Minecraft 是一个程序生成的游戏(Minecraft is a procedurally-generated game),但每次它创建一个新世界时,它都会创建一个种子——您可以将一段代码输入到您自己的游戏中,以便在同一个世界中玩。如果您看到一个玩家拥有很棒的Minecraft世界,请询问他们是否会分享种子。当您使用他们的Minecraft种子时,您将无需修改即可获得基础世界。
多年来,玩家已经收集了一份最好的 Minecraft 种子列表,我们现在找到了最有趣的种子供你玩。扫描此列表,看看其中是否有您感兴趣 -如果您渴望新的体验,这是为Minecraft 注入新活力(Minecraft)的好方法。(breathe new life)

您现在可以玩的最好的 Minecraft种子(Seeds)
如果您想玩这些种子之一,请启动Minecraft并单击创建新世界(Create New World )>更多世界选项。( More World Options. )在屏幕顶部,您可以在世界生成器种子下方的字段中输入种子代码。(Seed for world generator.)在此之后,您需要再次单击创建新世界(Create New World)。

请记住(Bear),游戏的版本决定了种子的结果。您还应该手动输入种子,因为粘贴代码通常会导致问题。如果您玩的是错误版本的 Minecraft(wrong version of Minecraft),您可能不会得到相同的结果。我们在每个种子中都包含了必要的游戏版本。
1. 标题画面——Beta 1.7.3(1. Title Screen — Beta 1.7.3)
最初的Minecraft标题屏幕显示了一个(showed a world)许多玩家想要自己探索但没有人发现的世界——直到有一天,有人偶然发现了它的种子。虽然现在的标题屏幕看起来不同,但多年来一直保持不变。

将游戏恢复到所需版本后,在种子字段中输入 2151901553968352745。您需要稍作探索才能找到原始标题屏幕视图,但一旦您这样做了,它就像是过去的爆炸。
2. 生存海洋岛——1.15(2. Survival Ocean Island — 1.15)
这颗种子把你丢在一个岛的中间。好消息是你并不孤单 - 你被村民包围,甚至在海岸附近还有一座海洋寺庙。只需(Just)输入6039186344010446208即可进入种子屏。

对于想要在小岛国进行角色扮演的人来说,这是一个很棒的Minecraft种子。(Minecraft)附近有一艘沉船,如果你看得足够远,(look far enough afield)你可以找到大陆。如果您想要挑战,这是一个很好的起点。岛上只有三棵树,这使得采集木材变得困难。
3. 林地大厦 — 1.11(3. Woodland Mansion — 1.11)

4. 天山——1.8.1(4. Sky Mountain — 1.8.1)

5. Instant End Portal — 1.6.4

突破(Break)那个平台的顶部,你会发现一个 End Portal,准备好等待使用。你仍然需要用安德(Ender)之眼来填充它,但这比试图追踪要塞要容易得多。种子称为Dossier。(这是不同的,是的,但输入这个词。)
6. 萨凡纳村——1.16.5(6. Savannah Village — 1.16.5)

如果您冒险离开村庄进入沙漠,您也可以找到一座沙漠神殿,里面装满了好吃的东西。就简单的起点而言,这颗种子很难被击败。它适用于最新版本的游戏。种子是 12542。
7.岛链——1.16.5(7. Island Chain — 1.16.5)

像这样的Minecraft(Minecraft)种子非常适合角色扮演或更具挑战性的游戏玩法。您甚至可以找到一块岩石并将其命名为威尔逊(Wilson)。如果您想自己尝试一下,种子是 124014738。
7 Best Minecraft Seeds You Can Play Now
Minecraft is a procedurally-generated game, but every time it creates a new world, it creates a seed–a bit of code you can enter into your own game to play in that exact same world. If you see a player with an awesome Minecraft world, just ask if they’ll share the seed. You’ll get the base world without modification when you use their Minecraft seed.
Players have assembled a list of the best Minecraft seeds over the years, and we’ve found the most interesting ones for you to play right now. Scan this list and see if any of them interest you–it’s a great way to breathe new life into Minecraft if you’re itching for a new experience.

