每次收到来自Android应用程序的通知时,您都可以在(Android)锁定屏幕(Lock screen)上看到该应用程序的名称和图标,以及其内容的预览。当涉及从WhatsApp、Messenger、Messages和其他类似应用程序收到的通知时,您还会获得与您联系的人的姓名,以及短信本身的(部分)信息。虽然在不解锁您的Android智能手机的情况下获取此信息可能很方便,但其他人可能会瞥见您的个人消息,因此了解如何隐藏通知内容非常重要。本指南说明了如何在Android的通知栏中隐藏消息内容(Android)智能手机,包括如何在WhatsApp中隐藏通知内容。让我们开始吧:
注意:(NOTE:)本教程适用于 Android 11,它是使用Google Pixel 4a和Samsung Galaxy A51创建的。查看智能手机或平板电脑上的 Android 版本以(Android version on your smartphone or tablet)获取更多详细信息。尽管您可能会遇到一些细微的差异,但取决于您的设备制造商,这些过程在大多数 Android 设备上是相似的。如果您使用的是三星(Samsung)智能手机,步骤会大不相同,所以不要错过专门的章节。
要阻止任何敏感内容出现在Android的锁定屏幕上(Lock screen),首先,打开设置(open Settings)并点击隐私(Privacy)。

您要查找的选项称为“锁定屏幕上的通知(“Notifications on lock screen)” ,您可以在下方看到其当前设置 - 在我们的示例中,“显示所有通知内容”(“Show all notification content)。”点击它。

这将打开一个弹出窗口,其中第二个选项称为“仅在解锁时显示敏感内容(“Show sensitive content only when unlocked)。”如果您想隐藏锁定屏幕上(Lock screen)显示的通知内容,请选择它。

注意:(NOTE:)请记住,“仅在解锁时显示敏感内容”(“Show sensitive content only when unlocked”)选项只有在您的锁定设备受PIN 码(PIN)、图案、密码或其他安全方法保护时才可见。
如何隐藏三星 Galaxy上所有消息的内容(Samsung Galaxy)
如果您在三星 Galaxy(Samsung Galaxy)智能手机上运行Android,请打开设置(Settings)应用程序,向下滚动,然后点击锁定屏幕(Lock screen)。


要在通知栏中(Notification bar)隐藏消息内容,请确保打开隐藏内容(Hide content)开关。您可以在顶部的预览窗格中查看通知的外观。

提示:(TIP:)如果您喜欢保持通知区域(Notification area)清洁,您还可以摆脱(get rid of the permanent notifications)Android 上的永久通知。
如果您正在等待想要立即查看其内容的重要电子邮件或消息怎么办?但是,与此同时,您不想冒险让任何人看到您的私人WhatsApp对话。好吧,您可以选择仅隐藏通知栏中的(Notification bar)WhatsApp消息内容,而不是隐藏所有消息的内容。
首先,打开设置(Settings)并点击应用和通知(Apps & notifications)。



您现在可以查看所有可用的通知类型。要隐藏在WhatsApp上收到的消息内容,请点击消息通知(Message notifications)。


按高级(Press Advanced)打开下拉菜单
您可以看到锁定屏幕(Lock screen)部分,该部分设置为“显示所有通知内容”(“Show all notification content)。”点击它。

在弹出窗口中,选择“仅在解锁时显示敏感内容(“Show sensitive content only when unlocked)。”

就是这样。您收到的WhatsApp(WhatsApp)消息的内容应该从现在开始隐藏,不再显示在 Android 的锁定屏幕上(Lock screen)。
如何在三星 Galaxy上的(Samsung Galaxy)WhatsApp中隐藏通知内容(WhatsApp)
您还可以确保其他人无法在三星 Galaxy(Samsung Galaxy)设备上阅读您的任何个人WhatsApp对话。打开设置(Settings)并访问通知(Notifications)。


