如果您需要创建幻灯片,可以查看这些用于演示的 Canva 模板(Canva templates for presentation)。无论您需要在学校、学院还是办公室展示某些内容,您都可以使用这些模板在瞬间创建精美而专业的演示文稿。
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4FL8BVij-vE/YVKCWoDUtNI/AAAAAAAAKvo/ub_hfPM3Ro46Q_MQPLjbN7ll1lEPAOgVACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/huOWsg_ELPDSA4Kb5Fh4dEtGjyk.jpg)
免费的 Canva 演示模板
- 学校用品类教学大纲教育演示(School Supplies Class Syllabus Education Presentation)
- 手写(Handwritten)和插图教室(Illustrated Classroom)
- 说明性有趣的商业现货插图(Fun Business Spot Illustrations)
- 细几何线(Thin Geometric Lines)销售间距(Pitch)销售演示文稿
- 简单的人类说明性投资理财技巧(Human Illustrative Investing Finance Tips)
- 等距元素(Isometric Elements)和模型金融技术(Mockups Financial Technology)
- 互联网安全幻灯片演示
- 宣传活动和特殊兴趣(Interest)介绍
- 大纲柔和的颜色大学毕业生求职者(Outline Pastel Colors College Graduate Job Seeker)
1]学校用品类教学大纲教育演示(School Supplies Class Syllabus Education Presentation)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FpluWbdHjh0/YVBAJD7gjHI/AAAAAAAAITk/fl7lYgfVFPkehrsJ35r8rx9sM6gmYdZQgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/5o8m5Iq_h5nfoqb2XmBKhaCNoYk.jpg)
此演示文稿适合希望与学生分享下学期教学大纲的教师。无论您是大学教授还是幼儿园老师,您都可以使用此模板为您的教学大纲添加视觉增强效果。该模板共有 11 张幻灯片,您可以根据自己的要求自定义每一张。在 canva.com上获取。
2]手写(Handwritten)和插图教室(Illustrated Classroom)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PrFsbv6BnH8/YVMGiye3JbI/AAAAAAAATTc/tJuylMpCHG0wVgIakIyHpweJcS7s0NW4gCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/p04j5PiI_OQutaDxRylH-T9x6q8.jpg)
如果您是学校的一些孩子的老师,并且想教他们一些基本的注意事项,您可以使用此模板。这是一个儿童友好的模板,您可以从上到下进行编辑。它有十七张幻灯片,所有的幻灯片都充满了形状、颜色和文字。无论您是想保留原始文本还是添加一些内容,都可以做到。在 canva.com上获取。
3]说明性有趣的商业现货插图(Illustrative Fun Business Spot Illustrations)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-e34m94Q6sPs/YVVGDojFO1I/AAAAAAAALkA/eqFCaGWunakIuhiRe4jgOUluJv7xbkjGgCPcBGAYYCw/s0/u57F63OlnhPzSljGlk_TfoH77s0.jpg)
如果您需要在办公室进行演示或计划向您的团队推销一个新想法,您可以使用此模板。该模板的特点是它带有大量文本或各种块的动画。颜色组合不会太亮,因此您几乎可以在任何地方使用它而不会使其过度饱和。在 canva.com上获取。
4]细几何线(Thin Geometric Lines)销售宣传(Pitch)销售演示
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ygo24qn8FJk/YVMNAk8eLlI/AAAAAAAAUG0/s0R-uVANTd0dNRHkhHxxV8dloqjxF8g_wCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/pnd42osQPB8VlUeu0JCvAin5RGg.jpg)
该模板主要适用于那些想向他们的团队推销新的销售计划或想法的人。您可以从介绍开始,继续解决实际问题,并以您脑海中的解决方案结束。它是一个更加以文本为中心的模板,它可以帮助您编写更多的单词来呈现脑海中的所有内容。此模板有一些额外的几何形状,可以丰富每张幻灯片的质量。在 canva.com上获取。
5]简单的人类说明性投资理财技巧(Simple Human Illustrative Investing Finance Tips)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2VqSpabnXLE/YVWVYEPCuUI/AAAAAAAAOu4/_ZdNhjabB7g1lQRK1GKbg4u6yobTLOoWQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/WivuRcZphr-BiVQAeUIIyfptYz8.jpg)
如果你想用幻灯片展示年度报告或进度或类似的东西,这个Canva模板会很方便。您可以从简要介绍开始演示,展示路线图/变更日志、反馈等。最后,您可以详细展示您的报告。所有包含的形状和图像使这个模板变得更好。在 canva.com上获取。
6]等距元素(Isometric Elements)和模型金融技术(Mockups Financial Technology)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lOvDEja30NA/YVLlP5R4Q1I/AAAAAAAAQp0/2YJ4EXxFny4n1JKZ_z5qdUNJ5ZpZ-sdyACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/njg2fol5kaqhwevDDFo0tZAfQRM.jpg)
如果您需要提交有关特定内容的项目,此模板可能对您有所帮助。尽管它是为金融技术而设计的,但您可以根据自己的需要对其进行自定义。您可以在开头添加索引、简要介绍、显示所有统计数据、您的输入等。它具有绿色、白色和黑色配色方案,因此您可以在学校、大学甚至办公室使用它。在 canva.com上获取。
7]互联网安全幻灯片演示(Internet Safety Slide Presentation)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oEZTfwRZ3uI/YVVPw_6eatI/AAAAAAAALeI/wGjcz4DDthwqy7JUhGD_liL-NBekL-sGACPcBGAYYCw/s0/snmBXB20dMZ8z1NzwKUqJCPIx18.jpg)
