如果您想与朋友在线分享或粘贴屏幕截图(share or paste a screenshot online)或创建URL以将屏幕截图发送给某人,这些在线工具将帮助您做到这一点。无需将图像上传到Facebook或任何云存储,您可以使用这些免费工具上传或与任何人共享屏幕截图。
1] 歪歪扭扭(1] Snaggy)
Snaggy是获取图像URL的最简单方法,您可以通过电子邮件或聊天发送给任何人。虽然不需要任何帐户与朋友在线分享屏幕截图,但您可以创建一个帐户来管理所有以前上传的图像。要使用此工具,您需要按Alt + Print Screen 按钮。之后,打开Snaggy网站并按Ctrl + V 进行粘贴。之后,您将获得一个可用于发送该屏幕截图的URL 。您是否将Print Screen按钮分配给任何其他软件都没有关系;这个技巧无疑会奏效。
2] 光射(2] LightShot)
LightShot除了作为在线工具外,还提供桌面应用程序和Chrome浏览器插件,可帮助用户通过 IM 或电子邮件将屏幕截图发送给任何人。像Snaggy一样,您将获得一个可用于表示屏幕截图的URL 。如果您使用浏览器扩展,您将只能发送浏览器的屏幕截图。但是,如果您使用LightShot网站,您将能够将任何屏幕截图或图像发送给任何人。只需(Just)访问LightShot主页并上传您的照片。之后,您将获得一个可以发送给任何人的唯一URL 。
3] 真棒截图(3] Awesome Screenshot)
AwesomeScreenshot是另一个流行的Chrome浏览器扩展程序,可让您捕获屏幕截图(capture screenshots)并记录浏览器窗口,只要您愿意。缺点是它仅适用于Chrome浏览器。使用这个扩展非常容易,理解工作流程也不是那么困难。它为用户提供将屏幕截图保存到计算机的功能。但是,您需要上传(Upload)图像才能将其发送给某人。当你上传它时,你会得到一个可以发送给任何人的URL 。
4]截图.net(4] Screenshot.net)
当谈到具有在线上传屏幕截图的一些有用功能的出色用户界面时,此工具应有尽有。您可以下载通过浏览器运行的启动器,也可以下载适用于Windows的软件来执行此操作。如果您想使用基于浏览器的解决方案,请访问Screenshot.net网站并单击“截屏”(Take Screenshot )按钮。它将让您下载并安装启动器。之后,您可以按Ctrl+D截取屏幕截图,然后按Ctrl+U上传。之后,您将找到一个唯一的URL。最好的部分是你也可以用密码保护你的截图。
5]打印屏幕截图(5] Print Screen Shot)
PrintScreenShot是一个非常基本的在线分享屏幕截图的工具。它使用Imgur为您的图像创建一个独特的链接。这个网络应用程序类似于Snaggy。您需要按Alt+PrintScreen或PrintScreen按钮来捕获屏幕截图。之后,打开他们的网站并按Ctrl+V。您将找到Save/Share online的选项。单击(Click)该按钮以获取唯一链接。
我希望这些工具能帮助您在线捕获、粘贴屏幕截图并与您想要的任何人共享。(I hope these tools will help you to capture, paste, and share screenshots online with anyone you want.)
How to capture and share screenshot online with these tools
If you want to share or paste a screenshot online with friends or create a URL to send a screenshot to someone, these online tools will help you do so. Instead of uploading the image to Facebook or any cloud storage, you can use these free tools to upload or share screenshots with anybody.
Share or Paste Screenshot online
1] Snaggy
![Share or Paste Screenshot online](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RqacIlUW_Dw/YVMCsJMdyAI/AAAAAAAAS0k/9yTncirpV_UJKweieY16CYicZGtxgCRpwCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/qVSUfWCBUBmdvs9M5FgSI8t45Sw.png)
Snaggy is the easiest way to grab a URL for your image that you can send anybody over email or chat. Although it doesn’t require any account to share screenshots online with friends, you can create an account to manage all the previously uploaded images. To use this tool, you need to press Alt + Print Screen button. After that, open the Snaggy website and press Ctrl + V to paste that. Right after that, you would get a URL that you can use to send that screenshot. It doesn’t matter whether you have assigned the Print Screen button to any other software or not; this trick would work undoubtedly.
2] LightShot
LightShot apart from being an online tool offers a desktop application as well as a Chrome browser add-on that helps users to send a screenshot to anybody via IM or email. Like Snaggy, you would get a URL that you can use to represent your screenshot. If you use the browser extension, you would be able to send only the browser’s screenshot. However, if you use the LightShot website, you will be able to send any screenshot or image to anybody. Just visit the LightShot homepage and upload your picture. Following that, you will get a unique URL that you can send to anyone.
3] Awesome Screenshot
AwesomeScreenshot is another popular Chrome browser extension that lets you capture screenshots and record the browser window for as long as you want. The drawback is that it is available for the Chrome browser only. Using this extension is very easy and understanding the workflow is not that difficult. It offers users to save the screenshot to the computer. However, you need to Upload the image to send it to someone. When you upload it, you get a URL that you can send to anybody.
4] Screenshot.net
When it comes to a great user interface with some useful features to upload screenshots online, this tool has it all. You can download the launcher that works via the browser, or you can download the software for Windows to do it. If you want to use the browser-based solution, head over to the Screenshot.net website and click on Take Screenshot button. It will let you download and install the launcher. After that, you can press Ctrl+D to capture a screenshot and then press Ctrl+U to upload it. After that, you will find a unique URL. The best part is you can password-protect your screenshot as well.
5] Print Screen Shot
PrintScreenShot is a pretty basic tool to share screenshots online. It uses Imgur to create a unique link for your image. This web app works something like Snaggy. You need to press either Alt+PrintScreen or the PrintScreen button to capture a screenshot. Following that, open their website and press Ctrl+V. You will find an option to Save/Share online. Click on that button to get the unique link.
I hope these tools will help you to capture, paste, and share screenshots online with anyone you want.