全球超过 80% 的个人电脑采用了Nvidia GeForce显卡来建立他们的游戏能力。这些计算机中的每一个也都有一个Nvidia配套应用程序。配套应用程序称为GeForce Experience,有助于保持GPU驱动程序为最新,自动优化游戏设置以获得最佳性能、实时流、捕获游戏内视频和图片以吹嘘自己的最新胜利等。
不幸的是,GeForce Experience并不是那么完美,并且时不时会发脾气。最近,由于编码为 0x0003 的错误,用户在启动GeForce Experience时遇到了一些麻烦。(GeForce Experience)0x0003 错误导致无法打开GeForce Experience应用程序,因此不允许用户使用任何GeForce功能。错误代码伴随着一条消息,内容为“出现问题。尝试重新启动您的 PC,然后启动 GeForce Experience。错误代码:0x0003(Something went wrong. Try rebooting your PC and then launch GeForce Experience. Error Code: 0x0003) ',当然,只需按照说明重新启动 PC 对错误没有影响。该错误是普遍的,并且已在Windows 7,8上报告(Windows 7,8)和 10。
修复 Geforce Experience 错误代码 0x0003(Fix Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003)
如果您也是GeForce Experience 0x0003错误的受害者之一,我们在下面列出了 6 种不同的解决方案,供您尝试与错误告别。
是什么导致 GeForce Experience 0x0003 错误?(What causes the GeForce Experience 0x0003 error?)
很难确定GeForce Experience 0x0003错误背后的确切罪魁祸首,因为用户报告在不同情况下遇到该错误。但是,根据为解决错误而实施的解决方案,可能是以下原因之一:
一些 Nvidia 服务未运行:(Some Nvidia services are not running: ) GeForce Experience(GeForce Experience)应用程序有一堆服务,即使在应用程序未使用时也保持活动状态。其中一些服务是强制性的,即Nvidia Display Service、Nvidia Local System Container和Nvidia Network Service Container。如果这些服务中的任何一个被意外或故意禁用,则会导致 0x0003 错误。
NVIDIA Telemetry Container Service 不允许与桌面交互:(NVIDIA Telemetry Container Service is not allowed to interact with desktop:) Telemetry Container Service(Telemetry Container Service)收集有关您系统的数据(GPU规格、驱动程序、RAM、显示器、已安装的游戏等)并将其发送给Nvidia。然后,这些数据将用于优化您的特定计算机的游戏并提供最佳的游戏体验。当不允许遥测容器服务与桌面交互并因此执行其预期功能时,会发生 0x0003 错误。(Telemetry Container Service)
损坏或过时的 Nvidia 驱动程序:(Corrupt or outdated Nvidia drivers:) 驱动程序是允许每个硬件与软件有效/正确通信的软件文件。硬件制造商不断更新驱动程序。因此,如果您仍在使用过时版本的GPU驱动程序或现有驱动程序已损坏,则可能会遇到 0x0003 错误。
网络适配器故障:(Faulty Network Adapter: )当计算机的网络适配器卡住时,也会出现 0x0003。
除上述原因外,执行Windows 更新(Windows Update)后也可能会遇到 0x0003 错误。
修复 GeForce Experience 0x0003 错误的 6 种方法(6 Ways to Fix GeForce Experience 0x0003 Error)
现在我们知道了导致GeForce Experience 0x0003错误的潜在罪魁祸首,我们可以继续一一修复它们,直到错误得到解决。与往常一样,以下是针对 0x0003 错误的潜在解决方案的分步指南。执行每个解决方案后,重复 0x0003 错误之后的操作以检查解决方案是否有效。
方法 1:以管理员(Administrator)身份启动GeForce Experience
这种方法解决错误的可能性非常低,但它恰好是最简单的方法,只需几分钟即可尝试。在我们以管理员身份启动 GeForce Experience(launch GeForce Experience as Administrator)之前,我们将终止所有GeForce任务以摆脱任何损坏的正在进行的任务。
1.右键单击任务栏(Taskbar),然后选择任务管理器,(Task Manager)打开任务管理(Open Task Manager)器。或者,按Ctrl + Shift + ESC直接启动任务管理器。
2.一一选择后台进程下列出的所有(Background)Nvidia任务,然后单击窗口底部的结束任务。(End Task)或者,右键单击特定任务并选择结束。
3. 右键单击桌面上的GeForce Experience图标,然后从选项菜单中选择以管理员身份运行。(Run As Administrator)
如果桌面上没有快捷方式图标,只需在搜索栏中搜索应用程序(Windows键 + S),然后从右侧面板中选择以管理员身份(Administrator)运行。(Run)