8]宣传活动(Awareness Events)和特别兴趣(Interest)介绍
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lUrFzVhIbpI/YVWee8A_thI/AAAAAAAAOqk/KpB6HcJUxvIFJfrua9zoTBQ42JQMs16gQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/wNW-sug6QNAAJZn_HOheFi-BeDI.jpg)
有时,您可能经常需要提交有关特定主题的项目。如果您选择了健康安全,您当然可以使用此模板。它专注于面罩、洗手液等。但是,您可以对其进行自定义以添加不同的图像、形状和文本,从而为其他主题做好准备。在 canva.com上获取。
9]大纲柔和的颜色大学毕业生求职者(Outline Pastel Colors College Graduate Job Seeker)
![用于演示的最佳 Canva 模板](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UmbKACG1RxI/YVWdbJVd9oI/AAAAAAAAOsg/SBqT4vhtQiQwKwwWFXJ_Lzb5CsFIsZZ9ACPcBGAYYCw/s0/xNNo09zxbsr_MSH8GZ0ne-3zL2A.jpg)
市场上有无数的 简历制作工具(resume maker tools) 。但是,与展示您体验的一页PDF文件有何不同?(PDF)展示有关您的教育、经验等的所有内容的演示文稿。即使您想为您的企业或公司制作个人资料,您也可以毫无问题地使用此模板。在 canva.com上获取。
阅读(Read):Canva 与 Crello 比较(Canva vs Crello comparison)。
你可以在 Canva 中制作幻灯片吗?
是的,您可以在Canva中制作幻灯片。无论(Whether)您是想从头开始创建演示文稿还是向现有演示文稿添加更多幻灯片,都可以在Canva上完成。为此,您需要单击 屏幕右上角可见的添加页面 按钮。(Add page )
阅读:(Read: )Instagram 的最佳 Canva 模板(Best Canva templates for Instagram)。
Best free Canva templates for Presentation
If you need to create a slіdеshow, уou сan check out these Canva templates for presentation. Whether you need to present something in your school, college, or office, you can use these templates to create beautiful and professional presentations within moments.
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4FL8BVij-vE/YVKCWoDUtNI/AAAAAAAAKvo/ub_hfPM3Ro46Q_MQPLjbN7ll1lEPAOgVACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/huOWsg_ELPDSA4Kb5Fh4dEtGjyk.jpg)
Free Canva Presentation Templates
Some of the best free Canva templates for presentation are:
- School Supplies Class Syllabus Education Presentation
- Handwritten and Illustrated Classroom
- Illustrative Fun Business Spot Illustrations
- Thin Geometric Lines Sales Pitch Sales Presentation
- Simple Human Illustrative Investing Finance Tips
- Isometric Elements & Mockups Financial Technology
- Internet Safety Slide Presentation
- Awareness Events and Special Interest Presentation
- Outline Pastel Colors College Graduate Job Seeker
1] School Supplies Class Syllabus Education Presentation
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FpluWbdHjh0/YVBAJD7gjHI/AAAAAAAAITk/fl7lYgfVFPkehrsJ35r8rx9sM6gmYdZQgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/5o8m5Iq_h5nfoqb2XmBKhaCNoYk.jpg)
This presentation is suitable for teachers who want to share the next semester’s syllabus with their students. Whether you are a college professor or a kindergarten teacher, you can use this template to add a visual enhancement to your syllabus. This template has a total of eleven slides, and you can customize every one of them as per your requirements. Get it on canva.com.
2] Handwritten and Illustrated Classroom
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PrFsbv6BnH8/YVMGiye3JbI/AAAAAAAATTc/tJuylMpCHG0wVgIakIyHpweJcS7s0NW4gCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/p04j5PiI_OQutaDxRylH-T9x6q8.jpg)
If you are a teacher of some kids at a school and want to teach them some basic dos and don’ts, you can use this template. It is a kid-friendly template that you can edit from top to bottom. It has seventeen slides, and all of them are full of shapes, colors, and texts. Whether you want to keep the original text or add something, you can do both. Get it on canva.com.
