大多数现代计算机、智能手机、智能小工具和无线设备都具有蓝牙无线(Bluetooth wireless)技术,可帮助您将它们连接在一起。虽然它是此类设备不可或缺的一部分,但它并不完美,因此它随时可能出现故障。
修复蓝牙在 Windows PC 上不起作用时(Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work On a Windows PC)
有几种方法可以解决Windows中的(Windows)蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接问题。在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何在使用Windows 10的计算机上修复它。
启用蓝牙(Enable Bluetooth)
(Make)通过转到操作中心(Action Center)并单击计算机屏幕右下方时钟(Clock)旁边的通知图标,确保启用了蓝牙(Bluetooth)。找到蓝牙(Bluetooth )磁贴并单击以将其打开(关闭时为灰色/暗淡)。
如果您在飞机上并且飞行模式已打开,它会禁用蓝牙(Bluetooth),因此请确保在着陆后通过单击操作中心中的(Action Center)Windows 10 飞行模式(Flight Mode)磁贴将其关闭。
使设备彼此靠近(Bring The Devices In Close Proximity To One Another)
检查您的设备是否支持蓝牙(Check Your Devices Support Bluetooth)
打开蓝牙设备(Turn On The Bluetooth Device)
检查设备冲突(Check For Device Conflicts)
关闭附近的设备(Switch Off Nearby Devices)
让您的系统可发现(Make Your System Discoverable)
- 未在您期望的位置找到此设置,因此请单击Start > Settings > Devices。
- 单击更多蓝牙选项(More Bluetooth options)。
- 选中允许蓝牙设备找到这台电脑(Allow Bluetooth devices to find this PC)框,然后单击确定(OK)。
重新启动计算机(Restart The Computer)
- 重新启动通常有助于解决可能导致计算机出现问题的任何软件故障,包括蓝牙(Bluetooth)和其他连接问题。您可以单击Start>Power按钮,然后选择重新启动。(Restart.)
检查 Windows 更新(Check For Windows Updates)
Windows 10 通常有几个更新可能会导致蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接失败,就像WiFi一样。
更新附带安全补丁以及Windows 10的最新功能和版本,它们还可以在您尝试配对设备时为您提供帮助。
- 转到Start > Settings > Update & Security.
- 如果有任何待处理的更新,请单击检查更新(Check for Updates)并单击下载。(Download)
- 确保(Make)您的计算机已连接到电源,因为此过程往往会消耗资源并耗尽电池。另外,如果中途关闭,它可能会影响更新过程。
运行 Windows 10 蓝牙疑难解答(Run Windows 10 Bluetooth Troubleshooter)
- 单击Start > Settings > Update & Security。单击疑难解答(Troubleshoot)>蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
取消配对并重新配对蓝牙设备(Un-Pair & Re-Pair The Bluetooth Device)
- 要删除蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,请单击Start>Settings>Devices. 找到您的设备并单击它。单击删除设备(Remove Device)。
检查蓝牙服务状态(Check Bluetooth Service Status)
作为Windows 10的服务,蓝牙(Bluetooth)应该能够像所有其他服务一样开启,但您可以随时查看其服务状态,如果它停止,则单击它启动。
- 右键单击Start > Run并在运行对话框中键入services.msc 。在服务(Services)列表中,检查所有蓝牙(Bluetooth)服务。
- 双击每个蓝牙相关服务并检查服务状态(Service Status)。如果它显示Start,那么它运行正常。如果它显示Stopped,请单击Start将其激活。
检查事件日志(Check Event Log)
在2019 年 6 月(June 2019) Windows 10补丁以防止蓝牙(Bluetooth)安全漏洞之后,一些设备出现了连接问题,但您可以通过转到事件日志(Event Log)来检查您的设备是否在其中。
- 右键单击Start > Event Viewer.