如前所述,GeForce Experience应用程序有很多与之相关的服务。其中一些服务可能已损坏,因此提示 0x0003 错误。
1.使用键盘快捷键Windows键 + R打开“运行”(Run)对话框,键入services.msc并按 Enter 键打开“服务(Services)”应用程序。
2. 找到所有Nvidia服务并重新启动它们。要重新启动,只需右键单击服务并从选项菜单中选择重新启动。(Restart )
3. 另外,请确保所有与Nvidia相关的服务都在运行,并且没有一个被意外禁用。如果您确实发现任何未运行的Nvidia服务,请右键单击它,然后选择Start。
方法 3:允许Nvidia Telemetry容器服务与桌面交互
Nvidia Telemetry容器服务是最重要的服务之一,必须始终允许与桌面交互。我们将确保该服务具有必要的许可,如果没有,则授予它。
1.对于这个方法,我们需要回到服务(Services),所以按照上一个方法的步骤1打开服务应用程序(open the Services application)。
2. 在服务窗口中,找到Nvidia Telemetry Container服务并右键单击它。从选项/上下文菜单中,选择Properties。
3. 切换到登录(Log On)选项卡并确保勾选/选中本地系统帐户下允许服务与桌面交互旁边的框。(Allow service to interact with the desktop under Local System account is ticked)如果不是,只需单击该框即可启用该功能。
4. 单击“应用(Apply )”按钮保存所做的任何更改,然后单击“确定(OK )”退出。
5. 返回主服务窗口后,确保所有Nvidia相关服务都在运行(尤其是(Especially)Nvidia Display Service(Nvidia Display Service)、Nvidia Local System Container和Nvidia Network Service Container)。要启动服务,请右键单击并选择Start。
方法 4:重置网络适配器
如果 0x0003 是由于网络适配器卡住引起的,我们需要将其重置为默认配置。重置过程非常简单,需要用户在命令提示符下运行单个命令。
1.使用任何方法以管理员身份打开命令提示符。(Open Command Prompt as Administrator)
2. 在命令提示符下,键入以下命令并按 Enter。
netsh winsock 重置(netsh winsock reset)
3.等待(Wait)命令提示符执行命令,完成后关闭窗口并重新启动计算机(restart your computer)。
方法 5:更新Nvidia 显卡驱动程序(Nvidia Graphics Drivers)
建议定期更新您的驱动程序,因为更新的驱动程序可提供最佳的整体体验。可以选择手动更新驱动程序(update the drivers manually)或使用专门的第三方应用程序自动更新驱动程序。要手动更新驱动程序 -
1. 按Windows key + X打开高级用户菜单并从中选择设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 在设备管理器(Device Manager)窗口中,通过双击展开显示适配器。(Display Adapters )
3. 右键单击您的Nvidia 显卡(graphics)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device)。这将卸载您当前可能安装在计算机上的所有损坏或过时的驱动程序。
4.卸载过程完成后,右键单击您的Nvidia 显卡(graphics)并选择这次更新驱动程序。(Update Driver )
5. 在以下窗口中,单击自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件(Search automatically for updated driver software)。
如果按照上述步骤操作对您来说有点过多,那么只需下载免费的驱动程序更新应用程序,例如 Download Driver Booster – 适用于(Download Driver Booster)Windows(Windows 10) 10、8、7 、Vista和 XP的最佳免费驱动程序更新程序,然后按照屏幕上的提示进行操作自动更新您的设备驱动程序。
方法6:重新安装Nvidia GeForce Experience
如果上述方法均无效,作为最后的手段,您需要在系统上重新安装Nvidia GeForce Experience。许多用户报告说,重新安装GeForce Experience应用程序解决了他们之前面临的 0x0003 错误。
1. 我们首先从我们的计算机上卸载所有与Nvidia相关的应用程序。 打开控制面板(Open Control Panel)(在Windows搜索栏中搜索并在搜索返回时按 Enter),然后单击Programs And Features。
2. 在程序和功能窗口(Programs and Features window)中,找到英伟达(Nvidia)公司发布的所有应用程序并卸载(Uninstall )它们。
要使定位过程更容易,请单击发布者以根据其发布者对应用程序进行排序。要卸载,请右键单击特定应用程序并选择卸载(Uninstall)。(您也可以从Windows 设置(Windows Settings)(Windows键 + I)>Apps > Apps和功能(Features)卸载应用程序。)
3. 打开您喜欢的网络浏览器并访问以下网页 - Update Drivers & Optimal Playable Settings | NVIDIA GeForce Experience.