3] Illustrative Fun Business Spot Illustrations
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-e34m94Q6sPs/YVVGDojFO1I/AAAAAAAALkA/eqFCaGWunakIuhiRe4jgOUluJv7xbkjGgCPcBGAYYCw/s0/u57F63OlnhPzSljGlk_TfoH77s0.jpg)
If you need to give a presentation in your office or plan to pitch a new idea to your team, you can use this template. The specialty of this template is that it comes with tons of animations over text or various blocks. The color combination is not too bright, so that you can use it almost anywhere without making it over-saturated. Get it on canva.com.
4] Thin Geometric Lines Sales Pitch Sales Presentation
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ygo24qn8FJk/YVMNAk8eLlI/AAAAAAAAUG0/s0R-uVANTd0dNRHkhHxxV8dloqjxF8g_wCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/pnd42osQPB8VlUeu0JCvAin5RGg.jpg)
This template is mainly for those who want to pitch new sales plans or ideas to their teams. You can start with an introduction, continue with the actual problem, and end with the solution in your mind. It is a more text-centric template, which helps you write more words to present everything in mind. This template has some additional geometric shapes that enrich the quality of each slide. Get it on canva.com.
5] Simple Human Illustrative Investing Finance Tips
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2VqSpabnXLE/YVWVYEPCuUI/AAAAAAAAOu4/_ZdNhjabB7g1lQRK1GKbg4u6yobTLOoWQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/WivuRcZphr-BiVQAeUIIyfptYz8.jpg)
If you want to present the annual report or progress or anything like that with slides, this Canva template will be handy. You can start the presentation with a brief introduction, show the roadmap/changelog, feedbacks, etc. In the end, you can display your report in detail. All the includes shapes and images made this template even better. Get it on canva.com.
6] Isometric Elements & Mockups Financial Technology
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lOvDEja30NA/YVLlP5R4Q1I/AAAAAAAAQp0/2YJ4EXxFny4n1JKZ_z5qdUNJ5ZpZ-sdyACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/njg2fol5kaqhwevDDFo0tZAfQRM.jpg)
If you need to submit a project on something specific, this template can be helpful for you. Although it is made for financial technology, you can customize it as per your needs. You can add an index in the beginning, give a brief introduction, show all the statistics, your inputs, and more. It has a green, white, and black color scheme so that you can use it in school, college, or even office. Get it on canva.com.
7] Internet Safety Slide Presentation
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oEZTfwRZ3uI/YVVPw_6eatI/AAAAAAAALeI/wGjcz4DDthwqy7JUhGD_liL-NBekL-sGACPcBGAYYCw/s0/snmBXB20dMZ8z1NzwKUqJCPIx18.jpg)
If you need to create a presentation on a topic with some steps to follow, you can use this Canva template to get the job done. This template has a total of seven slides with numbers of them in large font. The only problem with this template is that the cover slide is not that interesting. Get it on canva.com.
8] Awareness Events and Special Interest Presentation
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lUrFzVhIbpI/YVWee8A_thI/AAAAAAAAOqk/KpB6HcJUxvIFJfrua9zoTBQ42JQMs16gQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/wNW-sug6QNAAJZn_HOheFi-BeDI.jpg)
At times, you might often need to submit a project on a particular topic. If you have chosen health safety, you can certainly use this template. It focuses on the face mask, handwash, etc. However, you can customize it to add different images, shapes, and texts to make it ready for some other topic. Get it on canva.com.
9] Outline Pastel Colors College Graduate Job Seeker
![Best Canva templates for presentation](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UmbKACG1RxI/YVWdbJVd9oI/AAAAAAAAOsg/SBqT4vhtQiQwKwwWFXJ_Lzb5CsFIsZZ9ACPcBGAYYCw/s0/xNNo09zxbsr_MSH8GZ0ne-3zL2A.jpg)
There are countless resume maker tools available in the market. But, what is different from a one-page PDF file showcasing your experience? A presentation that shows everything about your education, experience, etc. Even if you want to make a profile for your business or company, you can use this template without any problem. Get it on canva.com.
Which template is best for presentation?
Some of the best templates for presentation are mentioned on the aforementioned list. However, there is no best or worst template for presentation. It all depends on the person, ideas, category, and editing skill.
Read: Canva vs Crello comparison.
Can you make slides in Canva?
Yes, you can make slides in Canva. Whether you want to create a presentation from scratch or add more slides to an existing presentation, you can do both on Canva. For that, you need to click the Add page button visible on the top-right corner of the screen.
That’s all! Hope this list of best Canva templates for presentation helped you find the most suitable option for you.
Read: Best Canva templates for Instagram.