- 转至管理事件摘要(Summary of Administrative Events )并单击错误(Error)将其展开。
事件 ID:(Event ID: ) 22
事件源:(Event Source: ) BTHUSB 或 BTHMINI
事件消息文本:(Event Message Text: )您的蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备尝试建立调试连接。Windows 蓝牙(Windows Bluetooth)堆栈在未处于调试模式时不允许调试连接。
- 如果您的计算机显示上述情况,请联系您的蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备制造商并要求提供补丁(如果有)。否则,您可能需要购买新的蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备。
更新蓝牙驱动程序(Update Bluetooth Drivers)
过时的蓝牙(Bluetooth)驱动程序可能会导致该功能无法在您的计算机上运行,尤其是如果您最近更新了Windows 10。
- 右键单击Start > Device Manager. 单击蓝牙(Bluetooth)以展开类别。找到您计算机的蓝牙(Bluetooth)适配器并右键单击它。
- 单击更新驱动程序(Update Driver )并选择自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件( Search automatically for updated driver software)。按照屏幕上的步骤重新启动计算机。
- 您还可以查看计算机制造商的网站以获取任何最新的驱动程序并从那里下载。
修复蓝牙在 Mac 上不起作用时(Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work on a Mac)
关闭和打开蓝牙(Turn Bluetooth Off & On)
- 为此,请单击Apple菜单并选择System Preferences。
- 选择蓝牙并单击关闭蓝牙(Turn Bluetooth off)。等待(Wait)几秒钟,然后单击打开蓝牙(Turn Bluetooth on)按钮。
删除蓝牙偏好列表(Remove Bluetooth Preference List)
如果您的Mac的蓝牙(Bluetooth)无法正常工作,则可能是由于您的Mac用于存储设备及其当前状态的首选项列表损坏 -未连接、已连接、成功配对(not connected, connected, successfully paired,)或未配对。(not paired.)这种损坏会阻止计算机从文件中读取数据或更新文件中的数据。
- 打开 Finder 并转到/YourStartupDrive/Library/Preferences。
- 从列表中找到com.apple.Bluetooth.plist文件。这是您 Mac 的蓝牙首选项(Bluetooth Preference)列表,可能是导致蓝牙(Bluetooth)无法工作的文件。选择文件并将其移动到桌面以创建备份副本。
- 右键单击com.apple.Bluetooth.plist文件,然后单击Move to Trash。输入您的密码,然后单击确定(OK)。
- 重新启动您的Mac。它将创建一个新的蓝牙(Bluetooth)首选项文件。接下来(Next),通过单击Apple menu > System Preferences > Bluetooth Preference窗格来配对蓝牙设备。(Bluetooth)
- 所有设备的列表将显示一个配对(Pair)按钮。单击(Click)该按钮将设备与您的Mac关联,然后对您想要的所有其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备重复此操作。
- 解决蓝牙(Bluetooth)问题后,删除您在前面的步骤中移动到桌面的文件的备份副本。如果再次出现,请将备份副本复制到您的/YourStartupDrive/Library/Preferences文件夹中来恢复它。
重置蓝牙系统(Reset The Bluetooth System)
- 通过按住SHIFT+OPTION键并选择蓝牙菜单项来启用蓝牙(Bluetooth menu)菜单项(Bluetooth menu item)。看到菜单时松开按键。
- 选择调试,删除所有设备(Debug, Remove all devices)。
- 按住SHIFT+OPTION键并单击蓝牙(Bluetooth)菜单。
- 选择Debug–>Reset the Bluetooth Module。
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)系统现已重置为出厂默认设置。
如果您尝试了基本操作 - 打开蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接、打开蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备电源、重新启动智能手机,但没有任何效果,这里有一些方法可以帮助您修复蓝牙在(Bluetooth)Android上不工作时的问题。
删除配对设备(Remove Paired Devices)
- 为此,请打开Settings > Connections > Bluetooth并打开开关以查看设备。
- 在配对设备列表中,点击每个设备的设置图标(settings icon)以取消与您的手机配对。对所有设备重复此操作,直到您的列表中没有任何设备。
- 您的手机将扫描并检测附近的蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,您可以连接到您想要的设备。
- 转到Settings > Software Update并点击它。
- 点击下载并安装(Download and Install)。完成后,手机会重启,然后您可以检查蓝牙(Bluetooth)功能是否恢复正常。
在安全模式下使用您的 Android 手机(Use Your Android Phone In Safe Mode)
安全模式会禁用手机上可能与(Mode)蓝牙(Bluetooth)冲突并导致连接问题的第三方应用程序。这些步骤因不同的Android型号或版本而异,但对于本指南,我们将使用Android 9 ( Pie )。
- 要进入安全模式(Safe Mode),请按住电源按钮(Power button),直到您看到电源选项(Power options)出现在屏幕上。
- 松开电源按钮,然后按住关机,(Power off)直到看到绿色的安全模式(Safe Mode)图标。点击它以安全模式(Mode)重新启动。
- 手机将重新启动,您将在屏幕底部看到“安全模式”字样。(Safe Mode)测试(Test)您的蓝牙(Bluetooth)是否在安全(Safe)模式下工作。如果它在安全模式下(Safe Mode)工作,则意味着您的手机上有一个应用程序可能会干扰蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
- 通过重新启动手机并卸载有问题的应用程序返回正常模式。
恢复出厂设置(Factory Reset)
这是不得已的方法,因为它会从您的手机中删除所有数据和第三方应用程序。通过转到Settings>Accounts and Backup>Smart Switch,在将设备重置为出厂默认设置之前备份您的设备。授予必要的权限并按照说明备份您的数据。
- 接下来,转到Settings > General Management > Reset.