4. 单击立即下载(DOWNLOAD NOW)按钮下载GeForce Experience的安装文件。
5. 单击下载的文件(downloaded file)并按照屏幕上的提示/说明再次在您的计算机上安装 GeForce Experience 。(install GeForce Experience )
6. 安装后打开应用程序,让它下载您可能缺少的任何驱动程序或更新现有驱动程序。
7. 关闭应用程序并重新启动计算机(restart your computer)。
返回时启动GeForce Experience应用程序并检查 0x0003 是否仍然存在。
让我们知道上述哪种解决方案可以帮助您摆脱GeForce Experience 0x0003 错误。(GeForce Experience 0x0003 error.)
Fix Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003
More than 80% of personal computers аround the globe incorporate an Nvidia GeForce grаphics card to establish their gaming prowess. Each of these computers has an Nvidia companion applіcation too. The companion application is called GеForce Experience and helps in keeping the GPU drivers up-to-date, automatically optimizing game settings for best рerformance, live streams, capturing in-game vіdeos, and picturеs to boast one’s latest triumph, etc.
Unfortunately, GeForce Experience isn’t all that perfect and throws up a tantrum or two every now and then. In recent times, users have been experiencing some trouble in launching GeForce Experience due to an error encoded as 0x0003. The 0x0003 error makes it impossible to open the GeForce Experience application and as a result, doesn’t allow the users to utilize any of the GeForce features. The error code is accompanied by a message that reads ‘Something went wrong. Try rebooting your PC and then launch GeForce Experience. Error Code: 0x0003’, and of course, simply rebooting your PC as instructed has no effect on the error. The error is universal and has been reported on Windows 7,8 and 10.
Fix Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003
If you are also one of the victims of the GeForce Experience 0x0003 error, we have 6 different solutions listed below for you to try and bid adieu to the error.
What causes the GeForce Experience 0x0003 error?
It is difficult to pinpoint the exact culprit behind the GeForce Experience 0x0003 error as users have reported encountering the error in different situations. However, based on the solutions that are being implemented to resolve the error, one of the following is probably the reason for it:
Some Nvidia services are not running: The GeForce Experience application has a bunch of services that stay active even when the application is not in use. A few of these services are mandatory, namely, Nvidia Display Service, Nvidia Local System Container, and Nvidia Network Service Container. The 0x0003 error is caused if any of these services have been disabled accidentally or intentionally.
NVIDIA Telemetry Container Service is not allowed to interact with desktop: The Telemetry Container Service gathers data about your system (GPU specs, drivers, RAM, display, installed games, etc.) and sends it to Nvidia. This data is then used to optimize the games for your particular computer and provide the best possible gaming experience. The 0x0003 error is known to occur when the Telemetry Container Service is not allowed to interact with the desktop and thus perform its intended function.
Corrupt or outdated Nvidia drivers: Drivers are software files that allow every piece of hardware to communicate effectively/properly with the software. Drivers are constantly updated by hardware manufacturers. So if you are still using an outdated version of the GPU drivers or the existing drivers have been corrupted, the 0x0003 error may be encountered.
Faulty Network Adapter: The 0x0003 has also been known to occur when the computer’s network adapter gets stuck.
Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, the 0x0003 error may also be experienced after performing a Windows Update.
6 Ways to Fix GeForce Experience 0x0003 Error
Now that we know the potential culprits causing the GeForce Experience 0x0003 error, we can proceed to fix them one by one until the error has been resolved. As always, below are the step-by-step guides for the potential solutions to the 0x0003 error. After performing each solution, repeat the action that was followed by the 0x0003 error to check if the solution worked.
Method 1: Launch GeForce Experience as Administrator
There are very low chances of this method resolving the error but it happens to be the easiest one and takes just a couple of minutes to try. Before we launch GeForce Experience as Administrator, we will be terminating all the GeForce tasks to get rid of any corrupt ongoing tasks.
1. Open Task Manager by right-clicking on the Taskbar and then selecting Task Manager. Alternatively, press Ctrl + Shift + ESC to directly launch Task Manager.
