打印机会遇到多种形式的故障,其中一些很容易修复。修复打印机问题(Fixing printer issues)可能会让人头疼——尤其是在Windows设备上——因为有很多事情可能出错。
问题可能源于您的 PC、打印机或两个设备之间的连接。本教程重点介绍了针对无法打印的打印机的十种可能的故障排除措施。
1. 检查纸盒(Paper Tray)和打印机连接(Printer Connection)
如果USB(USB)连接松动或者墨水或纸张用完,许多打印机型号将无法打印。检查打印机的墨水量、清洁打印头、装满纸盘并避免使用不合格的纸张。劣质纸张可能会导致“幽灵卡纸”和其他问题(“Ghost Paper Jams” and other issues),使您的打印机无法打印文档。
对于使用有线连接的打印机,请确保电缆两端都牢固地插入打印机和计算机。阅读打印机手册,了解有关将设备连接到 Windows 或Mac计算机的说明。
如果连接到错误的 Wi-Fi 网络,无线打印机将无法打印文档。确保(Make)您的打印机和计算机在同一个无线网络上。同样(Likewise),检查您的路由器设置,禁用VPN连接,并将打印机的 IP 地址设为静态。有关更多修复,请参阅我们的Wi-Fi(无线)打印机故障排除(troubleshooting Wi-Fi (wireless) printers)教程。
2. 运行打印机疑难解答
Windows有一套故障排除工具,用于诊断和解决硬件和软件问题。我们建议在尝试其他更复杂的措施之前运行打印机疑难解答。(Printer Troubleshooter)
- 转到设置(Settings)>蓝牙和设备(Bluetooth & devices)> 并选择打印机和扫描仪(Printers & scanners)。
在 Windows 10 中,转到设置(Settings)>设备(Devices)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers & scanners)。
- 从连接的设备列表中选择有问题的打印机。
注意:(Note:)如果您的打印机状态显示为“脱机”,请参阅我们的故障排除教程,了解如何让脱机打印机重新联机(troubleshooting tutorial on getting an offline printer back online)。如果您的打印机在线,请继续执行下一步。
- 在“打印机设置”选项卡中选择运行疑难解答。(Run the troubleshooter)
在Windows 11(Windows 11)中还有另一种访问打印机疑难解答的方法。转到设置(Settings)>系统(System)>疑难解答(Troubleshoot)>其他疑难解答(Other troubleshooters),然后选择“打印机”旁边的运行。(Run)
在 Windows 10 中,转到设置(Settings)>更新和安全(Update & Security)>疑难解答(Troubleshoot)并选择其他疑难解答(Additional troubleshooters)>打印机(Printer)> 并选择运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)。
Windows具有一项功能,可根据您的位置和其他因素动态更改 PC 的默认打印设备。该功能近乎完美,但并非万无一失。如果您的 PC 不打印文档,则可能是不活动的打印机是默认打印设备。
macOS 还将最后连接的打印机设置为 Mac 的默认打印机。检查您的计算机设置并确保活动打印机是默认设备。
在 Windows 中,转到设置(Settings)>蓝牙和设备(Bluetooth & devices)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers & scanners),选择打印机,然后选择设置为默认(Set as default)按钮。
在 Mac 计算机上,转至 Mac 计算机上的系统偏好设置(System Preferences)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers & Scanners on Mac computers),右键单击打印机,然后选择设置默认打印机(Set default printer)。或者,打开默认打印机(Default printer)下拉菜单并选择打印机作为默认打印机。
4.清除计算机的打印队列(Print Queue)
如果发生这种情况,后续的打印作业也会卡在队列中并阻止您的打印机打印文件。清除计算机的打印队列(Clearing your computer’s print queue)可能会解决问题。
在 Windows 中清除打印队列
- 转到设置(Settings)>蓝牙和扫描仪(Bluetooth & scanners)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers & scanners),然后选择您的打印机。
- 选择打开打印队列(Open print queue)。
- 选择菜单栏上的打印机,然后选择(Printer)取消所有文档(Cancel All Documents)。
- 在确认提示中选择是。(Yes)
尝试打印任何文档或测试页并检查清除队列是否解决了问题。打开打印机菜单并选择打印测试页(Print test page)。
如果已完成的文档仍在打印队列中,请参阅我们的故障排除教程,了解如何在 Windows 中删除卡住的打印作业(troubleshooting tutorial on deleting stuck print jobs in Windows)。
在 macOS 中清除打印队列
- 转到系统偏好设置(System Preferences)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers & scanners),选择侧边栏上的打印机,然后选择打开打印队列(Open Print Queue)。
- 选择待处理打印作业旁边的x 图标以将其从队列中删除。(x icon)
如果驱动程序损坏或过时,您的打印机可能无法从您的 PC 接收打印作业。尽管Windows会自动安装驱动程序更新,但某些因素(例如,按流量计费的 Internet 连接)可能会阻止这种情况发生。以下是如何从您的计算机或 Internet 手动安装驱动程序。
