualities of the Trust GXT 258 Fyru:
- The audio quality of sound recordings is top-notch
- Supports four different types of sound pick-up patterns
- Great build quality
- Plug and play - all you need is a USB port. No drivers or software are required
- User-friendly operation and useful controls
- Lighting that's useful, indicating sound pick-up patterns, as well as whether the microphone is muted
There a few caveats too:
- A noise reduction or echo cancellation feature is missing
- The lights have only five presets you can choose from (no software included)

We like the Trust GXT 258 Fyru, and we recommend it to anyone looking for an excellent microphone for home recording. Its performance is first-class regardless of what sound pick-up pattern you use: cardioid, bidirectional, stereo, or omnidirectional. Its build quality is excellent, the controls on it are easy to understand and use, while the RGB-like LEDs are surprisingly useful. If you don't want to spend a fortune on a microphone, and you want a device of good quality, the Trust GXT 258 Fyru USB 4-in-1 is one of the best choices you could make.
Unboxing the Trust GXT 258 Fyru microphone
The Trust GXT 258 Fyru microphone is packaged inside an attractive box. On its sides, you can get a glimpse of what the Fyru looks like, and you also find details about its essential features and specifications.

When you unbox the Trust GXT 258 Fyru, you discover that all the parts that make up this microphone, together with its accessories, are placed on a protective foam. Inside the package, you get the microphone, a tripod stand to put it on, a USB-C to USB-A cable, a Trust gaming sticker, a user guide, and the warranty papers.

Unboxing the Trust GXT 258 Fyru feels like a premium experience. The box looks first-rate, and everything inside it is additionally packaged, individually, so that nothing gets broken during transport.
Design and hardware specifications
The Trust GXT 258 Fyru is advertised as a USB 4-in-1 streaming microphone. Although it's clearly targeted for streamers, its abilities also recommend it for other purposes, including but not limited to podcasting, voice-overs, and acoustic music recording. On its top side, there's a button that switches between these four predefined recording modes:
- Cardioid: the microphone picks up sound from the front and a bit from its sides, but doesn't pick any sound from its back, and is best for things like streaming, gaming, voice-overs, video logs, voice calls
- Bidirectional: the sound pick-up pattern is adjusted for capturing audio from opposite-facing sources, like in face to face interviews or dialogs
- Stereo: is similar to bidirectional as it captures sound from opposite directions simultaneously, left and right, and it's the best choice for stereo recordings such as music
- Omnidirectional: the microphone receives audio signals from all directions, which makes this the best mode for multi-person recordings (podcasts, online meetings with multiple people in the same room, etc.)

This microphone's sampling rate is 48 kHz/16-bit, and its frequency response rate goes from 30 to 18000 Hz, which is a bit lower than on other multipurpose microphones, but more than enough for clear recordings. The microphone's sensitivity is -36 dB, and it offers an excellent signal-to-noise ratio that's equal to 130 dB.

Trust GXT 258 Fyru acquires sound using three condenser microphones with pop filters that efficiently clean pops and thumps (plosives and fricatives), which are undesired sounds that come out when you pronounce letters such as P or F. So, although it doesn't come with a noise reduction or echo cancellation feature, the recorded audio should be of high quality nonetheless.

In terms of looks, the Fyru microphone looks robust and beautiful. Its body is made of metal and features an aesthetically pleasant grille on all its sides. The tripod on which it stands is also "heavy metal" 🙂 as the company presents it, and tilt-adjustable. Furthermore, the microphone comes with a universal 5/8'' screw mount so you can attach it to any compatible microphone arm if you want a custom setup.
To make things even more interesting, there's also RGB-like lighting. You can adjust the illumination effects in five different colors: blue, green, purple, yellow, and white. Switching between the RGB modes is done via a small button that's hidden on the bottom of the microphone.

Speaking of buttons and connections, the Trust GXT 258 Fyru has quite a few, in addition to the Mode button we've mentioned earlier. First, you should know that this is a USB device: it connects to your computer through a USB-C port found on its bottom, using a 1.8 meters (5.9 feet) long USB-C to USB-A cable. You can use it with any computer, laptop, or gaming console.

On the front, the Fyru microphone features two knobs and a 3.5 mm audio jack. There's a gain knob which you can use to increase or decrease the microphone's gain as well as press, in which case it mutes the microphone completely. If you connect a pair of headphones to the 3.5 mm jack, the other knob lets you adjust their volume. The headphone port found on the Fyru microphone has zero latency, which means that you can listen to what you're recording in real time without any delay.

The microphone weighs 626 grams / 22.08 oz (1030 grams / 36.33 oz total, with the tripod mount) and is 183 mm tall (7.20 in), 63 mm wide (2.48 in), and 74 mm deep (2.91 in).
If you want to check all the official specs of this product, visit its official webpage: Trust GXT 258 Fyru USB 4-in-1 Streaming Microphone.
Using the Trust GXT 258 Fyru microphone
After using this microphone for a while, I can say that I'm really satisfied with what it has to offer. First, I noticed how heavy it is: at almost 1 kilogram, it's not easy to move on the desk, but that also means that it's pretty hard to knock down, right? 🙂

Once I've assembled everything, I connected the Fyru microphone to my desktop computer using its USB cable. The pleasant surprise was that it proved to be a true plug-and-play experience. Windows 10 instantly identified the microphone and set it as the main audio input source. Practically, I didn't have to do anything else to make it run properly.

When recording audio, regardless of whether it's while streaming, making a podcast, or whatever you might do, it's easy to switch the mike's mode. What I like about it is the additional LEDs found near the Mode button. When changing to Cardioid, Bidirectional, Stereo, or Omnidirectional, the LEDs light up to indicate from which sides the microphone picks up sound. It's a practical and user-friendly way of letting you know how the microphone is listening.

Regarding sound quality, I have only good things to say. The Trust GXT 258 Fyru microphone is able to capture audio at high quality, both from afar and up close. I'm not a singer of any kind, so I didn't test it at recording any heavy-metal covers. 🙂
However, I do play a lot of games, including online ones such as League of Legends, in which I do talk with my teammates. Using the Fyru microphone, all of them said that they could hear me very clearly, like we were in the same room. If you want to hear how a recording sounds, and how it handles plosives (P letters), listen to this sample audio that I've recorded:
Trust GXT 258 Fyru is an aesthetically pleasing and robust microphone that I would gladly recommend to anyone who wants to record his or her voice in high quality.
What's your opinion about the Trust GXT 258 Fyru microphone?
Now you know that we like the Trust GXT 258 Fyru USB 4-in-1 streaming microphone quite a lot. Before closing this review, let us know what you think too. If you already have it, don't hesitate to share your experience with other readers, in a comment below.