
虽然有许多不同的网站提供免费的电子书,但鲍德温图书馆(Baldwin Library)提供了大量的6000 册历史书籍(6000 historical books),涵盖所有类型和类型,全部数字化并免费阅读。你会得到几乎所有各种类型的旧书在那个时候蓬勃发展。无论是神话和宗教书籍、童话故事、冒险故事、行为准则还是其他语言书籍。
大量优秀书籍将帮助您的孩子了解宗教、公民和道德价值观、维多利亚时代的文学形式和风格、那个时代书籍的设计方式以及插图的历史和复古艺术。经过 40 年的努力, Ruth Baldwin(Ruth Baldwin)研究并开发了这个庞大的系列。
整个图书馆根据语言、体裁、出版日期、出版商、地理区域和主题进行了很好的分类。浏览大量 6000 本书并查看您或您的孩子对哪本书感兴趣非常容易。此外,这里还启用了搜索选项,因此您也可以直接搜索您喜欢的书籍。
早在18世纪,儿童读物还很少出版,据研究,到18世纪末,儿童文学作为独立于出版业的一部分在英国(Britain)开始蓬勃发展,并很快获得了巨大的普及。鲍德温图书馆藏书(Baldwin Library)海量,收录了 18世纪末至 19 世纪中叶在美国(United) 和英国(Britain)出版的书籍,让您现在可以了解美国和英国(States)希望(Britain)他们的孩子学习什么然后。
例如,A. Apple Pie一书展示了他们过去如何以美丽故事的形式教授字母。书中的故事配有插图,便于孩子理解和学习。
除了各种类型和类别的书籍外,该图书馆还提供许多美式和英文版的书籍,这是任何图书馆都提供的罕见的东西。鲍德温收藏的一些经典著作包括鲁滨逊漂流记(Robinson Crusoe)和格列佛游记(Travels)、朝圣者的进步(Progress)、伊索寓言(Fables)等书籍。还有许多著名的寓言、早期的小册子、字母书、传记、历史、科学和自然书籍等。庞大的馆藏还包括一些年度儿童杂志。
简而言之,鲍德温(Baldwin)图书馆为对历史、哲学、神话、科学和文学感兴趣的孩子提供了丰富的资源——因此,如果您想让您的孩子了解那个时代的书籍,请前往鲍德温图书馆(Baldwin’s Library)并享受.
Read 6000 Historical Children’s Literature and Books online free
Reading is a great habіt to possess, especially for children. There is a reason why books are known to be уour best friend. It helpѕ to build your confidence, develop your vocabulary, improve your language skills and also perks up the mood. Selecting the rіght bоok is equally important. With the inсreasing usage of the internet, evеryone wаnts to get the books digitized so that they can read their favorite book whenever and wherever they want.
Historical Children’s Literature and Books

While there are many different websites offering the free eBooks, the Baldwin Library offers a huge collection of 6000 historical books with all genres and types, all digitized and free to read. You will get almost every old book of various genres flourished back then. Be it the mythological and religious books, fairy tales, adventure stories, codes of conducts or the other language books.
The huge collection of great books will help your children learn about the religious, civic, and moral values, the literary format and style of the Victorian era, the way books were designed in that era and the historical and vintage arts of illustration. Ruth Baldwin has researched and developed this huge collection after 40-years of his efforts.
The entire library is very well categorized on the basis of languages, genres, publication date, publisher, geographical area, and topic. It is very easy to go through the huge collection of 6000 books and see which book interests you or your children. Plus, there is also the search option enabled here, so you can also search for your favorite book directly.
Back in the 18th century, children’s books were hardly published and as per the researches, by the end of the18th century, children’s literature started booming as an independent part of the publishing industry in Britain, and it soon gained huge popularity. The Baldwin Library brings a vast collection of books which contain the books published in the United States and Britain at the end of the 18th century-19th midcentury, so you can now get to know what the US and Britain wanted their children to learn back then.
For example, the book A. Apple Pie shows how they used to teach alphabets in the form of a beautiful story. The book has the story with illustrative pictures to make it easy for the kids to understand and learn.
Besides the books of various genres and categories, this library also offers many books in both their American and English edition which is a rare thing any library would provide. Some of the classics in Baldwin’s collection include books like Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver’s Travels, Pilgrim’s Progress, Aesop’s Fables and many more. There are also many famous fables, early chapbooks, alphabet books, biographies, history, science, and natural books, etc. The huge collection also includes some annual children’s magazines.
In a nutshell, the Baldwin library is a rich source for children having an interest in history, philosophy, mythology, science, and literature – so if you want your children to know about the books in that era, head over to Baldwin’s Library and enjoy.