- 点击恢复出厂数据(Factory Data Reset)。
- 点击蓝色的重置(Reset)按钮。重置完成后手机将重新启动,之后您可以再次尝试使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
修复当蓝牙在 iPhone 上不起作用时(Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work On iPhone)
如果您在 iPhone 上遇到蓝牙(Bluetooth)问题,请尝试以下步骤来解决问题。
使您的 iPhone 软件保持最新(Keep Your iPhone Software Up To Date)
这对于安全目的很重要,因为它带有适用于您设备的最新 iOS 功能。
- 要更新您的 iOS 软件,请前往Settings > General > Software Update。
- 在这里,您可能会收到更新提示,或者它会通知您正在使用适用于 iOS 的最新软件。
禁用蓝牙并重新启动您的 iPhone(Disable Bluetooth & Restart Your iPhone)
如果你的 iOS 软件是最新的,下一步是检查蓝牙(Bluetooth)是否打开并禁用它,然后硬重启你的 iPhone。
- 您可以通过转到 iPhone 上的控制中心(Control Center)或使用Settings > Bluetooth并将开关切换到“关闭”来关闭蓝牙。(Bluetooth)
- 要硬重启 iPhone,请同时按住侧边按钮和降低音量按钮,直到看到Apple标志。然后从Control Center(Control Center)或Settings>Bluetooth再次启用蓝牙(Bluetooth)。硬重启方法因您使用的 iPhone 型号而异。
断开与蓝牙设备的连接并重新连接(Disconnect From & Reconnect With The Bluetooth Device)
如果您的 iPhone 当前连接到有问题的特定蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,请将其与设备断开连接,然后尝试重新连接这些设备。
- 您可以从Settings>Bluetooth, 点击设备旁边的“i”并选择“断开连接(Disconnect)”,然后执行相同操作以重新连接。
取消配对并重新配对设备(Un-Pair & Re-Pair The Devices)
为此,请忘记蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,然后再次尝试将其与 iPhone 配对。
- 打开Settings > Bluetooth
- 点击设备旁边的“i”,然后选择忘记此设备(Forget This Device)。这将取消两个设备的配对。再次与蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备进行配对过程,看看它是否有效。
仍在配对时,您可以尝试与另一部 iPhone 配对,以确定蓝牙(Bluetooth)问题是出在您的 iPhone 还是您尝试与之配对的设备上。
如果蓝牙(Bluetooth)仍然无法与其他 iPhone 配合使用,则可能是另一台设备,但如果可以,则问题出在您的 iPhone 上。
重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings)
如果蓝牙(Bluetooth)问题仍然存在,请尝试重置网络设置。这会擦除 iPhone 上的所有蓝牙(Bluetooth)信息以及WiFi网络等其他网络设置。
- 前往Settings > General > Reset。
- 选择重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings),然后输入您的 iPhone 密码。
- iPhone将关机并重新启动,之后您可以尝试再次将其与蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备配对。
当蓝牙(Bluetooth)无法在您的 iPhone 上运行时,这是最后的尝试方法。它涉及将您的手机重置为出厂默认设置,理想情况下会删除您的所有设置和手机上的任何内容,因此它会恢复到您拆箱之前的原始状态。
- 备份您的 iPhone,然后按照以下步骤将其恢复出厂设置。
- 打开Settings > General > Reset,然后选择抹掉所有内容和设置(Erase All Content and Settings)。
- 输入您的 iPhone 密码,该过程将开始。
- 如果您的 iPhone 一切都失败了,请联系Apple 支持(Apple Support)。检查您的 iPhone 的保修是否仍然有效,这样您就不必像使用不再享受保修的 iPhone 那样为维修支付更多费用。
Troubleshooting Tips When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work On Your Computer Or Smartphone
Most modern computеrs, smartphones, smart gadgets аnd wireless devices have Bluetоoth wireless tеchnology, whiсh helps уou connect them together. While іt’s an indispensable part of such devices, it isn’t perfect, so it may malfunction at any time.