- 右键单击开始菜单(Start Menu)或按Windows 键(Windows key)+ X打开快速访问菜单(Quick Access Menu)。选择设备管理器(Device Manager)继续。
- 展开“打印机”类别,右键单击打印机驱动程序,然后选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
- 选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)并等待Windows搜索打印机可用的最佳驱动程序。该过程需要互联网连接,因此请确保您的 PC 已连接到 Wi-Fi 或以太网(Ethernet)。
或者,选择浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序(Browser my computer for drivers)以手动安装从打印机制造商网站下载的驱动程序。然后(Afterward),选择Browse,导航到 PC 上驱动程序的位置,然后选择Next以安装更新。
转到设置(Settings)>蓝牙和设备(Bluetooth & devices)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers & scanners),然后打开通过计量连接下载驱动程序和设备软件(Download drivers and device software over metered connections)。
如果设备管理器(Device Manager)显示打印机的驱动程序是最新的,请查看制造商的网站进行确认。您可以在打印机制造商网站的“下载”、“软件”或“驱动程序”部分找到驱动程序更新历史记录。如果您不知道如何查找、安装或更新打印机的驱动程序更新,请联系制造商。
重新启动(Restart)两台设备,将打印机连接到 PC,然后检查您现在是否可以打印文档。
重新安装有故障或损坏的驱动程序可以解决导致打印机故障的问题。该操作需要删除或卸载打印机驱动程序(deleting or uninstalling the printer driver),重新启动计算机,然后从头开始安装。请注意,此操作可能会影响在您的计算机上对打印机设置和首选项所做的任何自定义。
- 在 Windows Search 中输入设备管理器,然后选择设备管理(device manager)器(Device Manager)。
- 展开“打印机”部分,右键单击打印机的驱动程序,选择卸载设备(Uninstall device),然后在弹出的窗口中选择卸载。(Uninstall)
您还应该从 PC 的内存中删除打印机。
- 转到设置(Settings)>蓝牙和设备(Bluetooth & devices)>打印机和扫描仪(Printers and scanners),选择打印机,然后选择删除(Remove)按钮。
- 在确认提示中选择是。(Yes)
重新启动 Windows(Restart Windows)并将打印机重新连接到您的计算机。当打印机连接到您的 PC 时, Windows(Windows)应该会自动安装打印机的驱动程序。
Printer Spooler是管理Windows设备上的打印机和打印作业的系统服务。临时系统故障会影响打印机后台处理程序的性能(affect the Printer Spooler’s performance)并触发与打印相关的问题。重新启动打印后台处理程序服务可以使服务恢复正常。
- 打开 Windows 运行框(按Windows 键(Windows key)+ R),在对话框中键入services.msc ,然后按(services.msc)Enter。
- 右键单击打印机后台处理程序(Printer Spooler)并选择重新启动(Restart)。
除了修复软件错误外,Windows 更新(Windows Updates)还更新过时或有问题的驱动程序。前往Windows 更新(Windows Updates)菜单并安装适用于您的计算机的最新 Windows 版本或安全补丁。
在 Windows 11 中,转到“设置”(Settings) > “ Windows 更新”(Windows Update)并等待Windows检查更新。如果Windows(Windows)已下载更新,您可能需要重新启动计算机。选择立即重新启动(Restart now)以更新并重新启动您的计算机。
在 Windows 10 中,前往“设置”(Settings) > “更新和安全(Updates & Security)” > “ Windows 更新”(Windows Update),然后选择“检查更新”(Check for updates)。确保您的计算机具有 Internet 连接。
在 macOS 中,转到System Preferences > Software Updates并选择Update Now(或Upgrade Now)。
10. 运行打印机的实用软件(Utility Software)
HP 有一个Print and Scan Doctor 实用程序(Print and Scan Doctor utility)(适用于Mac的(Mac)HP Smart),可以诊断 HP 打印机的问题。该工具可以检测空墨盒、过时的驱动程序软件、堵塞的喷嘴、打印进纸错误和其他打印机问题。
三星打印机体验(Samsung Printer Experience)是管理三星(Samsung)打印机的实用程序。该应用程序包含大量针对三星(Samsung)打印机打印问题的故障排除指南。佳能喷墨打印实用程序(Canon Inkjet Print Utility)也可用于佳能喷墨(Canon)打印机。
注意(Pay Attention)物理(Physical)指标_
10 Things to Try When Your Printer Won’t Print
Prіnters exрerіence several forms of malfunctiоns, some of which are easy to fix. Fixing printer issues can be a headache—especially on Windows devices—because there’s a wide range of things that could be wrong.