The Best Minecraft Seeds You Can Play Now
If you want to play one of these seeds, start Minecraft and click Create New World > More World Options. At the top of the screen, you can enter the code for the seed into the field below Seed for world generator. After this, you’ll need to click Create New World once again.

Bear in mind that the version of the game determines the results of a seed. You should also enter the seed manually as pasting the code will often cause issues. If you are playing the wrong version of Minecraft, you might not get the same results. We’ve included the necessary version of the game with each seed.
1. Title Screen — Beta 1.7.3
The original Minecraft title screen showed a world that many players wanted to explore for themselves, but no one had found–until one day, someone stumbled across the seed for it. While the title screen looks different now, it remained the same for many years.

After you revert the game to the necessary version, enter 2151901553968352745 in the seed field. You will need to explore a little bit to find that original title screen view, but once you do, it’s like a blast from the past.
2. Survival Ocean Island — 1.15
This seed drops you right in the middle of an island. The good news is you’re not alone–you’re surrounded by villagers, and there’s even an ocean temple just off the shore. Just enter 6039186344010446208 to enter the seed screen.

This is a great Minecraft seed for someone who wants to roleplay living on a small island nation. There’s a shipwreck close by, and if you look far enough afield you can find the mainland. If you want a challenge, this is a good place to start. There are only three trees on the island, which can make gathering wood difficult.
3. Woodland Mansion — 1.11
The addition of mansions to Minecraft totally changed the game. These towering structures are full of loot, deadly mobs, and exploration opportunities, but they can also be difficult to find. This seed spawns you relatively close to a mansion, but you will have to explore a little bit to find it

That’s not a bad thing, though. Take the time to stock up on supplies and set a spawn. Mansions are dangerous places, and you will likely need to respawn a couple of times during your journey through the building. The seed is -4589128118707775879.
4. Sky Mountain — 1.8.1
If you’re a fan of building elaborate mountain fortresses, this is the way to go. This seed drops you at cloud level on the base of a huge mountain that reaches far into the sky, much higher than the clouds. Multiple waterfalls cascade off the mountain, and the top is home to a grassy area where you can raise crops.

There are also plenty of trees to harvest for wood–just remember to replant. You’re surrounded by water on many sides, which make it easy to beat a hasty getaway off the top of the mountain. The seed is -969535336.
5. Instant End Portal — 1.6.4
Reaching The End in Minecraft isn’t easy. Not only do you need to harvest Eye of Ender, but you have to find a stronghold and fight your way through it. It takes a lot of time, but this Minecraft seed makes it easy. You’ll spawn near a village. Make your way to it, and look for the odd flat platform just off the coast.

Break through the top of that platform and you’ll find an End Portal, ready and waiting to be used. You still have to fill it in with the Eyes of Ender, but it’s a lot easier than trying to track down a stronghold. The seed is called Dossier. (It’s different, yes, but enter the word.)
6. Savannah Village — 1.16.5
This seed starts you right beside a large, charming savannah village. Plateaus overlook the village to provide a great view of the area (as well as a perfect spot to build your own base.) There’s even a large water feature from which to fish, a blacksmith, and horses.

If you venture away from the village into the desert, you can find a desert temple stocked with goodies, too. As far as easy starting points go, this seed is hard to beat. It works with the most recent versions of the game. The seed is 12542.
7. Island Chain — 1.16.5
This seed starts you off on a small island with no resources. You’ll need to swim a little way to find an island with trees so you can build a boat, but that island is just one of a dozen or more in this small chain. It’s a great way to build an intercoastal base, and there’s even a shipwreck to explore not far away.

Minecraft seeds like this are great for roleplaying or just for more challenging gameplay. You might even find a rock and name it Wilson. If you want to try this one out for yourself, the seed is 124014738.