在可用的通知类型中,点击消息通知(Message notifications)以隐藏在WhatsApp上收到的消息的内容。

在下一个屏幕上,点击锁定屏幕(Lock screen)。

选择隐藏内容(Hide content)以隐藏锁定屏幕上(Lock screen)显示的通知栏中的(Notification bar)WhatsApp消息内容。

如何在三星 Galaxy上隐藏(Samsung Galaxy)WhatsApp上的通知内容
提示:(TIP: )您(Are)是否收到过多来自Chrome的推送通知?好(Well)了,我们详细讲解如何在Android上关闭Chrome通知(turn off Chrome notifications)以保持通知区域(Notification area)整洁。
如果您想避免任何故意或意外侵犯隐私的行为,从您的 Android 锁定屏幕中隐藏敏感信息始终是一个好(Android)主意(Lock screen)。但是,您的Android(Android)设备上的设置可能会略有不同,具体取决于它使用的自定义用户界面。您(Did)是否成功隐藏了要保密的通知内容?如果您遇到任何困难,请在评论中告诉我们。
How to hide the content of notifications on Android -
Everу time you recеive a notification from an Android app, you can see the app’s name and iсon, together with a preview of іts contentѕ, on your Lock screen. When it comes to notifications received from WhatsApp, Messenger, Messages, and other similar apps, you also get the name of the person contacting you, as well as (part of) the text message itself. While getting this info without unlocking your Android smartphone can be convenient, others might catch a glimpse of your personal messages, so it’s important to know how to hide the content of notifications. This guide illustrates how to hide the message content in the notification bar on your Android smartphone, including how to hide notification content in WhatsApp. Let’s get started:
NOTE: This tutorial applies to Android 11, and it was created using Google Pixel 4a and Samsung Galaxy A51. Check the Android version on your smartphone or tablet for more details. The procedures are similar on most Android-powered devices, although you might encounter some minor differences, depending on your device’s manufacturer. If you’re using a Samsung smartphone, the steps are quite different, so don’t miss the dedicated chapters.
How to hide the content of all messages on stock Android
To stop any sensitive content from showing up on your Android’s Lock screen, first, open Settings and tap on Privacy.

Access Privacy Settings
The option you’re looking for is called “Notifications on lock screen,” and you can see its current setting displayed underneath - in our case, “Show all notification content.” Tap on it.

Press on Notifications on lock screen
This opens a pop-up, where the second option is called “Show sensitive content only when unlocked.” Select it if you want to hide the content of the notifications shown on your Lock screen.

How to hide message content in the Notification bar
NOTE: Keep in mind that the “Show sensitive content only when unlocked” option is only visible if your locked device is protected by a PIN, pattern, password, or another secure method.
How to hide the content of all messages on a Samsung Galaxy
If you’re running Android on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, open the Settings app, scroll down, and tap on Lock screen.

Access the Lock screen Settings
Next, tap on Notifications and not the switch next to it.

Access Notifications
To hide the message content in the Notification bar, make sure the Hide content switch is turned on. You can see how your notifications look in the preview pane at the top.

How to hide the content of messages in the Notification bar on Samsung
TIP: If you like keeping your Notification area clean, you can also get rid of the permanent notifications on Android.
How to hide notification content in WhatsApp on stock Android
What if you’re waiting for an important email or message whose content you want to see immediately? However, at the same time, you don’t want to risk anyone catching a glimpse of your private WhatsApp conversations. Well, instead of hiding the content of all messages, you can choose instead to only hide the WhatsApp message content in the Notification bar.
To begin, open Settings and tap on Apps & notifications.

Access the Apps & notifications Settings
Next, tap on WhatsApp or, if it’s not visible, press on the link underneath to see all the apps and select it from there.

Press on WhatsApp to see its settings
On the next screen, tap on Notifications.

Access Notifications
You can now see all the available notification types. To hide the content of the messages received on WhatsApp, tap on Message notifications.

Access Message notifications
Next, tap on Advanced at the bottom of the screen to reveal more options.

Press Advanced to open a dropdown menu
You can see the Lock screen section, which is set to “Show all notification content.” Tap on it.

Tap on Lock screen to change its setting
In the pop-up, select “Show sensitive content only when unlocked.”

How to hide WhatsApp message content in Notification bar
That was it. The content of WhatsApp messages you receive should be hidden from now on and not show up on the Android’s Lock screen anymore.
How to hide notification content in WhatsApp on Samsung Galaxy
You can also ensure others can’t read any of your personal WhatsApp conversations on a Samsung Galaxy device. Open Settings and access Notifications.

Access Notifications Settings
Next, press on WhatsApp from the apps shown on this screen. If it’s not visible, tap on More and select it from the list of apps.

Tap on WhatsApp
From the available notification types, tap on Message notifications to hide the content of the messages received on WhatsApp.

Access Message notifications
On the next screen, tap on Lock screen.

Press on Lock screen
Select Hide content to hide the WhatsApp message content from the Notification bar shown on the Lock screen.

How to hide notification content on WhatsApp on Samsung Galaxy
TIP: Are you getting too many push notifications from Chrome? Well, we explain in detail how to turn off Chrome notifications on Android to keep a tidy Notification area.
Did you manage to hide the content of notifications on your Android smartphone?
Hiding sensitive information from your Android’s Lock screen is always a good idea if you want to avoid any deliberate or accidental invasion of privacy. However, the settings could be slightly different on your Android device, depending on the custom user interface it uses. Did you successfully hide the content of the notifications you want to keep private? If you encounter any difficulties, let us know in the comments.