The problem could stem from your PC, the printer, or the connection between both devices. This tutorial highlights ten likely troubleshooting measures for printers that won’t print.
1. Check Paper Tray and Printer Connection
Many printer models won’t print if there’s a loose USB connection or if they’re out of ink or paper. Verify your printer’s ink levels, clean the printhead, fill the paper tray, and avoid using substandard paper. Low-quality paper can cause “Ghost Paper Jams” and other issues that stop your printer from printing documents.
For printers using a wired connection, ensure both cable ends are plugged firmly into your printer and computer. Go through the printer’s manual for instructions on connecting the device to your Windows or Mac computer.
Wireless printers won’t print documents if connected to the wrong Wi-Fi network. Make sure your printer and computer are on the same wireless network. Likewise, check your router settings, disable VPN connections, and make the printer’s IP address static. Refer to our tutorial on troubleshooting Wi-Fi (wireless) printers for more fixes.
2. Run the Printer Troubleshooter
Windows has a suite of troubleshooting tools that diagnoses and resolves hardware and software problems. We recommend running the Printer Troubleshooter before trying other more complex measures.
- Go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > and select Printers & scanners.
In Windows 10, go to Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners.
- Select the problem printer from the list of connected devices.
Note: If your printer status reads “Offline,” refer to our troubleshooting tutorial on getting an offline printer back online. Proceed to the next step if your printer is online.
- Select Run the troubleshooter in the “Printer settings” tab.
There’s another way to access the printer troubleshooter in Windows 11. Go to Settings > System > Troubleshoot > Other troubleshooters and select Run next to “Printer.”
In Windows 10, go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot and select Additional troubleshooters > Printer > and select Run the troubleshooter.
Wait for the troubleshooter to run the necessary check on the printer, its drivers, and other associated processes.
3. Set the Printer As Default
Windows has a feature that dynamically changes your PC’s default printing device based on your location and other factors. The feature is near-perfect but not failproof. If your PC doesn’t print documents, it might be that an inactive printer is the default printing device.
macOS also sets the last printer connected as your Mac’s default printer. Check your computer settings and ensure the active printer is the default device.
In Windows, go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners, select the printer, and select the Set as default button.
On Mac computers, go to System Preferences > Printers & Scanners on Mac computers, right-click the printer, and select Set default printer. Alternatively, open the Default printer drop-down menu and select the printer as the default.
4. Clear Your Computer’s Print Queue
When you send a document for printing, your computer first sends the “print job” to the print queue. The print job is immediately removed from the print queue when the printer prints the document. It’s usually a seamless process, but there are times when completed print jobs remain in the queue.
If that happens, subsequent print jobs will also get stuck in the queue and prevent your printer from printing files. Clearing your computer’s print queue might resolve the problem.
Clear Print Queue in Windows
- Go to Settings > Bluetooth & scanners > Printers & scanners and select your printer.
- Select Open print queue.
- Select Printer on the menu bar and select Cancel All Documents.
- Select Yes on the confirmation prompt.
Try printing any document or a test page and check if clearing the queue fixed the problem. Open the printer menu and select Print test page.
If completed documents remain in the print queue, refer to our troubleshooting tutorial on deleting stuck print jobs in Windows.