Among the reasons Bluetooth doesn’t work when trying to pair your devices, include the proximity between devices, device compatibility, interference from various sources like WiFi or radio spectrum signals, low battery, or simply because it’s not enabled.
We’re going to show you how to resolve when Bluetooth doesn’t work on your computer and smartphone and get them back to working condition.
Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work On a Windows PC
On a Windows computer, you may experience Bluetooth connection issues due to device compatibility, operating system, or driver and/or software updates. Other causes include incorrect settings, a broken device, or the Bluetooth device may be off.
There are several ways to fix Bluetooth connection problems in Windows. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to fix it on a computer using Windows 10.
Enable Bluetooth
Make sure Bluetooth is enabled by going to the Action Center and clicking on the notification icon at the bottom right side of your computer’s screen next to the Clock. Find the Bluetooth tile and click to turn it on (it’s grey/dim when off).
Turning Bluetooth on and off again also resets the setting and helps fix any connectivity issues as your computer has to search for nearby devices all over again.
If you’re on board a plane, and flight mode is on, it disables Bluetooth, so make sure you turn it off once you land by clicking on the Windows 10 Flight Mode tile in Action Center.
Bring The Devices In Close Proximity To One Another
If you’re using a desktop computer, move the Bluetooth device closer to the computer and try pairing them together. When the distance isn’t close enough, the Bluetooth connection will be out of range, so make sure they’re as close as possible to get an active connection. If it’s a laptop, move it closer to the Bluetooth device you want to connect it with.
Check Your Devices Support Bluetooth
You might think your computer or Bluetooth device supports the wireless technology when actually it doesn’t. Not all devices use Bluetooth or have the technology built into them, so check the device’s packaging or manual to see if it supports Bluetooth or not before trying to connect. Otherwise you can connect using a cable or WiFi connection.
If your computer doesn’t have Bluetooth, buy a Bluetooth adapter and attach it to one of the USB slots on your computer and try to connect again.
Turn On The Bluetooth Device
It’s also possible that the Bluetooth device you’re trying to connect to your computer is off. Check and turn the device on before trying the connection again. Sometimes it may also take time to scan and detect other devices, so if it goes off, turn it on again and try the connection.
Check For Device Conflicts
If you’ve paired your Bluetooth device with more than one computer, or other devices, it can cause conflicts and affect the connection. To fix this, turn off Bluetooth on all other devices or computers, except one and see if it works again.
For example, if you have a fitness tracker that you connected to multiple devices, it could conflict with these devices so try pairing one at a time.
Switch Off Nearby Devices
If you’re pairing multiple Bluetooth devices to your computer, it could make it harder to pair a new one. Turning off other nearby devices connected to your computer via Bluetooth can help resolve the connectivity issue.
Make Your System Discoverable
- This setting isn’t found where you may expect it to be, so click Start > Settings > Devices.
- Click More Bluetooth options.
- Check the Allow Bluetooth devices to find this PC box, and then click OK.
Restart The Computer
- A restart usually helps resolve any software glitches that could be causing problems with your computer, including Bluetooth and other connectivity problems. You can click on Start>Power button and select Restart.
- Try connecting again once your computer restarts and you’re logged in.
Check For Windows Updates
Windows 10 usually has several updates that can cause the Bluetooth connection to fail, as it would with WiFi.
Updates come with security patches and the latest features and version of Windows 10, which can also help you as you try to pair your device.
- Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security.
- Click Check for Updates and click Download if there are any pending ones.
- Make sure your computer is connected to a power source as this process tends to consume resources and drain the battery. Plus, it could affect the updating process if it goes off midway.
Run Windows 10 Bluetooth Troubleshooter
This is a built-in tool that scans your computer for any Bluetooth-specific issues and resolves them.