2. One by one, select all the Nvidia tasks listed under the Background processes and click on End Task at the bottom of the window. Alternatively, right-click on a particular task and select End.
3. Right-click on the GeForce Experience icon on your desktop and select Run As Administrator from the options menu.
If you do not have a shortcut icon on the desktop, simply search for the application in the search bar (Windows key + S) and select Run As Administrator from the right panel.
Method 2: Restart all Nvidia Services
As mentioned earlier, the GeForce Experience application has a bunch of services associated with it. Some of these services may have gone corrupt and therefore prompting the 0x0003 error.
1. Open the Run dialog box using the keyboard shortcut Windows key + R, type services.msc and press enter to open the Services application.
2. Locate all the Nvidia services and restart them. To restart, simply right-click on a service and select Restart from the options menu.
3. Also, ensure that all Nvidia related services are running and none of them have been disabled by accident. If you do find any Nvidia service that is not running, right-click on it, and select Start.
Method 3: Allow the Nvidia Telemetry container service to interact with desktop
Nvidia Telemetry container service is one of the most important services and must be allowed to interact with the desktop at all times. We will be making sure the service has the necessary permission and if not, grant it.
1. For this method, we will need to head back to Services, so follow step 1 of the previous method and open the Services application.
2. In the services window, locate the Nvidia Telemetry Container service and right-click on it. From the options/context menu, select Properties.
3. Switch to the Log On tab and ensure the box next to Allow service to interact with the desktop under Local System account is ticked/checked. If it isn’t, simply click on the box to enable the feature.
4. Click on the Apply button to save any changes you made and then OK to exit.
5. Once you are back in the main services window, make sure that all Nvidia related services are running (Especially, Nvidia Display Service, Nvidia Local System Container, and Nvidia Network Service Container). To start a service, right-click and select Start.
Method 4: Reset Network Adapter
If the 0x0003 is caused due to a stuck network adapter, we will need to reset it to its default configuration. The resetting process is quite easy and requires the user to run a single command in the command prompt.
1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator using any of the methods.
2. In the command prompt, type the following command and press enter.
netsh winsock reset
3. Wait for the command prompt to execute the command and once done, close the window and restart your computer.
Method 5: Update Nvidia Graphics Drivers
It is recommended to update your drivers regularly as updated drivers make for the best overall experience. One can either choose to update the drivers manually or make use of specialized third-party applications to automatically update drivers. To manually update drivers –
1. Press Windows key + X to open the power user menu and select Device Manager from it.
2. In the Device Manager window, expand Display Adapters by double-clicking on it.
3. Right-click on your Nvidia graphics card and select the Uninstall device. This will uninstall any corrupt or outdated drivers you might have currently installed on your computer.
4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, right-click on your Nvidia graphics card and select Update Driver this time.
5. In the following window, click on Search automatically for updated driver software.
The most up to date drivers for your graphics card will be automatically downloaded and installed on your computer. Make sure your internet connection is working properly.
If following the above procedure is a little too much for you then simply download a free driver-updating application like Download Driver Booster – the best free driver updater for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista & XP and follow the on-screen prompts to automatically update your device drivers.
Method 6: Reinstall Nvidia GeForce Experience
If none of the above-mentioned methods worked, as a final resort, you will need to reinstall Nvidia GeForce Experience on your system. Many users have reported that reinstalling the GeForce Experience application resolved the 0x0003 error they were previously facing.
1. We start by uninstalling all Nvidia related applications from our computer. Open Control Panel (search for it in the Windows search bar and press enter when the search returns) and click on Programs And Features.
2. In the Programs and Features window, locate all applications published by Nvidia corporation and Uninstall them.
To make the locating process easier, click on Publisher to sort applications based on their Publisher. To uninstall, right-click on a particular application and select Uninstall. (You can also uninstall applications from Windows Settings (Windows key + I) > Apps > Apps & Features.)
3. Open your preferred web browser and visit the following webpage – Update Drivers & Optimal Playable Settings | NVIDIA GeForce Experience.
4. Click on the DOWNLOAD NOW button to download the installation file for GeForce Experience.
5. Click on the downloaded file and follow the on-screen prompts/instructions to install GeForce Experience on your computer again.
6. Open the application once it is installed and let it download any drivers you might be missing or update the existing ones.
7. Close the application and restart your computer.
Launch the GeForce Experience application on return and check if the 0x0003 still persists.
Let us know which one of the above-mentioned solutions helped you get rid of the GeForce Experience 0x0003 error.