Clear Print Queue in macOS
- Go to System Preferences > Printers & scanners, select the printer on the sidebar, and select Open Print Queue.
- Select the x icon next to the pending print jobs to remove them from the queue.
5. Update Printer Driver
Your printer might not receive print jobs from your PC if its driver is corrupt or outdated. Although Windows automatically installs driver updates, some factors (e.g., a metered internet connection) may prevent that from happening. Here’s how to manually install a driver from your computer or the internet.
Check the printer’s manufacturer website and download the latest driver updates for your printer model. Plug the printer into your computer and follow the steps below.
- Right-click the Start Menu or press the Windows key + X to open the Quick Access Menu. Select Device Manager to proceed.
- Expand the “Printers” category, right-click the printer’s driver, and select Update driver.
- Select Search automatically for drivers and wait for Windows to search for the best driver available for the printer. The process requires an internet connection, so ensure your PC is connected to a Wi-Fi or Ethernet network.
Alternatively, select Browser my computer for drivers to manually install a driver you downloaded from the printer manufacturer’s website. Afterward, choose Browse, navigate to the driver’s location on your PC, and select Next to install the update.
We recommend configuring Windows to automatically download drivers for your printer, especially if you’re using a metered connection.
Go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners and toggle on Download drivers and device software over metered connections.
If the Device Manager says the printer’s driver is up-to-date, check the manufacturer’s website for confirmation. You’ll find driver update history in the “Download,” “Software,” or “Drivers” section of the printer manufacturer’s website. Contact the manufacturer if you don’t know how to find, install, or update your printer’s driver update.
6. Reboot Your Devices
Power-cycling your printer and computer can help both devices re-establish a connection. Unplug your printer’s power cord and shut down your computer. Remember to close any open apps or documents so you don’t lose unsaved changes.
Restart both devices, connect your printer to your PC, and check if you can now print documents.
7. Reinstall Printer Driver
Reinstalling a faulty or corrupt driver can resolve issues causing your printer to malfunction. The operation entails deleting or uninstalling the printer driver, restarting your computer, and installing it from scratch. Note that this operation may affect any customizations made on the printer’s settings and preferences on your computer.
- Type device manager into Windows Search and select Device Manager.
- Expand the “Printer” section, right-click the printer’s driver, select Uninstall device, and select Uninstall on the pop-up.
You should also remove the printer from your PC’s memory.
- Go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers and scanners, select the printer, and select the Remove button.
- Select Yes on the confirmation prompt.
Restart Windows and reconnect the printer to your computer. Windows should automatically install the printer’s driver when it connects to your PC.
8. Restart the Printer Spooler
Printer Spooler is the system service that manages printers and print jobs on Windows devices. Temporary system glitches can affect the Printer Spooler’s performance and trigger printing-related problems. Restarting the print spooler service can restore the service to normalcy.
- Open the Windows Run box (press Windows key + R), type services.msc in the dialog box, and press Enter.
- Right-click Printer Spooler and select Restart.
9. Update Your Computer
Asides from fixing software bugs, Windows Updates also updates outdated or buggy drivers. Head to the Windows Updates menu and install the latest Windows build or security patches available for your computer.
In Windows 11, go to Settings > Windows Update and wait for Windows to check for updates. You may need to restart your computer if Windows has already downloaded the update. Select Restart now to update and reboot your computer.
In Windows 10, head to Settings > Updates & Security > Windows Update and select Check for updates. Make sure your computer has an internet connection.
In macOS, go to System Preferences > Software Updates and select Update Now (or Upgrade Now).
10. Run the Printer’s Utility Software
HP has a Print and Scan Doctor utility (HP Smart for Mac) that diagnoses problems with HP printers. The tool can detect empty ink cartridges, outdated driver software, blocked nozzles, print feed errors, and other printer problems.
Samsung Printer Experience is the utility that manages Samsung printers. The app has loads of troubleshooting guides for printing problems on Samsung printers. The Canon Inkjet Print Utility is also available for Canon inkjet printers.
Download and install your printer’s utility software on your computer and run the tool according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Pay Attention to Physical Indicators
Printers have status lights or LCD screens that display error codes. These lights point out the root cause of some printing issues. Check the printer’s instruction manual to learn what the indicator lights and error codes mean and their respective solutions. Contact the printer manufacturer if your printer still won’t print after running these troubleshooting measures.