- Click Start > Settings > Update & Security. Click Troubleshoot > Bluetooth.
Un-Pair & Re-Pair The Bluetooth Device
- To remove a Bluetooth device, click Start>Settings>Devices. Find your device and click on it. Click Remove Device.
- Restart the computer and try the pairing process again.
Check Bluetooth Service Status
As a Windows 10 service, Bluetooth should be able to turn on like all other services, but you can always check its service status and click on it to start if it’s stopped.
- Right click Start > Run and type services.msc in the run dialog box. In the Services list, check for all Bluetooth services.
- Double-click each Bluetooth-related service and check Service Status. If it shows Start, then it’s running properly. If it shows Stopped, click Start to activate it.
Check Event Log
After a June 2019 Windows 10 patch to protect from a Bluetooth security vulnerability, some devices had connectivity issues, but you can check if yours is among them by going to the Event Log.
- Right click Start > Event Viewer.
- Go to the Summary of Administrative Events and click Error to expand it.
Check for:
Event ID: 22
Event Source: BTHUSB or BTHMINI
Event Message Text: Your Bluetooth device attempted to establish a debug connection. The Windows Bluetooth stack does not allow debug connection while it is not in the debug mode.
- If your computer shows the above, contact your Bluetooth device’s manufacturer and ask for a patch, if available. Otherwise, you may have to buy a new Bluetooth device.
Update Bluetooth Drivers
Outdated Bluetooth drivers may cause the function not to work on your computer, especially if you recently updated Windows 10.
- Right click Start > Device Manager. Click Bluetooth to expand the category. Find the Bluetooth adapter for your computer and right click on it.
- Click Update Driver and select Search automatically for updated driver software. Follow the on-screen steps and restart your computer.
- You can also check the computer manufacturer’s website for any latest drivers and download from there.
Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work on a Mac
If you’re using a Mac, you can fix Bluetooth connection problems using these methods.
Turn Bluetooth Off & On
- To do this, click the Apple menu and select System Preferences.
- Select Bluetooth and click Turn Bluetooth off. Wait for a few seconds and click the Turn Bluetooth on button.
Remove Bluetooth Preference List
If your Mac’s Bluetooth doesn’t work, it could be caused by corruption of the preference list that your Mac uses to store devices and their current state – not connected, connected, successfully paired, or not paired. Such corruption prevents the computer from reading data from the file or updating the data in the file.
The solution is to remove or delete the preference list, but make sure you back up your data first.
- Open Finder and go to /YourStartupDrive/Library/Preferences.
- Find the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file from the listings. This is your Mac’s Bluetooth Preference list, and possibly the file that’s causing Bluetooth not to work. Select the file and move it to the desktop to create a backup copy.
- Right-click the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file and click Move to Trash. Enter your password and click OK.
- Restart your Mac. It’ll create a fresh Bluetooth preference file. Next, pair the Bluetooth devices by clicking Apple menu > System Preferences > Bluetooth Preference pane.
- A list of all devices will be displayed with a Pair button. Click the button to associate the device with your Mac, and repeat for all other Bluetooth devices you want.
- Once your Bluetooth issue is resolved, delete the backup copy of the file you moved to the desktop in the previous steps. If it recurs, restore the backup copy by copying it to your /YourStartupDrive/Library/Preferences folder.
Reset The Bluetooth System
This is another last resort method to get Bluetooth working on your Mac again. It causes the computer to forget any Bluetooth device you’ve ever used after which you have to reconfigure each device.
- Enable the Bluetooth menu item by holding down SHIFT+OPTION keys and select Bluetooth menu item. Release the keys when you see the menu.
- Select Debug, Remove all devices.
- Hold down SHIFT+OPTION keys and click the Bluetooth menu.
- Select Debug–>Reset the Bluetooth Module.
- The Bluetooth system is now reset to factory default.
Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work On an Android Smartphone
If you’ve tried the basics – toggling on the Bluetooth connection, powering on the Bluetooth device, restarting your smartphone, and nothing works, here are some methods to help you fix when Bluetooth doesn’t work on Android.
Remove Paired Devices
You can remove all previously paired devices to allow your Android phone to start afresh, especially if it’s an old list that you’re looking at, and you won’t need those connections again.
- To do this, open Settings > Connections > Bluetooth and toggle the switch on to see the devices.
- In the list of paired devices, tap on the settings icon of each device to un-pair with your phone. Repeat this for all devices until there aren’t any on your list.
- Your phone will scan and detect nearby Bluetooth devices and you can connect with the one you want.
Update Your Phone Software
- Go to Settings > Software Update and tap on it.
- Tap Download and Install. Once complete, the phone will restart after which you can check if the Bluetooth function works again.
Use Your Android Phone In Safe Mode
Safe Mode disables third party apps on your phone that could be conflicting with Bluetooth, and causing connectivity problems. The steps vary with different Android models or versions, but for this guide, we’ll use Android 9 (Pie).
- To go to Safe Mode, press and hold down the Power button until you see the Power options appear on the screen.
- Release the power button, and touch and hold down Power off until you see the green Safe Mode icon. Tap on it to restart in Safe Mode.
- The phone will restart and you’ll see the words Safe Mode at the bottom of the screen. Test whether your Bluetooth works in Safe mode. If it works in Safe Mode, it means there’s an app on your phone that could be interfering with Bluetooth.
- Go back to normal mode by restarting the phone and uninstall the problematic app.
Factory Reset
This is a last resort method, as it removes all data and third party apps from your phone. Back up your device before resetting it back to factory defaults by going to Settings>Accounts and Backup>Smart Switch. Give the necessary permissions and follow the instructions to backup your data.
- Next, go to Settings > General Management > Reset.
- Tap the blue Reset button. The phone will restart once the reset completes, after which you can try using Bluetooth again.
Fix When Bluetooth Doesn’t Work On iPhone
If you’re experiencing hiccups with Bluetooth on your iPhone, try the steps below to resolve it.
Keep Your iPhone Software Up To Date
This is important for security purposes and because it comes with the latest iOS features for your device.
- To update your iOS software, go to Settings > General > Software Update.
- Here, you may get a prompt to update or it’ll notify you that you’re using the most recent software available for iOS.
Disable Bluetooth & Restart Your iPhone
If your iOS software is up-to-date, the next step is to check whether Bluetooth is on and disable it, and then hard restart your iPhone.
- You can toggle Bluetooth off by going to the Control Center on your iPhone, or using Settings > Bluetooth and toggle the switch to off.
- To hard restart your iPhone, press and hold the side and volume down buttons at the same time until you see the Apple logo. Then enable Bluetooth again from Control Center or from Settings>Bluetooth. The hard restart method varies with the iPhone model you’re using.
Disconnect From & Reconnect With The Bluetooth Device
If your iPhone is currently connected to a particular problematic Bluetooth device, disconnect it from the device, and try reconnecting the devices.
- You can do this from Settings>Bluetooth, tap the ‘i’ next to the device and select Disconnect, and do the same to reconnect.
Un-Pair & Re-Pair The Devices
To do this, forget the Bluetooth device and then try to pair it with your iPhone again.
- Open Settings > Bluetooth
- Tap the ‘i’ next to the device and select Forget This Device. This will unpair the two devices. Go through the pairing process again with the Bluetooth device and see if it works.
Still on pairing, you can try to pair with a different iPhone to determine whether the Bluetooth issue is with your iPhone or the device you’re trying to pair it with.
If Bluetooth still won’t work with a different iPhone, it’s probably the other device, but if it does, then the issue is with your iPhone.
Reset Network Settings
If the Bluetooth problem persists, try resetting the network settings. This wipes all the Bluetooth information from your iPhone along with other network settings like WiFi networks.
- Go to Settings > General > Reset.
- Select Reset Network Settings, and type your iPhone passcode.
- The iPhone will go off and restart, after which you can try pairing it with the Bluetooth device again.
Restore Your iPhone
This is a last resort method to try when Bluetooth won’t work on your iPhone. It involves resetting your phone back to the factory default settings, which ideally erases all your settings and any content on the phone, so it’s back to the original state it was before you unboxed it.
- Back up your iPhone and then take the steps below to factory reset it.
- Open Settings > General > Reset and select Erase All Content and Settings.
- Type in your iPhone passcode and the process will begin.
- If all else fails for your iPhone, get in touch with Apple Support. Check if your iPhone’s warranty is still valid, so you don’t have to pay a lot more for repairs as you would with an iPhone that’s no longer covered by warranty.